# Do not import any modules. If you do, the tester may reject your submission. # Constants for the contents of the maze. # The visual representation of a wall. WALL = '#' # The visual representation of a hallway. HALL = '.' # The visual representation of a brussels sprout. SPROUT = '@' # Constants for the directions. Use these to make Rats move. # The left direction. LEFT = -1 # The right direction. RIGHT = 1 # No change in direction. NO_CHANGE = 0 # The up direction. UP = -1 # The down direction. DOWN = 1 # The letters for rat_1 and rat_2 in the maze. RAT_1_CHAR = 'J' RAT_2_CHAR = 'P' class Rat: """ A rat caught in a maze. """ # Write your Rat methods here. def __init__(self, symbol, row, col): """(Rat, str, int, int) -> NoneType""" self.symbol = symbol self.row = row self.col = col self.num_sprouts_eaten = 0 def set_location(self, row, col): """(Rat, int, int) -> NoneType""" self.row = row self.col = col def eat_sprout(self): """(Rat) -> NoneType""" self.num_sprouts_eaten = self.num_sprouts_eaten + 1 def __str__(self): """(Rat) -> str""" return self.symbol + ' at ('+ self.row +', '+ self.col +') ate ' + self.num_sprouts_eaten + ' sprouts.' class Maze: """ A 2D maze. """ def __init__(self, maze, rat_1, rat_2): """(Maze, list of list of str, Rat, Rat) -> NoneType""" self.maze = maze self.rat_1 = rat_1 self.rat_2 = rat_2 self.num_sprouts_left = 0 for i in range(maze): for j in range(len(maze[i])): if (maze[i][j] == SPROUT): self.num_sprouts_left = self.num_sprouts_left + 1 def is_wall(self, row, col): """(Maze, int, int) -> bool""" return maze[row][col] == WALL def get_character(self, row, col): """(Maze, int, int) -> str""" return maze[row][col] def move(self, rat, vDir, hDir): """(Maze, Rat, int, int) -> bool""" row = rat.row + vDir col = rat.col + hDir if (maze[row][col] == WALL): return False else: if (maze[row][col] == SPROUT): rat.eat_sprout() maze[row][col] = HALL self.num_sprouts_left = self.num_sprouts_left - 1 rat.set_location(row, col) return True def __str__(self): """(Maze) -> str""" maze[rat_1.row][rat_1.col] == rat_1.symbol maze[rat_2.row][rat_2.col] == rat_2.symbol result = str(maze) + str(rat_1) + str(rat_2) maze[rat_1.row][rat_1.col] == HALL maze[rat_2.row][rat_2.col] == HALL return result # Write your Maze methods here.