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2、兑现16年前加入WTO时的承诺,开放对银行、证券、保险等金融业外商投资,以及在法律服务、文化产品进口等方面的对外开放,取消对进口农产品进行限制的不合理政策。这个在中美两国去年达成的百日计划清单,以及后来特朗普访华时,中国已经做出了重大让步。但美国人很快发现原来中国人的这些承诺尽是忽悠。举例说,中国承诺开放进口美国牛肉,但规定只能通过中国两家国企统一组织进口,进来的美国牛肉,在美国市场上本来折合人民币几十元一斤的牛肉,到中国市场上却变成了300元一斤,以至中国普通百姓无人问津;说是签署了2500亿美元的大订单,实际上除了少量常规进口,大部分都是不落实的意向协议。结果,2017年中美贸易逆差不仅没有减少,反而增加了100多亿美元。针对中国政府和中国企业的这套忽悠术,我就专门写了一篇文章《中美2500亿美元大单 难敌马云百万就业岗位》来分析,并提醒这套办法用来对付企业家出身的特朗普,很可能导致难以想像的恶劣后果,现在不幸而言中。







一个数独引发的惨案:零知识证明(Zero-Knowledge Proof)


一个数独引发的惨案:零知识证明(Zero-Knowledge Proof)

Xiaoyao QianXiaoyao Qian

这篇文章大部分译自:medium.com/qed-it/the-i 原文的作者是著名的Ghost和Spectre 这两个协议的创始团队的领队Aviv Zohar。原文作者说他的这篇原文又是引用了以下这两篇学术论文:

  1. How to Explain Zero Knowledge Protocols to Your Children (Quisquater et. al.)
  2. Cryptographic and Physical Zero-Knowledge Proof Systems for Solutions of Sudoku Puzzles (Gradwohl et. al.).













小明对小红说:“小红,你不能偷看这些面朝下的卡片。“,明显能看出小红很失望,她以为能看到完整的一个解。“但是我能让你检验这些解:你可以随意选择按照行(row),或者按照列(column),或者按照3×3的九宫格(box) 来检验我的解。你挑一种吧~”



“好了,你可以打开这些布袋了。“小明对小红说,“每个布袋里应该都有正好9张,没有重复数字的,分别是数字1-9的卡片。” 小红打开每个布袋一看,还果真是这样。










一天,小明来到小红家准备直播一个非常难的数独,可是他发现他把解出的题解落在自己家了。时间紧迫,要重新算一遍指定赶不上开播时间会被斗鱼老板骂。但是他和小红还是决定开播。开播前小明和小红说:“咱俩假装弄一弄零知识证明,我告诉你一会儿我会怎么选试验方式。你只要确保每次我选的那种试验方式(每行,或每列,或每个九宫格)里的数字不要重复就行了。” 小红同意了。


神奇的机器和非交互式证明 (Non-interactive Proofs)

小刚很不爽。一来他很享受之前和小明和小红一起玩数独,但是现在他觉得挂逼不值得信任。小刚想找另一种方法来保证直播中他俩不能再这样作假。几个不眠的夜晚过去之后,小刚告诉小明小红,他想到了一个好方法。小刚把自己关在屋里忙活了一整天,第二天早上他把小明小红叫来,给他们展示自己的新发明:零知识数独非交互式证明机(“The Zero-Knowledge Sudoku Non-Interactive Proof Machine” or zk-SNIPM)。


这台机器有一个控制面板,打开里面是一串旋钮,这些旋钮用来指示每次试验的选择(行,列, 九宫格)。




小明和小红很嫉妒小刚的这台机器,并且想也能用这台机器来验证小刚自己出的数独题。但是问题是,小刚是知道自己选了什么样的试验序列的,如果用同一台机器去验证小刚自己的数独题解,小刚就可以开挂。小明把大伙聚集起来提议让小刚把控制面板重新打开,然后大家一起来设置控制面板上的试验序列。小明把这个过程称为“可信任的初始设置仪式(trusted setup ceremony)”。

小明提议把这台机器放在一个漆黑的屋子里,把旋钮上的指示贴纸都撕去。他们三人分别进入这个屋子,小红还提议大家进房间时蒙上眼来保证随机性,并且带一顶锡纸做的金属帽子(小红还是怀疑小明多少会一点读心术,想通过锡纸帽子来屏蔽脑电波信号防止读心术(side-channel attack))。这样,最后这些旋钮所代表的试验序列他们三个人都没有办法知道。就算他们3人中有2人事先商量好自己会怎么选,他们也无法得知第三个人会怎么选,从而没有办法作假。这个仪式结束之后,他们一起把控制面板焊死。






这个故事里的zk-SNIPM也是半开玩笑地暗指了零知识证明现在最普遍的zk-SNARKs(Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge)算法。故事中的zk-SNIPM虽然存在漏洞,但是他还有改进的余地,比如用一台扫描仪把第一次卡片的组合就全扫描下来,然后一次性同时验证所有的试验序列。这样就很难通过试错的方式来破解机器。

小明和小红之间最开始那种互动式的证明方法暗指的是交互式零知识证明(interactive zero-knowledge proof)。交互式零知识证明需要验证方(小红)在证明方(小明)放好答案(commitment)后,不断的发送随机试验。如果验证和证明双方事先串通好,那么他们就可以在不知道真实答案的情况下开挂(simulate/forge a proof)。


主打匿名性的区块链加密货币ZCash里用到了零知识证明来保证交易双方和交易金额的匿名性。ZCash团队举行过2次故事中的那种仪式,第一次仪式他们甚至拍摄了一个纪录片,第二次仪式中一组人甚至不惜代价去切尔诺贝利核事故发生地取来了带有核辐射的废料,然后在高空中用利用核辐射来生成随机数。 有兴趣的各位可以去看看ZCash仪式的相关资料,非常有趣。





A Live Machine-Learning based Cryptocurrency Trader for the Poloniex Exchange

The goal of the project is to create an open sourced, machine learning based cryptocurrency portfolio optimizer including as many relevant variables as possible.

These will include:

  • Community Sentiment (such as forum and twitter sentiment analysis)
  • Analyst Opinions (notable twitter account/analyst feeds with a history of winning strategies – ex. “Haejin” a successful elliot wave trader with an established history)
  • Global Economic Indexes (DOW, Nikkei225, FOREX data, etc.)
  • Open/Close/High/Low/Volume
  • Live Orderbook Data (spread, bid, ask, order size)
  • Technical Indicators (MACD’s, MA’s, VWAPS, etc.)
  • Any Other Variable of interest found to be important (Please feel free to brainstorm and send suggestions)

Boruta Analysis (variation of Random forest) will be used to reduce these input variables by removing “unimportant” features.

Using this input dataset, a machine learning Binary Classifier will be created to assign trading pairs on Poloniex a confidence score from 0 to 1. This value will represent the confidence that the trading pair will increase over a certain timeframe. Multiple machines may be constructed to score for a 5 minute window, 10 minute, 15 minute, 30 minute, 1 hour, etc.

Using these scores, a Q-Learning Bot (“reinforcement learning”) will be created that will optimize a trading strategy based on the binary classifier scores. The machine will read the amount of capital in the users Poloniex Account, and automatically place trades to optimize the portfolios holdings. These strategies will use stop losses and sell limits. Because it is q learning based, the machine will receive, and use live data to make decisions in a live auto-updating context with a reward that optimizes profit. This will allow the machine to continue to train and optimize itself over time while feeding in live data and placing trades.

Ultimately, the program will have the ability to be run 24 hours a day while optimizing a portfolio using live data, while taking into account fees in order to identify and take advantage of all trading opportunities accross the entire cryptocurrency market on Poloniex. Because of the decimal based system of cryptocurrencies, in theory a portfolio of any size should be able to be used as long as the user has the minimum trade size on Poloniex.

Major Design Features Purpose
Identified Variables Related to Price Action
Data Scraper Live Variables to Array
Binary Classifers Score Trading Pairs Live
Q-Learning Bot Optimize Trade Strategy
Poloniex API Link Allow Bot to Make Trades

If you would like to donate to the project, please do so at the following Bitcoin/Litecoin/Ethereum addresses. All donations appreciated 🙂



Machine Learning Top 10 Articles for the Past Month (v.Mar 2018)


Machine Learning Top 10 Articles for the Past Month (v.Mar 2018)

For the past month, we ranked nearly 1,400 Machine Learning articles to pick the Top 10 stories that can help advance your career (0.7% chance).

  • Topics in this list: Tensor Comprehensions, Deepfakes, Neural Network, Deep reinforcement learning, Audio, DMLab-30, MR images, Lyric Analysis, IRL
  • “Watch” Machine Learning Monthly Top 10 on Github and get email once a month.

As an article ranking service for professionals, we take quality very seriously and make sure each article you read is great. Mybridge AI considers the total number of shares, minutes read, and uses our machine learning algorithm to rank articles. This is a competitive list and you’ll find the experience and techniques shared by the Machine Learning leaders useful.

Course of the month:

A) Beginners: Machine Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science[34,991 recommends, 4.5/5 stars]

B) Beginners: Data Science, Deep Learning, & Machine Learning with Python. [7,610 recommends, 4.5/5 stars]

Rank 1

Announcing Tensor Comprehensions. Courtesy of Facebook Research

Rank 2

Family fun with deepfakes. Or how I got my wife onto the Tonight Show. Courtesy of Sven Charleer

Rank 3

How I Shipped a Neural Network on iOS with CoreML, PyTorch, and React Native — Stefano J. Attardi. Courtesy of Stefano J. Attardi

Rank 4

Deep Reinforcement Learning Doesn’t Work Yet. Courtesy of Alexirpan

Rank 5

How you can train an AI to convert your design mockups into HTML and CSS. Courtesy of Emil Wallner

Rank 6

Synthesizing Audio with Generative Adversarial Networks. Courtesy of Chris Donahue

Rank 7

IMPALA: Scalable Distributed DeepRL in DMLab-30. Courtesy of DeepMind

Rank 8

It’s a no-brainer! Deep learning for brain MR images. Courtesy of Henrik Marklund

Rank 9

R NLP & Machine Learning: Lyric Analysis. Courtesy of Debbie Liske

Rank 10

Inverse Reinforcement Learning pt. I. Courtesy of Johannes Heidecke

That’s it for Machine Learning Monthly Top 10. If you like this curation, read best daily articles based on your programming skills on our website.

Node.js Top 10 Open Source for the Past Month (v.Feb 2018)


Node.js Top 10 Open Source for the Past Month (v.Feb 2018)

This is a new monthly series

For the past month, we ranked nearly 250 Node.js Open Source Projects to pick the Top 10.

We compared projects with new or major release during this period. Mybridge AI ranks projects based on a variety of factors to measure its quality for professionals.

  • Average number of Github stars in this edition: 6,870 ⭐
  • “Watch” Node.js Top 10 Open Source on Github and get email once a month.
  • Topics: ORM, Performance, Bot, Headless Chrome, Scratchpad, CLI, Dashboard, async, Web Screenshots, Console

Open source projects can be useful for programmers. Hope you find an interesting project that inspires you.

Rank 1

Objection.JS: An SQL-friendly Object-relational mapping for Node.js [2319 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Vincit

Rank 2

Node-clinic: Clinic diagnoses your Node.js performance issues [958 stars on Github]. Courtesy of nearForm

Rank 3

Auto-like-my-gf-insta-pic: Bot to automatically like your friend’s Instagram post and notify you on Slack [428 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Gulzar Ahmed

Rank 4

Puppeteer: Headless Chrome Node API [v.1.0] [26965 stars on Github]. Courtesy of GoogleChrome

Rank 5

Scratches: A scratchpad. Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop, but with a nicer editor. [965 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Paolo Fragomeni

Rank 6

Snyk: CLI and build-time tool to find & fix known vulnerabilities in open-source dependencies [969 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Snyk

Rank 7

Nodejs-dashboard: Telemetry dashboard for node.js apps from the terminal [3295 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Formidable

Rank 8

Greenlet: Move an async function into its own thread. [3058 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Jason Miller

Rank 9

Webshot-factory: Web Screenshots at scale based on headless chrome [217 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Ashish Shubham

Rank 10

Janeway: A curses-based console for node.js [184 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Jelle De Loecker

That’s it for Node.js Monthly Open Source. If you like this curation, read best daily articles based on your programming skills on our website.




If you want to be part of the AI revolution, then you need to learn Deep Learning. Check out these 12 best Deep Learning books to get started!
I’m sure you’ll agree that Artificial Intelligence, in particular Deep Learning, has made huge strides in the last 5 years or so.

But what began as a relatively niche field with just a handful of researchers, has now become so mainstream that the apps and services that we use everyday now use Deep Learning to perform tasks that were unthinkable not that long ago.

But Deep Learning isn’t new. It’s been around since the 1940s when Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts created a computational model for neural networks based on mathematics and algorithms.

However “Deep Learning” only began to gain in popularity in the mid-2000s when Geoffrey Hinton and Ruslan Salakhutdinov released a paper showed how a multi-layered neural network could be pre-trained one layer at a time.

In 2009 it was discovered that with large enough datasets, you didn’t actually need the pre-training and that error rates could drop significantly as a result.

Fast forward to 2012 and Google’s Deep Learning system achieved a human-level ability to discover cats.

In 2017 Google’s DeepMind built an algorithm called AlphaGo which can teach itself to master games like chess, Go, Shogi and other games without human intervention.

But this is just the start.  Deep Learning is going to continually improve as datasets become larger and processors get fast enough to be able to train on even more vast amounts of data.

So, if you want to be part of this revolution, there’s no better time to start learning about Deep Learning than at the present moment.

With GPUs and big data sets readily available, there’s a huge opportunity to learn Deep Learning. And doing so will enable you to train machines to perform some incredible tasks such as facial recognitioncancer detection and even stock market prediction.

That’s where these books come in handy as they will allow you to learn Deep Learning from scratch.

Each of the books in this roundup have their own merits and each of them are excellent in their own right.

However, I have ranked them starting from which I think is the best and the order in which I would recommend buying.

So without further ado, here are the 12 best Deep Learning books on the interwebs at the moment.  Enjoy.

Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow

First up, and the best one in this roundup in my opinion, is a book that takes a “hands-on” approach to Deep Learning using the popular machine learning library Scikit-Learn and Google’s TensorFlow.

Like many “Deep Learning” books, and especially the next book in this roundup, it is packed full of equations but it’s much less of a reference book and more readable than one too.

The author tries to explain complex topics in a way that almost anybody can understand, which is a big plus in my oppinion.

What I like about Hands-On Machine Learning is that it takes you through a machine learning project from beginning to end. So you can see what it’s like to work with real data, how to visualize the data to gain insights and importantly, how to prep the data for machine learning algorithms.

Later on in the book, you’ll look at the famous MNIST classifier, how models are trained and some basic machine learning classifiers such as SVMs, Decision Trees, Random Forests etc.

All this is written to prepare you for the second part of the book which deals with Tensorflow (including installation) and a look at basic neural networks and deep neural networks.

I think the way this book is structured is excellent and introduces topics in the correct order. Despite the fact that there are lots of equations in this book, the ideas and concrete examples in the book are explained very well.

Deep Learning

OK, so next up is Deep Learning. Probably the most comprehensive and complete book in this roundup.

The book has been written by three experts in the field, Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville.

Also this book is the only book in this roundup to have an endorsement by the entrepreneur Elon Musk.

This bool is considered by many to be the bible of Deep Learning and rightly so – it brings together years and years worth of learning and dedicated research in one single book.

This book is not for the faint hearted though and may be better used for bedtime reading, because it is crammed full of equations and written in a typical textbook fashion – so it’s not written in the most interesting style.

It does however start from the beginning so to speak and introduces basic mathematics such as Linear Algebra, Probability Theory before moving onto Machine Learning Basics and finally Deep Networks and Deep Learning.

So, if you’re an aspiring student looking to master the subject and get into Deep Learning research or even if you want to teach it, then this book will definitely benefit you. It’s probably the most comprehensive book on the subject at the moment.

Deep Learning for the Layman

I’ve included this book because, as the title suggests, it is written for a general audience.

Deep Learning for the layman starts off with an introduction to Deep Learning, specifically, what it is and why it’s needed.

The next part of the book explains the differences between supervised learning, unsupervised learning and reinforcement learning and also introduces topics such as classification and clustering.

Later on in the book, Artificial Neural Networks are discussed including how they are constructed and the parts that make up each layer in the network.

Finally Deep Learning is discussed including Convolutional Neural Networks which form part of many computer vision algorithms that are in use today.

I see this book really as an introduction to Deep Learning and to get an idea of the concepts involved. Practically though, I’m not sure this book will be of benefit, but if you want a plain English guide which at the same time cuts through the hype, then this book could be for you.

Make Your Own Neural Network

This is not strictly a ‘Deep Learning’ book but this book will take you on a journey to fully understanding neural networks and how they work, which should aid your understanding of deep neural networks.

In this book, you’ll be guided through the mathematics of neural networks and will enable a complete beginner to fully understand how neural networks work.

Not only are you guided through how they work, you’ll actually implement two examples of neural networks in Python which will help cement your understanding of the subject.

The book starts off with a high level overview of machine learning and then drills down further into the the specifics of a neural network.

The maths involved doesn’t go much beyond secondary school level but does include a slight introduction to calculus which is explained in a way that is accessible to as many people as possible.

There are two parts to make your own neural network, the first part is all about the ideas and the theory whilst the second part is more practical.

In the second part, you’ll learn the Python programming language and gradually build up your own neural network that is capable of recognising hand-written numbers.

As a bonus, you’ll also learn how to get your neural network running on a Raspberry Pi!

This is a fantastic book for those looking to learn the nitty gritty of basic neural networks and could be a great prerequisite to one of the other books on Deep Learning in this roundup.

Deep Learning for Beginners

Deep learning for beginners doesn’t focus so much on the mathematics of Deep Learning, but uses graphs to help you understand the basic concepts and algorithms of Deep Learning.

This book takes a different approach than many other books by providing simple examples of how Deep Learning algorithms work and then builds on those examples step-by-step and gradually introducing more complex parts of the algorithms.

The target audience for this book is quite varied, ranging from newbies in computer science, through to data science professionals and tutors looking to explain the subject to students in the simplest possible way.

In terms of the book structure, you’ll first learn the basics of artificial neural networks and learn the differences between machine learning and Deep Learning.

Following on from this you’ll learn all about the Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) before progressing onto Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and other Deep Learning algorithms.

This is a great beginners book that explains the concepts well, but if you’re looking for something that is more practical, then you should probably look to the other books in this roundup.

Neural Networks and Deep Learning: Deep Learning explained to your granny

A book that explains things so simply that your granny can understand deserves a place on any list in my opinion!

Neural Networks and Deep Learning takes you on a step-by-step journey through the basics of neural networks and Deep Learning and is a great book for those that want to understand the topic but don’t necessarily want to get into all the maths behind it.

So, after a brief introduction to machine learning, you’ll learn about supervised and unsupervised learning and then delve into things like neurons, activation functions and different types of network architectures.

Finally you’ll learn how Deep Learning actually works, what the main types of deep neural networks are (including convolutional neural networks), how to give neural networks memory and it also discusses the various frameworks and libraries that are available.

Fundamentals of Deep Learning: Designing Next-Generation Machine Intelligence Algorithms

This book by Nikhil Buduma and contributions from Nicholas Locascio is designed to get you started with Deep Learning but is aimed at those that are familiar with Python and have a background in calculus.

Despite this, Fundamentals of Deep Learning does cover the foundations of machine learning and neural networks and teaches you how to train feed-forward neural networks.

One of the highlights of this book in my opinion is that it makes heavy use of Tensorflow, which is Google’s API for building neural networks. In fact there’s a whole chapter dedicated to it, which is a massive plus point in my opinion.

In terms of the rest of the book, it goes into some quite advanced features such as the problems with gradient descent, convolutional filters, deep reinforcement learning and more.

However, the book does have some excellent diagrams, the maths is kept to a minimum and there are some excellent explanations in here.

Learning TensorFlow: A Guide to Building Deep Learning Systems

Next up is a book that focuses entirely on Tensorflow – an end-to-end guide if you will.

The book provides a practical hands-on approach to Tensorflow and is written for a broad technical audience ranging from data scientists through to engineers, students and reserarchers.

The book starts out slowly by providing some basic examples in Tensorflow but then moves onto more in-depth topics such as neural network architectures like convolutional neural networks, how to work with text and sequences, TensorBoard visualization, TensorFlow abstraction libraries, and multi-threaded input pipelines.

The ultimate goal of Learning TensorFlow is to teach you how to build and deploy production-ready Deep Learning systems in Tensorflow by saving and exporting your models and how to use the Tensorflow Serving API.

Deep Learning with Python

Deep learning with python as the title suggests introduces Deep Learning using the Python programming language and the open-source Keras library which allows for easy and fast prototyping.

The great thing about this book is that the author is very engaging which makes the book very readable. As such some of the more challenging aspects of AI and Deep Learning are laid out simply which makes it easy to understand.

The book also avoids mathematical notations and instead focuses on explaining concepts via code snippets (of which there are over 30 of them).

Inside deep learning with python you’ll learn about Deep Learning from the very beginning, you learn all about image classification models, how to use Deep Learning for text and sequences and you’ll even learn how to use neural networks to generate text and images.

The book is written for those that have intermediate Python skills but you don’t have to have any previous experience in machine learning, Tensorflow or Keras.

Oh and you don’t need an advanced maths background either, just basic high school level maths should allow you to follow along and understand the core ideas.

Deep Learning: A Practitioner’s Approach

Number ten on my list is Deep Learning: A Practitioner’s Approach.

Unlike the other books in this roundup, this book focuses on Deep Learning For Java (DL4J) which is a Java framework/library for training and implementing deep neural networks.

Now most AI research is carried out in Python because it’s generally quicker to do rapid prototyping, but as more organizations (many of which use Java) embrace AI, we’re probably going to see more AI algorithms shift to Java like DL4J.

The book is first and foremost a beginners book on Deep Learning, but if you already have experience in Java or Deep Learning, then you can head straight over to look at the examples.

If you have no experience in Deep Learning, but strong Java experience, then you should read it from cover to cover.

If you don’t know Java at all, then I highly recommend reading one of these Java beginners books.

By reading this book you will learn about machine learning concepts in general, with a particular focus on Deep Learning.

You’ll learn how deep neural networks have evolved from basic neural networks and you’ll also look at some deep network architectures such as Convolutional and Recurrent neural networks.

If you’re familiar with Hadoop and Spark, then you’ll be able to learn how you can use these technologies natively with DL4J.

Pro Deep Learning with TensorFlow

This book will teach you Tensorflow in a hands-on, practical manner enabling you to learn Deep Learning from scratch, get up to speed quickly with the Tensorflow API and learn how to optimize the various Deep Learning network architectures.

Pro Deep Learning will help you develop the mathematical knowledge and the intuition required to tweak existing neural network architectures or even invent completely new architectures that could challenge the state-of-the-art.

All the code in this book is available in the form of iPython notebooks, and having used Tensorflow in the past, I found it very useful to use the iPython notebooks during development.

The book is aimed at Data scientists and machine learning professionals, software developers, graduate students, and open source enthusiasts and will give you the mathematical foundation and the machine learning principles to enable you to carry out research and also deploy Deep Learning solutions into production.

TensorFlow for Deep Learning

At the time of writing, TensorFlow for Deep Learning has not yet been released but is available for pre-order.

The book will teach you the concepts of Deep Learning through practical examples from the ground up and is designed for developers experienced in building software systems but with no experience of Deep Learning architectures.

So this book will show you how to design systems that can perform object detection, translate human speech, analyze video and even predict the properities of potential medicines!

You’ll gain in-depth knowledge of the Tensorflow API, how to train neural networks on large datasets and how to use TensorFlow with convolutional networks, recurrent networks, LSTMs, and reinforcement learning.

The book does assume some background in basic linear algebra and calculus, but this is a practical book designed to teach you how to create systems that can learn.

Wrapping up

So that’s it guys, the best Deep Learning books out there at the moment.

Artificial Intelligence, particularly Deep Learning, has been very effective and extraordinary things have been already been achieved with this technology. However, it is still in its infancy and many organizations have yet to embrace it.

But this provides opportunity, and an opportunity for those that are willing to learn the subject.

Deep Learning has the power to transform many industries and there’s many ideas for startups that haven’t been dreamt up yet. I feel we’re just at the beginning of a revolution.

As a Java developer, I have had some experience of Deep Learning, but I know many of my colleagues have yet to learn the subject.

So why not take this opportunity to stand out from the crowd and learn all you can about Deep Learning and maybe you could bring the next big AI startup to Silicon Valley?

Even if you don’t create a startup, it’s a fantastic addition to any Resume.





我们使用Github自带的搜索工具, 在搜索框内输入下面的内容:

bitcoin stars:>100 forks:>50




bitcoin OR wallet stars:>100 forks:>50 in:file extension:md


















bitcoin language:JavaScript



1. bitpay/bitcore 1656颗星,429个分支

源码网址: https://github.com/bitpay/bitcore


2. startup-class/bitstarter-leaderboard 295颗星,386个分支



3. bitcoinjs/bitcoinjs-lib 980颗星,305个分支



4. askmike/gekko 866颗星,300个分支



5. bitpay/insight-ui 354颗星,267个分支



6. kyledrake/coinpunk 733颗星,249个分支


7. bitpay/insight-api(略)

8. cjb/GitTorrent 3065颗星,133个分支



9. bitcoinjs/bitcoinjs-server



10. untitled-dice/untitled-dice.github.io 26颗星,114个分支

源码网址:https://github.com/untitled-dice/untitled-dice.github.io   第十位,一个基于比特币的赌博网站源码。有意思的是,用户评价26颗星,很低,说明人们的价值观还是不喜欢赌博的。但是拷贝的分支却很多,对于开发者来说,这也算是比特币的一个落地应用。




  • 在整个开源社区,Node.js当之无愧是最流行的开发平台之一;
  • 在钱包、交易市场等客户端应用领域,Node.js的应用较为广泛;
  • 在加密货币核心代码开发上,Node.js的应用较少,远不如pythonjava,c/c++等开发语言的使用。







项目源码: https://github.com/imfly/sacdl-project


本文源地址: https://github.com/imfly/bitcoin-on-nodejs

电子书阅读: http://bitcoin-on-nodejs.ebookchain.org/





《Node.js 调试指南》是本人整理的从事 Node.js 开发这几年的一些调试经验和思路,希望授人以鱼也能授人以渔。


  • MacOS|Linux(Ubuntu@16.04 64位)
  • Node.js@8.9.4


由全面接触转向全面围堵 中美关系将何去何从


由全面接触转向全面围堵 中美关系将何去何从

(2018-03-06 11:44:43)



由全面接触转向全面围堵 中美关系将何去何从









这个问题非常重要,因此我必须重复前天在《中美贸易战一触即发 看吓尿的特朗普如何疯言疯语》一文中提到的一些基本观点和基本事实。
















Start with Solidity


Start with Solidity

Ethereum and Solidity环境配置


由于Remix版本的更新,Metamask的更新已经Ethereum rinkeby network对Github账号申请eth的限制,我发现原来的配置教程其实并不太适用于当前的版本了,所以在这里我简单的介绍一下开发的一些基本配置。在接下来的配置内容中,我借鉴了许多来自IC3 Ethereum/Cornell Bootcamp的内容,主要对其中Github部分的内容做了更新。


Introduction of Things:


Ethereum is an open-source, public, blockchain-based distributed computing platform featuring smart contract (scripting) functionality.


MetaMask is a bridge between Google Chrome and the Ethereum blockchain. It allows you to run Ethereum Dapps in your browser without running a full Ethereum node. MetaMask includes a secure identity vault, providing a user interface to manage your identities on different sites and sign blockchain transactions.


Solidity is a programming language used to code smart contracts that are compatible with Ethereum. The documentation for Solidity is located here. We will be using Remix when developing our smart contracts. Remix is an online development environment that allows you to code, deploy, and test smart contracts on the public Ethereum networks and test Ethereum networks.


Rinkeby is a public Ethereum test network that is used to deploy and test smart contracts for free. In order to receive Rinkeby ether coins, you will need to visit https://www.rinkeby.io/ once you have your Metamask client installed.

Start with Ethereum and Solidity:

a. Setting up Metamask

  1. Install the Metamask Chrome plugin.
  2. Open Metamask (there should be an orange fox icon in your browser toolbar).
  3. Click through the license agreements.
  4. Create a new “den” which will house your Ethereum account.
  6. Click the network selection button on the top left part of the Metmask app. It should say “Ethereum Mainnet” or “Ropsten”. Change that to Rinkeby.
  7. Copy your Ethereum account address by clicking the “Copy” icon above the “Buy” and “Send” buttons. Mouse over the icons to reveal their label.

b. Get Rinkeby Testnet Ether

  1. Login into your Twitter account.
  2. Paste your Ethereum address you copied in step a.7 into the “What’s happening?” content boxs to make a new tweet. The Ethereum address should be a jumble of letters and numbers like this: 0x9bcd107A7De7C3cee1be15dFa06B5586672912e9
  3. Click “Tweet” to gennerate a new Tweet.
  4. Copy the URL of the Tweet. Click the button in the upper right of your tweet and select the option of “Copy link to Tweet”. The link should be similar to this:https://twitter.com/316980786Kong/status/946989538890588161
  5. Visit the Rinkeby website and click “Crypto Faucet”.
  6. Paste your Tweet URL in the box provided and click “Give me Ether – 3 ethers/8 hours”.
  7. A box should pop up with with your Twitter icon indicating that your request for testnet ether is being processed.
  8. Wait 10 seconds.
  9. Look at your Metamask client and verify that you received 3 Rinkeby testnet ether.

c. Writing your first smart contract.

  1. Go to the Learning Solidity Part 2: Commit-Reveal Voting.
  2. Walk through the blog and write your first smart contract.




达达 • 刚刚 • 职场漫谈











当时我对technical screen电话面试没有任何概念,所以也就不知道该如何为这种面试做准备。我参加这些面试之前想当然地认为面试官可能会问我链表或者二叉树是什么这类面试问题。

























我花了大约一个星期的时间在LeetCode、HackerRank和Project Euler中做了一些简单的测试挑战,以便熟悉它们的接口,并让自己开始习惯用Python编写代码。

















我会将20%的时间用于调查研究。这里说的调查研究是指对我感兴趣的公司进行尽职调查,并寻求内部推荐的机会。通过内部推荐的方式能够大大提高求职信的回复率。根据我自己的实际经验,我向20多家创业公司和中等规模的公司发送了求职cold message,只有少数几家公司回复了。但是如果得到对方公司内部员工推荐的话,那么对方公司几乎都会在一周时间内内给我回复信息。

我并不善于交际,我认识的能将引荐给我感兴趣的公司的人其实并不多。为了解决这个问题,我会经常使用LinkedIn。LinkedIn里有一个搜索功能,我经常用它来搜索1 度联系人和2度联系人。所谓1度联系人,就是通过接受邀请直接建立联系的会员。你可以查看他们的个人档案和人脉信息,不受限制地向对方发送站内信,还可以在你的个人首页看到对方在领英的动态消息。所谓2度联系人,就是已经与你的1 度联系人建立联系的会员。通俗理解就是你好友的好友,一般是没有建立直接联系,但和你可能有交点的人群。免费账户可以看到2度人脉的个人档案,可以看到和对方的共同联系人,但不可以直接发站内信。





  • Facebook/Google:很机械化。标准的面试流程,我和这些公司无法建立任何情感连接。
  • Pinterest:在这家公司的面试体验并不是最好的,但这家公司是一个很酷的公司,产品也是很酷的产品。
  • 微软:我非常喜欢我所面试的团队,尤其是团队经理。标准的面试问题,但是非常个性化。是我的第二选择,当然这个因人而异,微软每个团队的面试风格是各不相同的。
  • Amazon:标准的面试流程。大概有50%的人会喜欢这种面试风格,也有大概50%不喜欢这种面试风格。
  • Twitter:面试流程非常有趣和个性化。我个人非常喜欢它的面试流程,非常重视个人和我过去做过的事情。
  • Snapchat:在洛杉矶有非常酷的办公室,有很多人都决定在创业的大潮中加入其中。
  • Lyft:离我住的地方不远,办公室很不过,标准的面试流程,我对这家公司没有太强烈的感觉。



































  • 书籍《Elements of Programming Interviews: The Insiders’ Guide》 :对解决那些非常难的编程问题非常有帮助。
  • 书籍《Cracking the Coding Interview: 189 Programming Questions and Solutions》:很好地覆盖了基本的CS知识。
  • OneNote:我使用这款工具来存储所有的代码片段。
  • Evernote:我使用这款工具来记录存储其它所有东西。
  • CodeRunner:我非常喜欢这款Mac应用,我曾多次使用它来运行特定的Python脚本和函数,而且效果非常好。
  • Jobscan:我听说过很多关于它的很酷的事情,建议你试试它的简历筛选工具。
  • Refdash:由一群前Google员工运营的产品。用这款产品来模拟面试的效果非常赞。我在Refdash上碰到的面试官曾在Google工作过,他为我指出了很多我应该关注的地方,以及Google面试的主要评分依据。我强烈建议你尝试一下。
  • CodePath:一个帮助人们进入科技行业工作做准备的非盈利组织。公司的两位负责人Tim和Nathan都是很棒的人,我从他们那里学到了很多。这个社区非常有帮助,每个人都愿意伸出援手。






#echo -n “http://vi.zenithnet.org/ETH.txt” > /home/ethos/remote.conf && putconf && r

#disallow && minestop && sleep 1 && ethos-update && sleep 5 && allow && r
#echo ‘-allpools 1’ >> /home/ethos/claymore.stub.conf
#echo ‘-esm 3’ >> /home/ethos/claymore.stub.conf

custompanel virosa420137

#autoreboot false

#globalbranch development
#branch eb19aa development

## Claymore ETH NH
#claymore=proxypool1 daggerhashimoto.usa.nicehash.com:3353
#claymore=proxypool2 daggerhashimoto.eu.nicehash.com:3353
#claymore=proxywallet 15qpQXHz9mVcJmnzd5YEsxKz9JkdNQSLJQ
#claymore=poolpass1 x
#claymore=poolpass2 x
#stratumproxy nicehash

## Claymore ETC NANO
#claymore=proxypool1 etc-us-east1.nanopool.org:19999
#claymore=proxypool2 etc-us-west1.nanopool.org:19999
#claymore=proxywallet 0x5844e06306ccaeefbe3a832d540e3bab64a0083b
#claymore=poolpass1 x
#claymore=poolpass2 x

## Claymore ETH NANO
claymore=proxypool1 eth-us-east1.nanopool.org:9999
claymore=proxypool2 eth-us-west1.nanopool.org:9999
claymore=proxywallet 0x5a9fc9284b91a22780d796ff385cde69666c5d85
claymore=poolpass1 x
claymore=poolpass2 x

## ethminer ETH NANO
#ethminer=proxypool1 eth-us-east1.nanopool.org:9999
#ethminer=proxypool2 eth-us-west1.nanopool.org:9999
#ethminer=proxywallet 0x5a9fc9284b91a22780d796ff385cde69666c5d85
#ethminer=poolpass1 x
#ethminer=poolpass2 x
#stratumproxy miner

## sgminer-gm ETC NANO
#sgminer-gm=proxypool1 etc-us-east1.nanopool.org:19999
#sgminer-gm=proxypool2 etc-us-west1.nanopool.org:19999
#sgminer-gm=proxywallet 0x5844e06306ccaeefbe3a832d540e3bab64a0083b
#sgminer-gm=poolpass1 x
#sgminer-gm=poolpass2 x

## sgminer-gm ETH NANO
sgminer-gm=proxypool1 eth-us-east1.nanopool.org:9999
sgminer-gm=proxypool2 eth-us-west1.nanopool.org:9999
sgminer-gm=proxywallet 0x5a9fc9284b91a22780d796ff385cde69666c5d85
sgminer-gm=poolpass1 x
sgminer-gm=poolpass2 x

globalfan 70
maxgputemp 92

#101 280x x5@ 180W/ea + 280 x1@ 160W // GPU1 UV seem, prone to crashing under heat
cor 194107 1025 1000 1020 1045 1050 1000
mem 194107 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1250
#fan 194107 0 90 0 0 0 0
pwr 194107 20 20 20 20 20 20
loc 194107 101
miner 194107 claymore

cor 193fae 1125 1140 1000 1000 1000 1000
mem 193fae 1625 1625 1250 1250 1250 1250
#fan 193fae 78 78 78 78 87 95
loc 193fae 102
miner 193fae claymore

cor 874af0 1180 1180 1180 1180 1180 1180
mem 874af0 2150 2140 2170 2170 2180 2180
fan 874af0 50 50 50 50 50 50
pwr 874af0 7 7 7 7 7 7
driver 874af0 amdgpu
miner 874af0 claymore
loc 874af0 104

cor eb19aa 900
mem eb19aa 1500
#fan eb19aa 40
pwr eb19aa 4
loc eb19aa 110
#driver eb19aa amdgpu
miner eb19aa claymore

cor 1946a2 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150
mem 1946a2 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600
#fan 1946a2 80 80 80 80 80 80
loc 1946a2 201
driver 1946a2 fglrx
miner 1946a2 ethminer

#202 760W on 750G2
cor fb200f 1100 1125 1110 1100 1135 1125
mem fb200f 1625 1600 1550 1500 1600 1600
#fan fb200f 80 80 80 80 80 80
#mxt fb200f 54 54 54 54 55 55
loc fb200f 202
miner fb200f claymore

cor 302e95 1180 1140 1180
mem 302e95 2180 2090 2190
pwr 302e95 7 7 7
#fan 302e95 75 75 75
loc 302e95 203
miner 302e95 sgminer-gm

#204 480 RIG
cor e3c61b 1180 1180 1180 1180 1180 1180
mem e3c61b 2180 2180 2180 2180 2180 2180
pwr e3c61b 7 7 7 7 7 7
#fan e3c61b 80 80 80 80 80 80
#sel e3c61b 0 2 3 4 5
loc e3c61b 204
driver e3c61b amdgpu
miner e3c61b claymore

#205 480 RIG
cor 36eb44 1180 1180 1180 1180 1180 1180
mem 36eb44 2175 2170 2190 2170 2190 2190
pwr 36eb44 7 7 7 7 7 7
#fan 36eb44 80 80 80 80 80 80
loc 36eb44 205
driver 36eb44 amdgpu
miner 36eb44 claymore

cor 98b98b 1180 1165 1180 1180 1180 1180
mem 98b98b 2140 2140 2180 2180 2180 2180
pwr 98b98b 7 7 7 7 7 7
#fan 98b98b 79 79 79 79 79 79
loc 98b98b 206
miner 98b98b claymore

#207 380x/380
cor 9de955 890 890 890 890 890 890
mem 9de955 1575 1575 1575 1575 1575 1575
#fan 9de955 80 80 80 80 80 80
loc 9de955 207
#driver 9de955 fglrx
miner 9de955 claymore

#cor 0ce6ca 1125 1000 1000 1125 1000 850
#mem 0ce6ca 1600 1500 1250 1650 1500 1500
fan 0ce6ca 70 70 50 50 70 70
sel 0ce6ca 0 1 2 3
loc 0ce6ca 208
miner 0ce6ca claymore

#209 125.6~ before 1140 OC 290
cor fb20c3 1100 1100 1100
mem fb20c3 1250 1500 1500
fan fb20c3 75 75 65 65 75 75
pwr fb20c3 20 50 50 50
loc fb20c3 209
miner fb20c3 claymore

cor 047b3b 1180 1180 1180 1140 1180 1180
mem 047b3b 2150 2180 2150 2090 2170 2180
pwr 047b3b 7 7 7 7 7 7
loc 047b3b 210
miner 047b3b sgminer-gm

cor 9dd995 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150
mem 9dd995 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100
pwr 9dd995 7 7 7 7 7 7
loc 9dd995 211
miner 9dd995 claymore


#echo -n “https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Virosa/EthOS/master/zec.txt” > /home/ethos/remote.conf && r
#disallow && minestop && sleep 1 && ethos-update && sleep 5 && allow && r

custompanel virosa420137

autoreboot 2

#globalbranch development
#branch eb19aa development

#stratumproxy nicehash
#proxywallet 15qpQXHz9mVcJmnzd5YEsxKz9JkdNQSLJQ
#proxypool1 equihash.usa.nicehash.com:3357
#proxypool2 equihash.eu.nicehash.com:3357

proxywallet t1e2Ev2vnRWGFgXc8362g2ijpoaLdpUDPjz
proxypool1 us1-zcash.flypool.org:3333
proxypool2 eu1-zcash.flypool.org:3333

#globalminer optiminer-zcash

## Claymore ETH NH
#claymore=proxypool1 stratum+tcp://daggerhashimoto.usa.nicehash.com:3353
#claymore=proxypool2 stratum+tcp://daggerhashimoto.eu.nicehash.com:3353
#claymore=proxywallet 15qpQXHz9mVcJmnzd5YEsxKz9JkdNQSLJQ
#claymore=poolpass1 x
#claymore=poolpass2 x


## Claymore ETH ethpool
claymore=proxypool1 us1.ethpool.org:3333
claymore=proxypool2 us2.ethpool.org:3333
claymore=proxywallet 0x5a9fc9284b91a22780d796ff385cde69666c5d85
claymore=poolpass1 x
claymore=poolpass2 x

globalfan 90
maxgputemp 89
flags –cl-local-work 256 –cl-global-work 8192 –farm-recheck 1000

#101 280x x5@ 180W/ea + 280 x1@ 160W // GPU1 UV seem, prone to crashing under heat
cor 194107 1025 1000 1020 1045 1050 975
mem 194107 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1250
fan 194107 80 85 92 80 80 80
pwr 194107 20 20 20 20 20 20
loc 194107 101
miner 194107 optiminer-zcash

cor 193fae 1000 1000 975 975 975 975
mem 193fae 1500 1500 1250 1250 1250 1250
fan 193fae 0 0 90 0 0 0
loc 193fae 102
miner 193fae optiminer-zcash

cor 047c5f 1100 1100 1100 1100
mem 047c5f 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500
#fan 047c5f 85 95 85 85 85 85
loc 047c5f 103
miner 047c5f optiminer-zcash

#104 480NT
cor 874af0 1170 1190 1190 1190 1180 1190
mem 874af0 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100
#fan 874af0 75 75 75 75 75 75
#flg 874af0 –cl-global-work 16384 –farm-recheck 1000
pwr 874af0 7 7 7 7 7 7
loc 874af0 104
driver 874af0 amdgpu
miner 874af0 optiminer-zcash

#cor eb19aa 1200
#mem eb19aa 2100
fan eb19aa 40
#pwr eb19aa 4
3flg eb19aa –cl-local-work 256 –cl-global-work 16384 –farm-recheck 1000
loc eb19aa 110
#driver eb19aa amdgpu
miner eb19aa optiminer-zcash

cor 1946a2 1110 1120 1075 1120 1120 1120
mem 1946a2 1550 1575 1525 1575 1575 1575
#fan 1946a2 80 80 80 80 80 80
loc 1946a2 201
driver 1946a2 fglrx
miner 1946a2 optiminer-zcash

#202 760W on 750G2
cor fb200f 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100
mem fb200f 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550
fan fb200f 0 0 0 0 0 80
loc fb200f 202
miner fb200f optiminer-zcash

cor 302e95 1075 1080 1055
mem 302e95 1250 1250 1250
#fan 302e95 60 60 60
pwr 302e95 50 50 50
loc 302e95 203
miner 302e95 optiminer-zcash

#204 480 RIG
cor 9dd995 1170 1190 1240 1240 1142 1200
mem 9dd995 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
pwr 9dd995 7 7 7 7 7 7
#fan 9dd995 80 80 80 80 80 80
flg 9dd995 –cl-global-work 16384 –farm-recheck 1000
#mxt 9dd995 46 48 47 48 49 56
loc 9dd995 204
driver 9dd995 amdgpu
miner 9dd995 optiminer-zcash

#205 480 RIG
cor 36eb44 1160 1190 1180 1180 1170 1190
mem 36eb44 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
pwr 36eb44 7 7 7 7 7 7
#fan 36eb44 60 60 60 60 80 80
loc 36eb44 205
driver 36eb44 amdgpu
miner 36eb44 optiminer-zcash

#206 480 RIG
cor 98b98b 1190 1180 1160 1160 1170 1190
mem 98b98b 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600
pwr 98b98b 7 7 7 7 7 7
#fan 98b98b 70 70 70 70 70 70
loc 98b98b 206
miner 98b98b optiminer-zcash
driver 98b98b amdgpu
#driverless 98b98b enabled

#207 380x/380
cor 9de955 880 880 880 880 880 880
mem 9de955 1575 1575 1575 1575 1575 1575
#fan 9de955 0 0 0 0 0 0
flg 9de955 –cl-local-work 256 –cl-global-work 8192 –farm-recheck 1000
loc 9de955 207
#driver 9de955 fglrx
miner 9de955 optiminer-zcash

cor 0ce6ca 0 0 1000 1000 0 900
mem 0ce6ca 1600 1500 1250 1250 1500 1500
#fan 0ce6ca 70 50 50 70 70 100
loc 0ce6ca 208
miner 0ce6ca optiminer-zcash

cor fb20c3 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
mem fb20c3 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1250
#fan fb20c3 55 45 0
#flg fb20c3 –cl-local-work 256 –cl-global-work 8192 –farm-recheck 1000
loc fb20c3 209
miner fb20c3 optiminer-zcash




01 现身








2017年底,一个名为IOST(Internet of Service Token)的区块链项目正在筹划ICO,募资数额巨大。在ICO之前的私募阶段,该团队宣传称其背后的投资方有真格基金、红杉中国和险峰长青等知名风投机构。阵容可谓豪华。随即有媒体发现,“IOST”项目团队与真格基金投资的“多拉打印”团队在人员上高度重合,质疑项目是”多拉打印”的融资马甲,猜测IOST只是一个“空气币”(即背后没有真正运营的项目支撑,单纯以发行加密货币为目的吸引人们认购)项目。


“IOST”是由火币网旗下Huobi Labs孵化的项目。火币网是其主要投资方,也是联合首发的交易所,而杜均是火币网的联合创始人、独立董事和股东。








02 杜均其人














其实杜均并不算是站在大潮最前沿的那个人。当他开始倒卖域名,跟当时的个人站长们打成一片时,蔡文胜早已靠此起家,还被人称作“个人网站教父”;他接触到比特币投资虽然比行内大多数人早,可也不过是2013年左右的事情,很难确定他对加密货币和背后的区块链技术有什么积累和信仰;当他辞职参与创办火币网时,距离交易额一度占到比特币总额80%、圈内人戏称为“马桶盖”的Mt. Gox上线已过去了好几年,国内市场也诞生了“比特币中国”这样的交易所先驱。







03 超级庄家


在这副所谓的“币圈大佬扑克牌”中,杜均被排在一个不起眼的位置。不必说与比特币发明者中本聪、以太坊创始人Vitalik Buterin或是中国比特币第一人李笑来相比,杜均在圈内稍有名望的大佬中也排不上号。他的人物介绍是:“金色财经创始人”。










值得多提一句的是火币网的股权结构。火币网总部位于新加坡,在全球各地都有团队,所以中国境内的“北京火币天下网络科技有限公司”只是其企业实体之一。在国内的工商信息中可以查询到,一家注册在香港的Huobi Universal (HK) Limited公司与火币网及关联公司有着诸多交叉持股关系。











初步统计,节点资本的投资组合里,其中有一半项目完成了ICO,而这些ICO大多是在最近几个月时间里完成的,这其中就包括炒币者们耳熟能详的Gerano Network、IOST、YEE和aelf等项目。





04 诡异的乌龙






2017年12月,一家叫做OPSkins的游戏虚拟资产交易平台宣布ICO,公开发行自己的代币WAX(Worldwide Asset Exchange)。按照原定计划,WAX将在2017年12月20日在火币Pro上线交易。













05 庄技

















佳庆资金指标(Chaikin Money Flow,简称CMF)为股票市场常用分析工具,它用于描述一支股票的强弱状态。这个指标与股价的关系是:CMF会随着股价缓缓上升,股价下跌CMF也会跟着下跌。当CMF指标大于0时,市场向好,反之则向坏。波动越大,买入/卖出的压力越大。在同一时间点,CMF如果与价格呈相反状态(如价格上涨CMF下跌),就意味着行情的转变。












06 “圈外人”的掮客














其中,IOST和DATA又是火币旗下Huobi Labs的孵化项目——考虑到真格基金同时是火币网的投资方,基本能判断这些项目都是由节点资本、火币网和真格基金联手投资和推动的。






07 危局










ICO后狂涨的美好景象破碎,大量代币上线火币Pro后破发,而且有着愈演愈烈的趋势。有圈内人士私下询问币圈知名投资人、FBG Capital创始人周硕基对这件事的看法,后者只说了一句话“看项目背后的团队”便再不作声。讽刺的是,随着破发的ICO越来越多,圈内竟然出现了“破发险”的险种。




08 “是时候了”










2018-02-13 用树莓派3搭建Storj实验节点


2018-02-13 用树莓派3搭建Storj实验节点

2018.02.13 14:58* 字数 502 阅读 179评论 0






  • 树莓派3
  • TF卡 16G或以上,记得要有TF卡转USB写入的转换器
  • 树莓派外壳 可选,裸板直接跑也没啥大问题
  • 移动硬盘 上限8T,2.5寸移动硬盘可以靠树莓派供电,3.5寸的移动硬盘需要额外供电
  • 网线



  • 首先下载镜像文件CentOS-Userland-7-armv7hl-Minimal-1708-RaspberryPi3.img.xz
  • 下载烧录软件etcher
  • 利用软件将镜像烧录到TF卡中
  • 将TF卡插入树莓派,接上网线并通电
  • 去路由器后台查找树莓派的IP地址,默认情况下会通过路由器的DHCP服务,分配到IP地址
  • 通过ssh协议连接到树莓派,root的初始密码为centos:
[root@centos-rpi3 ~]# password 你的新密码

### 升级补丁并安装所需软件
[root@centos-rpi3 ~]# yum update -y
[root@centos-rpi3 ~]# yum -y install vim wget git epel-release htop git gcc-c++ make

### 创建非特权账号,root账号保留不使用
[root@centos-rpi3 ~]# useradd storj
[root@centos-rpi3 ~]# password storj

### 从root切换到storj账号进行后续操作
[root@centos-rpi3 ~]# su - storj
[storj@centos-rpi3 ~] wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.3/install.sh | bash
[storj@centos-rpi3 ~] nvm install --lts
[storj@centos-rpi3 ~] npm install --global storjshare-daemon -registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org

Storj 节点配置

## 创建Storj节点,其中YOUR_STORJ_TOKEN_WALLET_ADRESS为你的myetherwallet收款钱包地址,storage后面跟着的是文件存储的路径
[storj@centos-rpi3 ~] storjshare create --storj=YOUR_STORJ_TOKEN_WALLET_ADRESS --storage=/mnt/storjmerge/storj.io/


[storj@centos-rpi3 ~] storjshare-create --storj=0xa682270bC2045171873eB17bB195B2273Fea9066 --storage=/data/

Storj 节点启动

## 启动守护进程
[storj@centos-rpi3 ~] storjshare daemon

## 启动节点
[storj@centos-rpi3 ~] storjshare start --config /path/to/storjconfig/xxxx.json


[storj@centos-rpi3 ~] storjshare daemon

[storj@centos-rpi3 ~] storjshare start --config /root/.storjshare/configs/6666666666666666666666.json

Storj 节点验证

## 运行命令查看节点状态
[storj@centos-rpi3 ~] storjshare status


 "storageAllocation": "2GB",
  // Max size of shards that will be accepted and stored
  // Use this and make this lower if you don't have a strong internet connection
  "maxShardSize": "150MB",

React dApp (decentralized app) boilerplate using Ethereum’s blockchain.

基于Ngrok端口转发实现storjshare和siacoin farming


基于Ngrok端口转发实现storjshare和siacoin farming(上)


在我们进行Siacoin、storj和burst的Hosting(或者叫HDD farming)时,都会遇到需要端口转发的问题,原因要么缺乏公网ip,要么所谓公网ip还是个大局域网,解决方法有:

  1. 让电信等服务商调整为真实的公网ip,进行路由器的端口转发,然后申请一个域名,实时绑定公网ip到DNS,比如No-ip;
  2. 进行内网穿透。




什么是ngrok?ngrok通过安全隧道暴露本地服务器(如你自己的电脑或内网服务器,处于NAT环境和防火墙内)至公共网络。网上教程很多(比如Sunny ngrok教程并不能成功,他应该是使用的github上面一个项目,叫做Lanproxy,https://github.com/ffay/lanproxy),大多没有附带依赖包,对于没有linux经验的朋友基本难以实现,但此处给出的都是具有依赖包,按顺序安装能够实现,CENTOS6、7,Ubuntu16.04、17.10和树莓派Jessie,服务端和客户端都已经测试,没有问题。

  • 添加域名解析,需要设置ngrok服务的域名和子域名都要添加解析,例如设置后面的ngrok.yourdomain.com,那么ngrok和*.ngrok的解析均需要添加A记录:
  • 根据自己主机平台下载对应的go安装包,使用putty登录后:
  • 配置go环境变量:
  • 下载ngrok源代码:
  • 这里说明一下自定义密钥的原因,文档中说明ngrok only makes TLS-encrypted connections,客户端的合法连接依靠证书体系来确定,可以认为服务端和客户端的二进制文件是一一对应的,不过服务端在运行时可以指定证书(server.crt)和私钥(server.key),如果不指定将会使用编译时的证书和私钥(位于assets/server),而rootCA.pem(根证书)编译进客户端是不能与我们的域名完成匹配的,所以我们继续有(下面代码,只用把ngrok.yourdomain.com替换成你自己的域名就可以了):


  • 此处该进行编译了,直接编译会报错,我们先执行一下,看看报什么错:
  • 上述问题是由于进行无法交叉编译,需要去掉$GOBIN的变量声明,解决方法如下:
  • 好了,开始进行服务端编译:
  • 编译客户端:
  • 全部编译完成,再在服务器内输入(端口可以根据需要任意修改,但是tunnelAddr 17543端口,客户端和服务端要保持一致):
  • 在使用SecureFXPortable登陆我们的主机,在文件夹ngrok/bin中,可以下载到对应用于运行storjshare和siacoin的服务器、树莓派或电脑的ngrok,下载后,在我们运行storjshare和siacoin的机器上,ngrok所在文件夹,还需要一个ngrok.conf文件,storjshare默认端口4000-4002,siacoin是9981-9982(不要开放9980,如果开放端口9980,其他节点可以偷取你的siacoin):
  • windows下使用.bat启动ngrok(ngrok.exe -config=ngrok.conf start-all),使用软件SecureFXPortable传输到非windows系统一定使用二进制方式传输ngrok程序,linux命令为(注意ngrok路径对不对):
  • 正常情况,应该呈现:


基于Ngrok端口转发实现storjshare farming和siacoin farming(下)


  1. 比较siacoin(sc)和storjshare(storj),密币之家曾经认为,具有自有区块链的sc会远胜于使用ERC20的storj,然而目前看来,这一切变得更微妙;
    最后,没有集成内网穿透功能,没有公网ip的用户在sc钱包host界面会显示(红叉)”host is unreachable“或者(黄叉)”host is inactive
    很遗憾地是,也因为没有自有区块链进行合约费用算法控制,对于存储空间提供商合约费用支付是通过社区每月中旬集体由storj团队手工发送(打工资?),但团队保证后期会引入mini fee payout算法机制,通过storjshare进行自动实时付费,这一功能将在后期storjshare版本中看到;
  2. 现在给出storj如何进行HDD farming硬盘出租(或许国内第一篇),并不是像百度“storj”出来内容中“简书”上的一个用户所说,storj只针对部分用户开放,而现在storj是对每个人开放的,大家都可以进行参与存储空间分享。
  3. By the way, Siacoin farming,在linux 64位和windows 64位系统中很容易实现,在官网获取具有GUI的钱包之后,完成钱包区块链同步,存入2000个sc,即刻开始分享存储空间或者存储内容到区块链,在IoT设备中,如树莓派,社区的一个用户基于GENtoo 64位linux写入了siacoin钱包,并命名为siaberry,大家有兴趣可以烧录到树莓派,实践一下,siacoin的介绍就到此,资料内容均可在上文找到。





(最廉价)方案 1. 树莓派系统



  • 创建硬盘挂载目录和设置访问权限,不能使用root用户,storjshare只能由非root用户使用,例如我们假如使用demo,demo用户拥有sudo权限
  • fdisk对两块硬盘分区之后(略),再进行格式化,命令如下
  • 安装用于聚合存储空间为一个挂载点的mergerfs
  • 使用sudo blkid命令查看机械硬盘UUID号后,修改fstab,使得硬盘能开机自动挂载,注意修改UUID为你自己的号码,以及注意fsname是合并存储空间的挂载点目录
  • 重启后,输入命令df -h能看到如下合并的空间就是正常的了
  • 使用demo用户输入以下命令
  • 上个命令完成后,退出这个命令输入终端Terminal,然后再开启一个新的命令输入终端Terminal,还是使用demo登入,输入以下命令
  • 上个命令完成后,退出这个命令输入终端Terminal,然后再开启一个新的命令输入终端Terminal,还是使用demo登入,输入以下命令
  • npm install命令可能会运行很久,喝一杯咖啡,然后看到结果中有很多黄色ip地址加@的节点信息就证明已经安装成功,下面我们需要使用你自己的storj地址,okex.com上或者myetherwallet可以获得,不能使用其他没有上架storj的交易所或者不支持ERC20的以太坊地址
  • 会得到以下的结果
  • 上句命令也是启动命令,但是我们需要先等等,修改一下配置文件再启动,47cc82204e418626993257eb4c19c6031eb5e569即是你的节点号码nodeID,我们先看看配置文件,别被吓到,其实大部分是解释内容,实际填写很简单
  • 更改一下目录权限,正式进行storjshare运行时这个目录/home/demo/.config/storjshare里面会有三个文件,分别是configs、shares和logs
  • 启动storjshare
  • 常见问题是当输入storjshare start时提示daemon没有启动,但当再次启动daemon又说daemon已经运行,此时通常是由于运行storjshare的用户没有目录权限或者daemon没有存储目录/mnt/s的读写权限造成的,其他问题可以查看日志,正常情况下,你已经可以观看当前状态,命令为storjshare status,下图是二十多个小时后的状态

  • storjshare的常用控制命令有如下,更多命令可以使用help命令发现

(最具扩展性) 方案 2. Linux64位系统



密币之家安装的linux系统为64位ubuntu 16.04LTS版本,上述步骤,完全可以适用,除了挂载硬盘时所用mergerfs聚合硬盘不同,具体可以参看github页面mergerfs,命令为

然后按照方案1的方法成功设置后,输入storjshare status,可以看到




(最简单) 方案 3. windows系统



  • 首先到storj官网(storj.io)下载新版钱包,我们选择win64.exe

  • 安装完成后,需要net time辅助时间同步,微软自带时间同步工具无法满足storjshare的应用,时间同步后在启动storjshare,第一步填地址

  • 选择存储目录后,设置分享的存储空间大小,再选择你的端口,密币之家提前做了内网穿透,然后需要勾选reachable,下步填写你的内网穿透所用域名即可,对于有公网ip用户,填路由所转发的端口,没有绑定公网ip至域名则填写你的公网ip

  • 大功告成!


需要注意的是:如果你的节点一切正常,但就是没有获得任何Allocs或者Shared,那么首先去https://api.storj.io/contacts/Nodeid,nodeid换成你自己的,本文是47cc82204e418626993257eb4c19c6031eb5e569(非本文作者真实nodeid,仅为举例),那么https://api.storj.io/contacts/47cc82204e418626993257eb4c19c6031eb5e569,点开该链接会获得一个节点信息,里面必须有一项参数response time ,响应时间,如果不存在该项参数,只能回到步骤storjshare create –storj=填写你自己的storj地址 –storage=/mnt/s ,再次重新创建,直到成功为止,这是官方BUG,目前没有修复,这也是Storj官方给出的解决办法,亲测有效。


  • 官方推荐了grafana,监控节点的网络数据,其实有更接地气的面板,宝塔面板,bt.cn,Ubuntu/Deepin系统安装命令为




  • 打开数据监控之后,隔几天就能看到有意思的数据出现






Ethereum GPU mining rig testbed.

It’s finally time for an update to my popular 2013 Litecoin mining guide! It’s four years later, and Ethereum mining is where it’s at for GPU miners, so that’s what I’ve focused on. I’ve kept the same format and detail level as my old guide, so if you were around back then, you’ll know what to expect.

If you’re new to the world of crytocurrency mining, this guide should give even an absolute beginner all of the knowledge needed to put together an efficient Ethereum (or other GPU-minable altcoin) mining rig using readily-available consumer hardware.

This guide will be broken into several parts, each focusing on a different aspect of building your first mining rig. First, let’s take a look at what you’ll need in terms of hardware to put a respectable Ethereum miner together.

Build your own Ethereum Mining Rig, part 1:  Hardware

Here is the list of hardware that I recommend. Don’t worry if you’re not able to get exactly what’s on this list, I provide some excellent alternatives below the table.

Motherboard 1 x Asus B250 Mining Expert $180
Processor 1 x Intel Celeron G3900 CPU $45
Memory 1 x 4GB DDR4 DIMM $40
Power Supply 1 x 1200w Platinum PSU $260
GPUs 3+ Radeon RX 570 video cards (*see below) ~$200 each
Boot Device 1 x 60GB SSD -or- USB stick (Linux) $5 – $35
Case 1 x build your own (see bottom) -or- open frame case $30 – $200

Some explanations and alternatives for each item:


Generally, any motherboard with PCIe slots on it is suitable for mining—typically one GPU per PCIe slot. The PCIe slots don’t need to be full-length, as we can attach GPUs to 1x slots with the help of risers. With that said, there are potentially some limitations when you start to pack a large number (4+) of GPUs onto one motherboard, even if that board has enough PCIe slots to physically accommodate them. That’s why picking a suitable motherboard is probably your biggest hardware headache if you want to run as many GPUs as possible in your rig.

My top choice is currently the Asus B250 Mining Expert board. It’s literally made for mining, with support for up to 19 (!) GPUs and 3 power supplies right out of the box. Even if you don’t intend to initially run more than a few GPUs, the included mining-centric diagnostic features and ability to expand later probably make the price premium over less-robust boards worth it.

The ASRock H110 Pro BTC+ is another excellent choice for mining, with support for up to 13 GPUs. However, it currently costs about the same as Asus’s mining board, and for the money I’d rather stick with Asus. If you know that you’ll definitely stick to a single PSU and a small handful of GPUs (e.g.: the majority of us), this is a fine choice, especially if you find a deal on it.

Finally, the Biostar TB250-BTC is also aimed at miners, and costs considerably less than the Asus and ASRock offerings. The Biostar board “only” supports 6 GPUs, but that’s likely all that the majority of us need. If price is your primary consideration, the TB250-BTC should be at the top of your list for 6 GPU rig builds.

If you only want to use 3-4 GPUs in your rig, then you’ll have a much easier time. Most boards with up to four PCIe slots should accommodate a GPU in each. Keep in mind that you can use old hardware that you have sitting around—the board doesn’t have to be recent. I dug out an old ASRock 970 Extreme4 that I used four years ago for litecoin mining, and it still works fine today for up to 4 GPUs (5 is possible with some work). So it’s possible to pick up an ancient board on eBay/Craigslist for nearly nothing and mine with less than 6 video cards.

CPU / Processor

This one is easy: buy the cheapest CPU that works with whatever motherboard you pick. When it comes to mining, the GPUs do all the work. Your CPU will essentially sit idle, so there is no reason to waste money on anything other than the bare minimum.

All of the motherboards that I recommended based on Intel’s LGA 1151 socket, so that means the Celeron G3900is probably the best choice.

If you go with an AMD motherboard, a Sempron CPU will do nicely.


4GB is fine. Overkill really, at least for Linux. If you have an old 2GB stick (or even 1GB!) sitting around and plan to run Linux, you’re good to go. If you want to run Windows, then 4GB is probably a realistic minimum.

While Ethereum mining is pretty memory-intensive, everything happens on the GPUs. System memory will be pretty much unused, so there is no reason to spend money here, especially with DDR4 prices so high.

PSU / Power Supply

The power supply is extremely important—don’t skimp on it! A good, efficient PSU will keep your electricity costs to a minimum and more than pay for itself over the long run. Seasonic, EVGA, and Corsair are all generally top brand choices. The 1200W unit that I’ve linked may seem like overkill, but power supplies are most efficient when they’re not running near their rated maximum load. A 6 GPU rig will draw about 750 watts (assuming 6x RX 570 cards, properly optimized), which means a 1200W PSU will have sufficient headroom to perform efficiently.

If you’re planning on running only 3-4 GPUs, you can save a bit of money and go for their 850 watt model instead.

GPUs / Video Cards

The top Ethereum mining choice is currently the Radeon RX 570 / RX 580 line*. The RX 570 delivers nearly the same performance as the RX 580 (within 4-7% or so) for a bit less power consumption—they’re essentially equal from an efficiency standpoint. The RX 570 is usually significantly cheaper than the 580, so generally the 570 is the best choice.

Which model to pick, though? While literally any RX 570/580 card will do, the most important thing to look for is memory speed if you want the best performance. Cards with a higher memory clock speed will generally perform a bit better while mining ETH (and can generally be overclocked more). Memory capacity isn’t really important beyond 4GB, so all other things being equal, there is no reason to shell out extra cash for the 8GB version of a card. It’s true that every GPU needs to be able to hold Ethereum’s DAG file in memory, and that file is slowly increasing in size—but it won’t surpass 4GB until late 2019 (and ETH’s switch to PoS will likely occur before then, anyway).

With all of that said, the 8GB versions of the cards tend to have faster-clocked memory than most of the 4GB cards, so if the price difference isn’t too large, spring for whatever is the fastest. Most of the cards fall between 1650 Mhz (6600 Mbps effective) to 2000 Mhz (8000 Mbps effective). The slower 1650 Mhz memory GPUs will hash at 21-23 Mh/s, and the fastest 2000 Mhz ones will do 25-28 Mh/s (both can potentially be pushed higher with BIOS mods and good luck).

The best advice is usually to just pick up whichever 570/580 card you can get your hands on for the least money, as mining speed differences between brands/models are pretty small after optimization. These 8GB MSI RX 570 cards are $220 each as of 11/29/2017, and I’m running mine at 28 Mh/sec without pushing them too hard.

If you can still find old RX 470/480 cards on the secondary market, they’re just as good the RX 570/580 cards that replaced them.

*While my guides deal with setting up and optimizing AMD’s GPUs, nVidia’s 1060 / 1070 video cards are also excellent for mining. Generally these days I tend to recommend whichever is cheaper (and right now, that’s AMD). But if you find a deal on some nVidia 1070 GPUs, don’t hesitate to grab them—they perform just as well as AMD’s offerings, and are arguably easier to set up (just remember to install nVidia drivers instead of AMD’s if you follow the rest of my guide!).

Boot Device

If you plan to run Linux, you can use pretty much anything, including a ~$5 16GB USB stick (we’ll be using Claymore miner, which doesn’t write Ethereum’s DAG file to disk, so we don’t need to worry about wearing a USB stick out due to constantly writing to it, like with the stock ethminer). With that said, SSDs are pretty cheap nowadays and it might be nice to have one in case you want to try Windows at some point.

If you plan to run Windows, then a cheap 60GB+ SSD is your best bet. If you have an old mechanical hard drive laying around, that’ll work fine too.

The Case

I highly recommend against trying to cram a bunch of GPUs into a conventional PC case. You have two realistic options here: buy a purpose-built mining frame, or build something yourself.

The first option is straightforward, if not a bit more expensive. Here is an example of an open-air frame that will accommodate up to 6 GPUs. Here’s another option. You’ll pay a premium going this route, but it’ll save you some time and effort.

Building your own is much cheaper, and (arguably) more fun! If you’re handy, you can put together a simple aluminium frame yourself for a fraction of the cost of buying one. If you don’t have the necessary skills or tools for that, I popularized building mining rigs inside plastic crates back in 2013, and that still works fine today (for up to 4 GPUs or so, anyway). At the bottom of this post, you’ll find instructions on how to build a plastic crate “case”.

Risers & Miscellaneous Stuff

If you’re building your own case (whether it’s from a plastic crate, or aluminium, or something else), you’ll need risers to connect your GPUs to your motherboard. If you’re buying a mining frame, most include risers. Risers tend to be pretty misunderstood among new miners, so here is what you need to know:

  1. Risers can be powered or unpowered. A riser is unpowered if it simply connects a GPU to a motherboard PCIe slot. A riser is powered if it additionally accepts power from the PSU (generally via a molex-type connector). Unpowered risers allow GPUs to receive up to 75 watts of power through the motherboard’s PCIe bus, just as if they were plugged in directly. Powered risers will take that additional power directly from the PSU instead, bypassing the motherboard.
  2. You may mix unpowered and powered risers, but the total number of unpowered risers should not exceed two (this includes GPUs plugged directly into the motherboard)! Motherboards are generally not designed to deliver more than 150 watts of total power through the PCIe bus, so two GPUs on unpowered risers is the safe maximum (2 x 75 watts).
  3. The newer USB-style powered risers often include SATA-to-molex power adapters. Throw these adapters away! SATA plugs are not designed to deliver 75 watts safely, and these can get hot enough to potentially be a fire risk (admittedly, 99% of the time you’ll be fine, but it’s not worth the risk). Instead, connect the molex plugs on the riser directly to your PSU (no more than two risers per PSU plug). Newer versions of these USB risers forego the molex adapter and instead use a PCIe connector for power.

The different PCIe riser types.

I do think the newer USB-style risers are the way to go—they’re longer and easier to work with than the old ribbon-style cables. Here is a 6-pack of USB risers with the newest (and safest) PCIe connectors. It’s always smart to buy an extra or two, as defects are relatively common. If you have older ribbon-type risers laying around, or can get them cheaply, they’ll work just fine.

If you’re building or buying a large frame, you might need extenders for some of your molex plugs and PCIe power plugs.

You’ll also need a power button, unless your motherboard has one built in (which is fairly rare). This will do the trick, or you can build one into your plastic crate if you plan to go that route (see below).

Some people have reported that their rigs won’t boot unless they have a monitor connected, although this seems to be fairly rare (my own rig boots fine without a display attached). If this happens to you, you’ll need a dummy plug.

Building your Mining Rig “Case” from plastic milk crates

(I’ve copied the instructions from my original 2013 guide here and updated them slightly.)

Here is what you’ll need to create a simple DIY plastic crate housing for your miner:

Plastic milk crate (can stack two and put your PSU in the lower one) $10 each
Plastic stand-offs $3
6 x #4 3/8″ wood or metal screws $1
Brace to rest GPUs on (1″ PVC pipe works great!) $2
a few cable ties (8″ or so) $2
power switch & LED (optional) $5

You can get plastic crates in most home improvement stores if you don’t want to ship it from Amazon (it’ll be cheaper, too!). I picked mine up at Lowe’s for under $5 each. You should be able to get everything else on the list at Lowe’s if you happen to have one near you, too. As far as tools go, you’ll need a drill and a knife capable of cutting into whatever plastic crate you buy.

 Assembly Steps:

First, attach your CPU & heatsink/fan to your motherboard, and place your RAM into the memory slot(s). Then follow the general steps below to mount everything into your plastic crate.

Click the images for a close-up look at each step.

  1. Step 1Place plastic standoffs on the bottom of your plastic crate, and rest your motherboard on top of them. Make sure that all of the essential ports are accessible (SATA, USB, keyboard, mouse, etc). Use your knife to cut away pieces of the crate if necessary so that all ports you plan to use are exposed. Then plug your riser cables into the PCI-E slots of your motherboard.
  2. Step 2Place your brace (1″ PVC pipe is really ideal and won’t flex over time) so that it is sitting above the motherboard, high enough for your GPUs to rest on. Cut the brace so that an inch or two sticks out on either end of the crate.
  3. Step 3Drill holes in your brace so that you can secure it with cable ties (see image). Do not simply rest the brace on the crate! An accidental bump can cause it to fall into the crate, along with ~$1000 worth of GPUs if you do that!
  4. Step 4Connect each GPU to it’s corresponding riser cable, resting the bracket end on the lip of the crate and the other end on your brace.
  5. Step 5Screw each GPU down into the lip of the crate. If you drill small pilot holes ahead of time (mark where to drill with a sharpie), this is much easier.
  6. Step 6If you have a power switch and LED, mount them into one of the crate’s corners. I was pretty sloppy with mine, but it’s functional.


You’re done! Simply connect everything to your power supply and you should be ready to power your rig on for the first time. If you have a second crate, you can put your power supply in there (along with your harddrive if you’re using Windows), and stack it under your main crate to save some space.


In this second installment of our DIY Ethereum mining guide, we’ll look at how to install and configure Linux to setup your rig as an automated, remotely-manageable appliance. Don’t be dissuaded if you’ve never used Linux before—our step-by-step guide makes it simple!

Why Linux over Windows? First, it’s free—and saving ~$100 on the operating system is a big plus when you’re trying to maximize profitability. Other reasons include lesser hardware requirements (Linux is perfectly happy running from a USB stick plugged into ancient hardware!), simpler remote administration capabilities, and oftentimes better stability. The downside of running Linux is that video driver support isn’t on the same level as Windows, and things like GPU undervolting are trickier (but still possible via BIOS mods).

If you missed the hardware portion of our guide, make sure to check it out first. Otherwise, read on.

Build an Ethereum Mining Rig, part 2:  Linux Setup

The following is heavily adapted from my original 2013 Litecoin mining guide, updated for the latest Xubuntu LTS version, the new AMDGPU-PRO drivers, and necessary ethereum mining software (all up-to-date as of 11/29/2017). If you’re a bit nervous because you’ve a complete Linux newbie, don’t be. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions exactly as they’re written, and you’ll be fine. Even if you’ve never done anything like this before, you should be up and running in roughly an hour.

Step 1: Configure BIOS settings

Before we even get to Linux, let’s take a minute to make sure that your mining computer’s BIOS settings are in order. Power on your computer, and press the “delete” key a few times immediately after power on. You should end up in the BIOS configuration area. Do the following, then save & exit:

  • Change power options so that the computer automatically turns itself on whenever power is restored. The reason for this is two-fold: first, it’ll make sure that your miner automatically starts up after a power outage. Second, it makes powering the computer on much easier if you don’t happen to have a power switch connected to the motherboard.
  • Make sure that your USB stick is first in the boot-up order (you may need to have a USB stick attached).
  • Disable all components that you don’t plan to use. This may save a little bit of power, and since your miner will likely be running 24/7, it’ll add up. For me, that meant disabling onboard audio, one of the SATA controllers, the USB 3.0 ports (I only had a 2.0 USB stick), the Firewire port, and the serial port.
  • If you’re running a lot of GPUs (4+), additional tweaks might be necessary to ensure that they’re all recognized by the OS. Exact tweaks vary by motherboard, but setting the PCIe speed to Gen1 is usually a good place to start. No need to change anything now, but make a mental note that you may need to come back and play around a bit if all of your GPUs don’t show up in the OS later.

Step 2: Install Xubuntu Desktop on your miner

Xubuntu is a lightweight version of Ubuntu, a popular Linux distribution. Most other distros should work just fine, but be aware that the GPU drivers require the presence of Xorg, which means server distros that don’t have a GUI will not work properly.

  • Xubuntu 16.04.3 is the latest LTS release at the time of this guide, so that is what I recommend you use. You can download it here.
  • You’ll need to either write the installation ISO image to a USB stick (highly recommended), or burn it to a DVD. If you use a DVD, you’ll need to temporarily hook up a DVD drive to your mining rig for the installation (make sure you temporarily enable your SATA controller if you disabled it in step 1!).
  • Once you have the installation media prepared, you’re ready to install Xubuntu to your miner’s boot device (whether it’s an SSD, mechanical harddrive, or another blank USB stick). Boot using your new installation media (make sure it’s first in your miner’s BIOS boot order list). The Xubuntu installer should appear.
  • Follow the prompts, and make sure to click the “auto-login” box on the last step of the installer (otherwise, all of the default options are fine).
  • When the installation is complete, you should automatically boot into the Xubuntu desktop. Make sure to remove your installation media.

Step 3: Install SSH and package updates

At the Xubuntu desktop, press CTRL+ALT+T to open a terminal window.

  • Install SSH by typing:
    sudo apt-get install openssh-server

With SSH installed, you can unplug the keyboard/mouse/monitor from your miner, and complete the rest of the installation from your desktop computer. Simply download Putty onto your desktop, run it, and enter the IP address of your mining rig (type ifconfig at the Xubuntu terminal to find your miner’s address if you don’t know it—it will probably look like 192.168.0.x). That should bring up a remote terminal session to your miner, which is more or less just like sitting at the keyboard in front of it.

If you plan to manage your mining rig remotely over the internet, you’ll need to forward port 22 on your router to your miner. Make sure that you use a strong Xubuntu password!

Setup should be pretty quick from this point, as now you can simply copy text from this webpage (highlight it and press CTRL+C) and then paste it into your Putty session by simply right-clicking anywhere inside the Putty window. I highly recommend that you complete the remainder of the guide in this manner, as it eliminates the risk of typos!

  • Install package updates by typing (or copying & pasting via right-click into Putty) the following command:
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Step 4: Install AMDGPU-PRO drivers

Next up, we’ll install AMD’s video drivers. AMD has special blockchain compute drivers available for mining that give far superior performance compared to their standard drivers, so that’s what we’ll be using (version 17.40, which is the latest as of 11/29/2017).

  • Type the following commands (press “enter” and wait for the operation to complete at the end of each line):
    cd ~/Downloads
    wget --referer=http://support.amd.com https://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/beta/ubuntu/amdgpu-pro-17.40-483984.tar.xz
    tar -Jxvf amdgpu-pro-17.40-483984.tar.xz
    cd amdgpu-pro-17.40-483984
    ./amdgpu-pro-install -y
  • Some of these steps may take a minute or two to complete. When the installation is complete, type the following:
    sudo usermod -a -G video $LOGNAME
  • Next we need to install and configure the ROCm component:
    sudo apt install -y rocm-amdgpu-pro
    echo 'export LLVM_BIN=/opt/amdgpu-pro/bin' | sudo tee /etc/profile.d/amdgpu-pro.sh
  • Finally we need to enable large page support, which will dramatically improve mining performance. Type the following to open your grub file in nano for editing:
    sudo nano /etc/default/grub
  • Find the line that reads GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=”quiet splash”. Modify it to:
    GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash amdgpu.vm_fragment_size=9"
  • Save the file and quit nano by pressing CTRL+X and then answering (Y)es to save the changes. When you’re finished, update grub and reboot:
    sudo update-grub
    sudo reboot

The final command will reboot your rig, which will cause you to immediately lose your SSH (Putty) connection. Wait a few seconds to give the computer a chance to boot, and then re-establish a new connection via Putty, and re-login.

Step 5: Install Ethereum software

(Note: you may skip step 5 entirely if you already have an ethereum wallet address that you intend to use!)

Next up, we’ll install the Ethereum software that will let us create a new wallet address. We’ll need this to store the coins we receive from mining.

  • Type the following to install the necessary ethereum packages:
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ethereum/ethereum
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install ethereum geth
  • Now it’s time to create your Ethereum wallet address:
    geth account new

You’ll be prompted to enter a password, and then to confirm it (use a strong password!). The output will be a long string between two curly braces { }. That’s your new wallet address—make a note of it (highlight it within Putty to copy it to your clipboard).

Important: The combination of the password you just used to create this address *and* the associated encrypted key file is what gives you control over your new wallet address. If you lose either of these, you’ve also lost control of your wallet and all of the coins associated with it—and there is literally nothing that anyone will be able to do to help you. Remember your password, and keep multiple backups of your key file(s)!

Your key file(s) are stored in the ~/.ethereum/keystore directory. Copy the entire /keystore folder someplace safe to backup your wallet (backups are covered in more detail heredon’t forget to make multiple backups and keep them in a secure offline location!).

If you forget your wallet address, you can type geth account list to see your addresses and the location of their key files.

Step 6: Install Claymore’s Ethereum miner

There are several options as far as mining software, and I’ve experimented with all of the popular ones. I think Claymore’s miner is the best option, even if it does have two fairly significant downsides: it’s closed-source, and it’s not free (~1% of your mining time benefits the creator of the miner).

Two alternatives are the stock ethereum miner (ethminer) and Genoil’s fork of the stock miner. They’re both open-source and free, but they have pretty crippling downsides.

The stock ethminer is much slower than Claymore’s miner (by a margin of over 5% on my test rig). In addition, ethminer creates the Ethereum DAG file on disk instead of in GPU memory, which is slow and uses a lot of space (and if you’re running off a USB stick, all those writes may eventually wear it out).

Genoil’s fork seems to be nearly as fast as Claymore’s, and it doesn’t use physical disk space for the DAG, but it’s not stable (at least not for me). It often crashes, especially on startup (whereas I have yet to see a single crash on Claymore’s miner after nearly a week of full-time mining). The author abandoned development months ago, so improvements are unlikely.

So, explanation aside, here is how to setup Claymore’s miner:

  • First return to your downloads directory and grab the latest version (10.2 as of 11/29/2017). I’m pulling the file directly from the author’s Google Drive repository, if the link is broken check here for a newer release or updated link):
    cd ~/Downloads
    sudo apt install curl
    curl -L -o claymore_10.2_miner.tar.gz https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1t25SK0lk2osr32GH623rR8aG2_qvZds9
  • Then create a new directory for it, and unpack it there:
    sudo mkdir /usr/local/claymore10.2
    sudo tar -xvf claymore_10.2_miner.tar.gz -C /usr/local/claymore10.2
  • Then let’s head over to the installation directory and create a startup script. Note that commands 2-5 below just clean up the installation directory a bit by removing an intermediary directory that was included in the original tar archive:
    cd /usr/local/claymore10.2
    cd Clay*
    sudo mv * /usr/local/claymore10.2
    cd ..
    sudo rm -r Clay*
    sudo chown root:root ethdcrminer64
    sudo chmod 755 ethdcrminer64
    sudo chmod u+s ethdcrminer64
    sudo nano mine.sh
  • Nano will open a new blank text file; enter the following into it:
    export GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT=100
    ./ethdcrminer64 -epool eth-us-east1.nanopool.org:9999 -ewal YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS/Miner01 -epsw x -mode 1 -allpools 1 -tt 68

    Where it says YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS, use the address you created in step 5 (you’ll need to put “0x” in front of it). The “Miner01” following your address can be changed to any friendly label that you want to give your miner (only important if you plan to run multiple rigs). It’s easiest to copy the last line from my guide into something like notepad, then replace YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS with your actual address there, and then copy the finished line into putty via right-click to get everything into nano without typos.

  • Save the file and quit nano by pressing CTRL+X and then answering (Y)es to save the changes, then enter the following to give your new script execute permission:
    sudo chmod +x mine.sh

Note that I’m using nanopool.org as the mining pool here. I’ve tried a few, and it seems to be a top pick, but feel free to pick your own pool. Most don’t require registration, and simply payout to whatever wallet address you supply whenever a certain threshold is met (usually whenever you accumulate 1+ ETH). Assuming you stick with Nanopool, you’ll be able to check on your miner’s status by going to this URL after you start mining: https://eth.nanopool.org/account/%5BYOUR WALLET ADDRESS]

  • Now is a good time to test things. You can fire up your miner by typing:

You should see the Claymore miner start up. It’ll take a minute or two before it actually starts mining, but it should get there eventually. When you see a scrolling log of outputs that includes non-zero hashrates (expect hashrates in the low to mid 20s for unoptimized GPUs), you’re good to go. If the script fails to start, or you see errors, make sure that you’ve created the script exactly as outlined in the guide.

Press CTRL+C to exit the miner when you’re satisfied that it’s working.

Step 7: Create auto-start scripts

We’re almost done! We want to set up our rigs automatically start mining whenever the rig is powered on. That way, we keep mining losses to a minimum whenever a power outage occurs, and we don’t have to worry about manually starting it back up in other situations.

  • First, install screen:
    sudo apt install screen
  • Then type the following to create a new script in your home directory and open it in nano:
    cd ~
    sudo nano miner_launcher.sh
  • Enter the following text into the editor (substitute your actual Xubuntu username for YOUR_XUBUNTU_USERNAME where necessary!):
    if [ "x$1" = "x" -o "x$1" = "xnone" ]; then
    sleep $DELAY
    cd /usr/local/claymore10.2
    su YOUR_XUBUNTU_USERNAME -c "screen -dmS ethm ./mine.sh"
  • Save and quit nano (CTRL+X), and then type:
    sudo chmod +x miner_launcher.sh
  • Now we need to call our new script during startup; we do that by adding it to /etc/rc.local. Type the following to open /etc/rc.local in nano:
    sudo nano /etc/rc.local
  • Add the following text, right above the line that reads “exit 0” (substitute your own username!):
    /home/YOUR_XUBUNTU_USERNAME/miner_launcher.sh 15 &

Then save and quit out of nano (CTRL+X).

Step 8: Create an alias to easily check on the Claymore miner process

We’re essentially done at this point, but you’ll probably want to manually SSH into your miner from time to time to manually check on your hashrates & GPU temperatures, etc. Creating an alias will make that easy.

  • Type:
    sudo nano .bashrc
  • Scroll to the end of the file, and then add this text above the line that reads “# enable programmable completion…”
    alias miner='screen -x ethm'
  • Save and quit out of nano.

That’s it—you’re done! You’ll probably want to run a full test now. The easiest way to do that is to close your Putty session and power down your miner. Turn it back on and the following should happen:

  1. Your miner should boot into Xubuntu. This may take up to a minute, depending on the speed of your boot device (it’ll be much faster on an SSD).
  2. 15 seconds after Xubuntu has loaded, the Claymore miner will automatically start and begin mining. You might notice the fans on your GPUs spin up a bit when this happens.
  3. You should be able to SSH into your miner at any time and type miner to monitor the miner’s process. To close the screen (but keep the miner running), press CTRL+A, then CTRL+D.
  4. If you ever need to start the Claymore miner manually (because you quit out of it, or kill it, etc), simply type ~/miner_launcher.sh

(update 1/15/2018: **IMPORTANT** please read this if your hashrate is lower than expected!)

Congratulations—you have your own headless linux ethereum miner!

The next section of this guide covers setup under Windows, and then we’ll take a look at optimizing miner settings for better performance.


Ethereum & WindowsNo doubt some of you saw the Ethereum mining guide for Linux that I published last week and balked at all of that “command-line nonsense”. Linux isn’t everyone’s thing, and that’s ok—if Windows is your OS of choice, then this guide is for you!

While Linux offers some significant advantages when it comes to GPU mining, Windows does have one potentially important edge: undervolting your GPUs currently requires quite a bit less effort under Windows. If you want your mining rig to run at its maximum efficiency, you’ll want to keep power consumption to a minimum, and with Linux that generally requires flashing a custom BIOS to each GPU—whereas in Windows you can usually accomplish this at the driver level with a simple software setting.

The bad news is that if you want maximum performance out of your rig, you’ll probably eventually want to flash your GPU BIOS under either operating system, but we’ll get into that in part 4 of this guide. But if you already know that overwriting your GPU BIOS with a custom replacement is outside of your comfort zone, then sticking with Windows will at least allow you to undervolt.

So with all of that in mind, if Windows sounds like the best option for you, read on for our setup guide!

Build an Ethereum Mining Rig, part 3: Windows Setup

I won’t go into quite the same excruciating level of detail as I did with my Linux guide, as it’s probably a safe assumption that anyone reading a guide about building a custom cryptocurrency mining rig is already quite comfortable with basic Windows tasks. The steps outlined below should be more than adequate for the average Windows user, but feel free to leave comments if anything is unclear!

Step 1: Configure BIOS Settings

Before we even get to Windows, make sure your mining computer’s BIOS settings are in order. Power on your computer, and press the “delete” key a few times immediately after power on. You should end up in the BIOS configuration area. Do the following, then save & exit:

  • Change power options so that the computer automatically turns itself on whenever power is restored. The reason for this is two-fold: first, it’ll make sure that your miner automatically starts up after a power outage. Second, it makes powering the computer on much easier if you don’t happen to have a power switch connected to the motherboard.
  • Disable all components that you don’t plan to use. This might save a little bit of power, and since your miner will likely be running 24/7, it’ll add up. For me, that meant disabling onboard audio, the USB 3.0 ports, one of the SATA controllers, the Firewire port, and the serial port.
  • If you’re running a lot of GPUs (4+), additional tweaks might be necessary to ensure that they’re all recognized by the OS. Exact tweaks vary by motherboard, but setting the PCIe speed to Gen1 is usually a good place to start. No need to change anything now, but make a mental note that you may need to come back and play around a bit if all of your GPUs don’t show up in the OS later.

Step 2: Install Windows 10

Any 64-bit edition of Windows 10 should work fine (a 32-bit OS is not capable of running the Ethereum mining software). Windows 7 and 8 will work as well (as long as they’re 64-bit versions), although you may need to do a bit of extra work to recognize all of your GPUs if you’re running more than 4. The guide is written assuming that you have Windows 10, but the steps for 7/8 should be pretty similar.

I’m going to assume that everyone reading this is capable of installing a fresh copy of Windows. Complete the installation and boot into the Windows desktop before proceeding to the next step. If necessary, also install the LAN/Ethernet driver that came with your motherboard so that you can get online.

Step 3: Configure automatic login

If you’re building a dedicated mining rig, then you probably want your mining rig to boot up and start mining automatically, without any user intervention. We’ll need to enable auto-login for that to be possible.

  • Right-click on the Start Menu and select “Run”. Type “netplwiz” (without the quotes) at the prompt, and click “ok”.
  • Uncheck the box that says “Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer”.
  • Click “Apply”. You’ll be prompted to enter your password to confirm the change.

Step 4: Change power settings to prevent sleep

By default, Windows will go to sleep after 30 minutes without user interaction. Obviously, we don’t want that behavior on our mining rigs. To disable it:

  • Right-click the Start Menu -> Control Panel -> System & Security -> Power Options.
  • “Balanced” should be selected. Click on “Change plan settings” next to it.
  • Change “Put the computer to sleep” to “Never”, then click “Save changes”.

Step 5: Minimize unscheduled reboots due to Windows Updates

Windows 10 introduced forced updates as a pretty controversial “feature”, and not having control over when your mining rig is rebooted to install OS patches could be frustrating. We’ll be setting things up so that your mining rig automatically begins mining any time Windows boots, so leaving automatic updates in place certainly wouldn’t be disastrous if you want to skip this section. But if you’d prefer to retain control over downtime, here are some workarounds:

Keep in mind that if this is a fresh install of Windows, it’s a good idea to let the OS install any available updates first (right-click start -> settings -> windows update -> check for updates).

Step 6: Allocate at least 16GB of virtual memory

The author of the mining software that we’ll be using recommends this step, although I’ve never encountered issues with a smaller pagefile (edit 4/19/17: I tried mining on a machine with only 4GB of physical RAM and got terrible performance until I increased my pagefile to 16GB). Here’s what you need to do:

  • Right-click the Start Menu -> System -> click “change settings” on the right side of the window (if you don’t see “change settings”, click “system info” first)
  • Click on the “Advanced” tab, then in the “Performance” area, click “Settings”
  • Click the “Advanced” tab, then click “Change” in the area labeled “Virtual Memory”
  • Uncheck the box at the top that says “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives”, then click on the “Custom Size” radio button.
  • Enter “16384” (without the quotes) in both the Initial and Maximum size fields, then click “Set”. You’ll need to reboot for the change to take effect.

Step 7: Disable unnecessary Windows visual effects

On systems with borderline hardware, this may increase performance a bit and help keep the OS a bit more responsive during mining:

  • Right-click the Start Menu -> System -> click “change settings” on the right side of the window (if you don’t see “change settings”, click “system info” first)
  • Click on the “Advanced” tab, then in the “Performance” area, click “Settings”
  • On the “Visual Effects” tab (which should be open by default), click on the radio button labeled “Adjust for best performance”, then click “Apply”

Step 8: Install AMD GPU drivers

AMD offers special mining-specific “blockchain compute” drivers that deliver considerably more performance than their standard drivers, so that’s what we’ll be using. If the computer that you’re installing to will not be a dedicated mining rig (eg: you plan to also play games on it, etc), you may prefer to use the latest available standard driver.

It’s ok to simply pick all of the default options during installation. Skip including ReLive when asked, as we don’t need it.

Reboot after the driver installation is complete.

Step 9: Generate a wallet address

You can skip this section if you already have an Ethereum wallet address. Otherwise, you’ll need to create one to mine with. There are many ways to generate your own wallet address, but I’ll show you how to do it using the official open-source Ethereum software. Be wary about trusting other methods, as some online creation tools are potentially scams designed to later steal your coins.

  • Download the latest release of Geth for Windows here.
  • When the download is finished, run the installer and select all of the default options.
  • Open a command prompt window (right-click the Start Menu -> Command Prompt).
  • Type the following to switch to the Geth installation directory (assuming you installed it in the default location):
    cd \Program Files\Geth
  • Type the following to create a new wallet address:
    geth account new

If you see a warning about starting the Ledger hub here, you can ignore it. You’ll be prompted to enter a password, and then to confirm it (use a strong password that you won’t forget!). The output will be a long string between two curly braces { }. That’s your new wallet address—make a note of it. You can easily copy it by right-clicking anywhere in the command prompt window, selecting “Mark”, highlighting your new address by holding left-click and dragging the mouse over the entire address, and then right-clicking again to copy to your clipboard. From there, you can paste your address anywhere using standard Windows shortcuts (CTRL+V).

Important: The combination of the password you just used to create this address *and* the associated encrypted key file is what gives you control over your new wallet address. If you lose either of these, you’ve also lost control of your wallet and all of the coins associated with it—and there is literally nothing that anyone will be able to do to help you. Remember your password, and keep multiple backups of your key file(s)!

Your key file(s) are stored in the %APPDATA%\Ethereum directory. For a fresh Windows 10 install, that means the C:\Users\[YOUR WINDOWS USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Ethereum\keystore folder (note that the AppData folder is hidden by default). Copy the entire keystore folder someplace safe to backup your wallet.

If you ever forget your wallet address, you can open a command prompt, return to your Geth installation folder, and type geth account list to see your addresses and the location of their key files.

Step 10: Install Claymore’s Ethereum miner

I talked about my reasons for selecting Claymore’s miner over other alternatives in my Linux guide, but to sum up: it’s currently the fastest, most stable Ethereum miner that’s still under active development. The downside is that it’s not free—about 1% of your mining time will benefit the creator of the software instead of you. However, even after the usage fee, you’ll come out ahead compared to the alternatives.

  • Download the latest version of Claymore’s ETH miner (v10.2 at the time of this post). Make sure to get the .zip file and not the Linux tar (also check here for newer releases)!
  • Extract the downloaded archive into a folder on your mining computer.
  • Open the folder where you extracted the miner, and create a new text file called “mine.bat” (you can use notepad for this).
  • Enter the following text into your mine.bat file exactly as written (but do make sure to substitute your own wallet address—see note below):
    timeout /t 15
    setx GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR 0
    setx GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE 100
    ethdcrminer64.exe -epool eth-us-east1.nanopool.org:9999 -ewal YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS/Miner01 -epsw x -mode 1 -allpools 1


Where it says YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS, use the address you created in step 9 (you’ll need to put “0x” in front of it). The “Miner01” following your address can be changed to any friendly label that you want to give your miner (only important if you plan to run multiple rigs).

Note that I’m using nanopool.org as the mining pool here. It’s a fairly typical ETH pool that seems to have good reliability, but feel free to pick your own pool. Most don’t require registration, and simply payout to whatever wallet address you supply whenever a certain threshold is met (usually whenever you accumulate 1+ ETH). Assuming you stick with Nanopool, you’ll be able to check on your miner’s status by going to this URL after you start mining: https://eth.nanopool.org/account/%5BYOUR WALLET ADDRESS]

Save and close notepad when you’re done.

Now is a good time to perform a quick test. Simply double-click your mine.bat file to launch the miner. It’ll take a minute or two before it actually starts mining, but it should get there eventually. When you see a scrolling log of outputs that includes non-zero hashrates (expect hashrates in the low to mid 20s for unoptimized GPUs), you’re good to go. If the script fails to start, or you see errors, make sure that you’ve created the script exactly as outlined in the guide.

Press CTRL+C to exit the miner when you’re satisfied that it’s working.

Step 11: Configure your miner to start automatically

We want our rig to automatically start mining whenever it’s powered on or rebooted. That way, we keep mining losses to a minimum whenever a power outage occurs, and we don’t have to worry about manually starting it back up in other situations.

  • Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the folder where you created “mine.bat” in the previous step.
  • Right-click on your mine.bat file, and pick “Copy”.
  • Now, navigate to %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup (should be something like C:\Users\[YOUR WINDOWS USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup).
  • Right-click anywhere on the empty background of the Startup folder and select “Paste shortcut”.

You should see a shortcut to your mine.bat file appear in the startup folder. Windows should automatically execute it upon bootup.

At this point, we’re done with the essentials. If you’ve done everything correctly, you should be able to reboot and watch your rig automatically start mining shortly after the Windows desktop loads. There are a couple more steps that may be important to you, though.

Step 12 (optional): Optimize clock speeds and undervolt (basic)

We’ll get into more advanced optimization in the next section of this guide, but as long as we’re on Windows, it doesn’t hurt to see what we can accomplish via some basic driver setting adjustments. We should be able to squeeze out some extra performance on most RX 470/480 cards and save a bit of power without venturing into the realm of BIOS mods.

  • Open the Radeon Settings app. There should be an icon for it in your system tray. If not, it’s located here: C:\Program Files\AMD\CNext\CNext\RadeonSettings.exe
  • Click on the “Gaming” tab at the top left.
  • Click on the “Add” button near the top right, then click “Browse”.
  • Navigate to the folder where you installed Claymore’s miner, select “EthDcrMiner64.exe”, and then click “Open”.
  • You should see a new profile appear on the Radeon Settings App window labeled “EthDcrMiner64”. Go ahead and click it.
  • Click on the “Profile OverDrive” tab.

AMD's WattMan

You should see something that looks like the image on the left (click for full-size). I’ve cropped in on the two areas that we’re interested in (they’re labeled “GPU” and “Memory”). Find them and start by setting the Frequency to “Dynamic” and the Voltage Control to “Manual” in both areas.

Before we go any further, I’ll just throw out this disclaimer: changing the factory voltage settings on your GPU can result in system instability, crashes, and/or damage. Proceed at your own risk! Honestly, the risk here is tiny—we’re still constrained to basically safe values by AMD’s software, and in the case of a crash we’ll just reboot and be back to factory settings (where we can try again with less-aggressive values).

We’re aiming to accomplish three things here:

  1. We want to lower the core clock speed as low as possible without impacting performance.
  2. We want to increase the memory clock speed as high as possible without impacting stability.
  3. We want to lower both the core and memory voltage as low as possible without impacting stability.

Before we go changing any values, if you haven’t run your miner at stock settings already for a few minutes to get a decent idea of its baseline performance, now is a good time to do that. Look for output along the lines of “ETH: GPU0 XX.XXX Mh/s” while Claymore’s miner is running. There will be some variance from line to line, but that XX.XXX number is the hash rate for that individual GPU. When you have a good idea of your average hash rate, close the miner—it’s time to start making some changes!

  • Start by decreasing your core clock speed to 1000 mhz from whatever the factory setting was (in the “GPU” area, change the values for state 6 and 7 to 1000 on the Frequency row). Click “Apply” (at the top right). Restart your miner and see how performance looks. There is a good chance that it’s unchanged. If that’s the case, repeat the process, but decrease the core clock speed by another 50 mhz or so. Keep moving down in 50 mhz increments until you notice mining performance drop. When that happens, bump the core clock back up to the previous value—that’s the sweet spot.
  • We’re going to basically do the reverse with the memory clock speed, but there are some important things to know. If you have a GPU that is factory-clocked at 1750 mhz or less (virtually every 4GB RX 470/480 GPU, and most RX 470 8GB GPUs as well—the Sapphire Nitro being the notable exception—then 1750 mhz is going to probably be your limit via this method. Increasing the memory clock beyond 1750 mhz will likely result in a change to less-aggressive memory timings that will result in a loss of performance, and there is no way to prevent this outside of BIOS modifications. So if you have a card clocked at under 1750 mhz, bump it up to exactly 1750 mhz, which will give you a decent performance boost. If you have a 2000 mhz card, you can increase it incrementally, like the reverse of what we did with the core clock. Eventually you’ll experience system instability: artifacts on the screen, a GPU crash, bluescreen, etc. When that happens, back down a bit until things are stable.
  • When you’re satisfied that you’ve found the sweet spot for both clock speeds, it’s time to lower voltages. This is pretty straightforward: drop values 25 mV at a time until you experience instability, then bump it back up to last stable value. You should be able to reduce your power consumption a fair bit this way without impacting performance at all (these are great if you want to measure your electricity usage at the wall).

While more significant performance gains are possible by flashing a custom GPU BIOS (which I’ll cover in the next part of this guide), you should at least be able to realize some significant power savings (which has the added benefit of lowering GPU temperatures as well).

The screenshot in this section is from a factory-clocked 1650 mhz 4GB RX 470 GPU. Feel free to use the settings pictured as your starting point if you have a 4GB GPU, I haven’t found any cards that aren’t stable at these settings yet; most go a bit lower on the voltages.

 Step 13 (optional): Configure remote administration

Configuring remote administration will allow you to disconnect the monitor, keyboard, and mouse from your mining rig and manage it from another computer—even over the internet, if you wish. Windows 10 Professional and up have the built-in option to use Remote Desktop, although it’s disabled by default and must be configured. It’s a fine option if you’re looking for something basic and don’t want to install additional software.

There are a host of other options available, if you’re on a Home edition of Windows and/or want something a bit more robust. I recommend TightVNC: it’s lightweight, simple, cross-platform, and free. Here are the basic setup instructions for TightVNC:

  • Download TightVNC.
  • Install TightVNC on your mining rig. Choose a custom installation and make only the server portion of the application available.
  • Now install TightVNC on the other computer(s) that you plan to manage your rig with. Choose a custom installation and make only the client portion of the application available.
  • If you plan to manage your miner across the internet, forward port 5900 on your router to your mining rig (make sure you choose a strong password if you do this!).

That’s it—you’re done! You’ll probably want to test everything now. The easiest way to do that is to power down your miner. Turn it back on and the following should happen:

  1. Windows should boot up as usual.
  2. You should see a 15 second countdown to the Claymore miner’s launch shortly after the Windows desktop appears.
  3. After the countdown, the miner will start, and your GPUs should start mining.
  4. You should be able to VNC into your rig at any point after the desktop loads to monitor your miner’s progress and GPU temperatures.
  5. If you ever need to start the Claymore miner manually (because you quit out of it, or it crashed, etc), simply double-click your mine.bat file, located in your Claymore miner installation folder.

Congratulations—you have your own headless windows Ethereum miner!

The screenshot above shows a single 4GB RX 470 mining at the settings pictured in section 12. I was able to get about a 10% performance gain over factory settings while reducing power consumption at the same time. That’s good, but we can do better (sometimes much better!) if we’re willing to venture into the world of GPU BIOS mods—and I’ll show you how to do exactly that in the next section of my guide.


This fourth installment of our Ethereum mining guide will focus on optimizing your rig’s performance via GPU clock speed and voltage setting tweaks to achieve maximum efficiency.

The tweaks that I outline in this article are applicable whether you’re using Linux or Windows. If you’re using the hardware that was recommended in the first part of this guide (or very similar hardware), you should expect to achieve Ether mining performance gains of 20-25%, compared to stock settings! At the same time, you’ll reduce power consumption by 10-15% (and consequently, lower GPU temperature and fan noise).

More speed for less power—how is that possible? Click “read more” to find out, in our mining performance optimization guide!

 Build an Ethereum Mining Rig, part 4: Optimization

Let’s get the bad news out of the way up front: achieving these levels of performance gain require flashing your GPU BIOS with custom replacements. Doing this incorrectly may leave you with a non-working GPU that can be difficult or (sometimes) impossible to restore to factory settings. The steps that I outline in my guide will show you how to minimize the risk that you end up with a bricked GPU, but always remember that messing around with BIOS settings can potentially result in unstable hardware.

Disclaimer: Installing a custom BIOS and/or changing factory clock speed & voltage settings on your graphics card(s) may cause system instability, may harm your hardware, and probably invalidates your warranty. I assume no responsibility for hardware damage if you choose to follow this guide!

With that said, I’ve flashed probably close to a hundred GPUs, and I haven’t destroyed any hardware yet. =) If you proceed, just make sure to follow the steps in order, don’t take any shortcuts, and stop if there is anything that you’re confused or unsure about.

What you’ll need

There are ways to create and flash custom BIOS mods to your GPUs without some of these things, but I believe this method is by far the most user-friendly:

  • A computer running Windows
    You’ll flash your GPUs with this computer. My mining rigs run Linux, but I keep a small/cheap SSD loaded with Windows 10 handy for testing/BIOS flashing purposes (I simply swap the SATA connector between disks when I want to switch OSes). Any version of Windows 7, 8, or 10 will work fine (note that you don’t have to activate Windows to install it). Or, you can simply temporarily move your GPUs to another computer running Windows to flash them.
  • ATIFlash / ATIWinFlash
    You can download the latest version of ATIFlash here (v2.74 at the time of this article). We’ll use this to read and write BIOS files to our GPU hardware.
  • Polaris BIOS editor
    You can download the latest version of Polaris BIOS editor here (v1.4.1 at the time of this article). We’ll use this to modify BIOS files.
  • ATI Pixel Clock Patcher
    You can download the latest version of ATI Pixel Clock Patcher here (v1.4.5 at the time of this article). We’ll need this to get AMD’s Windows driver to recognize a modded BIOS.
  • Kill-a-Watt electricity usage monitor (or similar device)
    Not strictly required, but I highly recommend this—it’ll pay for itself! I have two of these and consider them invaluable in dialing in the performance of my mining rigs. When doing optimization tests, I often find that the last few percentage points of speed gain come at a much larger cost in power consumption (and thus, a decrease in overall profitability)—having an electricity monitor allows me to find the efficiency sweet spot between raw speed and electricity usage.
  • Some baseline information on each of your GPU’s factory performance to compare your modifications against. If you haven’t already, let each GPU run for 5+ of mining and record its speed, temperature/fan speed, and power consumption at the wall (assuming you have a Kill-a-Watt). This will be immensely useful later when trying to figure out if your mods are beneficial or not.

From this point on, I’m going to assume that you’re following directions on a Windows computer with the above software available, ideally with a Kill-a-Watt connected for testing. I’m also going to assume that you have a single GPU installed. If you have multiple GPUs, I highly recommend that you disconnect all but one, and work on them one at a time. All of the software does support multiple GPUs, but you’ll keep confusion and the potential for mistakes to a minimum by only connecting one video card at a time. The times that I’ve made mistakes with BIOS flashing, it has always been because I flashed the wrong card due to having multiple GPUs connected!

Step 1: Make a backup of your factory GPU BIOS

Saving your GPU BIOS with ATIWinFlashBefore we start, open your Radeon Settings and disable any overclocking/undervolting that you have set up through WattMan (if you followed my Windows setup guide, you’ll need to temporarily disable the “EthDcrMiner64” profile that you created in step 12). After that:

  • Open ATIWinFlash (extract the .zip file you downloaded and double-click ATIWinflash.exe).
  • You should see your GPU detected at the top under “System Video Devices”. Again, I highly recommend that you have only a single GPU connected for this entire process!
  • Click “Save” to make a backup of your GPU’s BIOS data. Don’t lose this file!

Your computer might appear to freeze for a few seconds while your GPU BIOS data is being saved—this is normal. When ATIWinFlash is done, you can close it for now.

Step 2: Open your GPU’s factory BIOS with Polaris BIOS editor

Here is where we’re going to be making all of our modifications. Editing the BIOS data gives us access to a few values that we normally wouldn’t have any control over—most importantly, the memory timing values.

  • Open Polaris BIOS Editor (extract the .zip file you downloaded and double-click PolarisBiosEditor.exe).
  • Click “OPEN BIOS” in the top left, then browse to where you saved your GPU’s factory BIOS in step 1, and double-click it to open it.

You should see something like the image below (click for full-size). I’ve highlighted the areas that we’ll be modifying in blue—if you stick to these areas, you’ll generally be safe from getting yourself into too much trouble, as the GPU doesn’t enter these states until it’s mining or otherwise working hard. Note that the first entries in the “GPU” and “Memory” section are outside of the blue area and should never be touched unless you absolutely know what you’re doing. Likewise, the memory timings at 1500mhz and below should usually be left at default settings.

Factory BIOS in Polaris BIOS editor
My screenshot shows the default BIOS from an Asus 1650mhz factory-clocked RX 470 4GB GPU. If you have a 4GB RX 470, it should look pretty similar, although many of the values will likely differ by a small amount. At these factory settings, I get around 20 Mh/s in Claymore’s Ethereum miner, which isn’t spectacular.

If you don’t see memory timing values for your card, try this version of Polaris instead (click the “clone or download” button, then “Download ZIP”).

When you’re comfortable, let’s move on and start modifying some values.

Step 3: Modify BIOS memory timing values

At this point, you should still have Polaris BIOS editor open, with your GPU’s factory default BIOS loaded. We’re going to focus on the lower-right corner area containing memory timings.

If you have a RX 470/480 that has memory clocked at 1750mhz or less (eg: most 4GB cards), you may have noticed that it’s really easy to overclock past 1750mhz via the driver (in Windows, anyway). You probably also noticed that mining performance immediately tanks as soon as you do so: a 1751mhz overclock results in much slower performance than 1750mhz. You may have wondered why, and these memory timings are the answer. On most 4GB cards, the GPU switches over to less aggressive memory timings at clock speeds beyond 1750mhz, which results in slower performance even though the absolute clock speed is higher. We’re aiming to fix that.

This isn’t an exact science, and some experimentation may be necessary for you to achieve optimal results, but what follows is a good starting point and should work for 99% of you:

  • If you have a RX 470/480 that is factory clocked at 1750Mhz or less (eg: nearly all 4GB cards):
    Copy the value in the 1500Mhz field, and then paste it into all of the fields after it (1625mhz, 1750mhz, 2000mhz). The easiest way to do this is to click anywhere inside the 1500mhz value, then press CTRL+A to highlight the entire string, and then press CTRL+C to copy it. Then you can simply click into the remaining fields and press CTRL+A followed by CTRL+V to paste over the existing value.
  • If you have a RX 470/480 that is factory clocked at 2000Mhz or more (eg: nearly all 8GB cards):
    This is a bit trickier, but generally most cards will be most stable by simply copying the value in the 1750mhz field into the 2000mhz field. The easiest way to do this is to click anywhere inside the 1750mhz value, then press CTRL+A to highlight the entire string, and then press CTRL+C to copy it. Then you can simply click into the 2000mhz field and press CTRL+A followed by CTRL+V to paste over the existing value.

Once you’ve made the edit that is appropriate for your GPU, click on the “SAVE AS” button located at the top left. Save your modded BIOS with a new name (don’t overwrite your factory BIOS!), and then close the Polaris editor when you’re done.

Step 4: Flash your modified BIOS back to your GPU

Flashing your GPU BIOS with ATIWinFlashNow it’s time to write your custom BIOS back to your hardware. This can be a little scary if you’ve never attempted anything like this before, but generally if you’ve followed the steps as written, you shouldn’t have any issues. Again, there are no absolute guarantees, so proceed at your own risk!

  • Open ATIWinFlash back up.
  • Click on the “Load Image” button and select the modded BIOS that you created in step 3.
  • Click on the “Program” button to write the BIOS to your GPU. Your computer may appear to freeze for what might seem like a long time—this is normal.
  • You’ll be prompted to reboot when ATIWinFlash finishes. Don’t reboot yet—we have one more thing to do. Go ahead and close ATIWinFlash, though.
  • Unzip the ATI Pixel Clock Patcher utility that you downloaded and double-click atikmdag-patcher.exe. It should offer to apply a patch, let it. You only need to do this step once per GPU, even if you flash it multiple times. If you skip this step, when your computer reboots, the AMD display driver will refuse to load because it’ll detect that your GPU BIOS has been tampered with it.
  • Go ahead and reboot after the patch is applied.

If you’ve done everything correctly, your computer should boot normally, and you’ll arrive back at the Windows desktop, ready to test your changes.

Step 5: Test your modified GPU BIOS

Now is a great time to fire up your miner and see what kind of difference your changes made.

If you have a 4GB card, the timing change alone should be enough to get you from ~20 Mh/s to ~24 Mh/s. If you have a 8GB card, you likely went from ~24 Mh/s to ~28 Mh/s. We can do better, but that’s a pretty good start!

Power consumption will be unchanged (or even up slightly, due to the more aggressive timings), but we haven’t touched voltages yet.

Once you’ve recorded your GPU’s new metrics (speed, temperature/fan speed, power usage), we can move on.

Step 6: Find appropriate clock speed and voltage values for your GPU

Before we head back into Polaris BIOS editor to increase memory clock speed settings, it’s a good idea to have an idea of how high we can push them. It’s a lot easier (and faster) to make these tweaks in Windows via the driver (Radeon Settings/WattMan), and then once we’re confident on the proper values, write them to BIOS.

So if you haven’t already, read step 12 of my Windows guide to get an idea of the process around overclocking and undervolting via driver-level edits. If you’ve already gone through the process, you’ll need to repeat it, as your new more-aggressive memory timings invalidate all of your previous data—you won’t be able to push the memory clock speed as high as you previously could (but performance will be much better).

Using Radeon Settings/WattMan in the manner that I describe in my Windows guide:

  • Increase memory clock speed slowly until you see signs of system instability (incorrect share warnings in your miner, artifacts on screen, crashes)
  • Decrease core clock speed slowly until it starts to significantly negatively impact performance
  • Decrease memory voltage slowly until you see signs of instability (you may not be able to significantly lower memory voltage, depending on your card)
  • Decrease core voltage slowly until you see signs of instability

Don’t rush; make sure that your system is stable before moving on. It’s possible to reach speeds of nearly 29 Mh/s with 4GB cards, or over 31 Mh/s with 8GB cards, but watch out for power consumption and stability issues—it’s not always worth running at higher speeds. I’ve found that 25-26Mh/s for 4GB cards, and 27-29Mh/s for 8GB cards is right around the sweet spot for maximum efficiency and stability. When you feel confident that you have good clock speed and voltage values, then move on to the next step where we’ll write them to the BIOS.

Step 7: Write new clock speed and voltage values to GPU BIOS

Note that this step is not strictly necessary if you plan to use Windows for your miners long-term. You can certainly just dial in whatever values you found in the previous step at the driver/WattMan level and call it a day. I prefer to have everything done at the BIOS level, as then I don’t have to worry about software configuration, and can move GPUs between environments with ease.

If you’re running Linux, this is the only way (currently, at least) to overclock and undervolt.

  • Open Polaris BIOS Editor back up.
  • Load the modified BIOS that you created in step 3 (click “OPEN BIOS” in the top left and browse for your modded .rom file).
  • In the “Memory” area, carefully input your values for memory clock speed and voltage in the bottom row.
  • In the “GPU” area, carefully input your values for core clock speed and voltage in the bottom row. You’ll probably be overwriting a 65xxx value in the voltage column—that’s ok.
  • Still in the “GPU” area, fill in the table between the bottom row and the first row (but do not touch the first row!) with values that ramp up to whatever you entered in the bottom row. It isn’t super important to get these values “right”; you can look at the original table and see what percentage adjacent rows vary by, and just calculate new values that way.

Here is my finished, modded BIOS for my Asus RX 470 4GB (click for full size):

Factory BIOS in Polaris BIOS editor

The original factory BIOS is shown in step 2 for reference. Note that I’ve made absolutely no edits outside of the area I originally outlined in blue. I get over 25 Mh/s after the modifications (+25%), while using ~15% less power compared to stock. These changes are fairly conservative; I’m stable at nearly 27 Mh/s on this card with more aggressive settings, but the increase in power consumption isn’t worth it at my electricity rate.

If you’re looking for a good starting point, the settings pictured here should be stable in just about every 4GB card (in the timings section, just copy the 1500mhz value to every row below it).

When you’re done making your edits in Polaris, save your final BIOS (click “SAVE AS”) as a new file. Then open up ATIWinFlash and write the new .rom to your GPU (same as step 4). Reboot and test!

Step 8: Repeat steps 1-7 for each of your remaining GPUs

Yes, it’s a little tedious. But it goes quite a bit faster after your first one. Don’t be tempted to simply take the first BIOS that you create, and flash that to all of your other cards—every GPU is different, even between cards that are the same brand/model. It’s quite possible (likely, even, if you have a lot) that some of your cards will be capable of stable speeds 25+ mhz higher than others. Test them all; it’ll save you headaches later.

Analyzing the cost/benefit of different setups

If you’re stuck on whether or not an extra 1-2 Mh/s is worth 25 watts of additional power consumption, remember that you can use an online calculator to help simplify things. For example, here is a GPU hashing at 25 Mh/s @ 100 watts vs another GPU at 26 Mh/s @ 125 watts (assuming $0.15 per kWh, remember to plug in your own rate!). At the time that this was written, the slower GPU is slightly more profitable.

BIOS mods: before and after comparison


In the next and final installment of this Ethereum mining guide, I’ll post a mining FAQ and some other tidbits that didn’t quite fit anywhere else. Until then, thanks for reading, and feel free to leave questions or comments!


In this fifth and final installment of our Ethereum mining rig guide, I answer some common questions about setting up your own rig, profit expectations, and mining in general. If you’ve read the rest of the guide and still have some unanswered questions, you might find what you’re looking for here.

Hit the “read more” button for the FAQ!

Build an Ethereum Mining Rig, part 5: FAQ

 General Questions

Technical Questions

Ethereum-specific Questions



So how much money can I expect to make from mining, exactly?

This is the question that most people are interested in. The answer is fairly complicated, and changes daily.

Today, one ether is worth about $90. Last week, that same ether peaked at a value of nearly $100. A month before that, ether was trading at less than half its current value. The volatility in digital currency value is extreme—the price today could be very different than the price tomorrow.

On top of that, the difficulty involved with mining a coin is also changing constantly. Today, the rig depicted in our guide will produce nearly 5 ether per month. One month ago, it was producing at a rate of ~7 per month. As the popularity of mining increases (as it often does when the value of each coin increases), the time/computing power it takes to produce a coin increases.

You can answer the question for right now by using a calculator such as this one. If you’re building the exact rig outlined in the guide, then 150 MH/s is a good conservative estimate for speed, and 750 watts should be accurate for power usage if you undervolt and use an efficient PSU (make sure to plug in your own electricity rate, though). The calculator takes into account the current mining difficulty automatically.

At the time that I’m writing this FAQ, assuming you pay $0.10 per kWh for electricity, the calculator would tell you that you should expect to make nearly $400 per month from your mining rig. Remember to subtract 1-2 percent for your mining pool’s fee. Subtracting another couple percent for downtime and other unexpected issues is probably a good idea, too.

If the price of ether rises faster than the mining difficulty increases, then that profit figure will increase. If the mining difficulty outpaces the value growth of ether (and/or ether drops in value), then profit will decrease.

Since it is very difficult to predict the future, I’d strongly advise everyone reading this to treat mining as a hobby, and not a “get rich quick” scheme. Only invest what you’re comfortable losing, because losing is a very real possibility.

Why not just buy ether (or bitcoin, or litecoin, etc) directly, and then sell later at a profit?

If you believe that ETH is about to shoot up in value in the short-term, and you have a very high tolerance for risk, and you have some money that you won’t miss if it suddenly disappears, then this might be the best idea for you. Buying the digital currency directly enables you to get your hands on a bunch of it quickly, without having to wait for a mining rig to produce it for you. However, the “sell them later at a profit” part doesn’t always work out. =)

For most of us with a desire to jump into cryptocurrency, mining is probably the safer option (it’s more fun, too!). If you buy $1500 worth of ETH today, and tomorrow ether is suddenly worthless, then you’ve lost $1500. If you build a $1500 mining rig today, and tomorrow ETH is worthless, then you still have $1500 worth of hardware. You can sell it at a small loss, or re-purpose it (maybe try your luck at mining one of the other digital currencies, for example).

How noisy/hot are these rigs?

This is difficult to answer because it’s so subjective. An open-air mining rig with six RX 4xx/5xx GPUs in it will certainly not be silent. But a properly undervolted rig can be surprisingly quiet, especially compared to the previous generation of litecoin mining rigs (those old 7950 GPUs were noise & heat monsters!).

Using a free sound meter app on my phone, I measured the sound level of my test rig at 47 decibels (with the phone held about 2-3 inches away from the middle of the GPUs). From roughly 6 feet away, the sound level dropped to about 37 decibels, which I find to be completely acceptable. For reference, the sound level in an empty room that I subjectively consider to be completely quiet is 22 decibels, according to the app. If these numbers don’t mean much to you, this chart might be helpful.

My test rig contains a mix of four RX 470/480 GPUs running at a temperature target of 58C. The noise level could be reduced significantly by bumping the target up to 70C if desired (which would allow the fans to spin at a lower RPM), but it’s already more than quiet enough for me.

The heat that a rig produces may be more of an issue, depending on where you live. Most small consumer space heaters put out 1500 watts of heat. An undervolted 6-GPU rig will give off roughly half that, which is still a significant amount. It’s certainly possible to heat a small room with the heat from a single mining rig, but that extra heat can be a nuisance if you live in a warmer climate.

Ideally, you have someplace that you can tuck your rig(s) where they’re out of living spaces. Basements and garages are both good ideas if they’re relatively clean and temperatures don’t venture into extremes.

How do I convince my significant other that building a rig is a good idea?

You’re on your own with that one. Good luck! =) Anecdotally, I did convince my girlfriend to keep a litecoin mining rig in her apartment for most of 2013. She hated the noise (modern GPUs are much quieter), but she did make a tenfold return on her investment.

How do I turn my computer on without a case/power switch?!

So you didn’t opt to purchase a power switch, and now you’re sitting there staring at a bunch of assembled hardware, and wondering how the heck to turn the thing on for the first time. Don’t worry, you have a couple options.

First, check to see if there is a power button built right onto the motherboard. This is somewhat common nowadays, although many boards still don’t include them.

If you don’t have a power button on your motherboard, grab a flathead screwdriver. Now use the head of your screwdriver to temporarily short the two pins on the motherboard that the power switch would be connected to (if you had a power switch). Just touch the head of the screwdriver so that it makes contact with both pins for a brief moment. Your system should immediately power on (if it doesn’t, make sure that your PSU is plugged in, and the PSU power switch is in the “on” position”).

The first thing you should do at this point is enter the BIOS and change the power options to set your computer to automatically power on whenever power is restored. That way, you can use the switch on your power supply to turn it on and off going forward.

Why the Radeon RX 470 GPU? Why not a RX 480/570/580, or another video card entirely?

The Radeon RX 470 GPU is currently gives the best hashrate/watt ratio, and also has an excellent hashrate/purchase price ratio. It’s really the ideal GPU for mining, at least for now.

That said, the RX 470/480/570/580 are all very close performance-wise when properly clocked and undervolted via BIOS mods. In fact, the difference is so close that purchase price should probably be your primary consideration—buy whichever RX 4xx/5xx GPU you can get for the least money, as long as you plan to flash your GPU BIOS (I show you how in part 4 of my guide).

I generally don’t mention nVidia GPUs because they cost so much more than AMD cards. The GTX 1070 is a fine card for mining, with hashrate and power consumption numbers comparable to RX 4xx/5xx cards when properly configured. I don’t recommend it simply because it costs 2-3 times as much as an RX 470, and that has a tremendous negative impact, ROI-wise.

Can I mix different brands and/or models of GPUs in the same rig?

You can always mix different brands of the same model GPU in the same rig (for example, RX 470 GPUs made by MSI, Sapphire, and Asus).

You can additionally mix different models of cards together as long as whatever video driver you’ve installed in your OS supports all of them.

In Windows, you can mix RX 470 and RX 480 cards together with no issues, and you can also mix RX 570 and RX 580 cards. You’ll run into issues if you try to mix RX 4xx cards with RX 5xx cards, because they use different video drivers (it’s possible to make it work, but involves jumping through some extra hoops).

In Linux, I believe that all of the RX 4xx and RX 5xx cards share the same driver, so they should all coexist together without problems.

My own Linux rig runs a mix of different RX 470 and RX 480 cards, all different brands. I have an RX 570 GPU card running in another desktop that I haven’t tried dropping into the rig yet.

Why stop at 6 GPUs? Is it possible to pack more than that onto one motherboard?

Possible? Yes—I know some people have made 7, or even 8 GPUs work on a single motherboard.

I generally don’t recommend it unless you’re pretty savvy and willing to work through a lot of potential headaches, though. Generally, achieving 8 GPUs on a single motherboard is done via use of PCIe splitters (eg: something like this), and they don’t always work well.

7-8 GPUs also generally works best with two power supplies, and that ups complexity (and risk of hardware damage, if done improperly) a bit, as well. In addition, depending on which GPUs you use and how much you undervolt them, an 8 GPU rig may come quite close to the safe continuous load rating on a typical 15 amp household circuit (which is 80% of 1800 watts, or 1440 watts).

To me, 6 GPUs feels like the current sweet spot between maximizing GPU density and minimizing complexity/risk.

Don’t I need more than 4GB of RAM? A lot of other guides recommend more.

Nope—mining uses the memory on your GPUs, so you don’t need much system memory at all. You can get by just fine with 1-2GB of RAM in Linux, and 4GB is enough in Windows (you’ll need to bump your virtual memory settings up to at least 16GB though, covered in step 6 of my Windows guide).

I’m running with a single 1GB DIMM on my own Linux rig, and most of that memory is available while mining.

Why do I need a 1200 watt power supply if I’m undervolting? Won’t I only be using 700-800 watts with 6 GPUs? And is it worth paying so much for a high efficiency unit?

If you’re running six properly undervolted RX 470 GPUs, your “at the wall” power consumption should be around 750 watts. Which means that yes, it’s possible to run such a rig on a smaller PSU without issues.

The reason that I recommend a 1200 watt PSU is due to efficiency variance at different load levels. PSUs are generally most efficient when supplying about 50% of their rated maximum power (you can read a bit about ratings on Wikipedia here). So a platinum-rated 93% efficient unit may only reach that efficiency level when supplying ~40-60% of the unit’s maximum rated power. It’s not uncommon for PSUs rated at 90%+ efficiency to drop down to ~85% when operating near their limit (and also when delivering very little power).

Example time: let’s first assume that your rig needs 700 watts of power to operate (maybe 6x 110 watts for the GPUs, and 40 watts for the rest of the system—this is a fairly realistic number).

Now let’s first assume that you decided ~$250 for a platinum-rated 1200 watt PSU is ridiculous, so you opted for a $100 bronze-rated 850 watt PSU instead (which is still a fairly solid unit!). You’ll be pulling about 854 watts at the wall (700 watts / .82 efficient) with this setup.

Now let’s assume that you want to be as efficient as possible, but since you you know you don’t really need 1200 watts, you go for a $180 platinum-rated 850 watt unit—not realizing that its efficiency rating drops from 93% @ 50% load to 89% @ 100% load. That doesn’t sound like much, and at least it’s still significantly better than a bronze-rated unit, right? With this setup, you’ll end up pulling about 787 watts (700 watts / .89 efficient) at the wall.

Now let’s assume that you just followed my guide and bought the 1200 watt Seasonic that I recommend(platinum-rated units by EVGA, Corsair, and some others are all fine too—they’re likely rebadged OEM Seasonics anyway). Since you’re running the unit at only ~58% of it’s maximum, it should run very near its peak 93% efficiency. Which means this setup will pull about 753 watts (700 watts / .93 efficient) at the wall.

The difference between the first and last example is 101 watts at the wall. Assuming that you run your rig 24/7 and pay 15 cents per kWh, that’s a $133 difference in electricity costs every year! The “expensive” 1200 watt Seasonic pays for itself compared to the much “cheaper” $100 bronze unit in roughly one year of use (the Seasonic has a 7 year warranty, so the odds are that you’ll be using it for quite a long time).

If you want to measure your own “at the wall” power consumption numbers, I highly recommend that you shell out a few bucks for a kill-a-watt. They’re invaluable.

Can I utilize my mining rig for anything else while it’s mining?

It’ll make a great space heater in the winter. =) Oh, you mean application-wise.

The CPU, memory, and disk will mostly be unused while your rig is mining, but anything GUI-related will be pretty unresponsive. Applications that run in the background or over the network are good candidates, if you’re looking to get some extra use out of your rig. You should be able to run things like file servers and low-traffic web servers just fine without impacting mining performance.

How much of my internet bandwidth will my mining rig use?

Not much. Mine averages around 30 kb/sec when it’s mining at full speed, which is less than half of one percent of the average broadband speed in the US (~55 mb/sec). Bandwidth is basically a non-issue—you could run a mining rig off a dial-up connection (in terms of bandwidth, anyway—I absolutely recommend a wired ethernet connection for latency/reliability reasons).

My rig won’t boot properly unless a monitor is connected—what’s up with that?

I’m not sure why some people experience this (I did with my own LTC rig back in 2013, but not my newer ETH rigs), but if your rig won’t boot into the OS without a monitor attached, then you need a dummy plug (a device that plugs into your GPU, fooling the hardware into detecting a display). You can make you own for a few bucks by simply following these instructions (you can buy the resistors that you need on Amazon). Or you can buy pre-made HDMI plugs, although they’re more expensive (it shouldn’t matter if you use DVI or HDMI plugs). You should only need one plug attached to your primary video card, although some people use dummy plugs on all of their GPUs.

I’m getting fan speed errors using the latest version of Claymore’s miner—how do I fix them?

This “failed to set fan speed” issue seems to occur in later Claymore releases (10 and up), and requires a few extra commands to setup the Claymore executable with the permission it needs to control your GPU fans. I’ve incorporated these commands into the latest version of my Linux guide, but in case you followed an earlier version and recently upgraded Claymore to 10.x or later, simply enter these commands:

cd /usr/local/claymore10.2
sudo chown root:root ethdcrminer64
sudo chmod 755 ethdcrminer64
sudo chmod u+s ethdcrminer64

Note that if Claymore is located somewhere other than /usr/local/claymore10.2, you’ll need to substitute the proper location in the first command.

I rebooted and now my GPUs are hashing 20% lower than previously—what happened?
If you’ve just rebooted for the first time since January 9, 2018, you may find that your system has automatically updated to linux kernal 4.13.0-26. The update is designed to patch the Meltdown/Spectre vulnerabilities present on Intel CPUs, but it may also wreak havoc with your mining hashrates. If you’re seeing significantly lower hashrates compared to before the last time you rebooted, you can manually roll back the update by entering these commands:

sudo apt-get remove linux-image-4.13.0-26-generic && sudo apt autoremove -y
sudo update-grub

Reboot (sudo reboot now) and your hashrates should be back to normal.

To stop your system from performing automatic updates in the future, you can use one of the methods described here.

Isn’t Ethereum moving to proof-of-stake soon? Won’t that make our rigs obsolete?

Ethereum will eventually make the switch to PoS, which will make current methods of mining impossible. However, there isn’t currently a timeline for the switch in place, and one of Ethereum’s co-founders stated that an informal estimates of “late 2017” was “too rosy”. Most people close to Ethereum seem to feel that the second half of 2018 is a realistic target for the switch, which still leaves plenty of mining time.

When the switch does occur, it’ll be easy to transition our mining rigs to another coin (which you can then trade for ETH/BTC/LTC, if you don’t want to hold another altcoin).

I have an old video card with 2GB of memory laying around. Can I use it to mine ETH?

Unfortunately, no. Every individual GPU must be able to fit Ethereum’s DAG file into its own video memory to mine. The DAG file is slowly getting larger over time, and as of today, the DAG file is over 2GB, which means only cards with 3GB or more can mine ETH.

Sometime around April 2018, the DAG file will grow beyond 3GB.

The 4GB limit will be reached somewhere around September 2019, although it’s likely that Ethereum will have already moved to proof-of-stake by that point.

Other guides say that you shouldn’t run Linux off a USB drive if you plan to mine ETH, because constant DAG file writes will quickly wear the stick out. Your guide says that a USB stick is ok for a Linux-based ETH mining rig. What gives?

Any guide that cautions against installing Linux to a USB stick for ETH mining was probably written more than 6 months ago. The stock Ethereum miner (geth), writes the (very large) DAG file to disk fairly frequently, which can cause issues for media not rated for large numbers of writes (USB sticks, for example). Claymore’s miner (which we’re using) creates the DAG file in GPU memory, so we don’t have any excessive writes to worry about.

Just when I was about to reach 1 ETH at my mining pool, my balance went to zero! Did I get hacked?

Most mining pools (including ethermine.org, which I use in my guide’s setup examples) hold your earned balance until you reach a certain threshold (usually 1 ETH). When that threshold is reached, they transfer your balance to whatever wallet address you specified. If you’ve been watching your balance accumulate at your mining pool, and then it suddenly went to zero, most likely the pool just transferred your coins to your wallet. You can easily check the balance of your wallet address with a web-based blockchain explorer, such as this one.

How do I keep my ETH wallet safe?

Backup your wallet to multiple secure, offline devices (a few small USB sticks are great for this). If you created your wallet using my guide, then you’ll find your wallet file(s) on your mining rig at the following location:

Linux:   ~/.ethereum/keystore
Windows:   %APPDATA%\Ethereum\keystore

Just copy the entire keystore directory someplace safe. To access the ether held in your wallet addresses, you’ll need both these encrypted key files, and the password that you used to create them. So make sure that you can remember your password(s) as well! Keeping some sort of password “hint” document (that only you would understand) on the backup USB sticks containing your key files isn’t a bad idea. Keep at least one copy off-site (eg: with somebody you trust, or a bank deposit box, etc).

After you’ve made multiple backups of your wallet keys, it’s probably a good idea to remove the keys from your mining rig (simply delete the /keystore directory). It’s generally best to not store your keys long-term on any computer that is connected to the internet. If a hacker successfully gains access to your rig and finds your private keys, you’re going to lose all of the funds stored in the associated wallets. Be absolutely sure that you’ve verified your backups work (read the answer to the next question, and test out the process using your backed-up private keys) before deleting /keystore from your rig, of course.

So I’ve mined all this ether—how do I actually move/use it?

If you’re a masochist, you can move ether around right from the command line of your rig using geth. But I don’t recommend that as it’s tedious, confusing, and prone to mistakes.

A much better way is to download and install Mist (you can do this on any computer, it doesn’t have to be on your mining rig—do make sure that the computer is free from malware first, though!). Mist is essentially a GUI front-end for geth that hides all of the tedious command-line stuff from the user.

Once Mist is installed, you can simply import your wallet key files (see previous question if you don’t know where they’re located), and Mist will show the current balance of each. From there, you can simply click “Send” to move ether out of one of your own wallets to any other wallet address.

Important note: after you install Mist, it’s going to want to sync the blockchain to your computer. This can take anywhere from an hour to a day the first time you do it, depending on the speed of your internet connection (you’ll see a progress bar in the lower left corner). Until this finishes, the balance of all of your wallets will likely show up as zero. Don’t stress, this is normal. Once the sync is complete, all of your balances should show up properly.

I see that Claymore supports dual mining—what is that, and should I use it?

I wrote a dedicated blog post on this subject; you can read it here.

When it comes to buying/selling cryptocurrency, which exchange do you recommend?

There are so many exchanges, and frankly a lot of them are sketchy and operating in countries where regulation isn’t exactly tight. We’ll probably see another Mt. Gox at some point in the future because of this.

For now, I tend to recommend Coinbase. They’re based in San Francisco and seem to be doing all the right things with regard to regulation and insuring users’ funds.

As a general rule, don’t leave your currency in an exchange any longer than necessary (eg: don’t treat exchanges like banks!). Keep your funds in wallet addresses that you control, and move them to exchanges only when you want to trade.

Can I buy you a beer? Your mining guide has been a huge help!

Certainly! Well, virtually, anyway. I’d be happy to accept donations at the below wallet addresses:

Bitcoin: 1DpnANRtMDPe8jG3FXfkyczLFevM94Yjxv
Litecoin: LPuwBa3LbZZzcJaR3kEsGDBivAoc64fPUr
Ethereum: 0x32FD4a5DF96Af70b0D4644Cf4dce44cFc988BEE4

用树莓派做Bitcoin Unlimited全节点

用树莓派做Bitcoin Unlimited全节点
 github-kfty     2017-03-09 17:55:16

这是一个用树莓派做Bitcoin Unlimited全节点的示例。对于没用使用过全节点钱包,也不熟悉命令行操作的朋友,建议先看这篇教程,尝试在PC或Mac上安装和同步区块链,这样更容易理解这个示例。




– 树莓派 3B(配盒子,电源)
– 16GB的SD卡Class 10 microSDHC
– 外置硬盘或U盘
– 网线(可选,wifi也行,但用网线会更稳定一点)
– 键盘,鼠标,显示器,HDMI线(不用买,仅在安装时临时用一下,安装好以后可以远程SSH接入树莓派)



树莓派原生的系统是Rasbian,出于个人偏好,此例使用Ubuntu-mate的ARM版。首先下载系统的镜像文件 Ubuntu Mate 16.04.2 LTS 的 RaspberryPi 版本 https://ubuntu-mate.org/raspberry-pi


  • Windows系统:可以使用7-zip解压下载到的文件,用Win32 Disk Imager把img文件装载到SD卡里
  • Macbook:把下载的img文件解压到桌面;插上SD卡后,在Terminal里使用diskutil查看SD卡到情况

    diskutil list


    sudo dd if=~/Desktop/ubuntu.img of=/dev/rdisk2 bs=1m




  1. sudo raspi-config

2,在BootOptions里把开机选项由Desktop GUI改为Text console,这样禁用了图形界面,节省系统资源,反正我们不打算接着显示器用树莓派,而SSH也不支持图形界面。
4,在AdvancedOption里面进行Expand Filesystem,
5,在AdvancedOption里面把Memory Split改为16,即只留16MB内存给显示。因为我们没有开图形界面,这样可以尽量多把内存给程序用。



不同品牌的路由器设置方法大同小异,必要的话可以搜一下说明书。查看已经连接的设备,给树莓派设置一个固定的ip比如192.168.1.2。也许你需要重启路由器才能生效。找到端口映射的设置,外网端口范围8333到8333,内网端口一样,目标指向192.168.1.2 。端口映射的目的是叫外网向你的路由器8333端口发送请求的时候,路由器把数据转给树莓派,这样别人才能访问到你的节点。



mount 外置硬盘或U盘


  1. banlist.dat
  2. blocks
  3. chainstate
  4. db.log
  5. debug.log
  6. fee_estimates.dat
  7. peers.dat
  8. wallet.dat


在本例中,电脑是Win10系统,节点程序安装在c:\BitcoinUnlimted\bitcoin-qt.exe,区块链数据在c:\BlockData, 新建一个bitcoin-qt的快捷方式,右键进属性,在目标栏的bitcoin-qt.exe 后面加上

  1. -datadir=c:\BlockData -prune=3000




  1. sudo fdisk -l



  1. mkdir blkdata


  1. sudo mount /dev/sda1 /home/pi/blkdata


  1. sudo blkid


  1. sudo nano /etc/fstab


  1. UUID=AE7F-E97A /home/pi/blkdata vfat auto,user 0 0



  1. cd blkdata


  1. ls -l




  1. free -h

看到有1GB内存(树莓派3),虚拟内存swap是0。建立一个swap 文件,此例中是swapfile,大小2GB。

  1. sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/pi/swapfile bs=1m count=2000


  1. sudo chmod 600 /home/pi/swapfile
  2. sudo mkswap /home/pi/swapfile


  1. sudo swapon /home/pi/swapfile


  1. free -h


  1. sudo nano /etc/fstab


  1. /home/pi/swap/swapfile none swap sw 0 0



  1. sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
  2. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin-unlimited/bu-ppa


  1. sudo apt-get update


  1. sudo apt-get install bitcoind



  1. nano bitcoin.conf


  1. prune = 3000
  2. checklevel = 0
  3. mempoolexpiry = 24
  4. disablewallet = 1
  5. maxconnections = 30
  6. maxmempool = 144
  7. minlimitertxfee = 1
  8. server=1
  9. rpcuser=C9dWYgs6
  10. rpcpassword=oXVZ4x2yQuxSGTqATiAkLPpsWCQBr
  11. rpcclienttimeout=60
  12. rpcport=8332
  13. rpcconnect=

如果修剪的话,prune参数要和之前在电脑上设置的一样。如果是不修剪的节点,这里设置为0或不写。rpcuser 和 rpcpassword随便设。


  1. sudo bitcoind -daemon -datadir=/home/pi/blkdata -conf=/home/pi/bitcoin.conf


  1. bitcoin-cli getinfo

能看见version等信息就是OK了。再用电脑去bitnodes.21.co,下面Check Node那里填上自己的IP地址(自动识别填好了的),如果能Check出来你的节点版本那就是通了。



  1. sudo systemctl enable rc-local.service


  1. sudo nano /etc/rc.local

exit 0 上方写:

  1. sleep 10
  2. sudo bitcoind -daemon -datadir=/home/pi/blkdata -conf=/home/pi/bitcoin.conf





  1. sudo nano /boot/config.txt




  1. sudo visudo




How to Build a Bitcoin Full Node on a Raspberry Pi


How to Build a Bitcoin Full Node on a Raspberry Pi

Hello there!

Today, I’m going to show you how to build a Bitcoin full node on the Raspberry Pi. This is a great project for anyone who wants to support the Bitcoin network while validating their own transactions. As the Bitcoin network grows, it’s important that people maintain their full nodes. We need to constantly bring new nodes onto the network to keep it decentralized and healthy.


1. Setup the Rasfpberry Pi 3
2. Install the External Hard Drive
3. Increase the Swap File
4. Install the Bitcoin Core Dependencies
5. Install Bitcoin Core
6. Starting the Bitcoin Core Client
7. Download the Blockchain on another Machine (Optional)


What is a Bitcoin Full Node?

A Bitcoin full node is much simpler than it sounds. A full node is simply a computer that is running the Bitcoin Core Wallet. The Bitcoin Core Wallet, by default, downloads a full copy of the Blockchain.

Why do you need a full copy of the Blockchain?

Similar to BitTorrent and other peer to peer networks, you have to download the Blockchain from other people. If you’ve ever downloaded a torrent, you’ll notice that some of them have seeders while other don’t. These “seeders” are people who have already downloaded the file, and have opted to let you download part of the file from them. Without seeders, the BitTorrent network wouldn’t exist.

The Bitcoin network operates the same way. When people try to access their Bitcoin, they are using a wallet that has access to at least part of the network. If people didn’t have full nodes, we wouldn’t be able to verify transactions or see transactions from the past. You wouldn’t be able to access your Bitcoin because ultimately, without nodes, your Bitcoin wouldn’t exist.

How do you Build a Bitcoin Full Node?

We are going to use a Raspberry Pi 3. The Raspberry Pi is a small, inexpensive computer, that has just enough specifications to allow us to operate a full node. We are going to download the Blockchain on an external hard drive on a separate machine using the Bitcoin Core Wallet.

After we have downloaded a full copy of the blockchain, we are going to connect the external hard drive to the Raspberry Pi so that it can continue to build it.

It is possible to directly download the blockchain onto the Raspberry Pi, but it will take a lot of time.

Things we are going to Need:


Raspberry Pi 3

The Raspberry Pi is a phenemonal computer. What makes it so great is that it’s about the size of a credit card and it costs less than $40. The Raspberry Pi can run both Linux and Windows.

For our Bitcoin full node, we are going to use Linux. This is due to the fact that Linux is more lightweight and we are going to need all of the resources that the Raspberry Pi can offer.

Usually Raspberry Pi’s will come barebones. The kit that we purchased comes the Touchscreen, Case, SD Card (which will hold the operating system), and Heatsinks.

LCD Touchscreen

The LCD Touchscreen is an optional component for this project. The Raspberry Pi has a HDMI port built in which can be used to project on any monitor/tv that is HDMI capable. For my full node, I wanted to have a touch screen that displays the current price of Bitcoin.

Plus I plan on sending and receiving Bitcoin directly from my node, and having a designated screen would make this process much easier. Plus it looks cool.

Our kit will use a LCD Touchscreen that is compatible with the Raspberry Pi. It also fits perfectly in the case.

Raspberry Pi Case

The Raspberry Pi case once again is optional. I wanted something that would contain both my Raspberry Pi and LCD Touchscreen. The kit that I purchased provided one that was simple and lightweight. This is perfect since I want my Raspberry Pi to be simple yet stylish.

Raspberry Pi Wireless Keyboard

This little device is optional, but it makes operating the Raspberry Pi way easier. Without it, you will have to plug in a desktop USB and Mouse or SSH into the Pi.

I definitely recommend picking it up since its only $20 and it will make your life a lot easier.

1 TB Hard Drive

The 1TB Hard Drive is necessary for storing the Blockchain. At the time of writing this (08/13/17)  the Bitcoin blockchain is approximately 130GB. You can check the current size by clicking on this link.

Currently, the blockchain is growing at about 50GB a year. As Bitcoin gains popularity in the coming years, it is destined to grow at a much faster rate. For the sake of longevity, I strongly recommend that you purchase a hard drive that will last for years to come.

If a 1TB Hard Drive is too far out of your price range, you can always start smaller and upgrade once you outgrow it.

How to Build a Bitcoin Full Node on a Raspberry Pi

1. Setting up the Raspberry Pi

Setting up the Raspberry Pi is simple. If you purchased a Raspberry Pi kit that already has Raspbian installed, you simply need to put in the SD card and plug it in.

For those of you that need to install linux on a blank SD card, you can follow this guide on the RaspberryPi.org website.

Update the the Raspbian Software

sudo apt-get update

Update Raspbian Repositories

sudo apt-get upgrade

Update Raspberry Pi

2. Install the External Hard Drive

Now that we have Raspbian up and running, we are going to partition the hard and mount it.

First, let’s connect the external hard drive to the usb port on the Raspberry Pi.

After we have connected the external hard drive to the Raspberry Pi we are going to run a command to see if it was identified.

sudo fdisk -l

List External Hard Drive

As you can see, the hard drive is showing up at the bottom, and it’s labeled “/dev/sda”. We are now going to access the drive, format it, and partition it. Just as a warning, anything on the drive is going to be erased after this process. If you have anything important on it, I advise you to transfer off that information before doing this.

Type in the following command.

sudo fdisk /dev/sda


Now that we are in the drive, you should see this screen.

Enter “d” so that we can delete the partitions that are currently on the hard drive. Keep entering “d” until you receive a message telling you that there are no more partitions on the hard drive.



Now, it’s time to create our new partition. To do this, type in “n”.



You will be given the options to create a primary partition or an extended partition. Type in “p” to choose primary partition.



You will now be prompted to number the partition. Choose “1” so that your drive will be named “/dev/sda1”.



For the next two questions about the first and last sector, simply hit enter for both of them so that it chooses the default.

Now that you have created your new partition, it’s time to exit out of “fdisk” Type in “w” to exit fdisk.



Now it’s time tor format your new partition. We are going to partition it as “Fat 32”. By partitioning the system as Fat32, we ensure that the hard drive will be compatible with both Windows and Mac. This will come in handy if you decide to download the blockchain using one of those two operating systems.

sudo mkdosfs -F 32 -I /dev/sda1

After the command has finished, you will have a newly partitioned hard drive! Now it’s time to set the drive to automatically mount.

Before we edit the configuration file, let’s create the Bitcoin data directory.

mkdir .blockchain

Now it’s time to make modifications to the configuration file. Use the command below to access the configuration file.

sudo nano /etc/fstab

Once we are in this configuration file, we will add this line so that the hard drive is automatically mounted to our “.blockchain” folder. Remember to replace “pi” with whatever your Raspberry Pi’s username is.

/dev/sda1 /home/pi/.blockchain vfat umask=0002,gid=users 0 0

Hit Ctrl-x and then hit Y so that we can save the file. Now, restart the Raspberry Pi so that we can confirm that the Raspberry Pi is automatically mounting the external hard drive.

Run the command below so that we can see if the drive has be mounted under our folder “.blockchain”.

df -h

If you see your drive “/dev/sda1” mounted on “/home/pi/.blockchain” then you are ready to proceed!

3. Increase the Swap File

A swap file allows the Micro Sd Card in the Raspberry Pi to be used as ram. This step is important if you are going to download the whole blockchain using the Raspberry Pi. If you plan on downloading it on a separate device, this step isn’t necessary.

Let’s start by editing the file “/etc/dphys-swapfile”.

sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile

We are going to change the default size of the swap file from 100 to 1000.

Find the line:




Hit CTRL-X and then Y to save the file.

Run the commands below to initiate this new swap file.

sudo dphys-swapfile setup
sudo dphys-swapfile swapon

4. Install the Bitcoin Core Dependencies

Before we install the actual Bitcoin Core software, we need to download certain dependencies that the software relies on.

sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler libminiupnpc-dev libevent-dev libtool libssl-dev libboost-all-dev qt4-dev-tools libprotobuf-dev libqrencode-dev autoconf

After those dependencies are installed, we are going to need to install git. Git is going to be used to access download the Bitcoin Core source code from the GitHub repository. In case you don’t know what that is, it’s a commonly accepted platform that distributes source code for all types of applications.

sudo apt-get install git -y

Bitcoin Core uses Berkeley Database for their wallet system. It specifically relies on version 4.8. Berkeley is created by Oracle, which is the same company that creates Java.

We are going to make a directory that we can download and install the database into.

mkdir ~/bin
cd ~/bin

Now that we are in the new directory that we have created, let’s download the tar for the Berkeley Database.

wget http://download.oracle.com/berkeley-db/db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz

Download Berkeley Database

Now that you’ve downloaded the Berkeley database, you’ll use the following command to extract it.

tar -xzvf db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz

Now that we have extracted the Berkeley Database, let’s go into the directory prepare the source code for installation. This process can take anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes.

cd db-4.8.30.NC/build_unix/
../dist/configure --enable-cxx

Once the command has finished, it’s time to install the Berkeley Database.

sudo make install

Excellent! Now that the Berkeley Database is installed, we are now ready to install the Bitcoin Core Client!

5. Insall the Bitcoin Software

The first thing we are going to do is go back into the bin directory. Once we are in the bin directory, we are going to down the Bitcoin Core source code into it.

The “git” command is going to pull the source code from the GitHub repository. Use “-b” to specify to the version/branch of the source code that you want to download.

You can visit: https://bitcoincore.org to find out which version of Bitcoin Core is most recent.

Note: This command will download the latest version of Bitcoin Core V.14. You will want to replace the 0.14 with the latest version that is currently out.

cd ~/bin

git clone -b 0.14 https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin.git

cd bitcoin/


Now that we have download the Bitcoin Core source code, it’s time to prepare it for installation. After you run the “make” command, be prepared to wait a few hours before you are ready to complete the installation.


./configure CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.8/include -O2" LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.8/lib" --enable-upnp-default --with-gui



Bitcoin Core is now ready to be installed. Run the code below to finish the install.

sudo make install

Congratulations! Your Bitcoin Core client is now installed!

6. Starting the Bitcoin Core Client

Before you start your Bitcoin client, you have to open port 8333 on your router and point it to your Raspberry Pi. This is required so that your new full node can allow incoming connections.

To Start the Bitcoin Core Client, simply type in the command below. This will start the Bitcoin core client using our mounted hard drive “.blockchain”.

If you followed the section that explained how to mount your external hard drive then it should start downloading directly onto your hard drive.

This process can take a long time since the Raspberry Pi’s resources aren’t that of a full blown desktop. If you want to speed up this process, go to step 7 and download the Blockchain on another computer.

bitcoin-qt -datadir=/home/pi/.blockchain

After you have completely synced your Bitcoin Core Client with the Blockchain,  hover your mouse over the little icons at the bottom right of the client. A little display will pop up showing how many connections your client has. If you are showing more connections than 8, you have successfully configured your full node!

7. Download the Blockchain on a separate Computer (Optional)

To speed of the download of the blockchain, I recommend downloading it on your main machine. You can download Bitcoin Core on Windows, Mac, and Linux.  After you download Bitcoin Core, start it up and let the blockchain sync. This can take several days to complete, so make sure that whichever computer you use can withstand being run non-stop during that time.

Downloading the Blockchain on Ubuntu

It is just as simple to download the blockchain on Ubuntu as it is on the Raspbian OS. Once you have downloaded and installed Ubuntu on your main computer, open terminal.

Installing Bitcoin Core on Ubuntu

This first command will tell Linux where to download the Bitcoin Software. The second will update Linux’s information on which packages are available.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin
sudo apt update

This command will install both the Bitcoin Core command line and the Bitcoin Core GUI interface.

sudo apt install bitcoind bitcoin-qt

This command will update your Linux Distribution.

sudo apt upgrade

Mounting the External Hard Drive to your Ubuntu System

Create a new .blockchain directory

sudo mkdir ~/.blockchain

Find out the name of the external hard drive’s partition

sudo fdisk -l

Below you can spot out your hard drive usually in this area.

Mount the external hard drive

sudo mount /dev/sda1 ~/.blockchain

These two commands will give your user the permissions to access the external hard drive. This is necessary for the Bitcoin Core software to access the drive.

sudo chown pinode /home/ubuntu/.blockchain
sudo chgrp pinode /home/ubuntu/.blockchain

Now that we have installed Bitcoin Core and mounted the hard drive, it is time to start the Bitcoin Core Client!

bitcoin-qt -datadir=/home/pi/.blockchain

The GUI for Bitcoin Core should open following this command. It will show you a screen that has details regarding how many more blocks need to be downloaded, how long it will take, what time period of the blockchain you are downloading (This part is cool, it’s kind of like going back in time).

After the blockchain has completely downloaded, let’s unmount it and then mount it on the Raspberry Pi.

sudo umount /dev/sda1

Unplug the external hard drive from your main machine and then plug it into the Raspberry Pi.

Restart or turn on your Raspberry Pi, and run the Bitcoin Core Client.  After the Bitcoin Core Client starts up, check if the blockchain is fully downloaded by hovering your cursor over the checkmark at the bottom right of the client.

In Conclusion

Building a Bitcoin full node on a Raspberry Pi is much simpler than it seems. After you purchase all of the parts, it’s simply a matter of running the necessary commands and opening the port 8333 on your router.

A full node isn’t necessary to send and receive Bitcoin, but it’s necessary to keep the network healthy. By allowing incoming transactions to your node you are verifying transactions and allowing the blockchain to be downloaded. What makes Bitcoin so special is it’s ability to be maintained by the people who use it.

Let’s continue to keep Bitcoin alive and well by doing all that we can to let out voice be heard throughout the Bitcoin network.

If you have any questions or contributions to this guide, I’d love for you to either comment below or email me at Nick@BuildaMiningRig.com!

How to Build a Bitcoin Full Node on a Raspberry Pi


How to Build a Bitcoin Full Node on a Raspberry Pi

Hello there!

Today, I’m going to show you how to build a Bitcoin full node on the Raspberry Pi. This is a great project for anyone who wants to support the Bitcoin network while validating their own transactions. As the Bitcoin network grows, it’s important that people maintain their full nodes. We need to constantly bring new nodes onto the network to keep it decentralized and healthy.


1. Setup the Rasfpberry Pi 3
2. Install the External Hard Drive
3. Increase the Swap File
4. Install the Bitcoin Core Dependencies
5. Install Bitcoin Core
6. Starting the Bitcoin Core Client
7. Download the Blockchain on another Machine (Optional)


What is a Bitcoin Full Node?

A Bitcoin full node is much simpler than it sounds. A full node is simply a computer that is running the Bitcoin Core Wallet. The Bitcoin Core Wallet, by default, downloads a full copy of the Blockchain.

Why do you need a full copy of the Blockchain?

Similar to BitTorrent and other peer to peer networks, you have to download the Blockchain from other people. If you’ve ever downloaded a torrent, you’ll notice that some of them have seeders while other don’t. These “seeders” are people who have already downloaded the file, and have opted to let you download part of the file from them. Without seeders, the BitTorrent network wouldn’t exist.

The Bitcoin network operates the same way. When people try to access their Bitcoin, they are using a wallet that has access to at least part of the network. If people didn’t have full nodes, we wouldn’t be able to verify transactions or see transactions from the past. You wouldn’t be able to access your Bitcoin because ultimately, without nodes, your Bitcoin wouldn’t exist.

How do you Build a Bitcoin Full Node?

We are going to use a Raspberry Pi 3. The Raspberry Pi is a small, inexpensive computer, that has just enough specifications to allow us to operate a full node. We are going to download the Blockchain on an external hard drive on a separate machine using the Bitcoin Core Wallet.

After we have downloaded a full copy of the blockchain, we are going to connect the external hard drive to the Raspberry Pi so that it can continue to build it.

It is possible to directly download the blockchain onto the Raspberry Pi, but it will take a lot of time.

Things we are going to Need:


Raspberry Pi 3

The Raspberry Pi is a phenemonal computer. What makes it so great is that it’s about the size of a credit card and it costs less than $40. The Raspberry Pi can run both Linux and Windows.

For our Bitcoin full node, we are going to use Linux. This is due to the fact that Linux is more lightweight and we are going to need all of the resources that the Raspberry Pi can offer.

Usually Raspberry Pi’s will come barebones. The kit that we purchased comes the Touchscreen, Case, SD Card (which will hold the operating system), and Heatsinks.

LCD Touchscreen

The LCD Touchscreen is an optional component for this project. The Raspberry Pi has a HDMI port built in which can be used to project on any monitor/tv that is HDMI capable. For my full node, I wanted to have a touch screen that displays the current price of Bitcoin.

Plus I plan on sending and receiving Bitcoin directly from my node, and having a designated screen would make this process much easier. Plus it looks cool.

Our kit will use a LCD Touchscreen that is compatible with the Raspberry Pi. It also fits perfectly in the case.

Raspberry Pi Case

The Raspberry Pi case once again is optional. I wanted something that would contain both my Raspberry Pi and LCD Touchscreen. The kit that I purchased provided one that was simple and lightweight. This is perfect since I want my Raspberry Pi to be simple yet stylish.

Raspberry Pi Wireless Keyboard

This little device is optional, but it makes operating the Raspberry Pi way easier. Without it, you will have to plug in a desktop USB and Mouse or SSH into the Pi.

I definitely recommend picking it up since its only $20 and it will make your life a lot easier.

1 TB Hard Drive

The 1TB Hard Drive is necessary for storing the Blockchain. At the time of writing this (08/13/17)  the Bitcoin blockchain is approximately 130GB. You can check the current size by clicking on this link.

Currently, the blockchain is growing at about 50GB a year. As Bitcoin gains popularity in the coming years, it is destined to grow at a much faster rate. For the sake of longevity, I strongly recommend that you purchase a hard drive that will last for years to come.

If a 1TB Hard Drive is too far out of your price range, you can always start smaller and upgrade once you outgrow it.

How to Build a Bitcoin Full Node on a Raspberry Pi

1. Setting up the Raspberry Pi

Setting up the Raspberry Pi is simple. If you purchased a Raspberry Pi kit that already has Raspbian installed, you simply need to put in the SD card and plug it in.

For those of you that need to install linux on a blank SD card, you can follow this guide on the RaspberryPi.org website.

Update the the Raspbian Software

sudo apt-get update

Update Raspbian Repositories

sudo apt-get upgrade

Update Raspberry Pi

2. Install the External Hard Drive

Now that we have Raspbian up and running, we are going to partition the hard and mount it.

First, let’s connect the external hard drive to the usb port on the Raspberry Pi.

After we have connected the external hard drive to the Raspberry Pi we are going to run a command to see if it was identified.

sudo fdisk -l

List External Hard Drive

As you can see, the hard drive is showing up at the bottom, and it’s labeled “/dev/sda”. We are now going to access the drive, format it, and partition it. Just as a warning, anything on the drive is going to be erased after this process. If you have anything important on it, I advise you to transfer off that information before doing this.

Type in the following command.

sudo fdisk /dev/sda


Now that we are in the drive, you should see this screen.

Enter “d” so that we can delete the partitions that are currently on the hard drive. Keep entering “d” until you receive a message telling you that there are no more partitions on the hard drive.



Now, it’s time to create our new partition. To do this, type in “n”.



You will be given the options to create a primary partition or an extended partition. Type in “p” to choose primary partition.



You will now be prompted to number the partition. Choose “1” so that your drive will be named “/dev/sda1”.



For the next two questions about the first and last sector, simply hit enter for both of them so that it chooses the default.

Now that you have created your new partition, it’s time to exit out of “fdisk” Type in “w” to exit fdisk.



Now it’s time tor format your new partition. We are going to partition it as “Fat 32”. By partitioning the system as Fat32, we ensure that the hard drive will be compatible with both Windows and Mac. This will come in handy if you decide to download the blockchain using one of those two operating systems.

sudo mkdosfs -F 32 -I /dev/sda1

After the command has finished, you will have a newly partitioned hard drive! Now it’s time to set the drive to automatically mount.

Before we edit the configuration file, let’s create the Bitcoin data directory.

mkdir .blockchain

Now it’s time to make modifications to the configuration file. Use the command below to access the configuration file.

sudo nano /etc/fstab

Once we are in this configuration file, we will add this line so that the hard drive is automatically mounted to our “.blockchain” folder. Remember to replace “pi” with whatever your Raspberry Pi’s username is.

/dev/sda1 /home/pi/.blockchain vfat umask=0002,gid=users 0 0

Hit Ctrl-x and then hit Y so that we can save the file. Now, restart the Raspberry Pi so that we can confirm that the Raspberry Pi is automatically mounting the external hard drive.

Run the command below so that we can see if the drive has be mounted under our folder “.blockchain”.

df -h

If you see your drive “/dev/sda1” mounted on “/home/pi/.blockchain” then you are ready to proceed!

3. Increase the Swap File

A swap file allows the Micro Sd Card in the Raspberry Pi to be used as ram. This step is important if you are going to download the whole blockchain using the Raspberry Pi. If you plan on downloading it on a separate device, this step isn’t necessary.

Let’s start by editing the file “/etc/dphys-swapfile”.

sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile

We are going to change the default size of the swap file from 100 to 1000.

Find the line:




Hit CTRL-X and then Y to save the file.

Run the commands below to initiate this new swap file.

sudo dphys-swapfile setup
sudo dphys-swapfile swapon

4. Install the Bitcoin Core Dependencies

Before we install the actual Bitcoin Core software, we need to download certain dependencies that the software relies on.

sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler libminiupnpc-dev libevent-dev libtool libssl-dev libboost-all-dev qt4-dev-tools libprotobuf-dev libqrencode-dev autoconf

After those dependencies are installed, we are going to need to install git. Git is going to be used to access download the Bitcoin Core source code from the GitHub repository. In case you don’t know what that is, it’s a commonly accepted platform that distributes source code for all types of applications.

sudo apt-get install git -y

Bitcoin Core uses Berkeley Database for their wallet system. It specifically relies on version 4.8. Berkeley is created by Oracle, which is the same company that creates Java.

We are going to make a directory that we can download and install the database into.

mkdir ~/bin
cd ~/bin

Now that we are in the new directory that we have created, let’s download the tar for the Berkeley Database.

wget http://download.oracle.com/berkeley-db/db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz

Download Berkeley Database

Now that you’ve downloaded the Berkeley database, you’ll use the following command to extract it.

tar -xzvf db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz

Now that we have extracted the Berkeley Database, let’s go into the directory prepare the source code for installation. This process can take anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes.

cd db-4.8.30.NC/build_unix/
../dist/configure --enable-cxx

Once the command has finished, it’s time to install the Berkeley Database.

sudo make install

Excellent! Now that the Berkeley Database is installed, we are now ready to install the Bitcoin Core Client!

5. Insall the Bitcoin Software

The first thing we are going to do is go back into the bin directory. Once we are in the bin directory, we are going to down the Bitcoin Core source code into it.

The “git” command is going to pull the source code from the GitHub repository. Use “-b” to specify to the version/branch of the source code that you want to download.

You can visit: https://bitcoincore.org to find out which version of Bitcoin Core is most recent.

Note: This command will download the latest version of Bitcoin Core V.14. You will want to replace the 0.14 with the latest version that is currently out.

cd ~/bin

git clone -b 0.14 https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin.git

cd bitcoin/


Now that we have download the Bitcoin Core source code, it’s time to prepare it for installation. After you run the “make” command, be prepared to wait a few hours before you are ready to complete the installation.


./configure CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.8/include -O2" LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.8/lib" --enable-upnp-default --with-gui



Bitcoin Core is now ready to be installed. Run the code below to finish the install.

sudo make install

Congratulations! Your Bitcoin Core client is now installed!

6. Starting the Bitcoin Core Client

Before you start your Bitcoin client, you have to open port 8333 on your router and point it to your Raspberry Pi. This is required so that your new full node can allow incoming connections.

To Start the Bitcoin Core Client, simply type in the command below. This will start the Bitcoin core client using our mounted hard drive “.blockchain”.

If you followed the section that explained how to mount your external hard drive then it should start downloading directly onto your hard drive.

This process can take a long time since the Raspberry Pi’s resources aren’t that of a full blown desktop. If you want to speed up this process, go to step 7 and download the Blockchain on another computer.

bitcoin-qt -datadir=/home/pi/.blockchain

After you have completely synced your Bitcoin Core Client with the Blockchain,  hover your mouse over the little icons at the bottom right of the client. A little display will pop up showing how many connections your client has. If you are showing more connections than 8, you have successfully configured your full node!

7. Download the Blockchain on a separate Computer (Optional)

To speed of the download of the blockchain, I recommend downloading it on your main machine. You can download Bitcoin Core on Windows, Mac, and Linux.  After you download Bitcoin Core, start it up and let the blockchain sync. This can take several days to complete, so make sure that whichever computer you use can withstand being run non-stop during that time.

Downloading the Blockchain on Ubuntu

It is just as simple to download the blockchain on Ubuntu as it is on the Raspbian OS. Once you have downloaded and installed Ubuntu on your main computer, open terminal.

Installing Bitcoin Core on Ubuntu

This first command will tell Linux where to download the Bitcoin Software. The second will update Linux’s information on which packages are available.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin
sudo apt update

This command will install both the Bitcoin Core command line and the Bitcoin Core GUI interface.

sudo apt install bitcoind bitcoin-qt

This command will update your Linux Distribution.

sudo apt upgrade

Mounting the External Hard Drive to your Ubuntu System

Create a new .blockchain directory

sudo mkdir ~/.blockchain

Find out the name of the external hard drive’s partition

sudo fdisk -l

Below you can spot out your hard drive usually in this area.

Mount the external hard drive

sudo mount /dev/sda1 ~/.blockchain

These two commands will give your user the permissions to access the external hard drive. This is necessary for the Bitcoin Core software to access the drive.

sudo chown pinode /home/ubuntu/.blockchain
sudo chgrp pinode /home/ubuntu/.blockchain

Now that we have installed Bitcoin Core and mounted the hard drive, it is time to start the Bitcoin Core Client!

bitcoin-qt -datadir=/home/pi/.blockchain

The GUI for Bitcoin Core should open following this command. It will show you a screen that has details regarding how many more blocks need to be downloaded, how long it will take, what time period of the blockchain you are downloading (This part is cool, it’s kind of like going back in time).

After the blockchain has completely downloaded, let’s unmount it and then mount it on the Raspberry Pi.

sudo umount /dev/sda1

Unplug the external hard drive from your main machine and then plug it into the Raspberry Pi.

Restart or turn on your Raspberry Pi, and run the Bitcoin Core Client.  After the Bitcoin Core Client starts up, check if the blockchain is fully downloaded by hovering your cursor over the checkmark at the bottom right of the client.

In Conclusion

Building a Bitcoin full node on a Raspberry Pi is much simpler than it seems. After you purchase all of the parts, it’s simply a matter of running the necessary commands and opening the port 8333 on your router.

A full node isn’t necessary to send and receive Bitcoin, but it’s necessary to keep the network healthy. By allowing incoming transactions to your node you are verifying transactions and allowing the blockchain to be downloaded. What makes Bitcoin so special is it’s ability to be maintained by the people who use it.

Let’s continue to keep Bitcoin alive and well by doing all that we can to let out voice be heard throughout the Bitcoin network.

If you have any questions or contributions to this guide, I’d love for you to either comment below or email me at Nick@BuildaMiningRig.com!

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