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Lake Partner Program Python Preprocess Script


This python script reads the Tab Separated text file extracted from the Excel file provided by Lake Partner Program and create one text to be converted to feature class, one text for secchi depth data and one txt file for total phosphorus.

import math

class LakePartnerStation:
    def __init__(self, Lake, Township, STN, SiteID, SiteDescription, Latitude, Longitude):
        self.Lake = Lake
        self.Township = Township
        self.STN = STN
        self.SiteID = SiteID
        self.SiteDescription = SiteDescription
        self.Latitude = Latitude
        self.Longitude = Longitude
        self.secchiDepthDict = {}
        self.tpDict = []
    def convertLatLngToUTM(self, lat, lng):
        if (lat < 0.0001):
            return "0\t0\t0"
        pi = 3.14159265358979; #PI
        a = 6378137; #equatorial radius for WGS 84
        k0 = 0.9996; #scale factor
        e = 0.081819191; #eccentricity
        e_2 = 0.006694380015894481; #e'2
        A0 = 6367449.146;
        B0 = 16038.42955;
        C0 = 16.83261333;
        D0 = 0.021984404;
        E0 = 0.000312705;

        zone = 31 + math.floor(lng / 6);
        lat_r = lat * pi / 180.0;
        t1 = math.sin(lat_r); # SIN(LAT)
        t2 = e * t1 * e * t1;
        t3 = math.cos(lat_r); # COS(LAT)
        t4 = math.tan(lat_r); # TAN(LAT)
        nu = a / (math.sqrt(1 - t2));
        S = A0 * lat_r - B0 * math.sin(2 * lat_r) + C0 * math.sin(4 * lat_r) - D0 * math.sin(6 * lat_r) + E0 * math.sin(8 * lat_r);
        k1 = S * k0;
        k2 = nu * t1 * t3 * k0 / 2.0;
        k3 = ((nu * t1 * t2 * t2 * t2) / 24) * (5 - t4 * t4 + 9 * e_2 * t3 * t3 + 4 * e_2 * e_2 * t3 * t3 * t3 * t3) * k0;
        k4 = nu * t3 * k0;
        k5 = t3 * t3 * t3 * (nu / 6) * (1 - t4 * t4 + e_2 * t3 * t3) * k0;

        #var lng_r = lng*pi/180.0;
        lng_zone_cm = 6 * zone - 183;
        d1 = (lng - lng_zone_cm) * pi / 180.0;
        d2 = d1 * d1;
        d3 = d2 * d1;
        d4 = d3 * d1;

        x = 500000 + (k4 * d1 + k5 * d3);
        rawy = (k1 + k2 * d2 + k3 * d4);
        y = rawy;
        if (y < 0):              y = y + 10000000;         return str(int(zone)) + "\t" + str(x)  + "\t" + str(y);     def strWithUTM(self):         id = self.STN * 10000 + self.SiteID                 return str(id) + "\t" + self.Lake + "\t" + self.Township + "\t" + str(self.STN) + "\t" + str(self.SiteID) + "\t" + self.SiteDescription + "\t" + str(self.Latitude) + "\t" +  str(self.Longitude)  + "\t" +  str(len(self.secchiDepthDict))  + "\t" +  str(len(self.tpDict))   + "\t" +  self.convertLatLngToUTM(self.Latitude, self.Longitude)     def __str__(self):         id = self.STN * 10000 + self.SiteID         if len(self.secchiDepthDict) > 0:
        if len(self.tpDict) > 0:
        return str(id) + "\t" + self.Lake + "\t" + self.Township + "\t" + str(self.STN) + "\t" + str(self.SiteID) + "\t" + self.SiteDescription + "\t" + str(self.Latitude) + "\t" +  str(self.Longitude)  + "\t" +  str(len(self.secchiDepthDict))  + "\t" +  str(len(self.tpDict))   + "\t" + 'http://www.downloads.ene.gov.on.ca/files/mapping/LakePartner/TP/TP_EN_' + str(id) + '.html'    + "\t" +  'http://www.downloads.ene.gov.on.ca/files/mapping/LakePartner/TP/TP_FR_' + str(id) + '.html'    + "\t" +  'http://www.downloads.ene.gov.on.ca/files/mapping/LakePartner/SECCHI/SECCHI_EN_' + str(id) + '.html'    + "\t" +  'http://www.downloads.ene.gov.on.ca/files/mapping/LakePartner/SECCHI/SECCHI_FR_' + str(id) + '.html'
        #return self.getTPString()
    def getSecchiDepthTable(self):
        id = self.STN * 10000 + self.SiteID
        result = ""
        for key, value in self.secchiDepthDict.items():
            result = result + str(self.STN) + "\t" + str(self.SiteID) + "\t" + key + "\t" + value + "\t" + str(id) + "\n"
        return result

    def getSecchiDepthString(self):
        id = self.STN * 10000 + self.SiteID
        result = ""
        for key in sorted(self.secchiDepthDict.iterkeys()):
            value = self.secchiDepthDict[key]
            result = result + "{year:" + key + ", value: " + value + "},"
        #for key, value in self.secchiDepthDict.items():
        #    result = result + "{year:" + key + ", value: " + value + "},"
        result = "var dataArray = [" + result[:-1] + "];"
        for lang in ["EN", "FR"]:
            text_file = open("template_" + lang + "_SECCHI.htm", "r")
            template = text_file.read()
            #template = template.replace("${ID}", str(id))
            template = template.replace('<script type="text/javascript" src="secchi_${ID}.js"></script>', '<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
\n\t\t' + result + '\n\t
// ]]></script>')
 template = template.replace("${LAKENAME}", self.Lake)
 template = template.replace("${STN}", str(self.STN))
 template = template.replace("${SITEID}", str(self.SiteID))
 template = template.replace("${SITEDESC}", self.SiteDescription)
 handle1 = open("SECCHI/SECCHI_" + lang + "_" + str(id) + ".html",'w+')

 def addSecchiDepth (self, Year, SecchiDepth):
 if self.secchiDepthDict.has_key(Year):
 raise ValueError('The year %s has duplicated secchi depth %s and %s in station %s.' % (Year, SecchiDepth, self.secchiDepthDict[Year], str(self.STN) + " - " + str(self.SiteID)))
 self.secchiDepthDict[Year] = SecchiDepth
 def convertDate(self, inputDate):
 items = inputDate.split("-")
 if (int(items[2]) > 50):
 print "Error\n"
 year = "20" + items[2]
 day = items[0]
 monthList = {"Jan": "01", "Feb": "02", "Mar": "03", "Apr": "04", "May": "05", "Jun": "06", "Jul": "07", "Aug": "08", "Sep": "09", "Oct": "10", "Nov": "11", "Dec": "12"};
 month = monthList[items[1]]
 return year + "-" + month + "-" + day
 def getTPString(self):
 id = self.STN * 10000 + self.SiteID
 result = ""
 for value in self.tpDict:
 items = value.split("\t")
 result = result + "{date:'" + self.convertDate(items[0]) + "', tp1: " + items[1] + ", tp2: " + items[2] + "},"
 result = "var dataArray = [" + result[:-1] + "];"
 for lang in ["EN", "FR"]:
 text_file = open("template_" + lang + "_TP.htm", "r")
 template = text_file.read()
 #template = template.replace("${ID}", str(id))
 template = template.replace('<script type="text/javascript" src="tp_${ID}.js"></script>', '<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
\n\t\t' + result + '\n\t
// ]]></script>')
 template = template.replace("${LAKENAME}", self.Lake)
 template = template.replace("${STN}", str(self.STN))
 template = template.replace("${SITEID}", str(self.SiteID))
 template = template.replace("${SITEDESC}", self.SiteDescription)
 handle1 = open("TP/TP_" + lang + "_" + str(id) + ".html",'w+')
 def addTP (self, date, tpValues):
 #if self.tpDict.has_key(date):
 #raise ValueError('The year %s has duplicated secchi depth %s and %s in station %s.' % (date, tpValues, self.tpDict[date], str(self.STN) + " - " + str(self.SiteID)))
 # print str(self.STN) + " - " + str(self.SiteID) + " - " + date
 #self.tpDict[date] = tpValues
 self.tpDict.append(date + "\t" + tpValues)
 def getTPTable(self):
 id = self.STN * 10000 + self.SiteID
 result = ""
 for value in self.tpDict:
 result = result + str(self.STN) + "\t" + str(self.SiteID) + "\t" + value + "\t" + str(id) + "\n"
 return result
class LakePartner:
 def __init__(self, secchiDepthFile, tpFile):
 self.LakePartnerStations = {}
 import fileinput
 i = 0
 for line in fileinput.input(secchiDepthFile):
 i = i + 1
 if i < 3: continue items = line.strip().split("\t") STN = int(items[2]) SiteID = int(items[3]) id = STN * 10000 + SiteID if self.LakePartnerStations.has_key(id): self.LakePartnerStations[id].addSecchiDepth(items[7], items[8]) else: Lake = items[0] Township = items[1] SiteDescription = items[4] Latitude = self.parseDegree(items[5]) Longitude = -self.parseDegree(items[6]) if Longitude > -70 or id == 47140002:
 Latitude = 0
 Longitude = 0
 station = LakePartnerStation(Lake, Township, STN, SiteID, SiteDescription, Latitude, Longitude)
 #if id == 71680001:
 # print station.strWithUTM()
 station.addSecchiDepth(items[7], items[8])
 self.LakePartnerStations[id] = station
 i = 0
 for line in fileinput.input(tpFile):
 i = i + 1
 if i < 9: continue #print line items = line.strip().split("\t") STN = int(items[2]) SiteID = int(items[3]) id = STN * 10000 + SiteID if self.LakePartnerStations.has_key(id): self.LakePartnerStations[id].addTP(items[7], items[8] + "\t" + items[9]) else: Lake = items[0] Township = items[1] SiteDescription = items[4] Latitude = self.parseDegree(items[5]) Longitude = -self.parseDegree(items[6]) if Longitude > -70:
 Latitude = 0
 Longitude = 0
 station = LakePartnerStation(Lake, Township, STN, SiteID, SiteDescription, Latitude, Longitude)
 station.addTP(items[7], items[8] + "\t" + items[9])
 self.LakePartnerStations[id] = station
 #print items
 def parseDegree(self, ddmmss):
 if len(ddmmss.strip()) == 0:
 return 0
 d = int(ddmmss[:2])
 m = int(ddmmss[2:4])
 s = int(ddmmss[4:])
 return d + m/60.0 + s/3600.0
 def strWithUTM(self):
 for key, value in self.LakePartnerStations.items():
 result = result + value.strWithUTM() + "\n"
 return result

 def __str__(self):
 for key, value in self.LakePartnerStations.items():
 result = result + str(value) + "\n"
 return result
 def getTable(self):
 handle1 = open("secchiDepth1.txt",'w+')
 result = "STN\tSITEID\tYEAR_\tSECCI\tID\n"
 for key, value in self.LakePartnerStations.items():
 result = result + value.getSecchiDepthTable()
 handle1 = open("TP1.txt",'w+')
 result = "STN\tSITEID\tDATE_\tTP1\tTP2\tID\n"
 for key, value in self.LakePartnerStations.items():
 result = result + value.getTPTable()

 return result

if __name__ == "__main__":
 stations = LakePartner('SecchiDepth.txt', 'TP.txt')
 handle1 = open("1.txt",'w+')


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				for (var i=0; i<dataArray.length+1; i++){
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<h1>${LAKENAME} (STN ${STN}, Site ID ${SITEID})</h1>
<p>The Lake Partner Program is a province-wide, volunteer-based, water-quality monitoring program. Volunteers collect total phosphorus samples and make monthly water clarity observations on their lakes. This information will allow the early detection of changes in the nutrient status and/or the water clarity of the lake due to the impacts of shoreline development, climate change and other stresses.</p><p>Approximately 800 active volunteers monitor total phosphorus at 728 locations in the lakes across Ontario.</p><p>Increases in phosphorus can decrease water clarity by stimulating algal growth. However, the amount of phosphorus in the lake is not the only factor controlling light penetration, as the amount of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) or non-biological turbidity also plays an important role. Water clarity can also be altered by invading species such as zebra mussels. It is always best, therefore, to use total phosphorus to evaluate the nutrient status of the lake. Nonetheless, water clarity readings are useful for tracking changes in the lake that might be occurring that would not be noticed by monitoring TP concentration alone, e.g. zebra mussel invasions.</p><p><a href="JavaScript:window.print();">Print this page</a></p>      <center><h3>Water Transparency (Secchi Depth in meters)</h3></center><center><div id="chart_div"></div><br>
	<br><h3>Water Transparency (Secchi Depth in meters)</h3>
<div id="data_table"></div>
		<br><br>If you have some suggestions or find some errors, please send an Email to <a href='mailto:lakepartner@ontario.ca?subject=Portal Error Submission'>lakepartner@ontario.ca</a>.
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				for (var i=0; i<dataArray.length+1; i++){
					if(i == 0){
						var year = "" + (dataArray[0].year - 1)
						data.setValue(0, 0, year);
						data.setValue(0, 1, 0);	
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				chart.draw(data, {width: 700, height: 480, colors:['#d4bfff'],     
							hAxis: {title: 'Année', titleColor:'black'}, vAxis: {title: 'Mesure du disque Secchi (m)', minValue: 0.0}
			window.onload = function (){
				var str = "	<table class='lakepartner' border='1'><tr><th><center>Année</center></th><th><center>Mesure du disque Secchi (m)</center></th></tr><tr><td>";
				strArray = [];
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					strArray.push(dataArray[i].year +  "</td><td><center>" + dataArray[i].value);
				document.getElementById("data_table").innerHTML =  str + strArray.join("</center></td></tr><tr><td>") + "</center></td></tr></table>";			
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<h1>${LAKENAME} (STN ${STN}, N&deg; du lieu ${SITEID})</h1>
<p>Le Partenariat pour la protection des lacs ontariens est un programme de surveillance de la qualitĂ© de l’eau qui fait appel Ă  des bĂ©nĂ©voles de toute la province. Les bĂ©nĂ©voles recueillent des Ă©chantillons d’eau d’un lac pour mesurer sa teneur en phosphore total et notent chaque mois des donnĂ©es sur la transparence de l’eau. Ces donnĂ©es permettent de noter rapidement les changements dans l'Ă©quilibre nutritif ou la transparence de l'eau du lac, qu'ils soient liĂ©s Ă  l'amĂ©nagement des berges, au changement climatique ou Ă  d’autres sources de perturbation.</p><p>Quelque 800 bĂ©nĂ©voles Ă©valuent la teneur en phosphore total de l’eau des lacs de l’Ontario dans 728 lieux.</p><p>Une teneur Ă©levĂ©e en phosphore peut faire baisser la transparence de l’eau, car le phosphore stimule la croissance des algues. Cependant, la quantitĂ© de phosphore n’est pas le seul facteur qui altĂšre la pĂ©nĂ©tration de la lumiĂšre dans le lac, car la quantitĂ© de carbone organique dissous (COD) ou de turbiditĂ© non biologique peuvent aussi ĂȘtre en cause. La transparence de l’eau peut aussi ĂȘtre altĂ©rĂ©e par des espĂšces envahissantes, comme les moules zĂ©brĂ©es. Par consĂ©quent, il est toujours prĂ©fĂ©rable d’évaluer l’équilibre nutritif d’un lac en mesurant la teneur en phosphore total de l’eau. NĂ©anmoins, il est utile de mesurer la transparence de l’eau pour noter les changements qui ne pourraient pas ĂȘtre dĂ©celĂ©s par la seule mesure de la teneur en phosphore total, comme une invasion de moules zĂ©brĂ©es.</p><p><a href="JavaScript:window.print();">Imprimer cette page</a></p>      <center><h3>Transparence de l'eau (profondeur en mĂštres d’aprĂšs le disque Secchi)</h3></center><center><div id="chart_div"></div><br>	<br><h3>Transparence de l'eau (profondeur en mĂštres d’aprĂšs le disque Secchi)</h3>
<div id="data_table"></div>
		<br><br>Si vous avez des suggestions ou trouvez des erreurs, envoyez un courriel Ă  <a href='mailto:lakepartner@ontario.ca?subject=Erreur de Portail'>lakepartner@ontario.ca</a>.

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			function getAverage(tp1, tp2){
				var value = 0;
				if((typeof(tp1) != "undefined") && (typeof(tp2) != "undefined")){
					value = 0.5*(tp1 + tp2);
					if((typeof(tp1) != "undefined")){
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				//return value;				
			function drawChart() {
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				data.addColumn('string', 'Date');
				data.addColumn('number', 'Average Concentration of Total Phosphorus (' + greekSymbol('l') +'g/L)');
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					data.setValue(i, 0, dataArray[i].date);
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			window.onload = function (){
				var str = "<table class='lakepartner' border='1'><tr><th><center>Date</center></th><th><center>Sample 1 (&micro;g/L)</center></th><th><center>Sample 2 (&micro;g/L)</center></th><th><center>Average (&micro;g/L)</center></th></tr><tr><td>";
				strArray = [];
				for (var i=0; i<dataArray.length; i++){
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<h1>${LAKENAME} (STN ${STN}, Site ID ${SITEID})</h1>
<p>The Lake Partner Program is a province-wide, volunteer-based, water-quality monitoring program. Volunteers collect total phosphorus samples and make monthly water clarity observations on their lakes. This information will allow the early detection of changes in the nutrient status and/or the water clarity of the lake due to the impacts of shoreline development, climate change and other stresses.</p><p>Approximately 800 active volunteers monitor Secchi depth and total phosphorus at 728 locations in the lakes across Ontario.</p><p>Total phosphorus concentration are ideally used to interpret nutrient status in Ontario lakes, since phosphorus is the element that controls the growth of algae in most Ontario lakes. Increases in phosphorus will decrease water clarity by stimulating algal growth. In extreme cases, algal blooms will affect the aesthetics of the lake and/or cause taste and odour problems in the water.</p><p>Many limnologists place lakes into three broad categories with respect to nutrient status. Lakes with less that 10 ÎŒg/L TP are considered oligotrophic. These are dilute, unproductive lakes that rarely experience nuisance algal blooms. Lakes with TP between 10 and 20 ÎŒg/L are termed mesotrophic and are in the middle with respect to trophic status. These lakes show a broad range of characteristics and can be clear and unproductive at the bottom end of the scale or susceptible to moderate algal blooms at concentration near 20 ÎŒg/L. Lakes over 20 ÎŒg/L are classed as eutrophic and may exhibit persistent, nuisance algal blooms.</p><p>Note: Tea stained lakes, with high dissolved organic carbon (DOC), are called dystrophic lakes and do not share the algal/TP relationships described above. Generally there can be more TP in a dystrophic lake without the occurrence of algal blooms. The chemistry of these lakes is quite complex.</p><p><a href="JavaScript:window.print();">Print this page</a></p>      <center><h3>Average Total Phosphorus (TP) Concentration (&micro;g/L)</h3></center><center><div id="chart_div"></div><br>
	<br><h3>Average Total Phosphorus (TP) Concentration (&micro;g/L)</h3>
	<div id="data_table"></div>
		<br><br>If you have some suggestions or find some errors, please send an Email to <a href='mailto:lakepartner@ontario.ca?subject=Portal Error Submission'>lakepartner@ontario.ca</a>.
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				data.addColumn('string', 'Date');
				data.addColumn('number', 'Concentration moyennes de phosphore total (' + greekSymbol('l') +'g/L)');
				for (var i=0; i<dataArray.length; i++){
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			window.onload = function (){
				var str = "<table class='lakepartner' border='1'><tr><th><center>Date</center></th><th><center>Échantillon 1 (&micro;g/L)</center></th><th><center>Échantillon 2 (&micro;g/L)</center></th><th><center>Moyenne (&micro;g/L)</center></th></tr><tr><td>";
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<h1>${LAKENAME} (STN ${STN}, N&deg; du lieu ${SITEID})</h1>
<p>Le Partenariat pour la protection des lacs ontariens est un programme de surveillance de la qualitĂ© de l’eau qui fait appel Ă  des bĂ©nĂ©voles de toute la province. Les bĂ©nĂ©voles recueillent des Ă©chantillons d’eau d’un lac pour mesurer sa teneur en phosphore total et notent chaque mois des donnĂ©es sur la transparence de l’eau. Ces donnĂ©es permettent de noter rapidement les changements dans l’équilibre nutritif ou la transparence de l’eau du lac, qu’ils soient liĂ©s Ă  l’amĂ©nagement des berges, au changement climatique ou Ă  d’autres sources de perturbation.</p><p>Quelque 800 bĂ©nĂ©voles mesurent la transparence de l’eau avec un disque Secchi et Ă©valuent la teneur en phosphore total de l’eau des lacs de l’Ontario dans 728 lieux.</p><p>Les mesures de la teneur en phosphore total servent Ă  Ă©valuer l’équilibre nutritif des lacs de l’Ontario, car le phosphore est la substance qui favorise la croissance des algues dans la plupart des lacs de l’Ontario. Plus la teneur en phosphore est Ă©levĂ©e, plus il y a d’algues et donc plus l’eau est trouble. Dans les cas extrĂȘmes, la prolifĂ©ration d’algues dĂ©grade l’aspect physique du lac, altĂšre le goĂ»t de l’eau ou entraĂźne des odeurs.</p><p>Les limnologues classent gĂ©nĂ©ralement les lacs en trois catĂ©gories d’équilibre nutritif. D’abord, les lacs oligotrophes contiennent moins de 10 ÎŒg/L de phosphore total. DiluĂ©s et improductifs, ils sont rarement envahis par les algues. Ensuite, les lacs mĂ©sotrophes contiennent entre 10 et 20 ÎŒg/L de phosphore total. SituĂ©s au milieu de l’échelle trophique, ces lacs ont des caractĂ©ristiques variĂ©es. Ils peuvent ĂȘtre transparents et improductifs ou prĂ©senter une quantitĂ© modĂ©rĂ©e d’algues avec des concentration de prĂšs de 20 ÎŒg/L. Enfin, les lacs eutrophes contiennent plus de 20 ÎŒg/L de phosphore total et prĂ©sentent des algues en abondance.</p><p>À noter : Les lacs dystrophes, de teinte brune, contiennent beaucoup de carbone organique dissous (COD). Le phosphore total dans ces lacs n’augmente pas la quantitĂ© d’algues comme dans les lacs dĂ©crits ci-dessus. GĂ©nĂ©ralement, ces lacs peuvent avoir une teneur Ă©levĂ©e en phosphore total sans prolifĂ©ration d’algues. Leur composition chimique est assez complexe.

<p><a href="JavaScript:window.print();">Imprimer cette page</a></p>      <center><h3>Concentration moyennes de phosphore total (&micro;g/L)</h3></center><center><div id="chart_div"></div><br>	<br><h3>Concentration moyennes de phosphore total (&micro;g/L)</h3>
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		<br><br>Si vous avez des suggestions ou trouvez des erreurs, envoyez un courriel Ă  <a href='mailto:lakepartner@ontario.ca?subject=Erreur de Portail'>lakepartner@ontario.ca</a>.

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