ID PatientLat PatientLon DoctorLati DoctorLong
G1-2 43.72045100000 -79.33867000000 43.66356400000 -79.41844900000
G1-3 43.72256800000 -79.32789800000 43.66356400000 -79.41844900000
G1-4 43.66446500000 -79.37216000000 43.66356400000 -79.41844900000
G1-5 43.76985400000 -79.31352100000 43.67230500000 -79.37684800000
G1-6 43.68728600000 -79.30062500000 43.66356400000 -79.41844900000
G1-7 43.68968700000 -79.34179200000 43.67230500000 -79.37684800000
G2-1 43.59396500000 -79.62949900000 43.59458900000 -79.60004800000
G2-2 43.87644700000 -79.44417700000 43.60914100000 -79.58384500000
G2-3 43.70311700000 -79.44102700000 43.65287600000 -79.37691800000
G2-4 43.59065400000 -79.63389400000 43.60668600000 -79.65302500000
G2-5 43.59065400000 -79.63389400000 43.73974000000 -79.58036900000
G2-6 43.59065400000 -79.63389400000 43.46136100000 -79.68344100000
G2-7 43.63528700000 -79.57568600000 43.59458900000 -79.60004800000
G3-1 43.77090400000 -79.38210300000 43.67015300000 -79.38685300000
G3-2 43.70865600000 -79.37426300000 43.72472300000 -79.30265300000
G3-3 43.78826300000 -79.41824600000 43.78702800000 -79.41737700000
G3-4 43.77172100000 -79.36399500000 43.74203400000 -79.30991600000
G3-5 43.77172100000 -79.36399500000 43.74203400000 -79.30991600000
G3-8 43.77016400000 -79.37972900000 43.76168000000 -79.34739200000
G4-1 43.69482100000 -79.31830100000 43.74203400000 -79.30991600000
G4-3 43.66553000000 -79.37173600000 43.67229500000 -79.37684300000
G4-4 43.64785700000 -79.43724900000 43.66356400000 -79.41844900000
G4-5 43.70570100000 -79.39407100000 43.77972400000 -79.41553100000
G5-1 43.92701400000 -79.45791300000 43.75205900000 -79.54238400000
G5-2 43.85498200000 -79.41007600000 43.77972400000 -79.41553100000
G5-4 43.85498200000 -79.41007600000 43.78702800000 -79.41737700000
G5-5 43.98482900000 -79.46648800000 43.83087400000 -79.27502600000
G5-6 43.80174200000 -79.42893100000 43.67015300000 -79.38685300000
G5-7 43.89265800000 -79.45329700000 43.88948100000 -79.44110900000
G5-8 43.98485400000 -79.46650100000 43.99045800000 -79.46540400000
G6-1 43.80659000000 -79.44942900000 43.78702800000 -79.41737700000
G6-2 43.80031400000 -79.45441200000 43.74203400000 -79.30991600000
G6-4 43.83695300000 -79.48003800000 43.84251300000 -79.48308000000
G6-5 43.82263400000 -79.38114000000 43.77972400000 -79.41553100000
G6-6 43.80300800000 -79.46221800000 43.59749900000 -79.59803400000
G6-7 43.92622200000 -79.45104600000 43.89472300000 -79.44267500000
G6-8 43.91076300000 -79.46863900000 43.89472300000 -79.44267500000
G7-1 43.79081900000 -79.39107700000 43.75725500000 -79.51770200000
G7-2 43.77025300000 -79.38615000000 43.74748300000 -79.28483200000
G7-3 43.75986100000 -79.32279400000 43.77972400000 -79.41553100000
G7-4 43.66332900000 -79.41561000000 43.66356400000 -79.41844900000
G7-7 43.76325300000 -79.40937800000 43.76656900000 -79.38810800000
G8-1 43.84659900000 -79.42801400000 43.88038700000 -79.39143400000
G8-2 43.80062500000 -79.42625700000 43.74105700000 -79.60478800000
G8-3 43.85821200000 -79.43256900000 43.77841900000 -79.42228500000
G8-4 43.69483000000 -79.31830900000 43.66416600000 -79.41665200000
file = open("Patient_Doctor.txt") PatientDoctor = {} i = 0 while 1: line = file.readline() if not line: break i = i + 1 if (i == 1): continue items = line.split("\t") PatientDoctor[items[0]] = [[float(items[2]), float(items[1])], [float(items[4]), float(items[3])]] import shapefile w = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POLYLINE) w.field('ID','C','40') for k,v in PatientDoctor.items(): w.record(k) w.line(parts=[v])'Korean')
Used a library.
""" Provides read and write support for ESRI Shapefiles. author: jlawhead<at> date: 20110927 version: 1.1.4 Compatible with Python versions 2.4-3.x """ from struct import pack, unpack, calcsize, error import os import sys import time import array # # Constants for shape types NULL = 0 POINT = 1 POLYLINE = 3 POLYGON = 5 MULTIPOINT = 8 POINTZ = 11 POLYLINEZ = 13 POLYGONZ = 15 MULTIPOINTZ = 18 POINTM = 21 POLYLINEM = 23 POLYGONM = 25 MULTIPOINTM = 28 MULTIPATCH = 31 PYTHON3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3 def b(v): if PYTHON3: if isinstance(v, str): # For python 3 encode str to bytes. return v.encode('utf-8') elif isinstance(v, bytes): # Already bytes. return v else: # Error. raise Exception('Unknown input type') else: # For python 2 assume str passed in and return str. return v def u(v): if PYTHON3: if isinstance(v, bytes): # For python 3 decode bytes to str. return v.decode('utf-8') elif isinstance(v, str): # Already str. return v else: # Error. raise Exception('Unknown input type') else: # For python 2 assume str passed in and return str. return v def is_string(v): if PYTHON3: return isinstance(v, str) else: return isinstance(v, basestring) class _Array(array.array): """Converts python tuples to lits of the appropritate type. Used to unpack different shapefile header parts.""" def __repr__(self): return str(self.tolist()) class _Shape: def __init__(self, shapeType=None): """Stores the geometry of the different shape types specified in the Shapefile spec. Shape types are usually point, polyline, or polygons. Every shape type except the "Null" type contains points at some level for example verticies in a polygon. If a shape type has multiple shapes containing points within a single geometry record then those shapes are called parts. Parts are designated by their starting index in geometry record's list of shapes.""" self.shapeType = shapeType self.points = [] class _ShapeRecord: """A shape object of any type.""" def __init__(self, shape=None, record=None): self.shape = shape self.record = record class ShapefileException(Exception): """An exception to handle shapefile specific problems.""" pass class Reader: """Reads the three files of a shapefile as a unit or separately. If one of the three files (.shp, .shx, .dbf) is missing no exception is thrown until you try to call a method that depends on that particular file. The .shx index file is used if available for efficiency but is not required to read the geometry from the .shp file. The "shapefile" argument in the constructor is the name of the file you want to open. You can instantiate a Reader without specifying a shapefile and then specify one later with the load() method. Only the shapefile headers are read upon loading. Content within each file is only accessed when required and as efficiently as possible. Shapefiles are usually not large but they can be. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.shp = None self.shx = None self.dbf = None self.shapeName = "Not specified" self._offsets = [] self.shpLength = None self.numRecords = None self.fields = [] self.__dbfHdrLength = 0 # See if a shapefile name was passed as an argument if len(args) > 0: if type(args[0]) is type("stringTest"): self.load(args[0]) return if "shp" in kwargs.keys(): if hasattr(kwargs["shp"], "read"): self.shp = kwargs["shp"] if hasattr(self.shp, "seek"): if "shx" in kwargs.keys(): if hasattr(kwargs["shx"], "read"): self.shx = kwargs["shx"] if hasattr(self.shx, "seek"): if "dbf" in kwargs.keys(): if hasattr(kwargs["dbf"], "read"): self.dbf = kwargs["dbf"] if hasattr(self.dbf, "seek"): if self.shp or self.dbf: self.load() else: raise ShapefileException("Shapefile Reader requires a shapefile or file-like object.") def load(self, shapefile=None): """Opens a shapefile from a filename or file-like object. Normally this method would be called by the constructor with the file object or file name as an argument.""" if shapefile: (shapeName, ext) = os.path.splitext(shapefile) self.shapeName = shapeName try: self.shp = open("%s.shp" % shapeName, "rb") except IOError: raise ShapefileException("Unable to open %s.shp" % shapeName) try: self.shx = open("%s.shx" % shapeName, "rb") except IOError: raise ShapefileException("Unable to open %s.shx" % shapeName) try: self.dbf = open("%s.dbf" % shapeName, "rb") except IOError: raise ShapefileException("Unable to open %s.dbf" % shapeName) if self.shp: self.__shpHeader() if self.dbf: self.__dbfHeader() def __getFileObj(self, f): """Checks to see if the requested shapefile file object is available. If not a ShapefileException is raised.""" if not f: raise ShapefileException("Shapefile Reader requires a shapefile or file-like object.") if self.shp and self.shpLength is None: self.load() if self.dbf and len(self.fields) == 0: self.load() return f def __restrictIndex(self, i): """Provides list-like handling of a record index with a clearer error message if the index is out of bounds.""" if self.numRecords: rmax = self.numRecords - 1 if abs(i) > rmax: raise IndexError("Shape or Record index out of range.") if i < 0: i = range(self.numRecords)[i] return i def __shpHeader(self): """Reads the header information from a .shp or .shx file.""" if not self.shp: raise ShapefileException("Shapefile Reader requires a shapefile or file-like object. (no shp file found") shp = self.shp # File length (16-bit word * 2 = bytes) self.shpLength = unpack(">i",[0] * 2 # Shape type self.shapeType= unpack("<i",[0] # The shapefile's bounding box (lower left, upper right) self.bbox = _Array('d', unpack("<4d", # Elevation self.elevation = _Array('d', unpack("<2d", # Measure self.measure = _Array('d', unpack("<2d", def __shape(self): """Returns the header info and geometry for a single shape.""" f = self.__getFileObj(self.shp) record = _Shape() nParts = nPoints = zmin = zmax = mmin = mmax = None (recNum, recLength) = unpack(">2i", shapeType = unpack("<i",[0] record.shapeType = shapeType # For Null shapes create an empty points list for consistency if shapeType == 0: record.points = [] # All shape types capable of having a bounding box elif shapeType in (3,5,8,13,15,18,23,25,28,31): record.bbox = _Array('d', unpack("<4d", # Shape types with parts if shapeType in (3,5,13,15,23,25,31): nParts = unpack("<i",[0] # Shape types with points if shapeType in (3,5,8,13,15,23,25,31): nPoints = unpack("<i",[0] # Read parts if nParts: = _Array('i', unpack("<%si" % nParts, * 4))) # Read part types for Multipatch - 31 if shapeType == 31: record.partTypes = _Array('i', unpack("<%si" % nParts, * 4))) # Read points - produces a list of [x,y] values if nPoints: record.points = [_Array('d', unpack("<2d", for p in range(nPoints)] # Read z extremes and values if shapeType in (13,15,18,31): (zmin, zmax) = unpack("<2d", record.z = _Array('d', unpack("<%sd" % nPoints, * 8))) # Read m extremes and values if shapeType in (13,15,18,23,25,28,31): (mmin, mmax) = unpack("<2d", # Measure values less than -10e38 are nodata values according to the spec record.m = [] for m in _Array('d', unpack("%sd" % nPoints, * 8))): if m > -10e38: record.m.append(m) else: record.m.append(None) # Read a single point if shapeType in (1,11,21): record.points = [_Array('d', unpack("<2d",] # Read a single Z value if shapeType == 11: record.z = unpack("<d", # Read a single M value if shapeType in (11,21): record.m = unpack("<d", return record def __shapeIndex(self, i=None): """Returns the offset in a .shp file for a shape based on information in the .shx index file.""" shx = self.shx if not shx: return None if not self._offsets: # File length (16-bit word * 2 = bytes) - header length shxRecordLength = (unpack(">i",[0] * 2) - 100 numRecords = shxRecordLength // 8 # Jump to the first record. for r in range(numRecords): # Offsets are 16-bit words just like the file length self._offsets.append(unpack(">i",[0] * 2) + 4) if not i == None: return self._offsets[i] def shape(self, i=0): """Returns a shape object for a shape in the the geometry record file.""" shp = self.__getFileObj(self.shp) i = self.__restrictIndex(i) offset = self.__shapeIndex(i) if not offset: # Shx index not available so use the full list. shapes = self.shapes() return shapes[i] return self.__shape() def shapes(self): """Returns all shapes in a shapefile.""" shp = self.__getFileObj(self.shp) shapes = [] while shp.tell() < self.shpLength: shapes.append(self.__shape()) return shapes def __dbfHeaderLength(self): """Retrieves the header length of a dbf file header.""" if not self.__dbfHdrLength: if not self.dbf: raise ShapefileException("Shapefile Reader requires a shapefile or file-like object. (no dbf file found)") dbf = self.dbf (self.numRecords, self.__dbfHdrLength) = \ unpack("<xxxxLH22x", return self.__dbfHdrLength def __dbfHeader(self): """Reads a dbf header. Xbase-related code borrows heavily from ActiveState Python Cookbook Recipe 362715 by Raymond Hettinger""" if not self.dbf: raise ShapefileException("Shapefile Reader requires a shapefile or file-like object. (no dbf file found)") dbf = self.dbf headerLength = self.__dbfHeaderLength() numFields = (headerLength - 33) // 32 for field in range(numFields): fieldDesc = list(unpack("<11sc4xBB14x", name = 0 idx = 0 if b("\x00") in fieldDesc[name]: idx = fieldDesc[name].index(b("\x00")) else: idx = len(fieldDesc[name]) - 1 fieldDesc[name] = fieldDesc[name][:idx] fieldDesc[name] = u(fieldDesc[name]) fieldDesc[name] = fieldDesc[name].lstrip() fieldDesc[1] = u(fieldDesc[1]) self.fields.append(fieldDesc) terminator = assert terminator == b("\r") self.fields.insert(0, ('DeletionFlag', 'C', 1, 0)) def __recordFmt(self): """Calculates the size of a .shp geometry record.""" if not self.numRecords: self.__dbfHeader() fmt = ''.join(['%ds' % fieldinfo[2] for fieldinfo in self.fields]) fmtSize = calcsize(fmt) return (fmt, fmtSize) def __record(self): """Reads and returns a dbf record row as a list of values.""" f = self.__getFileObj(self.dbf) recFmt = self.__recordFmt() recordContents = unpack(recFmt[0],[1])) if recordContents[0] != b(' '): # deleted record return None record = [] for (name, typ, size, deci), value in zip(self.fields, recordContents): if name == 'DeletionFlag': continue elif not value.strip(): record.append(value) continue elif typ == "N": value = value.replace(b('\0'), b('')).strip() if value == b(''): value = 0 elif deci: value = float(value) else: value = int(value) elif typ == b('D'): try: y, m, d = int(value[:4]), int(value[4:6]), int(value[6:8]) value = [y, m, d] except: value = value.strip() elif typ == b('L'): value = (value in b('YyTt') and b('T')) or \ (value in b('NnFf') and b('F')) or b('?') else: value = u(value) value = value.strip() record.append(value) return record def record(self, i=0): """Returns a specific dbf record based on the supplied index.""" f = self.__getFileObj(self.dbf) if not self.numRecords: self.__dbfHeader() i = self.__restrictIndex(i) recSize = self.__recordFmt()[1] + (i * recSize)) return self.__record() def records(self): """Returns all records in a dbf file.""" if not self.numRecords: self.__dbfHeader() records = [] f = self.__getFileObj(self.dbf) for i in range(self.numRecords): r = self.__record() if r: records.append(r) return records def shapeRecord(self, i=0): """Returns a combination geometry and attribute record for the supplied record index.""" i = self.__restrictIndex(i) return _ShapeRecord(shape=self.shape(i), record=self.record(i)) def shapeRecords(self): """Returns a list of combination geometry/attribute records for all records in a shapefile.""" shapeRecords = [] return [_ShapeRecord(shape=rec[0], record=rec[1]) \ for rec in zip(self.shapes(), self.records())] class Writer: """Provides write support for ESRI Shapefiles.""" def __init__(self, shapeType=None): self._shapes = [] self.fields = [] self.records = [] self.shapeType = shapeType self.shp = None self.shx = None self.dbf = None # Geometry record offsets and lengths for writing shx file. self._offsets = [] self._lengths = [] # Use deletion flags in dbf? Default is false (0). self.deletionFlag = 0 def __getFileObj(self, f): """Safety handler to verify file-like objects""" if not f: raise ShapefileException("No file-like object available.") elif hasattr(f, "write"): return f else: pth = os.path.split(f)[0] if pth and not os.path.exists(pth): os.makedirs(pth) return open(f, "wb") def __shpFileLength(self): """Calculates the file length of the shp file.""" # Start with header length size = 100 # Calculate size of all shapes for s in self._shapes: # Add in record header and shape type fields size += 12 # nParts and nPoints do not apply to all shapes #if self.shapeType not in (0,1): # nParts = len( # nPoints = len(s.points) if hasattr(s,'parts'): nParts = len( if hasattr(s,'points'): nPoints = len(s.points) # All shape types capable of having a bounding box if self.shapeType in (3,5,8,13,15,18,23,25,28,31): size += 32 # Shape types with parts if self.shapeType in (3,5,13,15,23,25,31): # Parts count size += 4 # Parts index array size += nParts * 4 # Shape types with points if self.shapeType in (3,5,8,13,15,23,25,31): # Points count size += 4 # Points array size += 16 * nPoints # Calc size of part types for Multipatch (31) if self.shapeType == 31: size += nParts * 4 # Calc z extremes and values if self.shapeType in (13,15,18,31): # z extremes size += 16 # z array size += 8 * nPoints # Calc m extremes and values if self.shapeType in (23,25,31): # m extremes size += 16 # m array size += 8 * nPoints # Calc a single point if self.shapeType in (1,11,21): size += 16 # Calc a single Z value if self.shapeType == 11: size += 8 # Calc a single M value if self.shapeType in (11,21): size += 8 # Calculate size as 16-bit words size //= 2 return size def __bbox(self, shapes, shapeTypes=[]): x = [] y = [] for s in shapes: shapeType = self.shapeType if shapeTypes: shapeType = shapeTypes[shapes.index(s)] px, py = list(zip(*s.points))[:2] x.extend(px) y.extend(py) return [min(x), min(y), max(x), max(y)] def __zbox(self, shapes, shapeTypes=[]): z = [] for s in shapes: try: for p in s.points: z.append(p[2]) except IndexError: pass if not z: z.append(0) return [min(z), max(z)] def __mbox(self, shapes, shapeTypes=[]): m = [0] for s in shapes: try: for p in s.points: m.append(p[3]) except IndexError: pass return [min(m), max(m)] def bbox(self): """Returns the current bounding box for the shapefile which is the lower-left and upper-right corners. It does not contain the elevation or measure extremes.""" return self.__bbox(self._shapes) def zbox(self): """Returns the current z extremes for the shapefile.""" return self.__zbox(self._shapes) def mbox(self): """Returns the current m extremes for the shapefile.""" return self.__mbox(self._shapes) def __shapefileHeader(self, fileObj, headerType='shp'): """Writes the specified header type to the specified file-like object. Several of the shapefile formats are so similar that a single generic method to read or write them is warranted.""" f = self.__getFileObj(fileObj) # File code, Unused bytes f.write(pack(">6i", 9994,0,0,0,0,0)) # File length (Bytes / 2 = 16-bit words) if headerType == 'shp': f.write(pack(">i", self.__shpFileLength())) elif headerType == 'shx': f.write(pack('>i', ((100 + (len(self._shapes) * 8)) // 2))) # Version, Shape type f.write(pack("<2i", 1000, self.shapeType)) # The shapefile's bounding box (lower left, upper right) if self.shapeType != 0: try: f.write(pack("<4d", *self.bbox())) except error: raise ShapefileException("Failed to write shapefile bounding box. Floats required.") else: f.write(pack("<4d", 0,0,0,0)) # Elevation z = self.zbox() # Measure m = self.mbox() try: f.write(pack("<4d", z[0], z[1], m[0], m[1])) except error: raise ShapefileException("Failed to write shapefile elevation and measure values. Floats required.") def __dbfHeader(self): """Writes the dbf header and field descriptors.""" f = self.__getFileObj(self.dbf) version = 3 year, month, day = time.localtime()[:3] year -= 1900 # Remove deletion flag placeholder from fields for field in self.fields: if field[0].startswith("Deletion"): self.fields.remove(field) numRecs = len(self.records) numFields = len(self.fields) headerLength = numFields * 32 + 33 recordLength = sum([int(field[2]) for field in self.fields]) + 1 header = pack('<BBBBLHH20x', version, year, month, day, numRecs, headerLength, recordLength) f.write(header) # Field descriptors for field in self.fields: name, fieldType, size, decimal = field name = b(name) name = name.replace(b(' '), b('_')) name = name.ljust(11).replace(b(' '), b('\x00')) fieldType = b(fieldType) size = int(size) fld = pack('<11sc4xBB14x', name, fieldType, size, decimal) f.write(fld) # Terminator f.write(b('\r')) def __shpRecords(self): """Write the shp records""" f = self.__getFileObj(self.shp) recNum = 1 for s in self._shapes: self._offsets.append(f.tell()) # Record number, Content length place holder f.write(pack(">2i", recNum, 0)) recNum += 1 start = f.tell() # Shape Type f.write(pack("<i", s.shapeType)) # All shape types capable of having a bounding box if s.shapeType in (3,5,8,13,15,18,23,25,28,31): try: f.write(pack("<4d", *self.__bbox([s]))) except error: raise ShapefileException("Falied to write bounding box for record %s. Expected floats." % recNum) # Shape types with parts if s.shapeType in (3,5,13,15,23,25,31): # Number of parts f.write(pack("<i", len( # Shape types with multiple points per record if s.shapeType in (3,5,8,13,15,23,25,31): # Number of points f.write(pack("<i", len(s.points))) # Write part indexes if s.shapeType in (3,5,13,15,23,25,31): for p in f.write(pack("<i", p)) # Part types for Multipatch (31) if s.shapeType == 31: for pt in s.partTypes: f.write(pack("<i", pt)) # Write points for multiple-point records if s.shapeType in (3,5,8,13,15,23,25,31): try: [f.write(pack("<2d", *p[:2])) for p in s.points] except error: raise ShapefileException("Failed to write points for record %s. Expected floats." % recNum) # Write z extremes and values if s.shapeType in (13,15,18,31): try: f.write(pack("<2d", *self.__zbox([s]))) except error: raise ShapefileException("Failed to write elevation extremes for record %s. Expected floats." % recNum) try: [f.write(pack("<d", p[2])) for p in s.points] except error: raise ShapefileException("Failed to write elevation values for record %s. Expected floats." % recNum) # Write m extremes and values if s.shapeType in (23,25,31): try: f.write(pack("<2d", *self.__mbox([s]))) except error: raise ShapefileException("Failed to write measure extremes for record %s. Expected floats" % recNum) try: [f.write(pack("<d", p[3])) for p in s.points] except error: raise ShapefileException("Failed to write measure values for record %s. Expected floats" % recNum) # Write a single point if s.shapeType in (1,11,21): try: f.write(pack("<2d", s.points[0][0], s.points[0][1])) except error: raise ShapefileException("Failed to write point for record %s. Expected floats." % recNum) # Write a single Z value if s.shapeType == 11: try: f.write(pack("<1d", s.points[0][2])) except error: raise ShapefileException("Failed to write elevation value for record %s. Expected floats." % recNum) # Write a single M value if s.shapeType in (11,21): try: f.write(pack("<1d", s.points[0][3])) except error: raise ShapefileException("Failed to write measure value for record %s. Expected floats." % recNum) # Finalize record length as 16-bit words finish = f.tell() length = (finish - start) // 2 self._lengths.append(length) # start - 4 bytes is the content length field f.write(pack(">i", length)) def __shxRecords(self): """Writes the shx records.""" f = self.__getFileObj(self.shx) for i in range(len(self._shapes)): f.write(pack(">i", self._offsets[i] // 2)) f.write(pack(">i", self._lengths[i])) def __dbfRecords(self): """Writes the dbf records.""" f = self.__getFileObj(self.dbf) for record in self.records: if not self.fields[0][0].startswith("Deletion"): f.write(b(' ')) # deletion flag for (fieldName, fieldType, size, dec), value in zip(self.fields, record): fieldType = fieldType.upper() size = int(size) if fieldType.upper() == "N": value = str(value).rjust(size) elif fieldType == 'L': value = str(value)[0].upper() else: value = str(value)[:size].ljust(size) assert len(value) == size value = b(value) f.write(value) def null(self): """Creates a null shape.""" self._shapes.append(_Shape(NULL)) def point(self, x, y, z=0, m=0): """Creates a point shape.""" pointShape = _Shape(self.shapeType) pointShape.points.append([x, y, z, m]) self._shapes.append(pointShape) def line(self, parts=[], shapeType=POLYLINE): """Creates a line shape. This method is just a convienience method which wraps 'poly()'. """ self.poly(parts, shapeType, []) def poly(self, parts=[], shapeType=POLYGON, partTypes=[]): """Creates a shape that has multiple collections of points (parts) including lines, polygons, and even multipoint shapes. If no shape type is specified it defaults to 'polygon'. If no part types are specified (which they normally won't be) then all parts default to the shape type. """ polyShape = _Shape(shapeType) = [] polyShape.points = [] for part in parts: for point in part: # Ensure point is list if not isinstance(point, list): point = list(point) # Make sure point has z and m values while len(point) < 4: point.append(0) polyShape.points.append(point) if polyShape.shapeType == 31: if not partTypes: for part in parts: partTypes.append(polyShape.shapeType) polyShape.partTypes = partTypes self._shapes.append(polyShape) def field(self, name, fieldType="C", size="50", decimal=0): """Adds a dbf field descriptor to the shapefile.""" self.fields.append((name, fieldType, size, decimal)) def record(self, *recordList, **recordDict): """Creates a dbf attribute record. You can submit either a sequence of field values or keyword arguments of field names and values. Before adding records you must add fields for the record values using the fields() method. If the record values exceed the number of fields the extra ones won't be added. In the case of using keyword arguments to specify field/value pairs only fields matching the already registered fields will be added.""" record = [] fieldCount = len(self.fields) # Compensate for deletion flag if self.fields[0][0].startswith("Deletion"): fieldCount -= 1 if recordList: [record.append(recordList[i]) for i in range(fieldCount)] elif recordDict: for field in self.fields: if field[0] in recordDict: val = recordDict[field[0]] if val: record.append(val) else: record.append("") if record: self.records.append(record) def shape(self, i): return self._shapes[i] def shapes(self): """Return the current list of shapes.""" return self._shapes def saveShp(self, target): """Save an shp file.""" if not hasattr(target, "write"): target = os.path.splitext(target)[0] + '.shp' if not self.shapeType: self.shapeType = self._shapes[0].shapeType self.shp = self.__getFileObj(target) self.__shapefileHeader(self.shp, headerType='shp') self.__shpRecords() def saveShx(self, target): """Save an shx file.""" if not hasattr(target, "write"): target = os.path.splitext(target)[0] + '.shx' if not self.shapeType: self.shapeType = self._shapes[0].shapeType self.shx = self.__getFileObj(target) self.__shapefileHeader(self.shx, headerType='shx') self.__shxRecords() def saveDbf(self, target): """Save a dbf file.""" if not hasattr(target, "write"): target = os.path.splitext(target)[0] + '.dbf' self.dbf = self.__getFileObj(target) self.__dbfHeader() self.__dbfRecords() def save(self, target=None, shp=None, shx=None, dbf=None): """Save the shapefile data to three files or three file-like objects. SHP and DBF files can also be written exclusively using saveShp, saveShx, and saveDbf respectively.""" # TODO: Create a unique filename for target if None. if shp: self.saveShp(shp) if shx: self.saveShx(shx) if dbf: self.saveDbf(dbf) elif target: self.saveShp(target) self.shp.close() self.saveShx(target) self.shx.close() self.saveDbf(target) self.dbf.close() class Editor(Writer): def __init__(self, shapefile=None, shapeType=POINT, autoBalance=1): self.autoBalance = autoBalance if not shapefile: Writer.__init__(self, shapeType) elif is_string(shapefile): base = os.path.splitext(shapefile)[0] if os.path.isfile("%s.shp" % base): r = Reader(base) Writer.__init__(self, r.shapeType) self._shapes = r.shapes() self.fields = r.fields self.records = r.records() def select(self, expr): """Select one or more shapes (to be implemented)""" # TODO: Implement expressions to select shapes. pass def delete(self, shape=None, part=None, point=None): """Deletes the specified part of any shape by specifying a shape number, part number, or point number.""" # shape, part, point if shape and part and point: del self._shapes[shape][part][point] # shape, part elif shape and part and not point: del self._shapes[shape][part] # shape elif shape and not part and not point: del self._shapes[shape] # point elif not shape and not part and point: for s in self._shapes: if s.shapeType == 1: del self._shapes[point] else: for part in del s[part][point] # part, point elif not shape and part and point: for s in self._shapes: del s[part][point] # part elif not shape and part and not point: for s in self._shapes: del s[part] def point(self, x=None, y=None, z=None, m=None, shape=None, part=None, point=None, addr=None): """Creates/updates a point shape. The arguments allows you to update a specific point by shape, part, point of any shape type.""" # shape, part, point if shape and part and point: try: self._shapes[shape] except IndexError: self._shapes.append([]) try: self._shapes[shape][part] except IndexError: self._shapes[shape].append([]) try: self._shapes[shape][part][point] except IndexError: self._shapes[shape][part].append([]) p = self._shapes[shape][part][point] if x: p[0] = x if y: p[1] = y if z: p[2] = z if m: p[3] = m self._shapes[shape][part][point] = p # shape, part elif shape and part and not point: try: self._shapes[shape] except IndexError: self._shapes.append([]) try: self._shapes[shape][part] except IndexError: self._shapes[shape].append([]) points = self._shapes[shape][part] for i in range(len(points)): p = points[i] if x: p[0] = x if y: p[1] = y if z: p[2] = z if m: p[3] = m self._shapes[shape][part][i] = p # shape elif shape and not part and not point: try: self._shapes[shape] except IndexError: self._shapes.append([]) # point # part if addr: shape, part, point = addr self._shapes[shape][part][point] = [x, y, z, m] else: Writer.point(self, x, y, z, m) if self.autoBalance: self.balance() def validate(self): """An optional method to try and validate the shapefile as much as possible before writing it (not implemented).""" #TODO: Implement validation method pass def balance(self): """Adds a corresponding empty attribute or null geometry record depending on which type of record was created to make sure all three files are in synch.""" if len(self.records) > len(self._shapes): self.null() elif len(self.records) < len(self._shapes): self.record() def __fieldNorm(self, fieldName): """Normalizes a dbf field name to fit within the spec and the expectations of certain ESRI software.""" if len(fieldName) > 11: fieldName = fieldName[:11] fieldName = fieldName.upper() fieldName.replace(' ', '_') # Begin Testing def test(): import doctest doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE = 1 doctest.testfile("README.txt", verbose=1) if __name__ == "__main__": """ Doctests are contained in the module ''. This library was developed using Python 2.3. Python 2.4 and above have some excellent improvements in the built-in testing libraries but for now unit testing is done using what's available in 2.3. """ test()