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10 Best ReactJS Tutorials With Examples


10 Best ReactJS Tutorials With Examples
By noeticsunil on Mar 22, 2015 TWEET SHARE
best collection of react tutorials
Read on if you are looking for resources and tutorials to learn ReactJS framework. ReactJS is the fastest growing JavaScript framework as of today and powers the user interface of Facebook, Instagram and many more by now. The power of ReactJS lies in its ability to render complex and interactive user interfaces with high performance. The key concept behind ReactJS framework is the use of virtual DOM that ensures high performance.

Developers across the globe have started using ReactJS for developing complex web apps and websites. There is no dearth of great resources and tutorials that teach you how to build your own ReactJS applications.

Let us look at the best Tutorials around the web written by ReactJS experts for creating kickass user interfaces of dynamic and interactive web apps.

We will cover ReactJS introductory tutorials for beginners, intermediate level ReactJS tutorials and also the tutorials that teach how to build the most advanced ReactJS applications.

Introduction to ReactJS JavaScript Framework
This is the ReactJS tutorial for beginners to understand the basics and fundamentals of ReactJS. Tutorial is written by app developer Aurelio De Rosa on Telerik.com. In this tutorial Aurelio talks about React fundamentals like virtual DOM, server side rendering, data binding, react components, props and state, JSX syntax and finally describes how to build a hello world application using ReactJS.

You can find the tutorial at – developer.telerik.com.

react tutorials

ToDo Application Using React and Flux Architecture
This tutorial is for intermediate level users who are already familiar with the basics of ReactJS. In this tutorial Chris Harrington builds a simple todo application using ReactJS and Flux architecture. The tutorial covers two key aspects of application development i.e. user interface rendering and data access. You will learn how multiple views are rendered using ReactJS and how data access is accomplished using Flux Architecture with help of mocked out server API.

You can find the tutorial at – codementor.io.

react tutorials codementor

React Apps Using Flux and Backbone
This tutorial is written by Alex Rattray on toptal.com and is not for the weak hearted. In this tutorial, Alex talks about most powerful concepts and patterns for building ReactJS apps using Flux and backbone.

Backbone library is used to fill in the gaps of flux architecture, you can grasp quickly if you have already tried your hands building ReactJS apps with Flux.

You can find the tutorial at – toptal.com.

toptal react tutorial

5 Practical Examples for Learning React
This tutorial is for you if you are the one who believes to fiddle around with the code and examples to learn rather than getting into too much of theory.

This ReactJS tutorial is written by Martin Angelov on tutorialzine.com and demonstrates five JSFiddle code examples – Timer, Navigation Menu, Real Time Search, Order Form and Image App with Ajax.

You can find the tutorial at – tutorialzine.com.

tutorialzine react tutorial

Getting Started with ReactJS and Concepts
This is another good beginners tutorial to get quickly on boarded with ReactJS development. This tutorial is written by Ken Wheeler on Scotch.io, very well organized, readable and gets off to the mark straight away. In this tutorial you will learn, what is React? How does the virtual DOM work? ReactJS Starter Kit, JSX, Components, Props, Specs, Lifecycle and State, Events and Unidirectional data flow.

You can find the tutorial at – scotch.io.

scotch.io react tutorial

Twitter Stream with Node and React.js
This tutorial is for advanced users and here you can learn to build end to end application that fetches and displays twitter stream using node and ReactJS. Tutorial is written by Ken wheeler and definitely is one of the best free ReactJS tutorials you will find on the web today.

Ken uses isomorphic JavaScript (you will learn) for building live twitter stream app. The other libraries and used in the tutorial are Express, Handlebars, Browserify, Mongoose, Socket.io and nTwitter.

You can find the tutorial at – scotch.io.

twitter stream with react and node

ReactJS in Depth with Shape Editor Component Example
This tutorial is written by Pavan Podila at tutsPlus.com and is for intermediate level users. Pavan talks about each aspect of ReactJS in depth by taking code example of shape editor component.

This is one of the most comprehensive tutorials and definitely clarifies the some of the deep rooted fundamentals of development using ReactJS.

You can find the tutorial at – code.tutsplus.com.

React components tutsplus

ReactJS Tutorial and Guide to the Gotchas
In this tutorial Justin deal from Zapier.com attempts to clarify some of the confusing aspects and gotchas of ReactJS development. I would categorize this tutorial into the one that turns beginners into advanced developers. A must read for every ReactJS developer.

You can find the tutorial at – zapier.com.

Employee Directory with ReactJS and Cordova
The best way to learn any new framework is by building an application. Christophe Coenraets has written a step by step tutorial to build Employees directory mobile application with ReactJS and runs it in Cordova.

Christophe starts this tutorial by building static version of the Employee directory app, incorporates data flow and inverse data flow, implements async service, codes for state maintenance, routing, styling and finally runs the application in Cordova.

This tutorial is good for you if you already have your concepts clarified and need some hands on coding to see how everything works in ReactJS.

You can find the tutorial at – coenraets.org.

image from coenraets

Create High Performance, Maintainable Components with ReactJS
Another must read article to understand the workings of a ReactJS application at architectural level. This one is from IBM developer works, written by Sing Li and focuses mostly on the concept of react components architecture, how to build custom components, and usage of third party ReactJS component libraries.

Li also touches upon Flux architecture, workings of JSX and gives a brief introduction of Relay and React Native, the future state ecosystem of ReactJS.

You can find the tutorial at – ibm.com/developerworks.

ReactJs is a fantastic javascript framework and promises to support high performance complex web applications. There are many ReactJS tutorials around the web, free as well as paid. Of course, you can spend time searching for tutorials, read through and ultimately learn to build killer apps with ReactJS.

However, as they say, time is money, better to save on time by relying on right ReactJS tutorials from day one. Christophe Coenraets, Ken Wheeler, Alex Ratteray and Pavan Podila and others mentioned in this article are the experts in the field and have written reliable tutorials. So, go for these and get on boarded with greatness of ReactJs. Share with the community if you have reference to a great ReactJS tutorial.

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