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What is Nightwatch?

Nightwatch.js is an automated testing framework for web applications and websites, written in Node.js and using the W3C WebDriver API (formerly Selenium WebDriver).

It is a complete browser (End-to-End) testing solution which aims to simplify the process of setting up Continuous Integration and writing automated tests. Nightwatch can also be used for writing Node.js unit tests.

Nightwatch got its name from the famous painting The Night Watch by Dutch artist Rembrandt van Rijn. The masterpiece is prominently displayed in the Rijksmuseum, in Amsterdam – The Netherlands.

Overview of WebDriver

WebDriver is a general purpose library for automating web browsers. It was started as part of the Selenium project, which is a very popular and comprehensive set of tools for browser automation, initially written for Java but now with support for most programming languages.

Nightwatch uses the WebDriver API to perform the browser automation related tasks, like opening windows and clicking links for instance.

WebDriver is now a W3C specification, which aims to standardize browser automation. WebDriver is a remote control interface that enables introspection and control of user agents. It provides a platform and a restful HTTP api as a way for web browsers to be remotely controlled.

Theory of Operation

Nightwatch works by communicating over a restful HTTP api with a WebDriver server (typically the Selenium server). The restful API protocol is defined by the W3C WebDriver API. See below for an example workflow for browser initialization.

Theory of Operation

Most of the times, Nightwatch needs to send at least 2 requests to the WebDriver server in order to perform a command or assertion, the first one being the request to locate an element given a CSS selector (or Xpath expression) and the next to perform the actual command/assertion on the given element.

Install Node.js

From nodejs.org:

“Node.js is a platform built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.”

There are installation packages and instructions for most major Operating systems on its website nodejs.org. Remember to install also the npm tool, which is the node package manager and is distributed with the Node.js installer.

Install Nightwatch

To install the latest version using the npm command line tool, run the following:

$ npm install [-g] nightwatch

Add -g option to make nightwatch runner available globally in your system.

Selenium Server Setup

The most common WebDriver implementation is the Selenium Server. This allows you to manage multiple browser configurations in one place. However, you can also run the individual browser drivers directly, such as the ChromeDriver, more details are available in the Browser Drivers Setup section.

Selenium Server

Selenium Server is a Java application which Nightwatch uses to connect to the various browsers. It runs separately on the machine with the browser you want to test. You will need to have the Java Development Kit (JDK) installed, minimum required version is 7. You can check this by running java -version from the command line.

Download Selenium

Download the latest version of the selenium-server-standalone-{VERSION}.jar file from the Selenium downloads page and place it on the computer with the browser you want to test. In most cases this will be on your local machine and typically inside your project’s source folder.

A good practice is to create a separate subfolder (e.g. bin) and place it there as you might have to download other driver binaries if you want to test multiple browsers.

Running Selenium Automatically

If the server is on the same machine where Nightwatch is running, it can be started/stopped directly by the Nightwatch Test Runner.

Running Selenium Manually

To run the Selenium Server manually, from the directory with the jar run the following:

$ java -jar selenium-server-standalone-{VERSION}.jar

Using Selenium

For viewing all the run-time options, run the previous command adding the -help:

$ java -jar selenium-server-standalone-{VERSION}.jar -help

Starting with Selenium 3, FirefoxDriver is no longer included in the package. Also, starting with version 48, Firefox is no longer compatible with FirefoxDriver which is shipped with Selenium 2.x. Firefox users are advised to use GeckoDriver for their testing. For more info, refer to the browser setup section.

More info about running the Selenium Server can be found here: https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/wiki/RemoteWebDriverServer

The test runner expects a configuration file to be passed, using by default a nightwatch.json file from the current directory, if present. A nightwatch.conf.js file will also be loaded by default, if found.

Let’s create the nightwatch.json in the project’s root folder and add this inside:

  "src_folders" : ["tests"],
  "output_folder" : "reports",
  "custom_commands_path" : "",
  "custom_assertions_path" : "",
  "page_objects_path" : "",
  "globals_path" : "",

  "selenium" : {
    "start_process" : false,
    "server_path" : "",
    "log_path" : "",
    "port" : 4444,
    "cli_args" : {
      "webdriver.chrome.driver" : "",
      "webdriver.gecko.driver" : "",
      "webdriver.edge.driver" : ""

  "test_settings" : {
    "default" : {
      "launch_url" : "http://localhost",
      "selenium_port"  : 4444,
      "selenium_host"  : "localhost",
      "silent": true,
      "screenshots" : {
        "enabled" : false,
        "path" : ""
      "desiredCapabilities": {
        "browserName": "firefox",
        "marionette": true

    "chrome" : {
      "desiredCapabilities": {
        "browserName": "chrome"

    "edge" : {
      "desiredCapabilities": {
        "browserName": "MicrosoftEdge"

Using both configuration files is also possible, with nightwatch.conf.js always taking precedence if both are found.


module.exports = (function(settings) {
  settings.test_workers = false;
  return settings;

Basic settings

Name type default description
src_folders string|array none An array of folders (excluding subfolders) where the tests are located.
string tests_output The location where the JUnit XML report files will be saved.
custom_commands_path Optional string|array none Location(s) where custom commands will be loaded from.
custom_assertions_path Optional string|array none Location(s) where custom assertions will be loaded from.
string|array none Location(s) where page object files will be loaded from.
string none Location of an external globals module which will be loaded and made available to the test as a property globals on the main client instance.

Globals can also be defined/overwritten inside a test_settings environment.

object An object containing Selenium Server related configuration options. See below for details.
test_settings object This object contains all the test related options. See below for details.
boolean false Whether or not to buffer the output in case of parallel running. See below for details.
boolean false Controls whether or not to disable coloring of the cli output globally.
integer 10 Specifies the delay(in milliseconds) between starting the child processes when running in parallel mode.
boolean|object false Whether or not to run individual test files in parallel. If set to true, runs the tests in parallel and determines the number of workers automatically.
If set to an object, can specify specify the number of workers as "auto" or a number.

Example: "test_workers" : {"enabled" : true, "workers" : "auto"}

Optional since v0.8.0
string|object “default” Specifies which test runner to use when running the tests. Values can be either default (built in nightwatch runner) or mocha.

Example: "test_runner" : {"type" : "mocha", "options" : {"ui" : "tdd"}}

Selenium settings

Below are a number of options for the selenium server process. Nightwatch can start and stop the Selenium process automatically which is very convenient as you don’t have to manage this yourself and focus only on the tests.

If you’d like to enable this, set start_process to true and specify the location of the jar file inside server_path.

Name type default description
start_process boolean false Whether or not to manage the selenium process automatically.
start_session boolean true Whether or not to automatically start the Selenium session. This will typically be set to false when running unit/integration tests that don’t interact with the Selenium server.
server_path string none The location of the selenium jar file. This needs to be specified if start_process is enabled.
E.g.: bin/selenium-server-standalone-2.43.0.jar
log_path string|boolean none The location where the selenium output.log file will be placed. Defaults to current directory.
To disable Selenium logging, set this to false
port integer 4444 The port number Selenium will listen on.
cli_args object none List of cli arguments to be passed to the Selenium process. Here you can set various options for browser drivers, such as:
  • webdriver.firefox.profile: Selenium will be default create a new Firefox profile for each session. If you wish to use an existing Firefox profile you can specify its name here.
    Complete list of Firefox Driver arguments available here.
  • webdriver.chrome.driver: Nightwatch can run the tests using Chrome browser also. To enable this you have to download the ChromeDriver binary and specify it’s location here. Also don’t forget to specify chrome as the browser name in the desiredCapabilities object.
    More information can be found on the ChromeDriver website.
  • webdriver.ie.driver: Nightwatch has support for Internet Explorer also. To enable this you have to download the IE Driver binary and specify it’s location here. Also don’t forget to specify “internet explorer” as the browser name in the desiredCapabilities object.

Test settings

Below are a number of settings that will be passed to the Nightwatch instance. You can define multiple sections (environments) of test settings so you could overwrite specific values per environment.

A “default” environment is required. All the other environments are inheriting from default and can overwrite settings as needed.

  "test_settings" : {
    "default" : {
      "launch_url" : "http://localhost",
      "globals" : {
        "myGlobalVar" : "some value",
        "otherGlobal" : "some other value"

    "integration" : {
      "launch_url" : "http://staging.host",
      "globals" : {
        "myGlobalVar" : "other value"

The key of the settings group can be passed then to the runner as the --env argument to use the specified settings, like so:

$ nightwatch --env integration

This can be useful if you need to have different settings for your local machine and the Continuous Integration server.

The launch_url property

This property will be made available to the main Nightwatch api which is used in the tests. Its value depends on which environment is used.

If you run your tests as in the example above (with --env integrationlaunch_url will be set to http://staging.host, as per the configuration. Otherwise it will have the value defined in the defaultenvironment (i.e. http://localhost).

module.exports = {
  'Demo test' : function (browser) {
      // ...

Test globals

A very useful concept that Nightwatch provides is test globals. In its most simple form, this is a dictionary of name-value pairs which is defined in your nightwatch.json configuration file. Like the launch_url property, this is made available directly on the Nightwatch api which is passed to the tests. It is also dependent on the environment used, having the ability to overwrite specific globals per environment.

If we still pass the --env integration option to the runner, then our globals object will look like below:

module.exports = {
  'Demo test' : function (browser) {

    // {
    //   "myGlobalVar" : "some value",
    //   "otherGlobal" : "some other value"
    // }


By default, a deep object copy will be created for each test suite run. If you’d like to maintain the same object throughout the entire tests run, set the persist_globals option to true, as detailed below.

Full list of settings

Name type default description
launch_url string none A url which can be used later in the tests as the main url to load. Can be useful if your tests will run on different environments, each one with a different url.
selenium_host string localhost The hostname/IP on which the selenium server is accepting connections.
selenium_port integer 4444 The port number on which the selenium server is accepting connections.
since v0.9.11
object 60000 / 0 Defines the number of milliseconds an HTTP request to the Selenium server will be kept open before a timeout is reached. After a timeout, the request can be automatically retried a specified number of times, defined by the retry_attempts property.


"request_timeout_options": {
"timeout": 15000,
"retry_attempts": 5

silent boolean true Whether to show extended Selenium command logs.
output boolean true Use to disable terminal output completely.
disable_colors boolean false Use to disable colored output in the terminal.
string|boolean none This options has been deprecated in favor of the cli_args object on the selenium settings object.
string none This options has been deprecated in favor of the cli_args object on the selenium settings object.
string none This options has been deprecated in favor of the cli_args object on the selenium settings object.
screenshots object none Selenium generates screenshots when command errors occur. With on_failure set to true, also generates screenshots for failing or erroring tests. These are saved on the disk.

Since v0.7.5 you can disable screenshots for command errors by setting "on_error" to false.


"screenshots" : {
"enabled" : true,
"on_failure" : true,
"on_error" : false,
"path" : ""

username string none In case the selenium server requires credentials this username will be used to compute the Authorizationheader.

The value can be also an environment variable, in which case it will look like this:
"username" : "${SAUCE_USERNAME}"

access_key string none This field will be used together with username to compute the Authorization header.

Like username, the value can be also an environment variable:
"access_key" : "${SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY}"

since v0.8.6
string none Proxy requests to the selenium server. http, https, socks(v5), socks5, sock4, and pac are accepted. Uses node-proxy-agent.

Example: http://user:pass@host:port

desiredCapabilities object An object which will be passed to the Selenium WebDriver when a new session will be created. You can specify browser name for instance along with other capabilities.

"desiredCapabilities" : {
"browserName" : "firefox",
"acceptSslCerts" : true

You can view the complete list of capabilities here.

globals object An object which will be made available within the test and can be overwritten per environment. Example:

"globals" : {
"myGlobal" : "some_global"

exclude array An array of folders or file patterns to be skipped (relative to the main source folder).

"exclude" : ["excluded-folder"]
"exclude" : ["test-folder/*-smoke.js"]

filter string Folder or file pattern to be used when loading the tests. Files that don’t match this pattern will be ignored.

"filter" : "tests/*-smoke.js"

log_screenshot_data boolean false Do not show the Base64 image data in the (verbose) log when taking screenshots.
use_xpath boolean false Use xpath as the default locator strategy
cli_args object none Same as Selenium settings cli_args. You can override the global cli_args on a per-environment basis.
end_session_on_fail boolean true End the session automatically when the test is being terminated, usually after a failed assertion.
skip_testcases_on_fail boolean true Skip the remaining testcases (or test steps) from the same test suite (i.e. test file), when one testcase fails.
since v0.8.18
string|boolean Define the location where the JUnit XML report files will be saved. This will overwrite any value defined in the Basic Settings section. If you’d like to disable the reports completely inside a specific environment, set this to false.
since v0.8.18
boolean false Set this to true if you’d like to persist the same globals object between testsuite runs or have a (deep) copy of it per each testsuite.
since v0.9.0
boolean false Applies to unit tests. When set to true this allows for tests to be written in the standard Exports interface which is interchangeable with the Mocha framework. Prior unit tests interface support is deprecated and this will become the default in future releases.
since v0.9.0
boolean true By default detailed assertion output is displayed while the test is running. Set this to false if you’d like to only see the test case name displayed and pass/fail status. This is especially useful when running tests in parallel.

This section contains guides for getting started with most of the major browsers and setup instructions on how to configure the individual webdriver implementations to work with Nightwatch.

The individual drivers described here are usually standalone applications which are used to interact with the browsers via the WebDriver HTTP API. You can run them either directly, or through the Selenium Server.



GeckoDriver is a standalone application used to interact with Gecko-based browsers, such as Firefox. It is written in Rust and maintained by Mozilla.

Starting with Firefox 48, GeckoDriver is the only way to automate Firefox, the legacy FirefoxDriver which used to be part of Selenium is no longer supported. Internally it translates the HTTP calls into Marionette, Mozilla’s automation protocol built into Firefox.


Binaries are available for download on the GeckoDriver Releases page on GitHub, for various platforms.

Selenium 2.x users are advised to use version v0.9, whereas Selenium 3 users should use the latest version.


If you’re using GeckoDriver through Selenium Server, simply set the cli argument "webdriver.gecko.driver" to point to the location of the binary file. E.g.:

  "selenium" : {
    "start_process" : true,
    "server_path" : "./bin/selenium-server-standalone-3.{VERSION}.jar",
    "log_path" : "",
    "port" : 4444,
    "cli_args" : {
      "webdriver.gecko.driver" : "./bin/geckodriver"

GeckoDriver can also be used as a standalone application. Usage steps are documented on GitHub: https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver#usage.

Command line usage
$ ./bin/geckodriver-0.10 -help
geckodriver 0.10.0

    geckodriver-0.10 [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

        --connect-existing    Connect to an existing Firefox instance
    -h, --help                Prints help information
        --no-e10s             Start Firefox without multiprocess support (e10s) enabled
    -V, --version             Prints version information
    -v                        Set the level of verbosity. Pass once for debug level logging and twice for trace level logging

    -b, --binary            Path to the Firefox binary, if no binary capability provided
        --log                Set Gecko log level [values: fatal, error, warn, info, config, debug, trace]
        --marionette-port     Port to use to connect to gecko (default: random free port)
        --host                Host ip to use for WebDriver server (default:
    -p, --port                Port to use for WebDriver server (default: 4444)

Firefox Capabilities

GeckoDriver supports a capability named firefoxOptions which takes Firefox-specific preference values. Details are available on the GeckoDriver GitHub page: https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver#firefox-capabilities.

Firefox Profile

Specifying the firefox profile can be done by setting the profile property in the firefoxOptions dictionary, as detailed above. This can be the base64-encoded zip of a profile directory and it may be used to install extensions or custom certificates.

Implementation Status

GeckoDriver is not yet feature complete, which means it does not yet offer full conformance with the WebDriver standard or complete compatibility with Selenium. Implementation status can be tracked on the Marionette MDN page.



ChromeDriver is a standalone server which implements the W3C WebDriver wire protocol for Chromium. ChromeDriver is available for Chrome on Android and Chrome on Desktop (Mac, Linux, Windows and ChromeOS).


Binaries are available for download on the ChromeDriver Downloads page, for various platforms.

Selenium Server Usage

If you’re using ChromeDriver through Selenium Server, simply set the cli argument "webdriver.chrome.driver" to point to the location of the binary file. E.g.:

  "selenium" : {
    "start_process" : true,
    "server_path" : "./bin/selenium-server-standalone-3.{VERSION}.jar",
    "log_path" : "",
    "port" : 4444,
    "cli_args" : {
      "webdriver.chrome.driver" : "./bin/chromedriver"

Standalone Usage

If you’re only running your tests against Chrome, running ChromeDriver standalone is easier and slightly faster. Also there is no dependency on Java.

This requires a bit more configuration:

1) First, disable Selenium Server, if applicable:
  "selenium" : {
    "start_process" : false
2) Configure the port and default path prefix.

ChromeDriver runs by default on port 9515. We also need to clear the default_path_prefix, as it is set by default to /wd/hub, which is what selenium is using.

  "test_settings" : {
    "default" : {
      "selenium_port"  : 9515,
      "selenium_host"  : "localhost",
      "default_path_prefix" : "",

      "desiredCapabilities": {
        "browserName": "chrome",
        "chromeOptions" : {
          "args" : ["--no-sandbox"]
        "acceptSslCerts": true
3) Start the ChromeDriver server

The easiest way to manage the ChromeDriver process is by using the chromedriver NPM package, which is a third-party wrapper against the binary. This will abstract the downloading of the chromedriver binary and will make it easy to manage starting and stopping of the process.

You can add this to your external globals file, like so:

var chromedriver = require('chromedriver');
module.exports = {
  before : function(done) {


  after : function(done) {


Using a fixed ChromeDriver version

In some situations you may need to use a specific version of ChromeDriver. For instance, the CI server runs an older version of Chrome. Then you will need an older version of ChromeDriver.

Here’s what your globals file might look like:

var chromedriver = require('chromedriver');
var path = require('path');
var driverInstanceCI;

function isRunningInCI() {
  return this.test_settings.globals.integration;

function startChromeDriver() {
  if (isRunningInCI.call(this)) {
    var location = path.join(__dirname, '../bin/chromedriver-linux64-2.17');
    driverInstanceCI = require('child_process').execFile(location, []);


function stopChromeDriver() {
  if (isRunningInCI.call(this)) {
    driverInstanceCI && driverInstanceCI.kill();


module.exports = {
  'ci-server' : {
    integration : true

  before : function(done) {


  after : function(done) {


Run your tests then with (on the CI server):

$ ./node_modules/.bin/nightwatch --env ci-server


You can specify Chrome options or switches using the chromeOptions dictionary, under the desiredCapabilities. Refer to the ChromeDriver website for a fill list of supported capabilities and options.

Command line usage

$ ./bin/chromedriver -h
Usage: ./bin/chromedriver [OPTIONS]

  --port=PORT                     port to listen on
  --adb-port=PORT                 adb server port
  --log-path=FILE                 write server log to file instead of stderr, increases log level to INFO
  --verbose                       log verbosely
  --version                       print the version number and exit
  --silent                        log nothing
  --url-base                      base URL path prefix for commands, e.g. wd/url
  --port-server                   address of server to contact for reserving a port
  --whitelisted-ips               comma-separated whitelist of remote IPv4 addresses which are allowed to connect to ChromeDriver

Microsoft WebDriver


Microsoft WebDriver is a standalone server which implements the W3C WebDriver wire protocol for the Edge browser. It is supported by Windows 10 and onwards.


Binaries are available for download on the Microsoft WebDriver homepage.

Selenium Server Usage

If you’re using Microsoft WebDriver through Selenium Server, simply set the cli argument "webdriver.edge.driver"to point to the location of the binary file. E.g.:

  "selenium" : {
    "start_process" : true,
    "server_path" : "bin/selenium-server-standalone-3.{VERSION}.jar",
    "log_path" : "",
    "port" : 4444,
    "cli_args" : {
      "webdriver.edge.driver" : "bin/MicrosoftWebDriver.exe"
  "test_settings" : {
    "default" : {
      "selenium_port"  : 4444,
      "selenium_host"  : "localhost",

      "desiredCapabilities": {
        "browserName": "MicrosoftEdge",
        "acceptSslCerts": true

Standalone Usage

If you’re only running your tests against Edge, running the EdgeDriver standalone can be slightly faster. Also there is no dependency on Java.

This requires a bit more configuration and you will need to start/stop the EdgeDriver:

1) First, disable Selenium Server, if applicable:
  "selenium" : {
    "start_process" : false
2) Configure the port and default path prefix.

Microsoft WebDriver runs by default on port 9515. We also need to clear the default_path_prefix, as it is set by default to /wd/hub, which is what selenium is using.

  "test_settings" : {
    "default" : {
      "selenium_port"  : 17556,
      "selenium_host"  : "localhost",
      "default_path_prefix" : "",

      "desiredCapabilities": {
        "browserName": "MicrosoftEdge",
        "acceptSslCerts": true
3) Start the MicrosoftWebDriver server

From the Windows CMD prompt, simply CD to the folder where the MicrosoftWebDriver.exe binary is located and run:

[13:44:49.515] - Listening on http://localhost:17556/

Full command line usage:

C:\nightwatch\bin>MicrosoftWebDriver.exe -h
 MicrosoftWebDriver.exe --host= --port= --package= --verbose

Implementation Status

EdgeDriver is not yet feature complete, which means it does not yet offer full conformance with the WebDriver standard or complete compatibility with Selenium. Implementation status can be tracked on the Microsoft WebDriver homepage.





Courtesy of Wang Junling



今年6月初我结束两年的硕士课程从位于澳大利亚昆士兰的詹姆斯库克大学(James Cook University)毕业的时候,已经是当地中国留学生里面和本地社区融入得比较好的一个了。我是当地帆船俱乐部的网络管理员,还承担了俱乐部新网站的建设工作,不仅获得了一封充满赞誉的推荐信,还推荐了两个急于积累工作经验的中国同学到这家俱乐部工作。此外,我还在学习帆船的过程中结识了不少当地朋友,获得了难得的归属感。即使在6月份离开汤斯维尔并搬到墨尔本以后,我还和这家俱乐部保持着紧密的联系。


我来到澳大利亚以后第一次向别人介绍自己的经历就让我有点猝不及防。开学之前,学校为了帮助宿舍区的新生们(其中超过90%都是本科生)相互了解,组织了一个“罗马长袍聚会”(Roman toga party),参加者把床单披在身上模仿古代罗马人。我也兴冲冲地参加了。聚会上一个本地的白人女生问我来自哪个国家,我说我来自中国。她马上转头对身边的伙伴说:“他们中国人为什么说‘中国’(China)这个词的时候总是声音特别大?哈哈!”然后她开始一遍一遍地很大声的模仿我的口音:“China! China!”(中国!中国!)。


后来我逐渐发现,我的遭遇并不算极端案例。今年7月下旬,墨尔本大学(University of Melbourne)和同样位于这座城市的莫纳什大学(Monash University)校园里的一些建筑物的入口处竟然被亲纳粹的白人青年团体张贴了写有“禁止中国人入内”的海报。此事在中国留学生群体中引发了不小的反响。最近,澳大利亚官方对于来自中国日益增长的投资、移民,以及与其相伴的政治和意识形态影响力越来越焦虑。甚至澳大利亚的教育家指责中国留学生中有很多正把中国官方的立场带入教室,以及澳大利亚情报部门开始调查某些进行过大额政治捐赠的华人富商是否是中国政府的代言人。今年上半年,澳大利亚政府提出一项提案,希望修改现行的“反种族歧视法案”,因为他们认为该法案禁止种族歧视言论的规定妨碍了言论自由。但是,在这一议题的激发下,澳洲少数族群纷纷在社交媒体上分享自己遭受种族歧视的经历。最终,该提案被澳大利亚参议院否决。上述一系列事件至少证明现在的澳大利亚主流白人群体与少数族群之间逐渐显现出一种张力。




当然,这种看似兄弟情谊般的玩笑并非总是平等和有趣的。有一个来自南非的白人男生,是另一个小团体的首领,走到哪都有两个人跟着。刚开始他对我相当热情,稍微熟悉一些以后,他就根据我名字(Junling)的谐音给我取了一个绰号:King Julien。这个名字来自美国动画片《马达加斯加》(Madagascar)里的一个喜剧角色:一只环尾狐猴。我对此非常反感,因为这个角色眼睛很大像戴眼镜,身材矮小、猥琐滑稽,几乎集合了所有西方人对亚洲人的恶意想象。不过一开始我并没有反击,甚至还会友善地回应他。因为他对自己很好的朋友也总是以各种绰号相称,让人很难分辨这是恶意的嘲讽还是善意的玩笑。后来我发现他尤其喜欢当着女生的面这么叫我,叫完还要唱电影里的很滑稽的主题曲,引得那些女生窃笑。这是我最不能容忍的。于是我就也给他起了个侮辱性的绰号“Piggy”,意思是“猪仔”,因为他有点胖,而且的名字“Jono”听起来像中文词“猪猡”。他每次叫我的时候,我也用那个绰号叫他。结果和我预想的一样,他不再叫我的绰号了,甚至见面不和我打招呼。当然,我也就成了一个圈外人。




我是纯粹出于兴趣才学习帆船的,不带任何诸如拓展社会关系等功利性目的。这个兴趣由何而来我并不清楚,也许是出于对驾驶乐趣的追求,也许是喜欢海上开阔的感觉。经过了一年多繁重而又与世隔绝的学校学习之后,我决定送自己一件略为奢侈的礼物——花300澳元参加一个帆船培训班。经过三个周末总共20个小时的入门课程,我就可以独自驾船下水了,还成了汤斯维尔帆船俱乐部(Townsville Sailing Club)的会员。帆船运动给我带来很大的乐趣,我可以连着几个小时在海上行驶而不觉得枯燥,同时也让我体验到原汁原味的澳洲社团活动。









Node.JS Top 10 Articles for the Past Month


Node.JS Top 10 Articles for the Past Month (v.Feb 2017)

For Jan-Feb 2017, we’ve ranked nearly 1,000 Node.JS articles to pick the Top 10 stories (1% chance) that can help advance your career.

Topics included in this list are: Best Practices, Home Automation, Notification, Interview Q/A, Docker, NASA, APIs, Microservice, Digital Ocean. The list for JavaScript, React and Angular are posted separately.

Mybridge AI ranks articles based on the quality of content measured by our machine and a variety of human factors including engagement and popularity. This is a competitive list and you’ll find the experience and techniques shared by Node.JS leaders particularly useful.

Rank 1

Best Practices for Writing Node.js REST APIs. Courtesy of Trace by RisingStack

Rank 2

Retrogames Library with Node, React, and Redux 1: Server API and React Frontend. Courtesy of Samuele Zaza and Scotch Development

Rank 3

How to build your own Uber-for-X application [Part 2]. Courtesy of Ashwin Hariharan and Free Code Camp

…………. [ Part I ]

Rank 4

Node.js Interview Questions and Answers (2017 Edition).

Rank 5

Docker Introduction. Courtesy of Tobias T—

Rank 6

Ground Control to Major Tom: How NASA Uses Node.js [Pdf]. Courtesy of Node.js Foundation

…….……. [ Medium Post ]

Rank 7

Beautiful APIs in Node. Courtesy of Azat Mardan

Rank 8

How to Host a Node.js App on Digital Ocean. Courtesy of Chris Ganga

Rank 9

Enlightenments from the Node Gurus. Courtesy of Azat Mardan, Software Engineer at CapitalOne




09 年以来,我几乎一直在创业公司,要么自己创业,要么合伙加入朋友的公司。我发现了一个很明显的现象,10年、11年的时候我在极客公园工作,当时招人我只需要发一条微博、一篇博客,在文字里透露出各种情怀,就会有志同道合的人加入。但在近两年,我发现情怀已经不能吸引人才加入了,他们已经不相信创业梦想,只相信现金了。

与其说他们不再相信情怀和梦想,不如说年轻人们变得更实际了,以往可能到了 30 岁的年龄才能深刻意识到创业的高风险性 — 因为这个年龄的人已经不能毫无顾忌地拼了,但现在新一代的年轻人,比如刚毕业的,很多已经变得很实际,他们不再相信期权,不再相信创始人的承诺,你付我多少工资,我就干多少活。


Artboard 2


比如,我的好朋友冯大辉,在一家名为丁香园的公司工作了数年,按常理来说,股权应该已经 100% 解除限制了,但在他准备离开时,创始人并没有兑现给他的承诺,这其中有很多细节,也有不少法律上的模糊地带,当事人没公开说,我也就不说了。但在外界看来,这个故事就是一个 CTO 为公司尽心尽力,不仅把技术带好,还把公司的新媒体做了起来,最后却被踢出局,没有得到应有的利益。

类似的事还有很多,比如某云服务厂商的员工就曾经在 V2EX 论坛吐槽股份问题,当时这件事在技术圈也引起了广泛讨论。

昨天,相信大家也看到一篇关于某游戏公司技术合伙人干了 7 年被无情踢出局,一点股份没拿到的文章。文章矛头直指该公司 CEO,到目前为止,CEO 或 CEO 的夫人均未出来回应。也许像很多刷屏的文章那样,过一段时间剧情说不定会反转,但无法改变的是,一件又一件合伙人、员工被创始人在股份、利益分配问题上设坑的事都在让年轻人加入创业公司失去了信心。




员工也好、合伙人也好,在创业公司里都是弱势群体。说得不好听一点,如果创始人想耍小心眼,哪怕合伙人被写到工商注册里面,创始人都有办法联合投资人把合伙人踢出局,这里面可以有 10000 种操作手法(这里用了夸张的修辞手法)。











比如一家公司的成立时公司估值 1000万,合伙人占 10% 股份,股份价值 100万。公司运作 4 年后,估值已经到了 1 亿,合伙人的股份可能被稀释到 7% (假设),这时他的股份价值应该是 700 万。如果这个时候合伙人退出,公司理应回收他的股份,但大多数创业公司很难在这个时候拿出 700万现金。


一是商量。双方协商一个合理的价格,比如 300 万,如果双方都满意,好聚好散。


有些创始人为了避免合伙人退出导致资金短缺,会给合伙人限定行权比例,比如工作满一年,释放股份的 25%,4 年全部释放完毕。有些过度保护自己利益的,会在协议上写上「市场公平价」,什么是市场公平价?谁来定义?这种模糊的说法,对合伙人是不公平的,但反过来想,创始人难道不应该最大限度保护公司的利益么?


甚至,在关键的时刻,采取特殊手段把合伙人踢出局。像这两天刷屏那篇文章里说的,虽然这个合伙人在公司干了 7 年,领着比同行低的薪水,但在创始人眼里,他可能认为他已经给这位合伙人合理的退出价格了,因为他在几年前已经给这位合伙人奖励了 100 万(文章里说的)。

7 年,除了基本工资外,获得 100 万收入,这算高么?其实不高,但我们其实无法从文章里获知公司的目前的营收状况,可能 100 万对于公司来说已经是一笔巨额支出,创始人自己已经觉得对得起这个兄弟,已经心安理得了。

又或者,在公司关键时刻,这位 7 年的合伙人的一些做法阻碍了公司进展,创始人不得不把他踢掉。我们当然可以认为这位创始人很无情,但从公司的利益角度去看,可能是对的。但这里,理应有合理的赔偿,至少从外界的报道来看,未见有赔偿的迹象。










Machine Learning Top 10 Articles for the Past Year (v.2017)


Machine Learning Top 10 Articles for the Past Year (v.2017)

For the past year, we’ve ranked nearly 14,500 Machine Learning articles to pick the Top 10 stories (0.069% chance) that can help you advance your career in 2017.

“It was machine learning that enabled AlphaGo to whip itself into world-champion-beating shape by playing against itself millions of times” — Demis Hassabis, Founder of DeepMind

AlphaGo astonishes Go grandmaster Lee Sedol with its winning move

This machine learning list includes topics such as: Deep Learning, A.I., Natural Language Processing, Face Recognition, Tensorflow, Reinforcement Learning, Neural Networks, AlphaGo, Self-Driving Car.

This is an extremely competitive list and Mybridge has not been solicited to promote any publishers. Mybridge A.I. ranks articles based on the quality of content measured by our machine and a variety of human factors including engagement and popularity. Academic papers were not considered in this batch.

Give a plenty of time to read all of the articles you’ve missed this year. You’ll find the experience and techniques shared by the leading data scientists particularly useful.

Rank 1

Complete Deep Learning Tutorial, Starting with Linear Regression. Courtesy of Andrew Ng at Stanford University

Rank 2

Teaching Computer to Play Super Mario with DeepMind & Neural Networks. Courtesy of Ehren J. Brav

……. [ Super Mario Machine Learning Demonstration with MarI/O ]

Rank 3

A Beginner’s Guide To Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks [CNN Part I]. Courtesy of Adit Deshpande

………………………………… [ CNN Part II ]

………………………………… [ CNN Part III ]

Rank 4

Modern Face Recognition with Deep Learning — Machine Learning is Fun [Part 4]. Courtesy of Adam Geitgey

Rank 5

Machine Learning in a Year: From a total beginner to start using it at work. Courtesy of Per Harald Borgen

……………….….…….[ Machine Learning In a Week ]

Rank 6

Building Jarvis AI with Natural Language Processing. Courtesy of Mark Zuckerburg, CEO at Facebook.

Rank 7

Image Completion with Deep Learning in TensorFlow. Courtesy of Brandon Amos, Ph.D at Carnegie Mellon University

Rank 8

The Neural Network Zoo.

Rank 9

How to Code and Understand DeepMind’s Neural Stack Machine. Courtesy of Andrew Trask, PhD at University of Oxford

GeoTrellis 1.0 Release with LocationTech


GeoTrellis 1.0 Release with LocationTech

By Ross Bernet on January 9th, 2017

GeoTrellis 1.0 Release

GeoTrellis, a geographic data processing engine for high performance applications, is a Scala library and framework that uses Spark to work with raster data. GeoTrellis 1.0 was recently released under LocationTech, marking a major achievement for the community that has helped to build the project.


A 1.0 release is a significant milestone for an Open Source Project. It’s an indicator of maturity and reliability. GeoTrellis became an Open Source Project in 2011 with the goal of helping people process raster data at scale. We moved to Apache Spark for supporting distributed processing with version 0.10.0 in April of this year. We have come a long way.

This post will explain the motivation to release under LocationTech and what the decision means for GeoTrellis users and contributors.


LocationTech is a working group hosted by the Eclipse foundation with a charter to foster community around commercial-friendly, open source, advanced geospatial technology. GeoTrellis joined LocationTech in 2013. Here are some of the reasons why:

GeoTrellis developers have already benefited from collaboration with other LocationTechn projects since joining in 2013. An example of this is when developers from GeoMesa and GeoTrellis worked together to create the SFCurve library. It’s a solution to the common problem of creating Z-order curve indices based on spatial or spatiotemporal properties of data. Additionally, members from GeoTrellis have participated and presented at the annual LocationTech tour, which has become a global event promoting open source geospatial software.

Impact on Users

There will a number of new features and few inconveniences that come with 1.0. This major release marks our official graduation but only includes minor API breaks with respect to 0.10.3. The release from .09 to 0.10 had many large architectural changes stemming from the transition to Apache Spark which required significant API changes. This is not the case for 1.0. You will need to upgrade your project and change the organization to “org.locationtech” as shown below:

libraryDependencies += "org.locationtech.geotrellis" %% "geotrellis-raster" % "1.0.0"

GeoTrellis will still be available on Maven Central via sonatype’s nexus repository in addition to repo.locationtech.org. The last release 0.10.3 was only available on sonatype’s nexus repository.

Major New Features

  • Streaming GeoTiff support
  • Windowed GeoTiff reading on S3 and Hadoop
  • Improved ETL capabilities
  • HBase and Cassandra backends support
  • Collections API that allows users to avoid Spark in ideal cases
  • Experimental support for Vector Tiles, GeoWave integration, and GeoMesa integration
  • Documentation moved to ReadTheDocs. This greatly improves usability, readability, and searchability

See a comprehensive list of changes here

Color Corrected Aerial Image of Egypt


The GeoTrellis team decided that the many benefits to joining LocationTech outweigh any downsides. However, in the name of transparency, it’s important to discuss the possible downsides we considered:

  1. Give GeoTrellis trademark to Eclipse
  2. Ceding some control. There are pros and cons to creating a larger decision-making body for a project. We think the increased number of perspectives will outweigh the possibility of slower decision-making time
  3. One-time requirements to officially graduate involved:
    1. Submitting codebase and dependencies to ensure appropriate licensing
    2. Setup builds that publish to LocationTech infrastructure
    3. Create release review so Project Management Committee can do final review of release
    4. Graduation review to make sure project is up to standards

We are excited about the move and the significance of the achievement. GeoTrellis has grown it’s community and user base over the years. GeoTrellis has been the collective work of more than 50 people and 6,500 commits.

A 1.0 release marks the effort of this community and the maturation of GeoTrellis. Moving forward will see a regular release schedule.

Connect with us

We appreciate hearing about the projects that GeoTrellis supports – please get in touch via Twitter, our mailing list, our Gitter channel, or email to share what you are working on.

GitHub – Issues, codebase, documentation, everything you need

Our mailing list – Stay informed about releases, bug bashes, and GeoTrellis updates

Gitter – Scala is hard. We can help. Come ask questions about your GeoTrellis project

Twitter – We send team members to conferences, workshops, and share Big Data Open Source Geo project news

Email – Have questions about a project idea that could benefit from processing rasters at a scale? Reach out to us via email – we’d love to hear from you!

Node.JS Top 10 Articles of the Year (v.2017)


Node.JS Top 10 Articles of the Year (v.2017)

For the past year, we’ve ranked nearly 8,500 Node.JS articles to pick the Top 10 stories (0.12% chance) that can help you prepare your development career in 2017.

This Node.JS list includes topics such as: Backend, MongoDB, Express, Structure, Test, Passport.

This is an extremely competitive list and Mybridge has not been solicited to promote any publishers. Mybridge AI ranks articles based on the quality of content measured by our machine and a variety of human factors including engagement and popularity. Mybridge AI ranks articles based on parameters including the quality of content, popularity, and other human factors. Hopefully this condensed list will help you read and learn more productively in the area of Node.JS.

Give a plenty of time to read all of the articles you’ve missed this year. You’ll find the experience and lessons shared by Node.JS leaders particularly useful.

Rank 1

Art of Node: A Short Introduction to Node.JS [5,808 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Zeke Sikelianos

Rank 2

Building and Securing a Modern Backend API with Node.JS. Courtesy of Ado Kukic and Scotch Development

Rank 3

19 things I learnt reading the NodeJS docs. Courtesy of David Gilbertson

Rank 4

How I built an app with 500,000 users in 5 days on a $100 server with Node.JS & MongoDB. Courtesy of Erik Duindam

Rank 5

Advanced Node.js Project Structure Tutorial. Courtesy of Trace by RisingStack

Rank 6

How to build a URL Shortener with Node.JS, MongoDB, Hapi.JS.

Rank 7

Test a Node RESTful API with Mocha and Chai.

Rank 8

Introduction to Node & Express. Courtesy of Eric Elliott

Rank 9

How to build your own Uber-for-X App. Courtesy of Ashwin Hariharan





  1. 前言
  2. landsat数据情况简介
  3. 下载元数据
  4. 总结





美国NASA的陆地卫星(Landsat)计划(1975年前称为地球资源技术卫星 — ERTS ),从1972年7月23日以来, 已发射8颗(第6颗发射失败)。目前Landsat1—4均相继失效,Landsat 5仍在超期运行(从1984年3月1日发射至今)。 Landsat 7于1999年4月15日发射升空。Landsat8[1] 于2013年2月11日发射升空,经过100天测试运行后开始获取影像。



3.1 分析下载元数据页面





3.2 程序实现





var lines = File.ReadAllLines(fileName);
var data = lines.Select(s => s.Split(',')).Select(s => new { Path = int.Parse(s[0]), Row = int.Parse(s[1]), Date = CommonHelper.ParseDate(s[2]) });
StartPath = data.Min(s => s.Path);
StartRow = data.Min(s => s.Row);
StartDate = data.Min(s => s.Date);
EndPath = data.Max(s => s.Path);
EndRow = data.Max(s => s.Row);
EndDate = data.Max(s => s.Date);




public static string FormatDate(DateTime date)
    return date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");


var orginResultList = orginResult.Split(new char[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Skip(1);
var source = File.ReadAllLines(file);
var data = source.Select(s => s.Split(',')).Select(s => new { Path = int.Parse(s[0]), Row = int.Parse(s[1]), Date = CommonHelper.ParseDate(s[2]) });
var endResult = new List<string>();
data.ToList().ForEach(s =>
    var temp = orginResultList.Where(re =>
        var arr = re.Split(',');
        return int.Parse(arr[7]) == s.Path && int.Parse(arr[8]) == s.Row /*&& CommonHelper.ParseDate(arr[5]) == s.Date*/;
    if (temp != null && temp.Count() > 0)
File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(file), "res.csv"), endResult);







Applying Neural Network and Local Laplace Filter Methods to Very High Resolution Satellite Imagery to Detect Damage in Urban Areas


Applying Neural Network and Local Laplace Filter Methods to Very High Resolution Satellite Imagery to Detect Damage in Urban Areas

by Dariia Gordiiuk

Since the beginning of the human species, we have been at the whim of Mother Nature. Her awesome power can destroy vast areas and cause chaos for the inhabitants. The use of satellite data to monitor the Earths surface is becoming more and more essential. Of particular importance are the disasters and hurricane monitoring systems that can help people to identify damage in remote areas, measure the consequences of the events, and estimate the overall damage to a given area. From a computing perspective, such an important task needs to be implemented to assist in various situations.

To analyze and estimate the effects of a disaster, we use high-resolution, satellite imagery from an area of interest. This can be obtained from Google Earth. We can also get free OSM vector data that has a detailed ground truth mask of houses. This is the latest vector zip from New York (Figure 1).

Figure 1. NY Buildings Vector Layer

Next, we rasterize (convert from vector to raster) the image using a tool from gdal, called gdal_rasterize. As a result we have acquired a training and testing dataset from Long Island (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Training Data Fragment of CNN

We apply a deep learning framework Caffe for training purposes and the learning model of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN):

Figure 3. CNN Parameters

The derived neural net enables us to identify the predicted houses from the target area after the event (Figure 4). We can also use data from another similar area which hasn’t been damaged for CNN learning (if we can’t access the data for the desired territory).

Figure 4. Predictive Results of CNN Learning

We work with predicates of buildings using vectorization (extracting a contour and then converting lines to polygons) (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Predictive Results of Buildings (Based on CNN)

Also, we need to compute the intersection of the obtained predicate vector and the original OSM vector (Figure 6). This task can be accomplished by creating a new filter, dividing the square of the predicate buildings by the original OSM vector. Then, we filter the predictive houses by applying a threshold of 10%. This means that if the area of houses in green (Figure 6) is 10% less than the area in red, the real buildings have been destroyed.

Figure 6. Calculating CNN-Obtained Building Number (Green) Among Buildings Before Disaster (Red)

Using the 10%-area threshold we can remove the houses that have been destroyed and get a new map that displays existing buildings (Figure 7). By computing the difference between the pre- and post- disaster masks, we obtain a map of the destroyed buildings (Figure 8).

Figure 7. Buildings: Before and After Disaster With CNN Method
Figure 8. Destroyed Buildings With CNN

We have to remember that the roofs of the houses are represented as flat structures in 2D-images. This is an important feature that can also be used to filter input images. A local Laplace filter is a great tool for classifying flat and rough surfaces (Figure 9). The first image has to be a 4-channel image with the fourth Alpha-channel that describes no-data-value pixels in the input image. The second image (img1) is the same, a 3-channel RGB image.

Figure 9. Local Laplace Window Filter

Applying this tool lets you get the map of the flat surface. Let’s look at the new mask of the buildings which have flat and rough textures (Figure 10)after combining this filter and extracting the vector map.

Figure 10. Flat Surface Mask With Laplace Window Filter Followed By Extracted House Mask

A robust library of the OpenCV computer vision has a denoising filter that helps remove noise from the flat buildings masks (Figure 11, 12).

Figure 11. Denoising Filter
Figure 12. Resulting Mask. Pre- and Post- Disaster Images After Applying Denoising Filter

Next, we apply filters to extract the contours and convert the lines into the polygons. This enables us to get new building recognition results (Figure 13).

Figure 13. Predictive Results of Buildings With Laplace Filter

We compute the area of an intersection vector mask obtained from the filter and a ground truth OSM mask and use a 14% threshold to reduce false positives (Figure 14).

Figure 14. Calculations: Buildings With Laplace Filter (Yellow) Before Damage (Green), Using 14% Threshold

As a result, we can see a very impressive new mask that describes houses that have survived the hurricane (Figure 15) and a vector of the ruined buildings (Figure 16).

Figure 15. Before and After Disaster With Laplace Filter
Figure 16. Destroyed Buildings With Laplace Filter

After we have found the ruined houses, we can also pinpoint their location. For this task OpenStreetMap comes in handy. We have installed an OSM plugin in QGis and added an OSM layer to the canvas (Figure 17). Then, we added a layer with the destroyed houses and we can see all their addresses. If we want to get a file with the full addresses of the destroyed buildings we have to:

  1. In QGis use Vector / OpenStreetMap / Download the data and select the images with the desired information.
  2. Then in QGis use Vector / OpenStreetMap / Import a topology from XML and generate a DataBase from the area of interest.
  3. QGis / Vector / Export the topology to Spatialite and select all the required attributes. (Figure 18)
Figure 17. Destroyed Houses Location
Figure 18. Required Attributes Selection To Load Vector Into Ruined Buildings

As a result, we can get a full list, with addresses, of the destroyed buildings (Figure 19).

Figure 19. Address List of Ruined Houses

If we compare these two different approaches to building recognition, we notice that the CNN-based method has 78% accuracy in detecting destroyed houses, whereas the Laplace filter reaches 96.3% accuracy in recognizing destroyed buildings. As for the recognition of existing buildings, the CNN approach has a 93% accuracy, but the second method has a 97.9 % detection accuracy. So, we can conclude that the flat surface recognition approach is more efficient than the CNN-based method.

The demonstrated method can immediately be very useful and let people compute the extent of damage in a disaster area, including the number of houses destroyed and their locations. This would significantly help while estimating the extent of the damage and provide more precise measurements than currently exist.

For more information about EOS Data Analytics follow us on social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin.

OSMDeepOD – OSM and Deep Learning based Object Detection from Aerial Imagery


OSMDeepOD – OSM and Deep Learning based Object Detection from Aerial Imagery

This is a project about object detection from aerial imagery using open data from OpenStreetMap (OSM) project as massive training data and areal imagery, wordwide or local. This project has been formerly known as “OSM-Crosswalk-Detection”; now ot’s called OSMDeepOD, pronounced “OSM Deep ‘Oh ‘Dee”!

Keywords: Big Data; Data Science; Data Engineering; Machine Learning; Artificial Intelligence; Neuronal Nets; Imagery; Volunteered Geographic Information; Crowdsourcing; Geographic Information Systems; Infrastructure; Parallel Programming.


OSM-Crosswalk-Detection is a highly scalable image recognition software for aerial photos (orthophotos). It uses the open source software library TensorFlow, with a retrained Inception V3 neuronal network, to detect crosswalks along streets.

This work started as part of a semester thesis autumn 2015 at Geometa Lab, University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil (HSR).





Getting Started


  • PythonAt the moment, we support python 3.x
  • DockerIn order to use volumes, I recommend using docker >= 1.9.x
  • Bounding Box of area to analyzeTo start the extraction of crosswalks within a given area, the bounding box of this area is required as arguments for the manager. To get the bounding box the desired area, you can use https://www.openstreetmap.org/export to select the area and copy paste the corresponding coordinates. Use the values in the following order when used as positional arguments to manager: left bottom right top


The simplest way to use the detection process is to clone the repository and build/start the docker containers.

git clone https://github.com/geometalab/OSM-Crosswalk-Detection.git
cd OSM-Crosswalk-Detection/dockerfiles/
sudo python docker_run.py -r -d

After the previous shell commands you have started a redis instance for data persistance and a container for the detection process. Now you should be connected to a tty of the crosswalk_detection container. If you have a nvida GPU and nvidia-docker installed the detection algorithm will automatically use this GPU1.

To start the detection process use the src/role/main.py2 script.

  1. Use the manger option to select the detection area and generate the jobs stored by the redis instance
python3 main.py --redis --port 40001 --pass crosswalks manager 9.345101 47.090794 9.355947 47.097288 --tag junction roundabout --search roundabout --no_compare --zoom_level 17 --orthofoto other

The default settings of –tag, –search, and –zoom_level are for crosswalk detection. The parameter ‘–orthofoto’ is for the image source.

  1. Start the detection algorithm. The results are also stored by the redis instance.
python main.py --redis --port 40001 --pass crosswalks jobworker
  1. Collect the results in a simple JSON file.
python main.py --redis --port 40001 --pass crosswalks resultworker

If you have execute the result worker in the docker container you can move the crosswalks.json file to the /crosswalk/ directory which is map to your host.

Own Orthofotos

To use your own Orthofotos you have to do the following steps:

1. Add a new directory to src/data/orthofoto
2. Add a new module to the directory with the name: 'your_new_directory'_api.py
3. Create a class in the module with the name: 'Your_new_directory'Api   (First letter needs to be uppercase)
4. Implement the function 'def get_image(self, bbox):' and returns a pillow image of the bbox
5. After that you can use your api with the parameter --orthofots 'your_new_directory'

If you have problems with the implementation have a look at the wms or other example.


During this work, we have collected our own dataset with swiss crosswalks and non-crosswalks. The pictures have a size of 50×50 pixels and are available by request.

Crosswalk Examples

Picture 3: Crosswalk Examples

No-Crosswalk Examples

Picture 4: No Crosswalk Examples



1: The crosswalk_detection container is based on the nvidia/cuda:7.5-cudnn4-devel-ubuntu14.04 image, may you have to change the base image for your GPU. 2: For more information about the main.py use the -h option.

The 10 Most Important Node.js Articles of 2016


The 10 Most Important Node.js Articles of 2016

2016 was an exciting year for Node.js developers. I mean – just take a look at this picture:Every Industry has adopted Node.js

Looking back through the 6-year-long history of Node.js, we can tell that our favorite framework has finally matured to be used by the greatest enterprises, from all around the world, in basically every industry.

Another great news is that Node.js is the biggest open source platform ever – with 15 million+ downloads/month and more than a billion package downloads/week. Contributions have risen to the top as well since now we have more than 1,100 developers who built Node.js into the platform it is now.

To summarize this year, we collected the 10 most important articles we recommend to read. These include the biggest scandals, events, and improvements surrounding Node.js in 2016.

Let’s get started!

#1: How one developer broke Node, Babel and thousands of projects in 11 lines of JavaScript

Programmers were shocked looking at broken builds and failed installations after Azer Koçulu unpublished more than 250 of his modules from NPM in March 2016 –breaking thousands of modules, including Node and Babel.

Koçulu deleted his code because one of his modules was called Kik – same as the instant messaging app – so the lawyers of Kik claimed brand infringement, and then NPM took the module away from him.

“This situation made me realize that NPM is someone’s private land where corporate is more powerful than the people, and I do open source because Power To The People.” – Azer Koçulu

One of Azer’s modules was left-pad, which padded out the lefthand-side of strings with zeroes or spaces. Unfortunately, 1000s of modules depended on it..

You can read the rest of this story in The Register’s great article, with updates on the outcome of this event.

#2: Facebook partners with Google to launch a new JavaScript package manager

In October 2016, Facebook & Google launched Yarn, a new package manager for JavaScript.

The reason? There were a couple of fundamental problems with npm for Facebooks’s workflow.

  • At Facebook’s scale npm didn’t quite work well.
  • npm slowed down the company’s continuous integration workflow.
  • Checking all of the modules into a repository was also inefficient.
  • npm is, by design, nondeterministic — yet Facebook’s engineers needed a consistent and reliable system for their DevOps workflow.

Instead of hacking around npm’s limitations, Facebook wrote Yarn from the scratch:

  • Yarn does a better job at caching files locally.
  • Yarn is also able to parallelize some of its operations, which speeds up the install process for new modules.
  • Yarn uses lockfiles and a deterministic install algorithm to create consistent file structures across machines.
  • For security reasons, Yarn does not allow developers who write packages to execute other code that’s needed as part of the install process.

Yarn, which promises to even give developers that don’t work at Facebook’s scale a major performance boost, still uses the npm registry and is essentially a drop-in replacement for the npm client.

You can read the full article with the details on TechCrunch.

#3: Debugging Node.js with Chrome DevTools

New support for Node.js debuggability landed in Node.js master in May.

To use the new debugging tool, you have to

  • nvm install node
  • Run Node with the inspect flag: node --inspect index.js
  • Open the provided URL you got, starting with “chrome-devtools://..”

Read the great tutorial from Paul Irish to get all the features and details right!

#4: How I built an app with 500,000 users in 5 days on a $100 server

Jonathan Zarra, the creator of GoChat for Pokémon GO reached 1 million users in 5 days.Zarra had a hard time paying for the servers (around $4,000 / month) that were necessary to host 1M active users.

He never thought to get this many users. He built this app as an MVP, caring about scalability later. He built it to fail.

Zarra was already talking to VCs to grow and monetize his app. Since he built the app as an MVP, he thought he can care about scalability later.

He was wrong.

Thanks to it’s poor design, GoChat was unable to scale to this much users, and went down.A lot of users lost with a lot of money spent.

500,000 users in 5 days on $100/month server

Erik Duindam, the CTO of Unboxd has been designing and building web platforms for hundreds of millions of active users throughout his whole life.

Frustrated by the poor design and sad fate of Zarra’s GoChat, Erik decided to build his own solution, GoSnaps: The Instagram/Snapchat for Pokémon GO.

Erik was able to build a scalable MVP with Node.js in 24 hours, which could easily handle 500k unique users.

The whole setup ran on one medium Google Cloud server of $100/month, plus (cheap) Google Cloud Storage for the storage of images – and it was still able to perform exceptionally well.

GoSnap - The Node.js MVP that can Scale

How did he do it? Well, you can read the full story for the technical details:

Read my “How I built an app with 500,000 users in 5 days on a $100 server” https://medium.com/@mr.erik/how-i-built-an-app-with-500-000-users-in-5-days-on-a-100-server-77deeb238e83#.p56pbg2do 

Photo published for How I built an app with 500,000 users in 5 days on a $100 server – Unboxd

How I built an app with 500,000 users in 5 days on a $100 server – Unboxd

There seems to be a general consensus in the world of startups that you should build an MVP (minimum viable product) without caring too…


#5: Getting Started with Node.js – The Node Hero Tutorial Series

The aim of the Node Hero tutorial series is to help novice developers to get started with Node.js and deliver software products with it!

Node Hero - Getting started with Node.js

You can find the full table of contents below:

  1. Getting started with Node.js
  2. Using NPM
  3. Understanding async programming
  4. Your first Node.js HTTP server
  5. Node.js database tutorial
  6. Node.js request module tutorial
  7. Node.js project structure tutorial
  8. Node.js authentication using Passport.js
  9. Node.js unit testing tutorial
  10. Debugging Node.js applications
  11. Node.js Security Tutorial
  12. Deploying Node.js application to a PaaS
  13. Monitoring Node.js Applications

#6: Using RabbitMQ & AMQP for Distributed Work Queues in Node.js

This tutorial helps you to use RabbitMQ to coordinate work between work producers and work consumers.

Unlike Redis, RabbitMQ’s sole purpose is to provide a reliable and scalable messaging solution with many features that are not present or hard to implement in Redis.

RabbitMQ is a server that runs locally, or in some node on the network. The clients can be work producers, work consumers or both, and they will talk to the server using a protocol named Advanced Messaging Queueing Protocol (AMQP).

You can read the full tutorial here.

#7: Node.js, TC-39, and Modules

James M Snell, IBM Technical Lead for Node.js attended his first TC-39 meeting in late September.

The reason?

One of the newer JavaScript language features defined by TC-39 — namely, Modules — has been causing the Node.js core team a bit of trouble.

James and Bradley Farias (@bradleymeck) have been trying to figure out how to best implement support for ECMAScript Modules (ESM) in Node.js without causing more trouble and confusion than it would be worth.

ECMAScript modules vs. CommonJS

Because of the complexity of the issues involved, sitting down face to face with the members of TC-39 was deemed to be the most productive path forward.

The full article discusses what they found and understood from this conversation.

#8: The Node.js Developer Survey & its Results

We at Trace by RisingStack conducted a survey during 2016 Summer to find out how developers use Node.js.

The results show that MongoDB, RabbitMQ, AWS, Jenkins, Docker and Amazon Container Services are the go-to choices for developing, containerizing and shipping Node.js applications.

The results also tell Node developers major pain-point: debugging.

Node.js Survey - How do you identify issues in your app? Using logs.

You can read the full article with the Node.js survey results and graphs here.

#9: The Node.js Foundation Pledges to Manage Node Security Issues with New Collaborative Effort

The Node Foundation announced at Node.js Interactive North America that it will oversee the Node.js Security Project which was founded by Adam Baldwin and previously managed by ^Lift.

As part of the Node.js Foundation, the Node.js Security Project will provide a unified process for discovering and disclosing security vulnerabilities found in the Node.js module ecosystem. Governance for the project will come from a working group within the foundation.

The Node.js Foundation will take over the following responsibilities from ^Lift:

  • Maintaining an entry point for ecosystem vulnerability disclosure;
  • Maintaining a private communication channel for vulnerabilities to be vetted;
  • Vetting participants in the private security disclosure group;
  • Facilitating ongoing research and testing of security data;
  • Owning and publishing the base dataset of disclosures, and
  • Defining a standard for the data, which tool vendors can build on top of, and security and vendors can add data and value to as well.

You can read the full article discussing every detail on The New Stack.

#10: The Node.js Maturity Checklist

The Node.js Maturity Checklist gives you a starting point to understand how well Node.js is adopted in your company.

The checklist follows your adoption trough establishing company culture, teaching your employees, setting up your infrastructure, writing code and running the application.

You can find the full Node.js Maturity Checklist here.





  1. node-images:在cnode上有node-iamges作者写的文章。这个库安装简单,依赖少;借助它可以实现改变图片大小、图片合并等功能。本打算使用它进行开发,但是由于其不支持文字写入,只好另寻他路了。
  2. node canvas:这个库我调研的较少,百度上有不少文章,大家可以自行查看进行判断,其中此文介绍了其在百度地图上的使用,说明其功能还是很强大的。
  3. gm: gm是nodejs对GraphicsMagick和ImageMagick封装。GraphicsMagick和ImageMagick是老牌的图片处理工具,它们功能很强大,包括了图片的创建、编辑、合成、读取、转换、切割、颜色替换等各种图片处理功能。 gm基于它俩进行开发,可知gm的功能强大。功能的强大就可能意味着安装和使用的复杂!本文主要介绍gm的安装和使用方法;同时对经常遇到的中文乱码问题进行了介绍。由于开发机器是mac,所以只覆盖到了mac和linux系统。



  brew install imagemagick
  brew install graphicsmagick


  • 获取安装包
    wget http://iweb.dl.sourceforge.net/project/graphicsmagick/graphicsmagick/1.3.23/GraphicsMagick-1.3.23.tar.gz
  • 解压然后执行configure和make make install
    tar -zvf GraphicsMagick-1.3.23.tar.gz
    cd GraphicsMagick-1.3.23/
    make install
  • 执行:convert -v, 看到如下内容,就说明安装成功了:

在工程目录执行: npm install gm

    var fs = require('fs');
    var gm = require('gm');
        .draw('image Over 100, 100 100, 100 "./resources/dev/images/app/actGuide.png"')
        .write('./resources/dev/images/app/aboutus_modify.jpg', function(err) {
              if (!err){  console.log('done');
              }else{console.log(err.message || "出错了!"); } });




另外:gm的APi文档地址是:gm API文档 ,可以结合GraphicsMagick的文档使用。



  1. how to use imagick annotateImage for chinese text? –php
  2. GM中文乱码如何解决? — node
  3. GraphicsMagick中文乱码解决办法 — java
  4. 如何用imagemagick在图片上写中文 — cmd
  5. 用ImageMagick在图片中写中文的问题及解决 –cmd


  1. ImageMagick v6 Examples
  2. how to apply imagemagic to other language?

总结起来解决乱码需满足两个条件:1. 文档utf-8编码; 2. 指定中文字体库。


var gm = require('gm');
var _name = "China中文";
    .draw('image Over 100, 100 100, 100 "./resources/dev/images/app/actGuide.png"')
    // .font('/usr/share/fonts/微软雅黑.ttf')  /* 服务器上的路径*/
    .draw('text  100, 100 '+_name)
    // .resize(240, 240)
    .write('./resources/dev/images/app/aboutus_modify.jpg', function(err) {
        if (!err){
            console.log(err.message || "出错了!");




  1. 文档utf-8编码:这里utf-8编码是指要求文件的存储编码方式是utf-8,而不是对字符进行utf-8编码(如js中的encodeURI)。通过对IDE或者其他方式确定文件的编码方式,如有问题可自行百度。
  2. 指定中文字体库:可以通过 .font('/Library/Fonts/微软雅黑.ttf') //mac系统下.font('/usr/share/fonts/微软雅黑.ttf') //linux系统下指定。 font函数的参数是字体在系统中的存储路径。



linux下, fc-list: 查询所有安装字体,fc-list :lang=zh:查询安装的中文字体, 字体的安装路径是:/usr/share/fonts。



  1. Windows 7 / Vista – 选定文件点击右键选安装
  2. Windows XP – 复制和粘贴字体文件到C:\WINDOWS\FONTS
  3. Mac OS X – 双击字体文件然后选择安装字体
  4. Linux – 复制字体文件到/USR/SHARE/FONTS







宾夕法尼亚州的波科诺派恩斯镇离纽约市有两个小时的车程。驶离州际公路之后,前往该镇的道路蜿蜒经过矮小的树木和废弃的加油站,边缘生锈的招牌上显示的还是多年前的价格。这个位于纳奥米湖畔的小镇曾为前往附近缥缈山庄(Mount Airy Lodge)的游客服务,那个度假村的特色是蜜月套房,浴室里配备心形浴缸,但是由于多年失修,于2001年关闭。2007年,缥缈山庄赌场在原址开业。当地法院位于一座破败小楼的二层,楼下是精华美甲水疗店(Elite Nails and Spa)。小楼正面没有任何政府标志,也没有代表公正的天平——没有任何东西能把它与宾夕法尼亚940号公路两侧普通的商业地产区分开来。门罗县法院分发的指南上让你寻找一个带有甜筒标志的冰淇淋店。法院就在街对面。

在2015年10月一个阴沉寒冷的日子里,谢尔顿·王(Sheldon Wong)、查尔斯·黎(Charles Lai)、肯尼·关(Kenny Kwan)、雷蒙德·林(Raymond Lam)和丹尼尔·李(Daniel Li)受到波科诺派恩斯法院传讯。这五个人都是美国大学亚裔兄弟会派-德尔塔-普赛(Pi Delta Psi)的成员。五名年轻男子都是在皇后区的华裔家庭长大的。那天早上我到法院时,聚集在停车场的一名电视摄像开始跟随我。“我不是来受审的,”我说。他笑了一下,向他的同事们摆了一下头,他们已经活跃起来,把设备扛到了肩上。“呃,等那些家伙看见你,也会跟上来的,”他说。他说对了:一堆摄像机涌了上来。考虑到当时的情况,我不能太责怪他们。这些兄弟当时选择在这里的灰色山中举行入会仪式,无意中使得自己的命运可以由当地人组成的陪审团决定——当地人很想知道这些亚裔男子曾在这里干了些什么。

  • 查看大图邓俊贤(Michael Deng)的照片和在他皇后区的家中的壁炉上的奖项。

    Glenna Gordon for The New York Times

    邓俊贤(Michael Deng)的照片和在他皇后区的家中的壁炉上的奖项。

  • 查看大图宾夕法尼亚州斯特劳兹堡的法庭。

    Glenna Gordon for The New York Times


  • 查看大图兄弟会的入会仪式在位于波科諾斯的出租房屋中举行。

    Glenna Gordon for The New York Times


  • 查看大图2015年,查尔斯·黎(Charles Lai,中)和肯尼·关(Kenny Kwan)在被提审之后。

    Bryan Anselm for The New York Times

    2015年,查尔斯·黎(Charles Lai,中)和肯尼·关(Kenny Kwan)在被提审之后。

  • 查看大图法拉盛的大街(Main Street)和罗斯福大道(Roosevelt Avenue)。

    Glenna Gordon for The New York Times

    法拉盛的大街(Main Street)和罗斯福大道(Roosevelt Avenue)。

五名学生中的四名很快到达了,每个人都梳洗一新。谢尔顿·王、查尔斯·黎、肯尼·关和雷蒙德·林穿着合身的西服和尖头鞋,戴着墨镜,看起来更像是香港电影黄金时代的电影角色,而非因谋杀罪面临审判的兄弟会成员(丹尼尔·李会在当天晚些时候的另一场听证会上受审)。在法庭外潮湿狭窄的走廊上,这几个兄弟会成员中年龄最大的、当时26岁的肯尼·关突然开始啜泣。查尔斯·黎用一只胳膊搂着他,安慰他,同时阴郁地盯着在笔记本上匆忙记录的记者们。第二天上午,《纽约每日新闻报》(The New York Daily News)报道称,“一名兄弟会暴徒”在周四“受审前像孩子一样大哭”。

被告的朋友和家人坐在法庭后部,神情麻木,两眼放空。审判开始后,被告的年轻亲属在走廊里悄悄地为年长的亲属翻译理查德·S·克莱普尔法官(Richard S. Claypool)和一小群辩护律师之间的问候,以及漫长的起诉书宣读过程,罪名包括欺辱新生、妨碍调查、人身侵犯、合谋以及三级谋杀。






邓俊贤(Michael Deng)和那些因谋杀他而遭到起诉的派-德尔塔-普赛兄弟会成员们一样,是来自别的城镇的华裔美国学生。他的父亲是一个中国商人,于1990年获得了《移民法》为高技能工人签发的签证,与妻子一起搬到肯尼迪机场南端附近的长岛海滨城市长滩。邓夫人发现,过渡期比她想象中更困难。“我怀孕害口——美国的食物对我来说太寡淡了——而且我一直都觉得饿,”她半用英文半用中文告诉我。(因为邓氏夫妇想尽量保留隐私,所以她要求只用姓氏称呼她)。长滩看上去没有什么亚洲社区,也没有让人满意的中餐馆,所以这对待产的夫妇搬到了皇后区北部的法拉盛,那里到处都是移民。



迈克尔的母亲辞去工作,辅导迈克尔在学校里读的科目。“数学和科学方面我当然可以帮他,”她说。“但是英文和历史——那些东西——我只能鼓励他努力跟上。”空闲时间,迈克尔活跃在贝塞的手球场,成了一名优秀的球员。八年级时,他参加了纽约市的特殊高中入学考试,进入了布朗克斯科学高中(Bronx Science),这是纽约一流的择优录取公立学校,与斯泰弗森特高中(Stuyvesant)和布鲁克林技术高中(Brooklyn Tech)齐名。


在这些漫长的旅行之中,迈克尔和威廉·袁(William Yuan)熟识起来。他们在艺术课上结识,打算逃课去玩手球,很快就成了朋友。


“我们会玩英雄联盟(League of Legends)”——一种多人电脑游戏——“打手球,吃饭,”威廉·袁描述他们典型的周末。“我知道这听起来可能像是一种简单的生活,但对我们来说从来不是那么简单。我们出来玩的时候,几乎只和中国孩子混在一起,但这并不是种族主义之类的东西。我觉得物以类聚,这是人类的天性。”

要上大学时,邓俊贤面临选择,要么和威廉·袁一起到长岛石溪大学就读,要么去上当地的学校。他不想离开母亲,所以决定到进入巴鲁克学院(Baruch College),这个走读学校属于纽约市大学(City University of New York),整个校园只有几座大楼,位于曼哈顿格拉梅西公园附近。巴鲁克学院的大部分学生都住在校外,但是邓俊贤希望大学生活能够更像他在电影里看过的那样——恶作剧、姑娘,还有离开父母的自由——所以他搬进了附近的宿舍。他被分配的室友是来自长岛的18岁新生杰伊·陈(Jay Chen)。邓俊贤和杰伊·陈试图建立自己的小小校园生活,邓俊贤充当自大、世故的领导者角色,杰伊·陈扮演他的副手。邓俊贤逝世两年后,杰伊·陈为缅怀老友,给他写了一封信,回忆两人共度的时光:“我记得大一那年,我过生日的时候,你带回六箱科罗娜啤酒为我庆祝。我从来没问过你是怎么弄到的,只是很开心。当然,我们这种人手头是没有开瓶器的。所以眼前的头等大事自然就是想办法不用开瓶器打开酒瓶。拜你所赐,我现在知道900种不用开瓶器就能打开瓶子的办法。”

巴鲁克校园里小小的社交生活主要来自于它的小型希腊式体系,大一新生,特别是那些对校园生活感兴趣的人,都会被尽力招募。晚上,邓俊贤和杰伊·陈躺在房间里的床上,讨论是否加入巴鲁奇的两个大型亚裔兄弟会——派-德尔塔-普赛和人中王(Lambda Phi Epsilon)。杰伊·陈觉得兄弟会不适合他。邓俊贤选择了派-德尔塔-普赛。




歧视真的是把亚裔美国人联系起来的东西。早期的一些致力于亚裔美国人研究的学者,出自第三世界解放运动阵线(The Third World Liberation Front),那是一个与大学校园内主要着眼于欧洲裔美国人问题的倾向相对抗的组织。当亚裔美国研究项目于1970年代初开始在加州开枝散叶的时候,其课程源自关于压迫的个人叙事,以及通过发掘共通的艰辛而形成的团结一致。1971年出版的《根源:美国亚裔读本》(Roots: An Asian-American Reader),是最早一批被提供给加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)亚裔美国学生的教科书之一;其编辑曾写道,英文书名中的“Roots”,并不是指某种共同的亚洲血统,而是指“美国亚裔所面临的问题的‘根源’”。

给亚裔美国人身份下定义的项目原本主要以常春藤盟校(Ivy League)以及一些西海岸大学为限,直到1982年。那一年,在底特律一家汽车工程公司工作的陈果仁(Vincent Chin),被一群暴徒殴打致死——那些人把美国汽车市场的滑坡归咎于来自日本人的竞争。当行凶者仅被处以缓刑及3000美元罚金的时候,抗议者纷纷涌上美国诸多城市的街头,进而催生出泛亚裔的团结。把人们团结起来的是这样一种意识:如果进口自日本的汽车可以让身为中国移民之子的陈果仁被杀,那么“亚裔美国人”身份的概念就有其影响。

“他的死亡是一个重大的觉醒时刻,”韩裔美国电影导演、前黑豹党(Black Panther Party)成员崔明慧(Christine Choy)对我说。“这件事刺激了很多人,他们表示无法再忍受下去,不能就这么放任自流,必须有某些立法或政治要求。”

陈果仁去世之时,美国大学的人口构成刚刚开始发生重大变化。在《1965年移民与国籍法》(Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965)通过之后涌入美国的上百万亚裔移民的孩子长大了。从1976年至2008年,被四年制大学录取的亚裔美国学生的人数增长到原来的六倍。这些年轻人中,有很多人毕业于相同的精英学校,去相同的教堂,在相同的补习班上学习,但从来没人跟他们解释他们的亚裔身分,至少是没用多文化学术界的规范语言解释。

他们发现自己身处关于平权法案的国家辩论的中心。在80年代中期,学生和教授开始指责布朗大学(Brown)、斯坦佛大学(Stanford)和加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley)等精英大学用配额限制亚裔学生的数量。在那些大学否认这些指责之后,校园里掀起了一场运动,要求设立更多亚裔美国研究课程,以及亚裔美国俱乐部、学生组织和社交俱乐部,最后,还有兄弟会。这场争论仍在继续,而且依然激烈。2014年,反对平权法案的一个组织起诉了哈佛大学,指控它在招生过程中歧视亚裔美国学生。这起诉讼至今没有结果,它启发一个由64个亚裔美国组织组成的联盟在次年对哈佛提起诉讼。本月,司法部公布了一份备忘录,表明该机构计划调查2015年的那起诉讼,这两起诉讼也因此重新引起了人们的关注。

崔明慧和雷妮·田岛-佩尼亚(Renee Tajima-Peña)于1989年执导的纪录片《谁杀死了陈果仁》(Who Killed Vincent Chin?)在美国各地的亚裔美国研究课堂上播放。在之后的十年里,一种集体身分逐渐形成,它植根于陈果仁的死以及对平权法案的争论,但是对那些以华裔、韩裔、日裔和菲律宾裔身分长大的人来说,这个集体身分依然显得陌生。不管是在学术研究中还是在私下的日常谈话中,这个词都不准确,而且只局限在学术界。到了90年代初,洛杉矶的骚乱将亚裔美国人推上了全国的舞台,关于“根源”的热烈讨论已经基本上被一种畏缩的、学术性的恐惧症所取代,它试图弄清为什么亚裔的店铺——尤其是韩裔的店铺——会成为暴徒打击的对象,但它没有提问的平台,也缺乏提问的信心。

现代亚裔美国兄弟会诞生于80年代的抗议,以及亚裔美国学生在校园里日益感受到的孤立。获得全国亚太及印度美国大学校友会协会(National Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Panhellenic Association)认可的18个亚裔美国兄弟会和女生联谊会中有16个是在1990年至2000年创立的。它们的宗旨声明承诺“塑造成功的领导者”,服务社会,以及唤醒“社区意识”。这些兄弟会和女生联谊会的讯息惊人地相似——团结起来,取得意想不到的成功,用兄弟姐妹情谊建立专业高效的校友网络。入会仪式往往是宣传模糊的泛亚洲身分,这个身份反映出亚裔美国学术研究与活动的历史,但是由于多年的冷漠,它的迫切性已经慢慢消失。

1994年,也就是邓俊贤的父母从中国移民到美国的那一年,宾厄姆顿大学(Binghamton University)的11名学生成立了派-德尔塔-普赛兄弟会(Pi Delta Psi)的第一个分会。到2000年,该兄弟会已在四个州的11所大学设有分部。最初,兄弟们用自己在亚裔美国研究课程中学到的零星知识拼凑出一个宗旨。每个兄弟会分会的“教导员”都为宣誓入会者设计了一个课程。有几周会用于研究一些可以想见的话题,比如民族食物或亚洲国旗的起源,但重点主要是在亚裔美国人经历的种族歧视案例上。在过去20年里,每个分会的课程都略有改变。比如,在一个“环节”(这是兄弟会对教育活动的称呼)当中,入会者要研究陈果仁被害案,并撰写报告。另一个环节的重点是洛杉矶骚乱以及它对韩裔小生意人的灾难性影响。大约就是在邓俊贤被害那个时期,兄弟会还计划推出一个关注陈宇晖(Danny Chen)之死的环节,陈宇晖是一个来自曼哈顿中国城的年轻人,在军中遭受捉弄后自杀身亡。“有点像获得期中学分,”纽约大学(New York University)的派-德尔塔-普赛兄弟会校友莱克斯·恩戈托(Lex Ngoto)对我说,他现在在银行业工作。“我们甚至会在教室里开会,领取作业和报告。然后兄弟们会给我们做测试,如果我们有问题答不上来,就得做俯卧撑。”他还说:“最后,我很感激它。我高中时就跟亚裔孩子一起玩,但我们并没有真正觉悟到其中的意义。了解我们——我是指亚裔美国人——的遭遇之后,我看清了很多东西。”





纽约市立大学巴鲁克学院(Baruch)和皇后区圣约翰大学(St. John’s University)年长的兄弟们在半夜陆续到来,邓俊贤和其他入会者给他们上菜,发牌,并且开始举行兄弟会的一些入会仪式,包括匍匐穿过庭院的“巴丹死亡行军”——这是一种亚裔团结活动,用来让入会者体验日本皇军对菲律宾战俘的折磨。








丹尼尔·李当时21岁,后来他告诉检察机关,邓俊贤倒下后发出了“呻吟声”。据丹尼尔·李的证词,当时21岁的入会教导员谢尔顿·王扶起邓俊贤,在其他人帮助下把他带进租来的房间。邓俊贤的“老大”,当时23岁的查尔斯·黎告诉探员,邓俊贤的身体“直挺挺的,像木板一样”。兄弟会的成员们脱下他那被霜雪浸透的潮湿冰凉的衣服把他放在壁炉边,给他盖上毯子。根据警方的时间表,凌晨5点05分,一名兄弟打电话给当护士的女朋友,问她是什么情况可能导致邓俊贤完全没有任何反应。八分钟后,另一名兄弟用谷歌搜索了“清醒”和“不清醒”。凌晨5点55分,一个名叫雷维尔·邓(Revel Deng)的兄弟会成员四次发短信给朋友,询问关于他祖父从楼梯上跌倒后去世的情形。在此期间,身在波科诺斯的30多名兄弟会成员中没有一个人呼叫救急号码。根据一份对探员做出的口供,之所以没有人叫救护车,是因为有人查询费用之后,觉得价钱太高。


查尔斯·黎在医院等待“小弟”的消息期间开始发送短信,警察后来发现了他发给派-德尔塔-普赛兄弟会的全国会长孟昭安(Andy Meng)的消息,孟昭安的姐姐孟昭文(Grace Meng)是代表皇后区第六选区的国会议员,该选区主要由亚裔构成。上午7:25,查尔斯·黎给雷维尔·邓发短信:“把所有东西都收起来”。在医院里,查尔斯·黎告诉一个探员,他和一个全国兄弟会的兄弟联系过;他电话中的短信表明,孟昭安鼓励他们隐藏兄弟会的物品。

孟昭安的律师迈克尔·A·文特雷拉(Michael A. Ventrella)表示,孟昭安一直与警方合作。“他当时不在现场,”文特雷拉说,“是事后才了解相关情况的。在他的管理之下,兄弟会之前已经发布了严格的准则,禁止发生这种行为。”(雷维尔·邓、查尔斯·黎和雷蒙德·林拒绝为本文置评。)


 2015年11月末,派-德尔塔-普赛(Pi Delta Psi)兄弟会成员的第二个开庭日在距孛可诺松林区(Pocono Pines)25分钟车程的斯特劳兹堡(Stroudsburg)举行。关、林、王三人都穿着似乎是一个月前穿的西装,陪伴他们的是同样坐立不安的律师团队。不久后,穿着监狱灰色衣服、戴着手铐的查尔斯·黎(Charles Lai)出现了:他的家人没能成功将他保释。他几乎有些过分殷勤地对兄弟们点了点头,似乎是想表示歉意,但他在诉讼过程的开始一直都只是专心地盯着远处的墙。一名警官对他们掩盖证据的罪行作证,律师团队提交了几项动议,随后检察官办公室让现已是派-德尔塔-普赛前任主席的丹尼尔·李(Daniel Li)起立。在一小时结结巴巴、磨人的证词中,李说他看到了林、黎、关三人相继抱住并摔倒了邓,使他在最后一击之后陷入了昏迷。当所有人都在苦思冥想该做什么的时候,李说,他已经睡下了,错过了整个掩盖证据的过程。


2016年5月的一个周日造成,一名叫Rekstizzy的韩国说唱歌手朋友给我发了一则短信。Rek是他更为人知的名字,他在皇后区长大。和邓俊贤一样,他也是从布朗克斯科学高中(Bronx Science)毕业。现在Rek住在洛杉矶,运作着一个旨在从所谓的另类右派手中夺回名为佩佩(Pepe)的卡通青蛙的运动。但他最初是在2012年联系我的,当时还是林书豪(Jeremy Lin)在纽约尼克斯队(New York Knicks)短暂的神奇巅峰时期,他已经是皇后区亚洲人的代表了。这包括了一个亚洲人的文化博客——美国人将其称为Gumship,还有一系列YouTube视频,Rek在其中向禁欲的男性介绍像Hello Kitty一样可爱的产品可带来的乐趣。Rek在宾汉顿大学(Binghamton)上学期间,曾考虑过加入派-德尔塔-普赛,他在短信中告诉我说他当时正在拉斯维加斯跟几个“兄弟会的兄弟”参加派对。其中一人向他透露说他被控谋杀,他感到非常彷徨无助。这个人正是肯尼·关(Kenny Kwan),他就是在法庭掉下眼泪的派-德尔塔-普赛成员。


关并没有给我回电,但他并不是唯一一名想着与我交谈是否会有价值的巴鲁克学院的兄弟。几个月前,我在下曼哈顿区谢尔顿·王(Sheldon Wong)律师的办公室会见了他。王又高又帅,颧骨突出,当他感到不安的时候,他翘起的嘴会抽搐。在孛可诺传讯期间,当王的兄弟们扭动、耷拉着头,尝试盯着勇敢的面孔的时候,王则一直盯着地毯上的一处。在和王会面的时候,王一直在似乎是紧张和安静的诚挚之间切换。在那些更真诚的时刻,我可以看到为什么他可以担当宣誓教员的原因——原因就是,他说,他妈妈一直鼓励他以心理学家作职业。




直到他向派-德尔塔-普赛宣誓加入,王说,他都不知道自己的种族过去受过什么样的苦难。他不知道陈果仁(Vincent Chin)之死,也不知道松丰三郎诉美国政府案(Korematsu v. United States),1944年美国最高法院坚持罗斯福(Franklin D. Roosevelt)总统的行政命令,将日裔美国人关进集中营。随着他沉浸在从兄弟会了解到的扭曲但仍具启示性的亚裔美国人被迫害史,他越来越对自己接受的纽约公立学校教育中的空白感到沮丧。王说,这些遗漏是不公平的。“我不明白为什么我们不关注一个种族,或者为什么我们要忽视某个种族,”王说。“有时候,感觉就像发生在亚裔身上的事情不那么重要一样。”


5月15日,邓俊贤死后三年半,关、黎、王、林再次鱼贯走入斯特劳茨伯格法庭。法庭的墙上,暗色调的油画配着落了尘土的红色帷幔,画中是些已经作古的男人。那之前两周,宾夕法尼亚州大学Beta Theta Pi兄弟会的八名成员在另一桩虐死案中被控杀人罪。案件牵涉一个名叫蒂莫西·皮亚萨的18岁新成员。两案颇有相似处:皮亚萨也像邓俊贤一样,经历了一种被称作“铁手套”的仪式之后死亡(但该仪式不包括肉体虐待)。这种相似性让赶来报道的媒体格外多。记者们在法庭外走廊上做准备的时候,很多人的问题都和宾州大学有关。






邓俊贤的母亲带我上楼去他的房间:一间卧室,窗帘拉着;一间书房,有一张精美的深色木质书桌,仿佛是从某个电视剧中律师的办公室里淘回来的。她说,自从邓俊贤去巴鲁克,她就没动过这两个房间。书架上摆放着SAT备考书和几本作文本。在本子上,他用工整圆润而稍向左倾斜的字体,描述着他对Ace手球的看法、纽约市特殊高中的细分情况,还有他对自己周围世界的种种观察。2008年10月,他上八年级时,邓俊贤这样写道:“穿一件大衣,去Alley Pond Park,跑到一棵树下(为了躲雪),看着雪花飘落到树上和地上,我最喜欢这样打发冬日的时光。”




关于区块链,投资的一点随想 (Part One)

1/ 现在区块链和 ICO 的狂热,堪比95-96 年互联网的第一波热潮。

2/ 97 年之前上市的互联网公司,除了 Netscape, Yahoo, 绝大多数公司六七年后的终局是:破产或者等价于破产(价格缩水90%以上).

3/ Netscape 1995年八月上市当天的收盘市值是二十九亿美元,后来1998年十一月被 America Online 以四十二亿美元收购,三年多回报 44%。Yahoo 1996 年上市时 33 美元, 2000年最高时 475 美元 (等价于市值一千两百亿美元)。人们只是被这些上了头条的新闻所鼓舞.

4/ 但破产或者等价于破产的例子是绝大多数。同期上市的如 Excite, Infoseek, Lycos 要么破产,要么被低价收购.

5/ 具有讽刺意义的是,真正赚大钱的是收购大量域名的公司。有域名大亨囤积数十万个域名,2004年时以接近两亿美元的价格出售。可以参见我的老文章.
王川: 域名大亨叶云的传奇 — 为什么投资不只是买股票

6/ 还有硅谷核心地区的房地产,2000年比 1994年底相比,价格普遍翻了一番还多。少数工程师意外的靠买房的收益,补偿了股票期权破灭的损失.

7/ 单个技术或者应用的初创公司未来谁能成功,最初很难预测。这个在区块链和 ICO 上,也同样适用.

8/ 大多数人根本不理解区块链的技术基础,不知道加密算法的不对称性,不知道 merkel tree, 不知道 Proof-of-work (工作量计算证明),没有看过中本聪最初的白皮书,很难真正理解区块链的概念,因为这是一个全新的,没有先例可以类比的商业模型。即使是有计算机背景的人,要全面深入理解所有的概念,也要花几个月的时间. 而且每天都有新的发展,要想掌握,没有捷径。

9/ 因为不理解,所以最初给这个东西贴上一个标签 “傻B,骗子”等等是一个很自然的事.

10/ 即使因为好奇而参与购买比特币者,很多要么就是卖得太早,要么就是丢失掉 Private Key 或者钱包被盗,要么就是每次价格下跌50%以上时被迫割肉撑不下去,要么就是比特币存在 Mt Gox 拿不回来了。真正长期大量持币坚守到现在的寥寥无几.

11/ 人们对于一个事物可以有多个角度的观察和解读。对于你没有用,并不意味着对于别人没有用。男人觉得一个破包包要几千甚至上万美元毫无道理,女人觉得男人着迷于看足球赛不可理喻,但这对于相应的群体都是客观存在。能够全面理解不同群体在同一时间对同一件事物的不同角度甚至截然相反的解读,非常重要.

12/ 第三世界还有几十亿居民,没有可靠,方便,便宜的金融服务,拉美非洲很多国家常年恶性通货膨胀。一个保值的,加密的,方便的数字货币给了他们新的选择,尽管现在使用界面还很初级,还有各种软件安全问题。这些是很多发达国家居民可能无法理解的.

13/ 这是一个比烂的世界,一个产品即使有各种缺点不足,只要竞争者比他更烂,他就可以脱颖而出。但人们身在其中,往往因为自己的各种缺点看得很清楚,灯下黑,没有横向比较,从而可能过于悲观,得出错误的结论.




作者 Excellion_ 
2017.08.28 15:47 字数 7209 阅读 385评论 1






正是这些签名数据给比特币交易带来了一些复杂性 。在所谓的“延展性漏洞”中,任何人都可以在比特币签名创建之后稍稍改变这些签名,且不会使签名无效。这意味着整个交易的发生,更具体地说是交易编号(txid),可以被交易的中继人或矿工改变。

2015年在比特币网络上发生的延展性攻击的数据。 红线大致代表网络上的被延展的交易

这本身不一定是一个大问题。交易仍然有效, 比特币仍然会从一个地方转移到另一个地方,且这些都是在完全相同的条件下进行。但是,由于未确认的交易的存在,这的确会使创建新的交易变得更加麻烦:新的交易需要知道它们所依赖的交易编号 。这反过来又使在比特币之上构建某些第二层协议(如双向支付渠道)变得更加困难。


通过“分离 ”签名数据与其他交易数据来解决延展性漏洞的想法可以追溯到几年前。

早在2012年,比特币核心的贡献者Russell O’Connor,Matt Corallo,Luke Dashjr和Gregory Maxwell以及Bitcointalk的版主“Theymos”就在IRC 比特币开发渠道上讨论过这个问题,但当时他们没有找到一个可以成功把签名从比特币网络上分离出来的方式。

Russell O’Connor,Gregory Maxwell,Luke Dashjr和Theymos在2012年在IRC上讨论了延展性漏洞

一年后的2013年8月,由于比特币核心的贡献者Peter Todd和Gregory Maxwell在IRC上进行了类似的讨论,这个问题又重新浮出水面。但是在那时,两人在依照各自的想法对抗延展性方面都取得了进展 。“我是说把scriptsig [整个分开]。” Maxwell写道:“我甚至建议使用不含Scriptsigs的交易作为[交易ID]。”

一个月之后, Maxwell又和著名的密码学家Adam Back博士在IRC上讨论了延展性的问题。这次,Back建议在计算交易ID时省略签名。虽然,Maxwell评论说:“把签名从txid中分离出来可能会有所帮助,但这是一个深层的硬分叉变化… 而且实际上很难保证安全性。”




2014年8月, Adam Back,Gregory Maxwell,以及企业家和投资者Austin Hill,和几位比特币核心的开发人员(包括Pieter Wuille博士)合作创立了比特币技术公司Blockstream 。该公司侧重于侧链技术,即可以有效地与比特币挂钩的替代区块链。





前Bitcoin Core首席开发人员Gavin Andresen和Bitcoinj首席开发人员Mike Hearn认为,Bitcoin的1兆字节大小限制应该通过硬分叉来增加。硬分叉是一项与原有的比特币系统不兼容的协议更改,要求几乎整个比特币生态系统升级。这并不是一项容易的任务 – 因为比特币社区并没有对这一改变达成共识。

无论如何,2015年夏天,Andresen和Hearn宣布,他们将使用Bitcoin XT软件客户端来推进他们的计划。这一备受争议的举措使得比特币开发社区和行业处于一种紧急状态。


在蒙特利尔会议上提出的最具发展前景的扩容建议之一是闪电网络,这是一种复杂的第二层扩容解决方案,仅在几个月前在Joseph Poon和Thaddeus Dryja发表的白皮书中进行了详细介绍。唯一的问题是:这个解决方案需要对延展性进行修复 。


Lombrozo(CodeShark)、Wladimir van der Laan(wumpus)、Luke Dashjr(luke-jr)以及 Pieter Wuille博士(sipa)在IRC上讨论SegWit作为软分叉的可能


除了Bitcoin Core的贡献者(和Bitcoin Konts的维护者)Luke Dashjr。

在2015年10月,两场比特币扩容会议之间,Bitcoin Core的贡献者Eric Lombrozo,Pieter Wuille,Wladimir van der Laan和Luke Dashjr在IRC上讨论了一种可能的软分叉的新模式。在这次讨论中,Dashjr指出,会议上所提出的机制不适用于所有潜在的软分叉,如SegWit软分叉。

有趣的是,这件Dashjr认为是显而易见的事情 – 即将SegWit作为软分叉来部署- 从来没有其他人这么想过。甚至连Dashjr自己一开始似乎也没有意识到这种可能性的影响。

为了将SegWit部署为软分叉,见证数据必须放在比特币区块的一个新的独立结构中。而所有这些见证数据的“锚” (“Merkle树根”)都必须转移到比特币区块的一个有些非常规的部分中:奖励矿工新硬币的coinbase交易。

尽管这个做法有些不寻常,在之后的几天和几周内,Bitcoin Core贡献者意识到这种方法带来了一个额外的好处。通过把见证数据放在比特币区块上一个独立开来的结构中,比特币区块的大小会增加,但这些变化并不会被未升级的节点注意到。这实际上可以在不增加比特币现有区块大小的情况下增加比特币区块的大小 。


一个三赢的解决方案 – 至少他们认为是这样。


隔离见证 – 作为软分叉 – 首先由Pieter Wuille于2015年12月在香港举行的比特币扩容研讨会上提出。很多人是第一次听到这个提案,且最初该提案似乎收到了热情欢迎。

在第二次“比特币扩容”会议结束之后不久,Gregory Maxwell就提出了一份以SegWit为核心,被称为“扩容路线图”的计划。这一路线图很快得到了Bitcoin Core开发团队以及比特币生态系统中的其他开发人员和用户的支持。



有关提出的的协议升级的担忧各不相同。前比特币核心的贡献者Jeff Garzik – 其成立了自己的开发公司Bloq- 并不认为SegWit是一个充分的短期扩容解决方案。 同时,Bitcoin XT的首席开发人员Mike Hearn也没有完全相信这个提案:他把这个解决方案视为一种“会计诈术”,并在不久之后完全退出了比特币的开发。

替代软件客户端Bitcoin Classic的开发人员Jonathan Toomim认为,这个提案既“难看又笨拙”,并建议最好将其作为硬分叉来试试。甚至Bitcoin Core的贡献者Peter Todd也有自己的担心,特别是与挖矿有关。

然而,这些问题中的大多被都被认为是可解决的,不可信的或值得Bitcoin Core开发团队的权衡。软分叉升级就此开始发展。


尽管 “隔离见证”的一个版本已经在Elements上实现,但比特币主要版本的代码大部分尚未被写入,这不仅仅是因为需要将其作为软分叉来实现,还因为比特币上 的SegWit将会包含一系列Elements中不存在的新功能:例如,增加区块大小所需的“见证折扣”,点对点网络的新兼容性等。

具体的比特币改进计划BIP141由Pieter Wuille,Ciphrex首席执行官Eric Lombrozo和独立Bitcoin Core贡献者Johnson Lau撰写。到2016年1月初,随着有关扩容的辩论持续升温,这些人和其他Bitcoin Core贡献者为协议升级启动了一个初始的专用测试网络,称为SegNet。两个星期至后,这个测试网络被公开,以供更广泛的比特币开发社区进行测试。到3月份,SegNet已经升级到可以支持闪电网络的测试版本。




截至同年6月,“隔离见证”共新增了4,743行代码(包括测试代码),并提出删除或修改554条现有的Bitcoin Core代码行。在几位贡献者对代码进行了更深入的审查之后,Bitcoin Core的主要维护人Wladimir van der Laan在六月底之前将这些代码并入了Core的“主分支”中。


在开发SegWit的同时,有关比特币区块大小的争论在比特币社区再次升温。这一次是由Bitcoin Classic带头,一些比特币公司和矿工似乎下定决心使用硬分叉将区块大小限制增加到2兆字节。

在香港,几位Bitcoin Core贡献者,矿池运营商和其他比特币行业的成员举行了一次紧急会议,讨论了扩容的问题。

会议促成了一项被称为“比特币圆桌共识”(或“香港共识”)的协议。出席会议的Bitcoin Core贡献者和整个比特币开发社区一同开发一个基于隔离见证改善之上的安全硬分叉。反过来,这些矿工们同意在Bitcoin Core发布了一个包含上述硬分叉代码的版本之后在生产环境中运行隔离见证。这场危机似乎已经被避免了- 尽管人们很快就会明白并不是每个人都对协议的结果感到满意。

几个月后,更多的Bitcoin Core贡献者和矿池运营商在加利福尼亚举行了会议。在会议结束之后,出席会议中的Core贡献者确信隔离见证将被矿工激活。


大约在最初计划日程的六个月之后 – 原定于4月发布 – 2016年10月,隔离见证在Bitcoin Core版本0.13.1 中正式推出。协议升级也在其他几个比特币客户端中实现,比如Bitcoin Knots和Bcoin。






比特大陆的联合首席执行官吴忌寒特别表示,只有在Bitcoin Core开发团队同时实施硬分叉来增加区块大小限制的情况下,他才愿意激活SegWit。其他矿池,包括F2Pool,HaoBTC和bitcoin.com也没有用信号支持软分叉。












2017年4月的第一个星期,Gregory Maxwell通过比特币邮件列表公开了一个爆炸性的消息。


尽管Maxwell的电子邮件中没有提及具体的ASIC制造商,但比特大陆承认其在挖矿芯片中添加了专利技术 – 尽管它否认在比特币的主网上使用过这些技术。




该频道成为了有关该倡议的讨论和组织的中心。最初选中的激活日为10月1日,然后改到了8月1日,以便应对可能出现哈希率过低的情況。 Shaolinfry撰写了具体的比特币改进方案:BIP148。Open Dim的创始人Rodolfo Novak也建立了一个信息网站来推广这个想法。



而到4月中旬,Gregory Maxwell在比特币开发邮件列表中表示,他认为BIP148也不是一个好主意。作为最受尊敬和最有影响力的比特币核心贡献者之一,Maxwell对该倡议的拒绝产生了重大影响:此版本的UASF似乎失去了所有的动力。



许多山寨币都是基于比特币的代码库。这意味着为比特币而开发的SegWit代码在很大程度上是可以与这些替代加密货币是兼容的。不出所料, 一些山寨币决定实施SegWit。早在2017年1月,Groestlcoin第一个了激活隔离见证。

但其他货币也在纠结。 莱特币,Vertcoin和Viacoin似乎都被比特币的政治游戏所吸引。这些货币在很大程度上依赖与比特币相同的矿工,而且其中大多数都没有发出信号支持升级。


到2017年4月,这种态度使得莱特币的创始人Charlie Lee主张在莱特币上实施用户激活软分叉。他的倡议收到了莱特币用户的热烈响应;很快, 莱特币矿工,Lee和莱特币生态系统的其他成员安排了一场在线会议,并达成了莱特币全球圆桌会议决议。为了换取Lee的一些承诺,矿工们同意激活SegWit。 ShaolinFry等人认为这次UASF的努力是成功的。



与此同时,有关区块大小的争论仍在激烈进行。 作为另一个通过硬分叉来增加比特币区块大小的客户端软件, Bitcoin Unlimited在比特币矿业社区中十分受到欢迎。特别是在比特大陆的吴先生的支持下,这个项目似乎正在朝着一个潜在的(有争议的)硬分叉方向发展。

这个潜在的威胁,以及在比特币区块链“分裂”的可能性,是DCG创始人兼首席执行官Barry Silbert在2017年的纽约共识召开之前举行会议的理由。 该会议最初是在一份针对比特币企业家和其他知名行业成员的私人电子邮件列表中宣布的,并把比特币行业中 的一大部分人聚集到了一起,包括矿工在内——不过,这里面显然没有Bitcoin Core的贡献者。

那次会议的结果通常被称为“纽约共识”。参与者们对他们认为是那些希望使用硬分叉和那些更想要用SegWit增加比特币区块大小的人之间的妥协达成了一致意见。根据RSK的创始人Sergio Demian Lerner最初提出的想法,SegWit会在特定条件下激活,同时也会有一个硬分叉将比特币的“基本区块大小限制”增加一倍。


但并不是比特币生态系统中的所有人都支持该协议,而其中的一个具体的问题尤其突出。 “纽约共识”下的SegWit激活的条件与Bitcoin Core开发团队提出的条件基本不兼容,而Bitcoin Core代码已被比特币用户广泛采用。


由缪永权发布的支持BIP148 UASF的图像

虽然许多人从支持BIP148 UASF转而支持BIP149,但并不是所有人都完全放弃了第一个UASF提案。

在Shaolinfry提出这个概念的时候,他的前提是它将得到经济大多数的支持,否则,它应该在指定日之前就中止。但是,UASF Slack频道上的一些用户却有着不同的想法。其中一些 – 包括Bitcoin Core和Bitcoin Knots的开发人员Luke Dashjr – 正考虑激活软分叉,不管比特币生态系统的其余部分会作何反应。即使他们是少数,即使他们会实际上变成一种山寨币,他们也会继续进行UASF升级。

在五月中旬左右,Alphonse Pace将这一决定与统计学家,作家 Nassim Nicholas Taleb所描述的一个博弈论概念联系起来:“不能容忍的少数”。简而言之,这个想法的前提是即使是经济少数人也应该能够促使矿工激活分离见证软分叉。否则,他们将会失去他们的“客户群”(比特币用户)。

由于有关AsicBoost的传闻,莱特币上隔离见证的激活以及对“纽约共识“的不满 – 这一次,在博弈论的支持下,BIP148的支持在社交媒体和留言板上越来越多,再次成为一股热潮。

另外,还有几篇文章讨论了UASF发展的潜力,社交媒体,YouTube频道,和其他讨论平台上的大量争论则紧随其后 。与此同时,Eric Lombrozo也在全力支持这项提案,而缪永权分发的UASF帽子更是风行一时。受到即将发行的Electrum 钱包的代号的启发,8月1日被称为“比特币独立日”。

唯一的问题是:BIP148和纽约共识的激活方法与纽约共识和Bitcoin Core团队提出的激活方法一样,是不兼容的。


Bitmain Warranty的工程师James Hillard成了救星。 Hilliard提出了一个稍显复杂但巧妙的解决方案,可以使一切都能互相兼容:Bitcoin Core开发团队提出的隔离见证激活,BIP148 UASF和纽约共识激活机制。他的BIP91可以使比特币保持完整- 至少在隔离见证激活的时候。

只要大多数矿工在8月1日之前激活BIP91,所有比特币节点都应该仍然是同一网络的一部分。这是一个相对较小的时间窗口,因为该解决方案在5月下旬才被提出,但是纽约协议的主要开发人员Jeff Garzik接受了该提案,并计划在8月1日之前的几周内发布该协议产生的软件客户端。这是可行的。



到7月中旬,比特币矿工们已经错过了及时使用Bitcoin Core开发团队提出的方法与BIP148兼容来激活隔离见证的机会。因此,市场似乎对BIP148链和非BIP148链之间存在的潜在的“分裂”而感到紧张。在一周的时间里,比特币的汇率从2500美元左右下跌至1900美元:这是一个多月以来的最低水平。


随着BIP91被锁定,隔离见证正式锁定也只是时间问题。隔离见证最终在8月9日被锁定  -—— 而早在8月8日,事情就已经达到了不能回头的地步。



由Albert Dros设计的隔离见证标志




作者:Aaron van Wirdum































1. 黄,就是色情的力量。性的威力永远是不言而喻的,从传说中的草榴,到约炮神器的横行,从直播平台上晃动的乳沟,到cj上看不尽的大腿……互联网产品即使没有明确的制黄贩黄,也常常作出大量的性暗示和感官刺激。遗憾的是,这一点对于我们这个习惯了故作清高的民族却是异常奏效的,特别是对大多数的底层屌丝用户、几乎立竿见影。这从约炮神器上一度惊人的用户数据和色流诈骗吓人的成功率中可以得证。

2. 毒,就是利用各种类似赌博的上瘾机制、让用户沉迷其中。这一点在游戏领域极其明显,网上一直有传言,《王者荣耀》的团队一个重要的研究是,如何在5分钟内让你上瘾。

3. 假,电商平台相对传统商家,往往可以给出惊人优惠的价格,但其中一些却可能是假冒伪劣。特别在发展的早期,往往成为重灾区,价格便宜往往以品质掺水为代价。









































From Bitcoin to Agriculture: How Can Farmers Benefit from Blockchain?


From Bitcoin to Agriculture: How Can Farmers Benefit from Blockchain?

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Editor’s Note: Emma Weston is co-founder and CEO of Full Profile, where she leads blockchain strategy and development under the AgriDigital brand. She is also a grain grower in Australia. Here, Weston, and co-author Sarah Nolet, founder of food and ag consultancy AgThentic, explain how the agriculture industry is using blockchain, and the challenges ahead for this segment of the industry.

Update: Full Profile recently pitched at Finovate in New York City. Watch their pitch here.

We have all seen the use of (and hype about) blockchain in the context of bitcoin, the digital currency that first brought blockchain to mainstream media and investors.  While bitcoin remains in the news, the applications and potential of blockchain are spreading well beyond cryptocurrency.

Before we take a look at how the agriculture industry is using blockchain, let’s do a quick blockchain 101.

What is Blockchain?

One way to think of blockchain is as a technology that allows users to transfer value, or assets, between each other without the need for a trusted intermediary. The exchange is recorded in a ledger that is shared by all users of that blockchain. Users rely on this shared, or “distributed,” ledger to provide a transparent view into the details of the assets, including who owns the asset, as well as descriptive information such as quality or location. The running history of the transaction is called the blockchain, and each transaction is called a block. Today, when you hear about blockchain, what most really mean is ‘blockchains.

There exist multiple different forms of this distributed ledger technology, each suited to distinct use cases. One popular blockchain technology is Ethereum, which its founders launched around the idea that blockchains can do more than simply record information. This concept, called ‘smart contracts,’ is central to Ethereum and allows users to codify significant parts of a workflow process, agreement, or task. So, when a transaction occurs, the software automatically executes an action, or set of actions, according to the specifications in the smart contract. One example is smart locks; locks that automatically open after receiving the correct fee.

Recently a few other potential use cases for blockchain have emerged, such as tracking goods throughout supply chains (e.g., SkuChain) and IoT-enabled “smart farms” (e.g., Filament). Though we haven’t yet seen the large-scale commercial adoption of blockchain, investors like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and various venture capitalists are paying attention to this space. The R3 consortium has also been in the news for its Corda platform, which enables trade finance and the exchange of letters of credit between its members.

But what about agriculture?

Though agriculture technology is gaining popularity — and capital — there has been very little talk of blockchain applications within core agricultural areas. There should be, though.

Blockchain has huge potential in three key areas of the agriculture industry:

  1. Provenance and radical transparency

2. Mobile payments, credits, and decreased transaction fees

3. Real-time management of supply chain transactions and financing

Enabling Provenance and Radical Transparency in the Food Chain

Consumer demand for “clean” food, including organic, is skyrocketing, but producers and manufacturers are often struggling to verify the accuracy of data from farm to table. Blockchain can help.

Currently, there’s no easy, accurate and efficient way for manufacturers to know about issues like slave labor and pollution, or to identify the exact origin of a commodity. Yet consumers, especially within niche markets like organic food, are increasingly willing to pay for products that provide this information. To date, solutions have revolved around certifications and regulations, both of which add costs, are hard to enforce, and can be confusing to consumers. How do free-range and cage-free chickens differ, and what do the labels actually mean for animal welfare?

Startups liked Provenance and FarmShare are using blockchains to solve this problem for businesses and consumers. The value of blockchain here is its ability to make the supply chain entirely transparent and rich with immutable provenance data from farm to table. In other words, blockchain tracks information about your food and participants along the supply chain cannot tamper with this information. Ultimately, this technology enables farmers, manufacturers, and retailers to justify premiums for certain products, and gives consumers confidence about where their food comes from and how it was produced.

Better Finance for the Developing World

Blockchains also have huge potential to create and improve access to finance in the developing world. Agriculture employs over a billion people worldwide, many of whom are smallholder farmers in developing countries. For many of these farmers, affordable access to capital remains a huge challenge.

As cell phones have largely become ubiquitous, mobile banking creates novel financing opportunities such as micro-financing. Yet, because of a lack of transparency and therefore high risk, the current paradigm is tons of small transactions with extremely high fees (e.g., 10%).

Blockchain can — and already is — solving this problem for financiers and farmers. Examples include agri-ledger out of the UK, BitPesa in East Africa, and Rebit in the Philippines.

Trustworthy, Efficient Supply Chains in Developed Economies

Possibly the highest potential but least realized opportunity for blockchain in agriculture is in the developed world. Each year, trillions of dollars flow between farmers and buyers alone, yet currently, these transactions are hugely inefficient. Blockchain can improve the settlement process for farmers, buyers, and financiers like banks.

Right now, the exchange of the physical commodity decouples from the exchange of payment. In other words, farmers often deliver their harvest but then have to wait weeks or months to be paid. Farmers lack the ability to conduct due diligence on their buyer, so buyers can compete on payment terms, and therefore offer lower prices. This lessens market competition and further lowers prices, as growers go to larger multinationals and incumbents who have less risk of default. Simultaneously, levy collectors and research organizations have no access to data provenance information: they receive their payments, but cannot connect the money to the farmer who has paid. And finally, financing options are both costly and limited because the industry is perceived as risky — and for good reason, as there are many insolvencies.

Blockchain can change all of this by enabling real-time payment on delivery. As a result, farmers get paid immediately, industry competition increases and keeps prices higher, and buyers save time and money. Also, adding transparency, trust, and efficiency to settlements can decrease risk and unlock new financing mechanisms for banks.

Full Profile is addressing this use case, starting with an in-market blockchain pilot for the 2016-2017 grains harvest in Australia.

The Future of Agriculture is Blockchain

Some claim that in a few years’ time blockchain will no longer be a buzzword; it will be as ubiquitous as the internet. Others believe that blockchain is all hype; that it is an untested technology with huge risks and little upside.

Farmers have always been eager adopters of technologies that make sense and deliver real value. It’s clear that blockchain has big potential to solve significant problems in agriculture. The challenge for blockchain, and agtech at large, is connecting the technology to viable business models and compelling use cases. All the startups mentioned above are working hard to do just this.

Put simply; blockchain needs to save time and money as well as take agriculture forward to create new pockets of value. If we can move beyond the hype and simply do better business, the future of agriculture will indeed be blockchain.

Have news or tips? Email Media@AgFunderNews.com

The Supply Side: Blockchain technology traces food from farm to table


The Supply Side: Blockchain technology traces food from farm to table

by Kim Souza (ksouza@talkbusiness.net)  552 views 

Tracking down a bad food product sold by any grocer is obviously important for the customer, but it also can help a supplier more quickly recover the recall cost and intangible costs tied to reputation.

When a customer shops at Wal-Mart they expect great prices, but product safety is the utmost concern, according to Frank Yiannas, vice president of food safety at Wal-Mart. He recently provided an update on the retailer’s “blockchain” partnership with IBM. Blockchain is a technology platform that allows more transparency in the food supply chain, which includes many stakeholders from the farm, to the pickers, to the packing houses and the logistics of shipping to stores.

Yiannas said protocol requires retailers like Wal-Mart to pull all the products linked to a food recall from the shelves and coolers until it is deemed safe. In many cases, the fresh product is lost because of the time it takes to trace an issue through the supply chain. He said an average recall costs about $10 million. Combined with the cost of food borne illness — $93 million annually — this creates much waste and unneeded cost burdens in the food chain.

Wal-Mart and IBM launched blockchain last year in China where food safety is of paramount concern among a distrustful Chinese consumer base. The retailer just finished piloting the process in the U.S. He said suppliers and universities also participated in the U.S. pilot, though he didn’t disclose their names.

Yiannas said in 2006 a massive bagged spinach recall greatly reduced the spinach supply for several years as it took suppliers time to recover. The recall took two weeks to trace, and all the spinach on the shelves was pulled and destroyed. In reality, the contaminated product only involved one supplier’s production one day on a single line.

“It took six to seven years for the spinach farmers to recover,” Yiannas said. “Fast traceability is huge, and being right is crucial.”

Bridget McDermott, vice president of blockchain business development at IBM, said the goal of blockchain is to accelerate the tracing of food from days and weeks to mere seconds. This will enable precise and rapid recalls to preserve consumer trust in the food industry, while also increasing traceability and transparency in the food supply chain.

McDermott said the problem with tracing the food supply chain without blockchain is that it’s very fragmented and also involves many stakeholders using their own systems which do not talk to other systems. She said many certificates, audit records and other required items are kept in paper form. She said this fragmented system is why it takes so long to find the source of a recall through traditional tracing programs.

With blockchain, stakeholders along the food supply chain each take part and enter their records into the system. Product packaging is also embedded with a QR code that facilitates traceability. Blockchain also fosters trust among participants across the chain as they share information so food can be digitized in a way that makes the food supply safer.

Yiannas said while traceability is vital, it’s not the only or most important goal with blockchain. He said consumers want to know more about the origins of the food they consume.

Yiannas and McDermott recently shared results of two tests using blockchain. In China they traced pork, and in the U.S. it was mangoes. The products were tracked through the supply chain. Results of the tests have been encouraging, according to Yiannas.

Yiannas said the life of a mango begins when seeds are planted. It takes about five to eight years before a tree matures to produce fruit. Mangoes are picked by hand at farms primarily in southern Mexico. The mangoes move to a packing house where they are scrutinized by packers. They are loaded onto ships and transported to ports in California.

The mangoes are sent to another processing facility where they are peeled, diced and packed as refrigerated fruit sold in Walmart U.S. The fruit package has a “sell by date” to indicate the shelf-life the product has left. The mangoes are shipped to a Wal-Mart co-packer via the retailer’s own logistics team out to stores. Wal-Mart has to get that product from the backroom out to the sales floor where employees can again trace the product back to the farm with the retailer’s smart app. The product is merchandised and sold within the freshness period stated on the packaging. The customer gets the product home and must consumer rather quickly before the freshness expires.

Without the blockchain technology it took Wal-Mart nearly seven days to trace the mango back to the farm. That time was reduced to two seconds using blockchain. Yiannas said early trials in the U.S. and China have shown blockchain technology can successfully trace food products from suppliers to retail and ultimately to consumers. Farm origination details, batch numbers, factory and processing data, expiration dates and shipping details were digitally connected to food items and entered into the blockchain network at each step of the farm-to-fork process.

Computers in the blockchain, called nodes, contain a copy of a ledger of transactions. When a transaction is made, at least two nodes must approve it before the transaction is added to the ledger. Blockchain provides users a secure database that is auditable and in which transactions can’t be altered, according to McDermott.

“This is just the start of our blockchain exploration. We plan to continue to test the technology, by including more data attributes, for example,” Yiannas said. “And we will continue to test how we can use it to improve food traceability and transparency by collaborating with others throughout the supply chain. This means farmers and suppliers, and other retailers.”

Wal-Mart also said blockchain technology has a role in reducing food waste by helping retailers better manage the shelf-life of perishables. He said when the store operator has visibility back to the farm it can help determine how much shelf-life is left for the product.

Yiannas was asked if Wal-Mart would be able to divert shipments to closer stores when the shelf-life is limited. He said the retailer will leverage all the information it can glean from its participation in blockchain.

Yiannas also believes blockchain participation could help reduce the estimated 30% to 40% of food waste in the U.S. through supply chain optimization. He said freshness matters, and the average family wastes about $1,000 annually in food which is equal to one bag of groceries a week.

Many times that waste is fresh items not consumed before their expiration. This waste is estimated at $29 billion annually.
Editor’s note: The Supply Side section of Talk Business & Politics focuses on the companies, organizations, issues and individuals engaged in providing products and services to retailers. The Supply Side is managed by Talk Business & Politics and sponsored by Propak Logistics.

From farm to table: How blockchain benefits food supply chains


From farm to table: How blockchain benefits food supply chains

May 8, 2017 | by Elliot Maras

photo istock

Most people are not yet familiar with bitcoin, the virtual currency, but the technology that supports it — known as blockchain — is making inroads in how goods and services are being managed. Blockchain technology, which provides the infrastructure for virtual currencies like bitcoin, is bringing new efficiencies and transparency to supply chains.

As a shared, secure record of exchange, a blockchain allows anyone with access to its electronic ledger to track what went into a product and who handled it along the way. This transparency will impact all sorts of products, but it is especially relevant to food supply chains, given the geographic expansion of these supply chains in recent years and the amount of data companies track.

“Quite a few large food companies have experimented with using the blockchain technology for their supply chain management and quality assurance, such as Wal-Mart for example,” said Angel Versetti, CEO of FoodBlockchain.XYZ, a company looking to bring blockchain technology to the food supply chain.

By digitally recording the identity of goods, blockchains can provide a permanent, immutable record for every food ingredient as it travels from farm to table. This transparency gives processors, wholesalers, distributors, restaurateurs, food trucks and consumers information about where their food comes from, how it was processed and a full accounting of its movement along the supply chain.

What is a blockchain?

A blockchain consists of a decentralized network of servers that can receive data from sensors in real time. Once the data is recorded, it can be accessed by all participating servers and cannot be edited or manipulated. Any authorized party — suppliers, distributors, restaurateurs, food trucks and customers — can access the data and verify the quality and safety control features of their products.

The technology has many uses in the food industry. It has been used, for example, to track fish from a trawler to the supermarket to help stop human rights abuses and illegal fishing.

One company making a bid to become a leading blockchain technology provider to the food supply chain is FoodBlockchain.XYZ, based in Switzerland. It plans to manage commercial relationships among different actors in the food supply chain by issuing a token called Foodcoin. The different players in the supply chain will use the token to ensure compliance to quality and safety standards.

The data will also provide insights about the financial and socio-environmental costs and benefits of sourcing food from specific suppliers. This will enable food businesses to purchase raw inputs from those suppliers offering the best combination of quality, price and socio-environmental indicators.

All players benefit

Suppliers, processors, distributors and retailers will be able to ensure that products meet quality and safety requirements. Parameters to assess the quality and sustainability of seafood, for example, could include temperature, sunlight exposure, pollution of trucks and distance traveled.

Companies will be able to create ID tags for food batches or individual food units that will contain product information from FoodBlockchainXYZ.

These tags will allow consumers to review the history of a product and check what farms the ingredients came from. The information can indicate whether the farm follows sustainable agricultural practices.

The Foodcoin token will allow consumers to reward growers that follow sustainable agricultural practices. This could help establish a new reputation system for farmers and other food suppliers.

Technology advances

“For a long time it was technologically challenging to bring this about,” Versetti said. “With the emergence of bitcoin blockchain, the vision came closer to being realized, but with the limited ability to code on top of the bitcoin, this was still challenging.”

Because blockchain technology continually evolves, Versetti and his team were able to leverage the Ethereum blockchain, a newer technology that many developers hail as being more versatile than the bitcoin blockchain.

“The benefit of Foodcoin would be to power up our Ethereum-based sensor system for food quality control and to be the means of contract execution and reputation establishment for actors in the food industry, allowing the end consumer to use Foodcoin to reward the farmers who follow sustainable practices, or intermediaries with strong ethics, or manufacturers who care most about quality and safety of food,” said Versetti.

“Foodcoin will have valuable use cases for all actors of food supply chains, beginning with farmers, through manufacturers, intermediaries, retailers all the way to the end consumers,” he said.

Safety and quality audits

FoodBlockchain.XYZ also plans to support safety and quality audits. Versetti said the company will perform these audits itself or partner with other companies.

The FoodBlockchain.XYZ team has been working on a quality assurance system to streamline the fragmented information in the food supply chain for quite some time, Versetti said.

The company is presently working with companies in Switzerland, France, Germany and Iceland. It plans to release its first software in June.





本文作者:敖萌 2017-09-05 18:34


















举例来说,如果一个矿工Alice需要转账给Bob 1000比特币,此时Alice在比特币网络上广播一个Alice转账给Bob账户 1000比特币的交易,被其他矿工接收到,记入了他们的区块中。然而Alice自己则在区块中记录了另一笔交易——Alice转账给Alice_new账户1000比特币,也就是说,Alice人为制造了一个分叉,在这个分叉点,制造了一笔双花交易(一笔钱花了两次)。










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