React.JS Top 10 Articles for the Past Month (v.May 2017)
Since April 2017, we’ve ranked nearly 1,200 React.JS articles to pick the Top 10 stories (0.83% chance to be included) that can help advance your career.
Topics included in this React list are: Performance, Progressive Web App, Sketch, Serverless Stack, AWS, Webpack, Funtional Components, VR, Cross Platform, Animation. Open source of the month is included at the bottom and JavaScript Top 10 is published separately in the publication.
Mybridge AI ranks articles based on the quality of content measured by our machine and a variety of human factors including engagement and popularity. This is a competitive list and you’ll find the experience and techniques shared by the experienced React developers particularly useful.
Rank 1
Twitter Lite and High Performance React Progressive Web Apps at Scale. Courtesy of Paul Armstrong
Rank 3
Introducing Sizzy: A tool for developing responsive websites crazy-fast. Courtesy of Kitze
……….. [ Sizzy Open Source 3,989 stars on Github ]
Rank 4
Serverless Stack: A guide to creating full-stack serverless app (a note taking app) with React.js, AWS Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB, and Cognito.
Rank 5
Build a Serverless MERN Story App With — Zero to Deploy [Part II]. Courtesy of Scotch Development
……..……… [ Part I ]
Rank 6
Webpack on Twitter Website. Courtesy of Andrew Lunny
Rank 7
45% Faster React Functional Components, Now. Courtesy of Philippe Lehoux
Rank 8
Things nobody will tell you about React.js. Courtesy of Gianluca Guarini
…………… [ Dan Abramov’s Response ]
Rank 9
Build your first progressive web app with React. Courtesy of Scott Domes
Rank 10
Create React App with an Express Backend. Courtesy of Dave Ceddia
<Course of the Month>
No 1) React Native
Build iOS and Android app from scratch with React Native and Redux.
[22,590 recommends, 4.7/5 stars
No 2) Redux
Mastering Web Apps: Create 4 React JS & Redux apps with step by step tutorial.
[11,304 recommends, 4.5/5 stars]
No 3) Node
Learn to build React apps and APIs with Node.js. A new course by Wes Bos
<Open Source of the Month>
No 1) VR
React-vr: Create amazing 360 and VR content using React — Facebook Engineering
[4,033 stars on Github]
No 2) Cross Platform
ReactXP: Library for cross-platform app development — Microsoft
[4,654 stars on Github]
No 3) Animation
React Move: Beautifully and deterministically animate anything in react.
[2,516 stars on Github]