(* Coursera Programming Languages, Homework 3, Provided Code *) exception NoAnswer datatype pattern = Wildcard | Variable of string | UnitP | ConstP of int | TupleP of pattern list | ConstructorP of string * pattern datatype valu = Const of int | Unit | Tuple of valu list | Constructor of string * valu fun g f1 f2 p = let val r = g f1 f2 in case p of Wildcard => f1 () | Variable x => f2 x | TupleP ps => List.foldl (fn (p,i) => (r p) + i) 0 ps | ConstructorP(_,p) => r p | _ => 0 end (**** for the challenge problem only ****) datatype typ = Anything | UnitT | IntT | TupleT of typ list | Datatype of string (**** you can put all your code here ****) fun only_capitals (xs : string list) = List.filter (fn x => Char.isUpper(String.sub(x, 0))) xs; fun longest_string1 (xs : string list) = let fun longest_string1_helper xs acc = case xs of [] => acc | x::xs' => if (String.size(x) > String.size(acc)) then longest_string1_helper xs' x else longest_string1_helper xs' acc; in longest_string1_helper xs "" end; fun longest_string2 (xs : string list) = let fun longest_string2_helper xs acc = case xs of [] => acc | x::xs' => if (String.size(x) >= String.size(acc)) then longest_string2_helper xs' x else longest_string2_helper xs' acc; in longest_string2_helper xs "" end; fun longest_string_helper f xs = let fun longest_string_helper1 f xs acc = case xs of [] => acc | x::xs' => if f(String.size(x), String.size(acc)) then longest_string_helper1 f xs' x else longest_string_helper1 f xs' acc; in longest_string_helper1 f xs "" end; val longest_string3 = longest_string_helper(fn (x,y) => if ( x > y) then true else false ); val longest_string4 = longest_string_helper(fn (x,y) => if ( x >= y) then true else false); val longest_capitalized = longest_string1 o only_capitals; val rev_string = implode o rev o explode; fun first_answer f xs = case xs of [] => raise NoAnswer | x::xs' => case f(x) of NONE => first_answer f xs' | SOME(v) => v fun all_answers f xs = let fun all_answers_helper xs acc = case xs of [] => SOME(acc) | x::xs' => case f(x) of NONE => NONE | SOME(lst) => all_answers_helper xs' (acc @ lst) in all_answers_helper xs [] end fun count_wildcards p = g (fn () => 1) (fn (x) => 0) p; fun count_wild_and_variable_lengths p = g (fn () => 1) (fn (x) => String.size(x)) p; fun count_some_var (s : string, p : pattern) = g (fn () => 0) (fn (x) => if ( x = s) then 1 else 0) p; fun check_pat (p : pattern) = let fun getStrings (p : pattern) = case p of Wildcard => [] | Variable x => [x] | TupleP ps => List.foldl (fn (p,i) => getStrings(p) @ i) [] ps | ConstructorP(_,p) => getStrings (p) | _ => [] fun duplicated (xs : string list) = case xs of [] => false | x::xs' => (List.exists (fn y => x = y) xs') orelse (duplicated xs') in not ( duplicated(getStrings (p))) end fun match (v : valu, p : pattern) = case p of Wildcard => SOME([]) | Variable s => SOME([(s, v)]) | UnitP => if (v = Unit) then SOME([]) else NONE | ConstP x => ( case v of Const y => if (x = y) then SOME([]) else NONE | _ => NONE) | TupleP ps => ( case v of Tuple vs => (if (List.length(ps) = List.length(vs)) then (all_answers match (, ps))) else NONE) | _ => NONE ) | ConstructorP(s1,p1) => (case v of Constructor(s2, v1) => if (s1 = s2) then match (v1, p1) else NONE | _ => NONE ) fun first_match v plst = SOME(first_answer (fn (p) => match(v, p)) plst) handle NoAnswer => NONE
(* turn off obnoxious warning about calling polyEqual *) (* hopefully, we know what we're doing*) val _ = Control.polyEqWarn := false; val _ = let (* utility *) fun printResults(results) = foldl (fn ((module, report), _) => print(module ^ ":\n" ^ report ^ "\n")) () results fun allStringsEqual str strs = foldl (fn (nextStr, allEqualSoFar) => allEqualSoFar andalso nextStr = str) true strs fun onlyFailedModules results = (fn (module, result) => (module, foldl (op ^) "" result)) (List.filter (fn (_, result) => (not o (allStringsEqual "")) result) results) (* assertion framework *) fun assert(msg: string, e: bool) = if e then "" else "\tFAIL: " ^ msg ^ "\n" fun assertFalse(msg: string, e: bool) = assert(msg, not e) fun assertEquals(msg, expected, result) = assert("expected " ^ msg, expected = result) fun assertEqualsInt(msg, expected, result) = assertEquals("int " ^ Int.toString(expected) ^ " but was " ^ Int.toString(result) ^ " - " ^ msg, expected, result) fun assertEmptyList(msg, xs) = assert("expected empty list - " ^ msg, null xs) fun assertEqualsList(msg, expected, result) = assertEquals("equal lists - " ^ msg, expected, result) fun assertEqualsString(msg, expected, result) = assertEquals("string '" ^ expected ^ "' but was '" ^ result ^ "' - " ^ msg, expected, result) fun assertNone(msg: string, result) = assert("expected NONE but got SOME - " ^ msg, not (isSome result)) fun assertSome(msg, expected) = assert("expected SOME but got NONE - " ^ msg, isSome(expected)) (* tests *) (* TODO: should implement `test` runner (only feasible with some kind of lazy evaluation scheme) *) (* (also setup/teardown functions, number of tests run, ...) *) (* consider passing the function to be tested as a parameter just once, to avoid *) (* having to repeat the function name all the time *) (* find out if SML allows the code to find out a function name as a string, to avoid *) (* having to pass the `test` function both as a symbol and as a string *) val tests = [ ("only_capitals", [ assertEmptyList("for empty list", only_capitals([])), assertEqualsList("for list with uppercase strings", ["Upper", "Case"], only_capitals(["lower", "case", "Upper", "Case"]) ) ]), ("longest_string1", [ assertEqualsString("for 'longest' as the first of many longest strings", "longest", longest_string1(["short", "small", "longest", "tiny", "l0ng3st"])) ]), ("longest_string2", [ assertEqualsString("for 'l0ng3st' as the last of many longest strings", "l0ng3st", longest_string2(["short", "small", "longest", "tiny", "l0ng3st"])) ]), ("longest_string_helper", let fun like_in_longest_string_1(x, y) = x > y in [ assertEqualsString("for 'longest' as the first of many longest strings", "longest", longest_string_helper like_in_longest_string_1 ["short", "small", "longest", "tiny", "l0ng3st"]) ] end), ("first_answer", [ assert("should raise NoAnswer for empty list", (* NOTE: sort of tedious construct to `test` for the right kind of exception to be raised *) (* maybe figure out a more elegant way *) (* trivial, if lazy evaluation is possible in any way *) case SOME(SOME(first_answer (fn x => NONE) [])) handle NoAnswer => NONE | _ => SOME(NONE) of NONE => true | SOME _ => false ), assertEqualsInt("for equals_3 on increasing list", 3, first_answer (fn x => case x of 3 => SOME 3 | _ => NONE) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] ) ]), ("all_answers", [ assertEquals("for any f and empty list", SOME [], all_answers (fn x => x) []), assertNone("for x => NONE and any list", all_answers (fn x => NONE) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), assertEqualsList("for x => SOME [x, x*x] and an int list", SOME [2, 4, 5, 25, 3, 9, 4, 16], all_answers (fn x => SOME [x, x*x]) [2, 5, 3, 4] ) ]), ("count_wildcards", [ assertEqualsInt("for tuple of Wildcard patterns", 3, count_wildcards (TupleP [Wildcard, ConstP 3, Wildcard, UnitP, Wildcard])) ]), ("check_pat", [ assertFalse("for repeated Variable name", check_pat (TupleP [Variable "my_var", Variable "my_var"])), assertFalse("for repeated Variable names with other patterns interspersed", check_pat(TupleP [Variable "my_var", UnitP, Wildcard, Variable "my_var"]) ), assert("for non-repeated Variables names with other patterns interspersed", check_pat (TupleP [Variable "my_var", UnitP, Wildcard, Variable "other_var"]) ) ]), ("match", [ assertEquals("empty binding list for Wildcard pattern", SOME [], match(Const 16, Wildcard)), assertEquals("one binding for matching pattern with one Variable", SOME [("my_var", Const 13)], match(Const 13, Variable "my_var") ), assertEquals("empty binding list for matching UnitP", SOME [], match(Unit, UnitP)), assertEquals("empty binding list for matching ConstP", SOME [], match(Const 17, ConstP 17)), assertEquals("binding list for matching ConstructorP", SOME [("my_var", Const 13)], match(Constructor("my_constructor", Const 13), ConstructorP("my_constructor", Variable "my_var")) ), assertEquals("binding list for matching TupleP", SOME [("my_var", Const 13), ("other_var", Const 17)], match(Tuple [Const 13, Const 17], TupleP [Variable "my_var", Variable "other_var"]) ) ]), ("first_match", [ assertEquals("empty binding list for Wildcard pattern", SOME [], first_match (Const 16) [UnitP, Wildcard, Variable "my_var"] ), assertEquals("one binding for Variable pattern", SOME [("my_var", Const 16)], first_match (Const 16) [UnitP, Variable "my_var", Wildcard] ), assertNone("for no matching pattern", first_match (Const 16) [UnitP, ConstP 32, ConstructorP ("my_constructor", Variable "my_var")] ) ]), ("typecheck_patterns", [ assertEquals("Anything-TupleT for first hw-example", SOME (TupleT [Anything, Anything]), typecheck_patterns([], [TupleP [Variable "x", Variable "y"], TupleP [Wildcard, Wildcard]])), assertEquals("nested Anything-TupleT for second hw-example", SOME (TupleT [Anything, TupleT [Anything, Anything]]), typecheck_patterns([], [TupleP [Wildcard, TupleP [Wildcard, Wildcard]], TupleP [Wildcard, Wildcard]])), assertNone("for exception UnmatchedConstructor", typecheck_patterns([], [ TupleP [Wildcard, TupleP [Wildcard, Wildcard]], TupleP [Wildcard, Wildcard], TupleP [ConstructorP("my_cons", Variable "my_var"), Wildcard] ])), assertEquals("TupleT with Datatype for example with valid Constructor", SOME (TupleT [Datatype "c_my_type", TupleT [Anything, Anything]]), typecheck_patterns([("my_cons", "c_my_type", IntT)], [ TupleP [Wildcard, TupleP [Wildcard, Wildcard]], TupleP [Wildcard, Wildcard], TupleP [ConstructorP("my_cons", ConstP 13), Wildcard] ])) ]) ] val _ = print "\n\n"; in case onlyFailedModules tests of [] => print("SUCCESS\n\n") | results => printResults(results) end
