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Learn how to place a EthOS Configuration to mine NeoScrypt on NiceHash on your Mining Rig


Today when I got up and opened whattomine.com and found it was going to be most profitable to mine the NeoScript algorithm on Nicehash. So in this blog we are going to learn how to place a EthOS Configuration to mine NeoScrypt on NiceHash on to your mining rig that is running EthOS. If you have not used EthOS  CLICK HERE to learn how to install EthOS on your mining rig.

Here is the configuration:

globalminer ccminer

ccminer=flags -a neoscrypt

maxgputemp 85

stratumproxy nicehash

proxywallet YouBTCWalletAddress

proxypool1 neoscrypt.usa.nicehash.com:3341

globalfan 70

autoreboot 3

Explanation Of Each Line:

globalminer – This tells EthOS which mining software to use, for NeoScrypt you have to use ccminer

ccminer=flags – This tells the ccminer software what algorithm is going to be used.

maxgputemp – This tells EthOS what the max temperature in Celsius is the maximum before we shut down that GPU.

stratumproxy  – Normally this is set to enable, but when going to NiceHash you need this set to nicehash so the correct type of proxy is used.

proxywallet – NiceHash only pays out in BitCoin (BTC), so you must put your BTC wallet address here.

proxypool1 – This tells EthOS what address on the internet to use to get to the NeoScrypt mining engine and what port to use when there.

globalfan  – This command sets the GPU fans to a percentage about default. So if set to 70 that is 70% faster then the default speed.

autoreboot  – If there is a issue with the system it will reboot itself. If you set this to 3 it will reboot up to 3 times and then on the 3rd time it will boot back up but will not begin to hash. This is so if there is a issue it does not continue to reboot past the 3rd time, this will allow you to troubleshoot the issue without it rebooting on you. Remember on the 3rd time it will boot to EthOS but the hash rate will be zero. The only way to clear this condition and start to hash again is to run the Command Line Interface (CLI) command of – clear-thermals. You do not have to reboot after this command just run the command and it will start to hash.

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