sml code
(* University of Washington, Programming Languages, Homework 7, hw7.sml (See also Ruby code.) *) (* Do not make changes to this code except where you see comments containing the word CHANGE. *) (* expressions in a little language for 2D geometry objects values: points, lines, vertical lines, line segments other expressions: intersection of two expressions, lets, variables, (shifts added by you) *) datatype geom_exp = NoPoints | Point of real * real (* represents point (x,y) *) | Line of real * real (* represents line (slope, intercept) *) | VerticalLine of real (* x value *) | LineSegment of real * real * real * real (* x1,y1 to x2,y2 *) | Intersect of geom_exp * geom_exp (* intersection expression *) | Let of string * geom_exp * geom_exp (* let s = e1 in e2 *) | Var of string | Shift of real * real * geom_exp (* CHANGE add shifts for expressions of the form Shift(deltaX, deltaY, exp *) exception BadProgram of string exception Impossible of string (* helper functions for comparing real numbers since rounding means we should never compare for equality *) val epsilon = 0.00001 fun real_close (r1,r2) = (Real.abs (r1 - r2)) < epsilon (* notice curried *) fun real_close_point (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = real_close(x1,x2) andalso real_close(y1,y2) (* helper function to return the Line or VerticalLine containing points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2). Actually used only when intersecting line segments, but might be generally useful *) fun two_points_to_line (x1,y1,x2,y2) = if real_close(x1,x2) then VerticalLine x1 else let val m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) val b = y1 - m * x1 in Line(m,b) end (* helper function for interpreter: return value that is the intersection of the arguments: 25 cases because there are 5 kinds of values, but many cases can be combined, especially because intersection is commutative. Do *not* call this function with non-values (e.g., shifts or lets) *) fun intersect (v1,v2) = case (v1,v2) of (NoPoints, _) => NoPoints (* 5 cases *) | (_, NoPoints) => NoPoints (* 4 additional cases *) | (Point p1, Point p2) => if real_close_point p1 p2 then v1 else NoPoints | (Point (x,y), Line (m,b)) => if real_close(y, m * x + b) then v1 else NoPoints | (Point (x1,_), VerticalLine x2) => if real_close(x1,x2) then v1 else NoPoints | (Point _, LineSegment seg) => intersect(v2,v1) | (Line _, Point _) => intersect(v2,v1) | (Line (m1,b1), Line (m2,b2)) => if real_close(m1,m2) then (if real_close(b1,b2) then v1 (* same line *) else NoPoints) (* parallel lines do not intersect *) else let (* one-point intersection *) val x = (b2 - b1) / (m1 - m2) val y = m1 * x + b1 in Point (x,y) end | (Line (m1,b1), VerticalLine x2) => Point(x2, m1 * x2 + b1) | (Line _, LineSegment _) => intersect(v2,v1) | (VerticalLine _, Point _) => intersect(v2,v1) | (VerticalLine _, Line _) => intersect(v2,v1) | (VerticalLine x1, VerticalLine x2) => if real_close(x1,x2) then v1 (* same line *) else NoPoints (* parallel *) | (VerticalLine _, LineSegment seg) => intersect(v2,v1) | (LineSegment seg, _) => (* the hard case, actually 4 cases because v2 could be a point, line, vertical line, or line segment *) (* First compute the intersection of (1) the line containing the segment and (2) v2. Then use that result to compute what we need. *) (case intersect(two_points_to_line seg, v2) of NoPoints => NoPoints | Point(x0,y0) => (* see if the point is within the segment bounds *) (* assumes v1 was properly preprocessed *) let fun inbetween(v,end1,end2) = (end1 - epsilon <= v andalso v <= end2 + epsilon) orelse (end2 - epsilon <= v andalso v <= end1 + epsilon) val (x1,y1,x2,y2) = seg in if inbetween(x0,x1,x2) andalso inbetween(y0,y1,y2) then Point(x0,y0) else NoPoints end | Line _ => v1 (* so segment seg is on line v2 *) | VerticalLine _ => v1 (* so segment seg is on vertical-line v2 *) | LineSegment seg2 => (* the hard case in the hard case: seg and seg2 are on the same line (or vertical line), but they could be (1) disjoint or (2) overlapping or (3) one inside the other or (4) just touching. And we treat vertical segments differently, so there are 4*2 cases. *) let val (x1start,y1start,x1end,y1end) = seg val (x2start,y2start,x2end,y2end) = seg2 in if real_close(x1start,x1end) then (* the segments are on a vertical line *) (* let segment a start at or below start of segment b *) let val ((aXstart,aYstart,aXend,aYend), (bXstart,bYstart,bXend,bYend)) = if y1start < y2start then (seg,seg2) else (seg2,seg) in if real_close(aYend,bYstart) then Point (aXend,aYend) (* just touching *) else if aYend < bYstart then NoPoints (* disjoint *) else if aYend > bYend then LineSegment(bXstart,bYstart,bXend,bYend) (* b inside a *) else LineSegment(bXstart,bYstart,aXend,aYend) (* overlapping *) end else (* the segments are on a (non-vertical) line *) (* let segment a start at or to the left of start of segment b *) let val ((aXstart,aYstart,aXend,aYend), (bXstart,bYstart,bXend,bYend)) = if x1start < x2start then (seg,seg2) else (seg2,seg) in if real_close(aXend,bXstart) then Point (aXend,aYend) (* just touching *) else if aXend < bXstart then NoPoints (* disjoint *) else if aXend > bXend then LineSegment(bXstart,bYstart,bXend,bYend) (* b inside a *) else LineSegment(bXstart,bYstart,aXend,aYend) (* overlapping *) end end | _ => raise Impossible "bad result from intersecting with a line") | _ => raise Impossible "bad call to intersect: only for shape values" (* interpreter for our language: * takes a geometry expression and returns a geometry value * for simplicity we have the top-level function take an environment, (which should be [] for the whole program * we assume the expression e has already been "preprocessed" as described in the homework assignment: * line segments are not actually points (endpoints not real close) * lines segment have left (or, if vertical, bottom) coordinate first *) fun eval_prog (e,env) = case e of NoPoints => e (* first 5 cases are all values, so no computation *) | Point _ => e | Line _ => e | VerticalLine _ => e | LineSegment _ => e | Var s => (case List.find (fn (s2,v) => s=s2) env of NONE => raise BadProgram("var not found: " ^ s) | SOME (_,v) => v) | Let(s,e1,e2) => eval_prog (e2, ((s, eval_prog(e1,env)) :: env)) | Intersect(e1,e2) => intersect(eval_prog(e1,env), eval_prog(e2, env)) | Shift(deltaX, deltaY, e1) => (case eval_prog(e1, env) of NoPoints => NoPoints | Point (x, y) => Point (x + deltaX, y + deltaY) | Line (m, b) => Line (m, b + deltaY - m*deltaX) | VerticalLine (x) => VerticalLine (x + deltaX) | LineSegment (x1, y1, x2, y2) => LineSegment (x1 + deltaX, y1 + deltaY, x2 + deltaX, y2 + deltaY) | _ => raise Impossible "bad call to Shift.") (* CHANGE: Add a case for Shift expressions *) (* CHANGE: Add function preprocess_prog of type geom_exp -> geom_exp *) fun preprocess_prog (e) = case e of LineSegment (x1, y1, x2, y2) => if real_close_point (x1, y1) (x2, y2) then Point(x1, y1) else (if real_close(x1, x2) then (if (y1 > y2) then LineSegment(x2, y2, x1, y1) else LineSegment (x1, y1, x2, y2)) else (if (x1 > x2) then LineSegment(x2, y2, x1, y1) else LineSegment (x1, y1, x2, y2))) | Intersect (e1, e2) => Intersect (preprocess_prog(e1), preprocess_prog(e2)) | Let (s, e1, e2) => Let (s, preprocess_prog(e1), preprocess_prog(e2)) | Shift (deltaX, deltaY, e1) => Shift (deltaX, deltaY, preprocess_prog(e1)) | _ => e
sml test
(* University of Washington, Programming Languages, Homework 7 hw7testsprovided.sml *) (* Will not compile until you implement preprocess and eval_prog *) (* These tests do NOT cover all the various cases, especially for intersection *) use "hw7.sml"; (* Must implement preprocess_prog and Shift before running these tests *) fun real_equal(x,y) =,y) = General.EQUAL; (* Preprocess tests *) let val Point(a,b) = preprocess_prog(LineSegment(3.2,4.1,3.2,4.1)) val Point(c,d) = Point(3.2,4.1) in if real_equal(a,c) andalso real_equal(b,d) then (print "preprocess converts a LineSegment to a Point successfully\n") else (print "preprocess does not convert a LineSegment to a Point succesfully\n") end; let val LineSegment(a,b,c,d) = preprocess_prog (LineSegment(3.2,4.1,~3.2,~4.1)) val LineSegment(e,f,g,h) = LineSegment(~3.2,~4.1,3.2,4.1) in if real_equal(a,e) andalso real_equal(b,f) andalso real_equal(c,g) andalso real_equal(d,h) then (print "preprocess flips an improper LineSegment successfully\n") else (print "preprocess does not flip an improper LineSegment successfully\n") end; (* eval_prog tests with Shift*) let val Point(a,b) = (eval_prog (preprocess_prog (Shift(3.0, 4.0, Point(4.0,4.0))), [])) val Point(c,d) = Point(7.0,8.0) in if real_equal(a,c) andalso real_equal(b,d) then (print "eval_prog with empty environment worked\n") else (print "eval_prog with empty environment is not working properly\n") end; (* Using a Var *) let val Point(a,b) = (eval_prog (Shift(3.0,4.0,Var "a"), [("a",Point(4.0,4.0))])) val Point(c,d) = Point(7.0,8.0) in if real_equal(a,c) andalso real_equal(b,d) then (print "eval_prog with 'a' in environment is working properly\n") else (print "eval_prog with 'a' in environment is not working properly\n") end; (* With Variable Shadowing *) let val Point(a,b) = (eval_prog (Shift(3.0,4.0,Var "a"), [("a",Point(4.0,4.0)),("a",Point(1.0,1.0))])) val Point(c,d) = Point(7.0,8.0) in if real_equal(a,c) andalso real_equal(b,d) then (print "eval_prog with shadowing 'a' in environment is working properly\n") else (print "eval_prog with shadowing 'a' in environment is not working properly\n") end;
ruby code
# University of Washington, Programming Languages, Homework 7, hw7.rb # (See also ML code.) # a little language for 2D geometry objects # each subclass of GeometryExpression, including subclasses of GeometryValue, # needs to respond to messages preprocess_prog and eval_prog # # each subclass of GeometryValue additionally needs: # * shift # * intersect, which uses the double-dispatch pattern # * intersectPoint, intersectLine, and intersectVerticalLine for # for being called by intersect of appropriate clases and doing # the correct intersection calculuation # * (We would need intersectNoPoints and intersectLineSegment, but these # are provided by GeometryValue and should not be overridden.) # * intersectWithSegmentAsLineResult, which is used by # intersectLineSegment as described in the assignment # # you can define other helper methods, but will not find much need to # Note: geometry objects should be immutable: assign to fields only during # object construction # Note: For eval_prog, represent environments as arrays of 2-element arrays # as described in the assignment class GeometryExpression # do *not* change this class definition Epsilon = 0.00001 end class GeometryValue < GeometryExpression # do *not* change methods in this class definition # you can add methods if you wish private # some helper methods that may be generally useful def real_close(r1,r2) (r1 - r2).abs < GeometryExpression::Epsilon end def real_close_point(x1,y1,x2,y2) real_close(x1,x2) && real_close(y1,y2) end # two_points_to_line could return a Line or a VerticalLine def two_points_to_line(x1,y1,x2,y2) if real_close(x1,x2) x1 else m = (y2 - y1).to_f / (x2 - x1) b = y1 - m * x1,b) end end public # we put this in this class so all subclasses can inherit it: # the intersection of self with a NoPoints is a NoPoints object def intersectNoPoints np np # could also have here instead end # we put this in this class so all subclasses can inhert it: # the intersection of self with a LineSegment is computed by # first intersecting with the line containing the segment and then # calling the result's intersectWithSegmentAsLineResult with the segment def intersectLineSegment seg line_result = intersect(two_points_to_line(seg.x1,seg.y1,seg.x2,seg.y2)) line_result.intersectWithSegmentAsLineResult seg end end class NoPoints < GeometryValue # do *not* change this class definition: everything is done for you # (although this is the easiest class, it shows what methods every subclass # of geometry values needs) # Note: no initialize method only because there is nothing it needs to do def eval_prog env self # all values evaluate to self end def preprocess_prog self # no pre-processing to do here end def shift(dx,dy) self # shifting no-points is no-points end def intersect other other.intersectNoPoints self # will be NoPoints but follow double-dispatch end def intersectPoint p self # intersection with point and no-points is no-points end def intersectLine line self # intersection with line and no-points is no-points end def intersectVerticalLine vline self # intersection with line and no-points is no-points end # if self is the intersection of (1) some shape s and (2) # the line containing seg, then we return the intersection of the # shape s and the seg. seg is an instance of LineSegment def intersectWithSegmentAsLineResult seg self end end class Point < GeometryValue # *add* methods to this class -- do *not* change given code and do not # override any methods # Note: You may want a private helper method like the local # helper function inbetween in the ML code private def inbetween(v,end1,end2) (end1 - GeometryExpression::Epsilon <= v and v <= end2 + GeometryExpression::Epsilon) or (end2 - GeometryExpression::Epsilon <= v and v <= end1 + GeometryExpression::Epsilon) end public attr_reader , :y def initialize(x,y) @x = x @y = y end def eval_prog env self # all values evaluate to self end def preprocess_prog self # no pre-processing to do here end def shift(dx,dy) + dx, @y + dy) # shifting a point end def intersect other other.intersectPoint self end def intersectPoint p if real_close_point(@x, @y, p.x, p.y), p.y) else end end def intersectLine line if real_close(@y, line.m * @x + line.b), @y) else end end def intersectVerticalLine vline if real_close(@x, vline.x), @y) else end end def intersectWithSegmentAsLineResult seg if (inbetween(@x,seg.x1,seg.x2) and inbetween(@y,seg.y1,seg.y2)) then,@y) else end end end class Line < GeometryValue # *add* methods to this class -- do *not* change given code and do not # override any methods attr_reader :m, :b def initialize(m,b) @m = m @b = b end def eval_prog env self # all values evaluate to self end def preprocess_prog self # no pre-processing to do here end def shift(dx,dy), @b + dy - @m*dx) # shifting a line end def intersect other other.intersectLine self end def intersectPoint p p.intersectLine self end def intersectLine line if real_close(@m, line.m) then if real_close(@b, line.b) then, @b) else end else x = (line.b - @b) / (@m - line.m) y = @m * x + @b, y) end end def intersectVerticalLine vline, @m * vline.x + @b) end def intersectWithSegmentAsLineResult seg, @b),seg.y1,seg.x2,seg.y2) end end class VerticalLine < GeometryValue # *add* methods to this class -- do *not* change given code and do not # override any methods attr_reader def initialize x @x = x end def eval_prog env self # all values evaluate to self end def preprocess_prog self # no pre-processing to do here end def shift(dx,dy) + dx) # shifting a vertical line end def intersect other other.intersectVerticalLine self end def intersectPoint p p.intersectVerticalLine self end def intersectLine line line.intersectVerticalLine self end def intersectVerticalLine vline if real_close(@x, vline.x) else end end def intersectWithSegmentAsLineResult seg,seg.y1,seg.x2,seg.y2) end end class LineSegment < GeometryValue # *add* methods to this class -- do *not* change given code and do not # override any methods # Note: This is the most difficult class. In the sample solution, # preprocess_prog is about 15 lines long and # intersectWithSegmentAsLineResult is about 40 lines long attr_reader 1, :y1, 2, :y2 def initialize (x1,y1,x2,y2) @x1 = x1 @y1 = y1 @x2 = x2 @y2 = y2 end def eval_prog env self # all values evaluate to self end def preprocess_prog if real_close_point(@x1,@y1,@x2,@y2) then,@y1) else if real_close(@x1,@x2) then if (@y1>@y2) then,@y2,@x1,@y1) else,@y1,@x2,@y2) end else if (x1>x2) then,@y2,@x1,@y1) else,@y1,@x2,@y2) end end end end def shift(dx,dy) + dx,@y1 + dy,@x2 + dx,@y2 + dy) end def intersect other other.intersectLineSegment self.preprocess_prog end def intersectPoint p p.intersectLineSegment self end def intersectLine line line.intersectLineSegment self end def intersectVerticalLine vline vline.intersectLineSegment self end def intersectWithSegmentAsLineResult seg x1start = seg.x1 y1start = seg.y1 x1end = seg.x2 y1end = seg.y2 x2start = @x1 y2start = @y1 x2end = @x2 y2end = @y2 if real_close(x1start,x1end) then if y1start < y2start then aXstart = seg.x1 aYstart = seg.y1 aXend = seg.x2 aYend = seg.y2 bXstart = @x1 bYstart = @y1 bXend = @x2 bYend = @y2 else aXstart = @x1 aYstart = @y1 aXend = @x2 aYend = @y2 bXstart = seg.x1 bYstart = seg.y1 bXend = seg.x2 bYend = seg.y2 end if real_close(aYend,bYstart) then,aYend) elsif aYend < bYstart then elsif aYend > bYend then,bYstart,bXend,bYend) else,bYstart,aXend,aYend) end else if x1start < x2start then aXstart = seg.x1 aYstart = seg.y1 aXend = seg.x2 aYend = seg.y2 bXstart = @x1 bYstart = @y1 bXend = @x2 bYend = @y2 else aXstart = @x1 aYstart = @y1 aXend = @x2 aYend = @y2 bXstart = seg.x1 bYstart = seg.y1 bXend = seg.x2 bYend = seg.y2 end if real_close(aXend,bXstart) then,aYend) elsif aXend < bXstart then elsif aXend > bXend then,bYstart,bXend,bYend) else,bYstart,aXend,aYend) end end end end # Note: there is no need for getter methods for the non-value classes class Intersect < GeometryExpression # *add* methods to this class -- do *not* change given code and do not # override any methods def initialize(e1,e2) @e1 = e1 @e2 = e2 end def eval_prog env (@e1.eval_prog(env)).intersect(@e2.eval_prog(env)) end def preprocess_prog,@e2.preprocess_prog) end end class Let < GeometryExpression # *add* methods to this class -- do *not* change given code and do not # override any methods def initialize(s,e1,e2) @s = s @e1 = e1 @e2 = e2 end def eval_prog env @e2.eval_prog([[@s, @e1.eval_prog(env)]] + env) end def preprocess_prog,@e1.preprocess_prog,@e2.preprocess_prog) end end class Var < GeometryExpression # *add* methods to this class -- do *not* change given code and do not # override any methods def initialize s @s = s end def eval_prog env env.find{|x| x[0] == @s}[1] end def preprocess_prog self end end class Shift < GeometryExpression # *add* methods to this class -- do *not* change given code and do not # override any methods def initialize(dx,dy,e) @dx = dx @dy = dy @e = e end def eval_prog env (@e.eval_prog(env)).shift(@dx,@dy) end def preprocess_prog,@dy,@e.preprocess_prog) end end
ruby tests
# University of Washington, Programming Languages, Homework 7, # hw7testsprovided.rb require "./hw7a.rb" # Will not work completely until you implement all the classes and their methods # Will print only if code has errors; prints nothing if all tests pass # These tests do NOT cover all the various cases, especially for intersection #Constants for testing ZERO = 0.0 ONE = 1.0 TWO = 2.0 THREE = 3.0 FOUR = 4.0 FIVE = 5.0 SIX = 6.0 SEVEN = 7.0 TEN = 10.0 #Point Tests a =,FIVE) if not (a.x == THREE and a.y == FIVE) puts "Point is not initialized properly" end if not (a.eval_prog([]) == a) puts "Point eval_prog should return self" end if not (a.preprocess_prog == a) puts "Point preprocess_prog should return self" end a1 = a.shift(THREE,FIVE) if not (a1.x == SIX and a1.y == TEN) puts "Point shift not working properly" end a2 = a.intersect(,FIVE)) if not (a2.x == THREE and a2.y == FIVE) puts "Point intersect not working properly" end a3 = a.intersect(,FIVE)) if not (a3.is_a? NoPoints) puts "Point intersect not working properly" end #Line Tests b =,FIVE) if not (b.m == THREE and b.b == FIVE) puts "Line not initialized properly" end if not (b.eval_prog([]) == b) puts "Line eval_prog should return self" end if not (b.preprocess_prog == b) puts "Line preprocess_prog should return self" end b1 = b.shift(THREE,FIVE) if not (b1.m == THREE and b1.b == ONE) puts "Line shift not working properly" end b2 = b.intersect(,FIVE)) if not (((b2.is_a? Line)) and b2.m == THREE and b2.b == FIVE) puts "Line intersect not working properly" end b3 = b.intersect(,FOUR)) if not ((b3.is_a? NoPoints)) puts "Line intersect not working properly" end #VerticalLine Tests c = if not (c.x == THREE) puts "VerticalLine not initialized properly" end if not (c.eval_prog([]) == c) puts "VerticalLine eval_prog should return self" end if not (c.preprocess_prog == c) puts "VerticalLine preprocess_prog should return self" end c1 = c.shift(THREE,FIVE) if not (c1.x == SIX) puts "VerticalLine shift not working properly" end c2 = c.intersect( if not ((c2.is_a? VerticalLine) and c2.x == THREE ) puts "VerticalLine intersect not working properly" end c3 = c.intersect( if not ((c3.is_a? NoPoints)) puts "VerticalLine intersect not working properly" end #LineSegment Tests d =,TWO,-THREE,-FOUR) if not (d.eval_prog([]) == d) puts "LineSegement eval_prog should return self" end d1 =,TWO,ONE,TWO) d2 = d1.preprocess_prog if not ((d2.is_a? Point)and d2.x == ONE and d2.y == TWO) puts "LineSegment preprocess_prog should convert to a Point" puts "if ends of segment are real_close" end d = d.preprocess_prog if not (d.x1 == -THREE and d.y1 == -FOUR and d.x2 == ONE and d.y2 == TWO) puts "LineSegment preprocess_prog should make x1 and y1" puts "on the left of x2 and y2" end d3 = d.shift(THREE,FIVE) if not (d3.x1 == ZERO and d3.y1 == ONE and d3.x2 == FOUR and d3.y2 == SEVEN) puts "LineSegment shift not working properly" end d4 = d.intersect(,-FOUR,ONE,TWO)) if not (((d4.is_a? LineSegment)) and d4.x1 == -THREE and d4.y1 == -FOUR and d4.x2 == ONE and d4.y2 == TWO) puts "LineSegment intersect not working properly" end d5 = d.intersect(,THREE,FOUR,FIVE)) if not ((d5.is_a? NoPoints)) puts "LineSegment intersect not working properly" end #Intersect Tests i =,-TWO,THREE,FOUR),,FOUR,-ONE,-TWO)) i1 = i.preprocess_prog.eval_prog([]) if not (i1.x1 == -ONE and i1.y1 == -TWO and i1.x2 == THREE and i1.y2 == FOUR) puts "Intersect eval_prog should return the intersect between e1 and e2" end #Var Tests v ="a") v1 = v.eval_prog([["a",,FIVE)]]) if not ((v1.is_a? Point) and v1.x == THREE and v1.y == FIVE) puts "Var eval_prog is not working properly" end if not (v1.preprocess_prog == v1) puts "Var preprocess_prog should return self" end #Let Tests l ="a",,-TWO,THREE,FOUR),"a"),,FOUR,-ONE,-TWO))) l1 = l.preprocess_prog.eval_prog([]) if not (l1.x1 == -ONE and l1.y1 == -TWO and l1.x2 == THREE and l1.y2 == FOUR) puts "Let eval_prog should evaluate e2 after adding [s, e1] to the environment" end #Let Variable Shadowing Test l2 ="a",, -TWO, THREE, FOUR),"b",,FOUR,-ONE,-TWO),"a"),"b")))) l2 = l2.preprocess_prog.eval_prog([["a",,0)]]) if not (l2.x1 == -ONE and l2.y1 == -TWO and l2.x2 == THREE and l2.y2 == FOUR) puts "Let eval_prog should evaluate e2 after adding [s, e1] to the environment" end #Shift Tests s =,FIVE,,-TWO,THREE,FOUR)) s1 = s.preprocess_prog.eval_prog([]) if not (s1.x1 == TWO and s1.y1 == THREE and s1.x2 == SIX and s1.y2 == 9) puts "Shift should shift e by dx and dy" end