1. Precipitation data update
data input: a text file with all stations.
import zipfile class PGMNPrecipitation: def __init__(self, file): import fileinput i = 0 precipitation = {} for line in fileinput.input(file): i = i + 1 if i == 1: continue items = line.strip().split("\t") if len(items) != 3: print i continue line = items[0] + "," + items[1] + "," + items[2] id = items[0] if precipitation.has_key(id): precipitation[id].append(line) else: precipitation[id] = [line] for key, value in precipitation.items(): handle1 = open("Precipitation/" + key + ".csv",'w+') handle1.write("Site_ID, Date_Time, Precipitation\n") for line in value: handle1.write(line + "\n") handle1.close(); if __name__ == "__main__": stations = PGMNPrecipitation('Precipitation.txt')
Run Java to generate charts with JFreeChart library.
import java.awt.Color; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.DataInputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.ChartUtilities; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.labels.StandardXYToolTipGenerator; import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYItemRenderer; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer; import org.jfree.data.time.Hour; import org.jfree.data.time.Second; import org.jfree.data.time.TimeSeries; import org.jfree.data.time.TimeSeriesCollection; import org.jfree.data.xy.XYDataset; import org.jfree.ui.ApplicationFrame; /** * A time series chart. */ public class PGMN_Precipitation extends ApplicationFrame { final static String precipitation_fr = "Précipitation"; final static String precipitation_en = "Precipitation"; final static String site_id_en = "Site ID"; final static String site_id_fr = "Numéro du site"; /** * A demonstration application showing how to create a simple time series chart. * * @param title the frame title. */ public PGMN_Precipitation(final String title) { super(title); try{ // Open the file that is the first // command line parameter FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream("Y:\\PGMN\\Precipitation\\1.txt"); // Get the object of DataInputStream DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fstream); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); String strLine; //Read File Line By Line int i = 0; while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null) { //System.out.println(strLine.length()); if((strLine.length() < 45)||(strLine.length() > 46)){ continue; } if(!strLine.contains("csv")){ continue; } String wellId = strLine.substring(39, strLine.length()-4); System.out.println(wellId); //Double depth = (Double)hm.get(wellId); String lang = "EN"; final XYDataset dataset = createDataset(wellId, lang); final JFreeChart chart = createChart(dataset, wellId, lang); XYPlot xyplot = (XYPlot)chart.getPlot(); XYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer = (XYLineAndShapeRenderer)xyplot.getRenderer(); renderer.setSeriesPaint(0, Color.blue); try { ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(new File("Y:\\PGMN\\Precipitation\\" + lang + "\\" + wellId + ".png"), chart, 400, 300); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } lang = "FR"; final XYDataset dataset_fr = createDataset(wellId, lang); final JFreeChart chart_fr = createChart(dataset_fr, wellId, lang); XYPlot xyplot_fr = (XYPlot)chart_fr.getPlot(); XYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer_fr = (XYLineAndShapeRenderer)xyplot_fr.getRenderer(); renderer_fr.setSeriesPaint(0, Color.blue); try { ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(new File("Y:\\PGMN\\Precipitation\\" + lang + "\\" + wellId + ".png"), chart_fr, 400, 300); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } i++; } //Close the input stream in.close(); }catch (Exception e){//Catch exception if any System.err.println("Error: " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Returns a time series of the daily EUR/GBP exchange rates in 2001 (to date), for use in * the JFreeChart demonstration application. * <P> * You wouldn't normally create a time series in this way. Typically, values would * be read from a database. * * @return a time series. * */ private TimeSeries createEURTimeSeries(String WellID, String lang) { int count = 0; String precipitation = ""; if(lang.equals("EN")){ precipitation = precipitation_en; }else{ precipitation = precipitation_fr; } TimeSeries t1 = new TimeSeries(precipitation + " (mm)"); //System.out.println (t1.getMaximumItemCount()); Hour begin = new Hour( 1, 1, 1, 2005); Hour end = new Hour(23, 31, 12, 2012); String endStr = end.toString(); String str = begin.toString(); for(Hour h1 = begin; !str.equals(endStr) ; h1 = (Hour) h1.next()){ Second s = new Second(0, 0, h1.getHour(), h1.getDayOfMonth(), h1.getMonth(), h1.getYear()); t1.addOrUpdate(s, new Double(Double.NaN)); str = h1.toString(); } try { // Open the file that is the first // command line parameter FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream("Y:\\PGMN\\Precipitation\\" + WellID + ".csv"); // Get the object of DataInputStream DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fstream); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); String strLine; //Read File Line By Line int i = 0; while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null) { if(i>0){ String [] temp = strLine.split(","); //System.out.println (i); String [] temp1 = (temp[1]).split(" "); //6/10/2009 21:00:00 String [] temp2 = (temp1[0]).split("/"); //6/10/2009 21:00:00 int day = Integer.parseInt(temp2[0]); int month = Integer.parseInt(temp2[1]); int year = Integer.parseInt(temp2[2]); //System.out.println (i); String [] temp3 = (temp1[1]).split(":"); //6/10/2009 21:00:00 int hour = Integer.parseInt(temp3[0]); int minute = Integer.parseInt(temp3[1]); int second = Integer.parseInt(temp3[2]); Second s = new Second(second, minute, hour, day, month, year); //System.out.println(strLine); //System.out.println(year + ", " + month + ", " + day + ", " + hour + ", " + minute + ", " + second); //Hour h = new Hour(hour, day, month, year); Double d = new Double(Double.NaN); //System.out.println(temp[2]); if (temp.length > 2){ d = Double.parseDouble(temp[2]);// - depth; count ++; } t1.addOrUpdate(s, d); } i = i + 1; } in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } return t1; } /** * Creates a sample dataset. * * @return a sample dataset. */ private XYDataset createDataset(String WellID, String lang) { final TimeSeries eur = createEURTimeSeries(WellID, lang); final TimeSeriesCollection dataset = new TimeSeriesCollection(); dataset.addSeries(eur); return dataset; } /** * Creates a chart. * * @param dataset the dataset. * * @return a chart. */ private JFreeChart createChart(final XYDataset dataset, String WellID, String lang) { String precipitation = ""; if(lang.equals("EN")){ precipitation = precipitation_en; }else{ precipitation = precipitation_fr; } String site_id = ""; if(lang.equals("EN")){ site_id = site_id_en; }else{ site_id = site_id_fr; } final JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart( precipitation + " (" + site_id +": " + WellID + ")", "Date", precipitation + " (mm)", dataset, true, true, false ); final XYItemRenderer renderer = chart.getXYPlot().getRenderer(); final StandardXYToolTipGenerator g = new StandardXYToolTipGenerator( StandardXYToolTipGenerator.DEFAULT_TOOL_TIP_FORMAT, new SimpleDateFormat("d-MMM-yyyy"), new DecimalFormat("0.00") ); renderer.setToolTipGenerator(g); return chart; } // **************************************************************************** // * JFREECHART DEVELOPER GUIDE * // * The JFreeChart Developer Guide, written by David Gilbert, is available * // * to purchase from Object Refinery Limited: * // * * // * http://www.object-refinery.com/jfreechart/guide.html * // * * // * Sales are used to provide funding for the JFreeChart project - please * // * support us so that we can continue developing free software. * // **************************************************************************** /** * Starting point for the demonstration application. * * @param args ignored. */ public static void main(final String[] args) { final PGMN_Precipitation demo = new PGMN_Precipitation("Time Series Demo 8"); /*demo.pack(); RefineryUtilities.centerFrameOnScreen(demo); demo.setVisible(true);*/ } }
2. Water Chemistry
data input: two tables in Oracle.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import cx_Oracle from datetime import date class Sample: def __init__(self, PGMN_WELL, SAMPLENUM, SAMPLE_DAT, CONFIDENCE, COMMENTS, IONIC_BALA, LAB, LAB_ID): self.PGMN_WELL = PGMN_WELL self.SAMPLENUM = SAMPLENUM self.SAMPLE_DAT = SAMPLE_DAT self.CONFIDENCE = CONFIDENCE self.COMMENTS = COMMENTS self.IONIC_BALA = IONIC_BALA self.LAB = LAB self.LAB_ID = LAB_ID class Result: def __init__(self, SAMPLENUM, LISTID, MATRIX, PARMNAME, DILUTION, REPORT_VAL, UNITS, VALQUALIFI, REMARK1, REMARK2): self.SAMPLENUM = SAMPLENUM self.LISTID = LISTID self.MATRIX = MATRIX self.PARMNAME = PARMNAME self.DILUTION = DILUTION self.REPORT_VAL = REPORT_VAL self.UNITS = UNITS self.VALQUALIFI = VALQUALIFI self.REMARK1 = REMARK1 self.REMARK2 = REMARK2 EN_FR_Dict = {"Aluminum": "Aluminium","Antimony": "Antimoine","Arsenic": "Arsenic","Barium": "Baryum","Beryllium": "Béryllium","Boron": "Bore","Cadmium": "Cadmium","Chromium": "Chrome","Cobalt": "Cobalt","Copper": "Cuivre","Iron": "Fer","Lead": "Plomb","Manganese": "Manganèse","Molybdenum": "Molybdène","Nickel": "Nickel","Selenium": "Sélénium","Silver": "Argent","Strontium": "Strontium","Thallium": "Thallium","Titanium": "Titane","Uranium": "Uranium","Vanadium": "Vanadium","Zinc": "Zinc","Fluoride": "Fluorure","Sulphate": "Sulfate","Solids; dissolved": "Solides; dissous","Anions": "Anions","Cations": "Cations","Conductivity Estimated": "Estimation de la conductivité ","Ion balance calculation": "Calcul de l'équilibre ionique","Solids; Dissolved Estimated": "Solides; estimation des solides dissous ","Calcium": "Calcium","Hardness": "Titre hydrotimétrique","Magnesium": "Magnésium","Potassium": "Potassium","Sodium": "Sodium","Alkalinity; total fixed endpt": "Alcalinité; point limite d'alcalinité totale","Conductivity": "Conductivité","pH": "pH","Langeliers index calculation": "Calcul de l'index de Langelier","Saturation pH Estimated": "Estimation du pH de saturation","Nitrogen; ammonia+ammonium": "Nitrogène; ammoniac+ammonium","Nitrogen; nitrate+nitrite": "Nitrogène; nitrate+nitrite","Nitrogen; nitrite": "Nitrogène; nitrite","Phosphorus; phosphate": "Phosphore; phosphate","Nitrogen; total Kjeldahl": "Nitrogène; azote total Kjeldahl","Phosphorus; total": "Phosphore; total","Carbon; dissolved inorganic": "Carbone; carbone inorganique dissous","Carbon; dissolved organic": "Carbone; carbone organique dissous","Silicon; reactive silicate": "Silicium; silicate réactif","Chloride": "Chlorure","Bromide": "Bromure","Iodide (I-)": "Ion iodure (I-)","Nitrogen; nitrate": "Nitrogène; nitrate"} Chem_EN = ["Aluminum", "Antimony", "Arsenic", "Barium", "Beryllium", "Boron", "Cadmium", "Chromium", "Cobalt", "Copper", "Iron", "Lead", "Manganese", "Molybdenum", "Nickel", "Selenium", "Silver", "Strontium", "Thallium", "Titanium", "Uranium", "Vanadium", "Zinc", "Fluoride", "Sulphate", "Solids; dissolved", "Anions", "Cations", "Conductivity Estimated", "Ion balance calculation", "Solids; Dissolved Estimated", "Calcium", "Hardness", "Magnesium", "Potassium", "Sodium", "Alkalinity; total fixed endpt", "Conductivity", "pH", "Langeliers index calculation", "Saturation pH Estimated", "Nitrogen; ammonia+ammonium", "Nitrogen; nitrate+nitrite", "Nitrogen; nitrite", "Phosphorus; phosphate", "Nitrogen; total Kjeldahl", "Phosphorus; total", "Carbon; dissolved inorganic", "Carbon; dissolved organic", "Silicon; reactive silicate", "Chloride", "Bromide", "Iodide (I-)", "Nitrogen; nitrate"] def calculateHeadTable(resultDict, isEnglish): head_EN = "<table class='fishTable' border='1'><tr>" i = 0 for PARMNAME in Chem_EN: if resultDict.has_key(PARMNAME): if isEnglish: head_EN = head_EN + "<td><a href=\"#index" + str(i) + "\">" + PARMNAME + "</a></td>" else: head_EN = head_EN + "<td><a href=\"#index" + str(i) + "\">" + EN_FR_Dict[PARMNAME] + "</a></td>" if i % 3 == 2: head_EN = head_EN + "</tr><tr>" i = i + 1 if isEnglish: otherParameters = "Pesticides, Volatile Organic Compounds, and other parameters" else: otherParameters = "Pesticides, composés organiques volatiles et autres paramètres" if i % 3 == 1: head_EN = head_EN + "<td><a href=\"#index" + str(i + 1) + "\"></a></td><td><a href=\"#index" + str(i + 2) + "\"></a></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"3\"><center><a href=\"#indexOther\">" + otherParameters + "</a></center></td></tr></table>" if i % 3 == 2: head_EN = head_EN + "<td><a href=\"#index" + str(i + 1) + "\"></a></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"3\"><center><a href=\"#indexOther\">" + otherParameters + "</a></center></td></tr></table>" if i % 3 == 0: head_EN = head_EN + "<td colspan=\"3\"><center><a href=\"#indexOther\">" + otherParameters + "</a></center></td></tr></table>" return head_EN def calculateResultDict(well_id, sampleList, resultList): def f(x): return x.PGMN_WELL == well_id samplesInWell = filter(f, sampleList) SAMPLENUMList = [] for sample in samplesInWell: SAMPLENUMList.append(sample.SAMPLENUM) def g(x): return x.SAMPLENUM in SAMPLENUMList resultsInWell = filter(g, resultList) resultDict = {} for result in resultsInWell: if resultDict.has_key(result.PARMNAME): resultDict[result.PARMNAME].append(result) else: resultDict[result.PARMNAME] = [result] return resultDict def calculateChartURL(results, sampleDict): #<img src='http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=s&chd=t:21.30,42.13,45.85,86.8|33.33,42.86,100.00,19.0&chxt=x,y&chs=500x200&chxl=|0:|2002|2003|2004|2005|2006|2007|2008|2009|2010|2011|1:|0|1.05|2.10(ug/L)'/> UNITS = results[0].UNITS max = 0.02 for result in results: if result.REPORT_VAL > max : max = result.REPORT_VAL if len(results) == 1: max = 2*max; valueString = "" for result in results: if result.REPORT_VAL is not None: if result.REPORT_VAL < 0.000001: valueString = valueString + "0," else: valueString = valueString + ('%.2f' % (result.REPORT_VAL * 100.0 / max)) + "," else: valueString = valueString + "0," beginDate = date(2002, 1, 1) endDate = date(2013, 1, 1) dateDiff = endDate - beginDate dateString = "" for result in results: sample = sampleDict[result.SAMPLENUM] sampleDate = date(sample.SAMPLE_DAT.year, sample.SAMPLE_DAT.month, sample.SAMPLE_DAT.day) sampleDelta = (sampleDate - beginDate).days sampleDeltaPercent = sampleDelta * 100.0 / dateDiff.days dateString = dateString + ('%.2f' % sampleDeltaPercent) + "," return "<img src='http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=s&chd=t:" + dateString[:-1] + "|" + valueString[:-1] + "&chxt=x,y&chs=500x200&chxl=|0:|2002|2003|2004|2005|2006|2007|2008|2009|2010|2011|2012|2013|1:|0|" + str(max*0.5) + "|" + str(max) + "(" + UNITS + ")'/>"; def calculateDateString(SAMPLE_DAT): res = "" if SAMPLE_DAT.day < 10: res = res + "0" + str(SAMPLE_DAT.day) else: res = res + str(SAMPLE_DAT.day) res = res + "/" if SAMPLE_DAT.month < 10: res = res + "0" + str(SAMPLE_DAT.month) else: res = res + str(SAMPLE_DAT.month) res = res + "/" return res + str(SAMPLE_DAT.year) def removeNone(val): if val is not None: return str(val) else: return "" def calculateTable(results, sampleDict, isEnglish): if isEnglish: returnString = "<table class='fishTable' border='1'><tr><th class=\"shaded\"><center>Date</center></th><th class=\"shaded\"><center>Value</center></th><th class=\"shaded\"><center>Units</center></th><th class=\"shaded\"><center>Qualifiers</center></th><th class=\"shaded\"><center>Remark 1</center></th><th class=\"shaded\"><center>Remark 2</center></th><th class=\"shaded\"><center>Confidence Level</center></th><th class=\"shaded\"><center>Comments</center></th><th class=\"shaded\"><center>Sample Number</center></th></tr>" else: returnString = "<table class='fishTable' border='1'><tr><th class=\"shaded\"><center>Date</center></th><th class=\"shaded\"><center>Valeur</center></th><th class=\"shaded\"><center>Unité</center></th><th class=\"shaded\"><center>Qualificateurs</center></th><th class=\"shaded\"><center>Observation 1</center></th><th class=\"shaded\"><center>Observation 2</center></th><th class=\"shaded\"><center>Niveau de confiance</center></th><th class=\"shaded\"><center>Commentaires</center></th><th class=\"shaded\"><center>Numéro d'échantillon</center></th></tr>" for result in results: sample = sampleDict[result.SAMPLENUM] returnString = returnString + "<tr><td>" + calculateDateString(sample.SAMPLE_DAT) + "</td><td>" + str(result.REPORT_VAL) + "</td><td>" + removeNone(result.UNITS) + "</td><td>" + removeNone(result.VALQUALIFI) + "</td><td>" + removeNone(result.REMARK1) + "</td><td>" + removeNone(result.REMARK2) + "</td><td>" + removeNone(sample.CONFIDENCE) + "</td><td>" + removeNone(sample.COMMENTS) + "</td><td>" + removeNone(sample.SAMPLENUM) + "</td></tr>" if isEnglish: returnString = returnString + "</table>\n<div align=\"right\"><a href=\"#top\">Back to top</a></div><br><br>" else: returnString = returnString + "</table>\n<div align=\"right\"><a href=\"#top\">Haut de la page</a></div><br><br>" return returnString def generateCSV(well_id, resultDict, sampleDict, OtherParameters): csv = "PGMN_WELL\tParameterName\tSampleDate\tValue\tUnits\tQualifiers\tRemark1\tRemark2\tConfidenceLevel\tComments\tIonbalance\tLabName\tSampleNumber\n" for PARMNAME in Chem_EN: if resultDict.has_key(PARMNAME): results = resultDict[PARMNAME] def compare(x, y): return (sampleDict[x.SAMPLENUM].SAMPLE_DAT - sampleDict[y.SAMPLENUM].SAMPLE_DAT).days results = sorted(results, cmp=compare) for result in results: sample = sampleDict[result.SAMPLENUM] csv = csv + well_id + "\t" + PARMNAME + "\t" + calculateDateString(sample.SAMPLE_DAT) + "\t" + str(result.REPORT_VAL) + "\t" + removeNone(result.UNITS) + "\t" + removeNone(result.VALQUALIFI) + "\t" + removeNone(result.REMARK1) + "\t" + removeNone(result.REMARK2) + "\t" + removeNone(sample.CONFIDENCE) + "\t" + removeNone(sample.COMMENTS) + "\t" + removeNone(sample.IONIC_BALA) + "\t" + removeNone(sample.LAB) + "\t" + removeNone(sample.SAMPLENUM) + "\n" for PARMNAME in OtherParameters: results = resultDict[PARMNAME] def compare(x, y): return (sampleDict[x.SAMPLENUM].SAMPLE_DAT - sampleDict[y.SAMPLENUM].SAMPLE_DAT).days results = sorted(results, cmp=compare) for result in results: sample = sampleDict[result.SAMPLENUM] csv = csv + well_id + "\t" + PARMNAME + "\t" + calculateDateString(sample.SAMPLE_DAT) + "\t" + str(result.REPORT_VAL) + "\t" + removeNone(result.UNITS) + "\t" + removeNone(result.VALQUALIFI) + "\t" + removeNone(result.REMARK1) + "\t" + removeNone(result.REMARK2) + "\t" + removeNone(sample.CONFIDENCE) + "\t" + removeNone(sample.COMMENTS) + "\t" + removeNone(sample.IONIC_BALA) + "\t" + removeNone(sample.LAB) + "\t" + removeNone(sample.SAMPLENUM) + "\n" handle1 = open("Y:\\PGMN\\WaterChemistry\\" + well_id + ".txt",'w+') handle1.write(csv) handle1.close(); def generateHTML(isEnglish, well_id, resultDict, sampleDict): html = "" if isEnglish: html = "<h2>Water Chemistry in PGMN Well: " + well_id + "</h2>\n<a name=\"top\"></a><a href=\"../" + well_id + ".txt\">Water Chemistry Data Download (Tab Separated Text File)</a>\n" + calculateHeadTable(resultDict, isEnglish) else: html = "<h2>Composition chimique de l'eau des puits du Réseau provincial de contrôle des eaux souterraines: " + well_id + "</h2>\n<a name=\"top\"></a><a href=\"../" + well_id + ".txt\">Téléchargement des données hydro-chimiques (Fichier texte séparé)</a>\n" + calculateHeadTable(resultDict, isEnglish) i = 0 for PARMNAME in Chem_EN: if resultDict.has_key(PARMNAME): if isEnglish: html = html + "<h3><a name=\"index" + str(i) + "\">" + PARMNAME + "</a></h3>\n" else: html = html + "<h3><a name=\"index" + str(i) + "\">" + EN_FR_Dict[PARMNAME] + "</a></h3>\n" results = resultDict[PARMNAME] def compare(x, y): return (sampleDict[x.SAMPLENUM].SAMPLE_DAT - sampleDict[y.SAMPLENUM].SAMPLE_DAT).days results = sorted(results, cmp=compare) html = html + calculateChartURL(results, sampleDict) + "\n" html = html + calculateTable(results, sampleDict, isEnglish) + "\n" i = i + 1 if isEnglish: html = html + "<h3><a name=\"indexOther\">Pesticides, Volatile Organic Compounds, and other parameters</a></h3>" else: html = html + "<h3><a name=\"indexOther\">Pesticides, composés organiques volatiles et autres paramètres</a></h3>" OtherParameters = [] for PARMNAME in sorted(resultDict.iterkeys()): if not PARMNAME in Chem_EN: OtherParameters.append(PARMNAME) for PARMNAME in OtherParameters: html = html + "<h3>" + PARMNAME + "</h3>\n" results = resultDict[PARMNAME] def compare(x, y): return (sampleDict[x.SAMPLENUM].SAMPLE_DAT - sampleDict[y.SAMPLENUM].SAMPLE_DAT).days results = sorted(results, cmp=compare) html = html + calculateTable(results, sampleDict, isEnglish) + "\n" if isEnglish: text_file = open("PGMNChemistryEN.htm", "r") else: text_file = open("PGMNChemistryFR.htm", "r") template = text_file.read() text_file.close() template = template.replace("${CONTENT}", html) if isEnglish: handle1 = open("Y:\\PGMN\\WaterChemistry\\EN\\" + well_id + ".htm",'w+') else: handle1 = open("Y:\\PGMN\\WaterChemistry\\FR\\" + well_id + ".htm",'w+') handle1.write(template) handle1.close(); if isEnglish: generateCSV(well_id, resultDict, sampleDict, OtherParameters) connection = cx_Oracle.connect('EMRB_PGMN/xxxxxxx@sde') cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM PGMN_WELLS_SAMPLES') rows = cursor.fetchall() sampleDict = {} sampleList = [] PGMN_WELLList = [] for row in rows: sample = Sample(row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5], row[6], row[7], row[8]) sampleList.append(sample) PGMN_WELLList.append(row[1]) if sampleDict.has_key(sample.SAMPLENUM): raise ValueError("Sample table should use sample number as unique key. ") else: sampleDict[sample.SAMPLENUM] = sample PGMN_WELLSet = set(PGMN_WELLList) cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM PGMN_WELLS_RESULTS') rows = cursor.fetchall() resultList = [] for row in rows: result = Result(row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5], row[6], row[7], row[8], row[9], row[10]) resultList.append(result) CHEM_CONTE = "PGMN_WELL\tCHEM_CONTE\n" for well_id in PGMN_WELLSet: #for well_id in ["W0000271-1"]: resultDict = calculateResultDict(well_id, sampleList, resultList) generateHTML(True, well_id, resultDict, sampleDict) generateHTML(False, well_id, resultDict, sampleDict) def f(x): return x.PGMN_WELL == well_id def g(x): return x.SAMPLE_DAT def h(x): return calculateDateString(x) CHEM_CONTE = CHEM_CONTE + well_id + "\t" + ", ".join(map(h, sorted(map(g, filter(f, sampleList))))) + "\n" #print well_id + ", " + str(len(resultDict)) #print html handle1 = open("Y:\\PGMN\\WaterChemistry\\CHEM_CONTE.txt",'w+') handle1.write(CHEM_CONTE) handle1.close(); #print len(set(PGMN_WELLList)) #print len(sampleList) connection.close()
3. Water Level data
import java.awt.Color; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.DataInputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.ChartUtilities; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.labels.StandardXYToolTipGenerator; import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYItemRenderer; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer; import org.jfree.data.time.Hour; import org.jfree.data.time.TimeSeries; import org.jfree.data.time.TimeSeriesCollection; import org.jfree.data.xy.XYDataset; import org.jfree.ui.ApplicationFrame; /** * A time series chart. */ public class PGMN_WaterLevel_Update extends ApplicationFrame { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; final static String waterlevel_fr = "Niveau d'eau"; final static String waterlevel_en = "Water Level"; /** * A demonstration application showing how to create a simple time series chart. * * @param title the frame title. */ public PGMN_WaterLevel_Update(final String title) { super(title); try{ String [] stationList = {"W0000001-1", "W0000002-1", "W0000003-1", "W0000004-1", "W0000005-1", "W0000006-1", "W0000007-2", "W0000008-1", "W0000009-1", "W0000010-1", "W0000011-1", "W0000012-1", "W0000013-1", "W0000014-1", "W0000015-1", "W0000016-3", "W0000017-2", "W0000018-1", "W0000019-1", "W0000020-1", "W0000021-1", "W0000022-1", "W0000023-1", "W0000024-2", "W0000024-4", "W0000026-1", "W0000027-1", "W0000028-2", "W0000028-4", "W0000029-1", "W0000030-1", "W0000031-1", "W0000032-1", "W0000033-1", "W0000034-1", "W0000035-5", "W0000036-1", "W0000037-1", "W0000038-1", "W0000039-1", "W0000040-1", "W0000041-1", "W0000042-1", "W0000043-3", "W0000044-2", "W0000044-3", "W0000045-1", "W0000046-1", "W0000049-1", "W0000053-1", "W0000054-1", "W0000055-1", "W0000056-1", "W0000058-1", "W0000059-1", "W0000060-1", "W0000061-1", "W0000062-1", "W0000063-3", "W0000064-1", "W0000065-4", "W0000066-1", "W0000067-1", "W0000068-1", "W0000069-1", "W0000070-1", "W0000071-1", "W0000073-1", "W0000075-1", "W0000076-1", "W0000077-1", "W0000078-1", "W0000079-1", "W0000080-1", "W0000081-1", "W0000082-1", "W0000083-1", "W0000084-1", "W0000085-1", "W0000086-1", "W0000087-1", "W0000088-1", "W0000089-1", "W0000091-1", "W0000092-1", "W0000093-1", "W0000094-1", "W0000095-1", "W0000096-1", "W0000097-2", "W0000097-5", "W0000098-1", "W0000099-1", "W0000101-1", "W0000102-1", "W0000106-2", "W0000107-1", "W0000108-1", "W0000109-2", "W0000111-3", "W0000112-1", "W0000113-1", "W0000114-2", "W0000114-3", "W0000114-4", "W0000115-2", "W0000115-3", "W0000117-2", "W0000118-2", "W0000119-2", "W0000121-1", "W0000122-1", "W0000123-1", "W0000124-1", "W0000125-1", "W0000127-1", "W0000129-1", "W0000130-1", "W0000131-1", "W0000132-1", "W0000133-1", "W0000134-1", "W0000135-1", "W0000136-1", "W0000137-1", "W0000138-1", 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"W0000479-1", "W0000480-1", "W0000481-1", "W0000482-1", "W0000486-1"}; //String [] stationList = {"W0000008-1"}; /*FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream("Y:\\PGMN\\WaterLevel\\csv\\1a.txt"); DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fstream); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); String strLine; int i = 0; while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null) { if(strLine.length() != 53){ continue; } String wellId = strLine.substring(39, 49); */ for (int i = 0; i < stationList.length; i++) { String wellId = stationList[i]; System.out.println(wellId); String [] languageList = {"EN", "FR"}; for (int j = 0; j < languageList.length; j++) { String lang = languageList[j]; final XYDataset dataset = createDataset(wellId, lang); final JFreeChart chart = createChart(dataset, wellId, lang); XYPlot xyplot = (XYPlot)chart.getPlot(); XYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer = (XYLineAndShapeRenderer)xyplot.getRenderer(); renderer.setSeriesPaint(0, Color.blue); try { ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(new File("Y:\\PGMN\\WaterLevel\\png\\" + lang + "\\" + wellId + ".png"), chart, 400, 300); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("PGMN_WaterLevel_Update: " + e.getMessage()); } } /* lang = "FR"; final XYDataset dataset_fr = createDataset(wellId, lang); final JFreeChart chart_fr = createChart(dataset_fr, wellId, lang); XYPlot xyplot_fr = (XYPlot)chart_fr.getPlot(); XYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer_fr = (XYLineAndShapeRenderer)xyplot_fr.getRenderer(); renderer_fr.setSeriesPaint(0, Color.blue); try { ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(new File("Y:\\PGMN\\WaterLevel\\png\\" + lang + "\\" + wellId + ".png"), chart_fr, 400, 300); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); }*/ //i++; } //Close the input stream //in.close(); }catch (Exception e){//Catch exception if any System.err.println("Error: " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Returns a time series of the daily EUR/GBP exchange rates in 2001 (to date), for use in * the JFreeChart demonstration application. * <P> * You wouldn't normally create a time series in this way. Typically, values would * be read from a database. * * @return a time series. * */ private TimeSeries createEURTimeSeries(String WellID, String lang) { int count = 0; String waterlevel = ""; if(lang.equals("EN")){ waterlevel = waterlevel_en; }else{ waterlevel = waterlevel_fr; } TimeSeries t1 = new TimeSeries(waterlevel + " (m.a.s.l.)"); //System.out.println (t1.getMaximumItemCount()); Hour begin = new Hour(1, 1, 1, 2001); Hour end = new Hour(23, 31, 12, 2010); //System.out.println(begin); String endStr = end.toString(); //System.out.println(endStr); String str = begin.toString(); for(Hour h1 = begin; !str.equals(endStr) ; h1 = (Hour) h1.next()){ t1.addOrUpdate(h1, new Double(Double.NaN)); str = h1.toString(); } try { // Open the file that is the first // command line parameter FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream("Y:\\PGMN\\WaterLevel\\csv\\" + WellID + ".csv"); // Get the object of DataInputStream DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fstream); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); String strLine; //Read File Line By Line int i = 0; while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null) { if(i>0){ String [] temp = strLine.split(","); //System.out.println (i); String [] temp1 = (temp[1]).split(" "); //6/10/2009 21:00:00 String [] temp2 = (temp1[0]).split("/"); //6/10/2009 21:00:00 int day = Integer.parseInt(temp2[2]); int month = Integer.parseInt(temp2[1]); int year = Integer.parseInt(temp2[0]); //System.out.println (i); String [] temp3 = (temp1[1]).split(":"); //6/10/2009 21:00:00 int hour = Integer.parseInt(temp3[0]); int minute = Integer.parseInt(temp3[1]); int second = Integer.parseInt(temp3[2]); //Second s = new Second(second, minute, hour, day, month, year); Hour h = new Hour(hour, day, month, year); Double d = new Double(Double.NaN); if (temp.length > 2){ d = Double.parseDouble(temp[2]);// - depth; count ++; } t1.addOrUpdate(h, d); } i = i + 1; } in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("createEURTimeSeries : " + e.getMessage()); } return t1; } /** * Creates a sample dataset. * * @return a sample dataset. */ private XYDataset createDataset(String WellID, String lang) { final TimeSeries eur = createEURTimeSeries(WellID, lang); final TimeSeriesCollection dataset = new TimeSeriesCollection(); dataset.addSeries(eur); return dataset; } /** * Creates a chart. * * @param dataset the dataset. * * @return a chart. */ private JFreeChart createChart(final XYDataset dataset, String WellID, String lang) { String waterlevel = ""; if(lang.equals("EN")){ waterlevel = waterlevel_en; }else{ waterlevel = waterlevel_fr; } final JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart( waterlevel + " (" + WellID + ")", "Date", waterlevel + " (m.a.s.l.)", dataset, true, true, false ); final XYItemRenderer renderer = chart.getXYPlot().getRenderer(); final StandardXYToolTipGenerator g = new StandardXYToolTipGenerator( StandardXYToolTipGenerator.DEFAULT_TOOL_TIP_FORMAT, new SimpleDateFormat("d-MMM-yyyy"), new DecimalFormat("0.00") ); renderer.setToolTipGenerator(g); return chart; } // **************************************************************************** // * JFREECHART DEVELOPER GUIDE * // * The JFreeChart Developer Guide, written by David Gilbert, is available * // * to purchase from Object Refinery Limited: * // * * // * http://www.object-refinery.com/jfreechart/guide.html * // * * // * Sales are used to provide funding for the JFreeChart project - please * // * support us so that we can continue developing free software. * // **************************************************************************** /** * Starting point for the demonstration application. * * @param args ignored. */ public static void main(final String[] args) { PGMN_WaterLevel_Update demo = new PGMN_WaterLevel_Update("Time Series Demo 8"); /*demo.pack(); RefineryUtilities.centerFrameOnScreen(demo); demo.setVisible(true);*/ } }
