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Object Detection in Satellite Imagery, a Low Overhead Approach


Object Detection in Satellite Imagery, a Low Overhead Approach, Part I

The promise of detecting and enumerating objects of interest over large areas is one of the primary drivers of interest in satellite imagery analytics. Detecting small objects in cluttered environments over broad swaths is a time consuming task for analysts, particularly given the ongoing growth of imagery data. A number of integrated pipelines using convolutional neural nets (FasterRCNN, YOLO) have proven very successful for detecting objects such as people, cars or bicycles in cell phone pictures. These methods are not optimized to detect small objects in large images, and often perform poorly when applied to such problems. Adapting these methods to the different scales and objects of interest in satellite imagery shows great promise, but is a research area still in relative infancy and one to be explored later. In this paper we discuss a simpler approach using pre-filters and sliding windows paired with histogram of oriented gradient (HOG) based classifiers.

While the sliding window approach may be considered a brute force approach, it is also simple to implement and effective in certain problems. Furthermore, all of the work shown here is run on a laptop using open source software [1, 2, 3]; no GPU, high performance computing cluster, or proprietary software licenses required. We apply the sliding window approach to a maritime domain awareness problem and attempt to enumerate ships at anchor as well as in harbor. In later posts we will detail an increasingly sophisticated classification approach and compare it with sliding windows paired with neural network classifiers.

1. Sample Scene

For demonstration purposes, we choose a 2200 x 2200 pixel subset of the DigitalGlobe (DG) WorldView2 0.5m ground sample distance (GSD) validation image taken near the Panama Canal (see the datasets post, Section 4 for more information). Raw DigitalGlobe cutouts are roughly 50 times larger than this cutout, at ~16,000 x 16,000 pixels. The diverse maritime scene selected contains terrestrial regions, boats in open water, and moored boats. There are 112 boats total, 1/3 of which are in harbor, a handful are anchored together, and the remainder are in open water (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Sample DigitalGlobe image of a maritime scene. Terrestrial regions are masked in black, and the 112 boat locations are labeled in red (Imagery Courtesy of DigitalGlobe).

2. Preprocessing

When searching for detailed objects the human eye tends to skim over featureless regions and hone in on more complex scenes. Efficient preprocessing techniques should strive to emulate this process by discarding regions with an obvious lack of notable features and flag complex regions for further analysis. Myriad methods exist for such processes: image segmentation, thresholding, masks, corner detection, SURF, gradients, contours, Canny edge detection, etc. We focus on image masks and Canny edge detection as powerful techniques for maritime scenes. Shape files fromOpenStreetMap can be used to construct a terrestrial mask, leaving only maritime regions. Open water is relatively featureless when viewed from above, and so Canny edge detection can be used to identify areas of interest (Figure 2). Edge detection can be very useful in sparse scenes, though image noise such as whitecaps or haze (which reduces image contrast) can severely limit the utility of using Canny edges as a pre-filter.

Figure 2. Example of terrestrial masking (black) and Canny edge detection (blue lines) applied to satellite imagery. Regions lacking any edges can be immediately discarded from further analysis (red square) (Imagery Courtesy of DigitalGlobe).

3. Classifier Training Data and Hard Negative Mining

For boat detection heading classification purposes we use the dataset defined in our datasets post and follow the same approach to building a classifier as that described in the boat heading post. Those posts sought to differentiate boats from background images, and determine the heading of positive results. Our current goal of object localization is slightly different in that we want to draw a bounding box around the entirety of each positive detection. Initial runs of the classifier pipeline defined in the boat heading post yield many partial boats or dock regions classified as positive results. We deem these false positives, feed them back into the classifier defined below, and retrain. This process is called hard negative mining and has the potential to greatly reduce false positives, particularly when applied multiple times. We only run a single iteration of hard negative mining as proof of concept, but in a deployed environment one would likely continually feed in false positives to the system to successively refine the classifier.

Figure 3. We augment the negative training data with false positives from previous runs of the classification pipeline. Shown above are five examples of the 600 false positives selected (Imagery Courtesy of DigitalGlobe).

4. Multiple Binary Classifiers

The HOG+PCA+LogReg classifier defined in the boat heading post works well for boat heading classification, yet in initial experiments it struggles to accurately locate boats. The 73-class classifier cannot adequately disentangle docks and partial boats from full boats. To address this issue we train a corpus of 72 binary boat/no-boat random forest (RF) classifiers, one for each 5-degree rotation. Classification accuracy on boat headings (using the exact same training and testing data as the boat heading post) is nearly identical to the HOG+PCA+LogReg classifier, though differentiation between partial boats and full boats is significantly improved. Training the RF classifier set takes 145 seconds on a single CPU (no GPU needed).

Run time is of great importance for object detection over large regions. Extracting the HOG descriptor takes 0.49 milliseconds per window; fitting the multi-class logistic regression classifier takes a mere 0.008 milliseconds per image, while applying the 72 binary random forest classifiers adds 0.33 milliseconds per image. The multi-class classifier obviously is far faster than the 72 binary classifiers, though HOG feature extraction is still the slowest step. These evaluation times are for CPU computation, and should enjoy marked speed improvements if optimized for GPU computation. All told, the HOG+RF classifier takes ~0.8 milliseconds per image to evaluate. For comparison, on the CosmiQ GPU server (CosmiQ is running an NVIDIA DIGITS DevBox with four TitanX GPUs), each evaluation of an AlexNet-based neural network model takes 10 milliseconds.

5. Sliding Window Introduction

Sliding window approaches are simple in concept, a bounding box of the desired size(s) slides across the test image and at each location applies an image classifier to the current window (see Figures 4, 5).

Figure 4. Sample cutouts of a sliding window iterating from top to bottom (Imagery Courtesy of DigitalGlobe).
Figure 5. Sliding window shown iterating across an image (left). A liberal image classifier is applied to these cutouts and anything resembling a boat is saved as a positive (right) (Imagery Courtesy of DigitalGlobe).

6. Window Cutouts

Satellite imagery is unique from most other imagery types in that pixels remain a static physical size, known as ground sample distance (GSD). For example, if one is searching for a 45m ship in DigitalGlobe data at 0.3m GSD, one need only look for objects of length ~150 pixels. The sliding window box sizes are therefore determined by the scales of objects of interest. Given the diversity of ship lengths in our test image, we select window sizes of [140, 100, 83, 66, 38, 22, 14, 10] meters.

The total number of sliding windows is a function of the number of scales searched, with smaller scales imparting a much larger computational toll given the larger number of windows. Searching for small objects is computationally expensive, as the number of windows is a quadratic function of window size (one can extract approximately four times as many 10×10 windows as 20×20 windows from a given image).

The total number of windows also depends heavily on the level of overlap between windows. Effective localization for closely spaced objects requires a high degree of overlap between sliding windows. We find that a step of 1/6 of the bin size works well. The total number of windows to analyze is strongly dependent on the overlap fraction (proportional to the square inverse of the overlap fraction).

Figure 6. Number of sliding windows to analyze for the test image for window sizes of [140, 100, 83, 66, 38, 22, 14, 10] meters. We adopt an overlap of 1/6 = 0.166, yielding 1.02 million windows. The inverse square dependence is shown by the green dotted line. The actual count is shown in blue, step functions are due to the requirement that the step size be an integer number of pixels.

The simple Canny edge detection preprocessing discussed in Section 2 significantly reduces computational requirements. Iterating through the test image and keeping only those images flagged by the edge detection algorithm yields 26,000 bins (a 30x reduction) after a run time of 3.8 seconds on a single CPU. Computing the HOG feature descriptors takes another 12.8 seconds, and classification takes 9.6 seconds, for a total of ~26 seconds for the DG sub-image. This translates to ~15 minutes for each full DigitalGlobe image on a single CPU.

Figure 7. Sample sliding window cutouts at various scales (Imagery Courtesy of DigitalGlobe).

7. Sliding Window Results

Figure 8. Sliding window outputs with the HOG + 72 binary random forest classifiers. Detections with at least 90% confidence are plotted. There are a total of 951 detections, many of which are overlapping due to the high overlap of the sliding window, an issue we will address in the next section. There are a high number of false positives along docks, piers, and shoreline, though very few false negatives. Better land masking could help reduce the false positive rate (Imagery Courtesy of DigitalGlobe).

8. Square Non-Max Suppression

Non-maximum suppression is a method for collapsing overlapping detections into a single detection (see here for an excellent example). The method works by discarding detections with an overlap greater than a specified threshold with previously seen detections. Traditionally, non-max suppression is applied to rectangular bounding boxes oriented in cardinal directions. This method is very fast, and takes a mere 16 milliseconds for our 951 detections.

Figure 9. Non-max suppression applied to Figure 8. Results are quite encouraging in open water (see red-framed zoom-in), though results in the harbor are poor (see the blue-framed zoom-in), and many false positive remain along the shoreline. The red lines inside the green bounding boxes indicate the boat heading (Imagery Courtesy of DigitalGlobe).
Figure 10. Zoom-in of a large open water region of Figure 9 (Imagery Courtesy of DigitalGlobe).

9. Conclusions

In this post we showed how to combine Canny edge detector pre-filters with HOG feature descriptors, random forest classifiers, and sliding windows to perform object detection on satellite imagery. Our only computing resources are a laptop and open source software packages.

Searching for boats of length [140, 100, 83, 66, 38, 22, 14, 10] meters, the entire classification pipeline takes < 30 seconds for our test image, translating to ~15 minutes for a full 8×8 kilometer DigitalGlobe image on a single CPU. This run-time could be greatly reduced by looking only for longer ships. For example, only searching for boats of length greater than 20m takes only ~three minutes for a full DigitalGlobe image, a marked decrease from 15 minutes.

Harbor regions are a challenge for the Square Sliding Window + HOG + RF approach, yet open-water accuracy is quite high when non-max suppression is used to combine overlapping detections. In Part II of this series, we will discuss improved methods for collapsing overlapping detections, and quantify performance.

Object Detection in Satellite Imagery, a Low Overhead Approach, Part II

In this post we show improved results for object detection in congested regions via a novel method for collapsing overlapping detections using heading information. We also demonstrate that for satellite imagery object detection, rotated bounding boxes have advantages over rectangles oriented in the cardinal directions.

The promise of detecting and enumerating objects of interest over large areas is one of the primary drivers of interest in satellite imagery analytics. Detecting small objects in cluttered environments over broad swaths is a time consuming task, particularly given the ongoing growth of imagery data. In theprevious post, we showed how to perform object detection on satellite imagery with just a laptop and open source software by combining Canny edge detector pre-filters with HOG feature descriptors, random forest classifiers, and sliding windows. We found that performance in open-water localization is quite good when square non-max suppression is used to combine overlapping detections, though congested regions remain a challenge.

1. Object Detection Pipeline

Recall from Part I that our object detection pipeline combines Canny edge detector pre-filters with HOG feature descriptors, random forest classifiers, and sliding windows. This process takes < 30 seconds for the image shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Identical to Figure 8 from Part I. Sliding window outputs with the HOG + 72 binary random forest classifiers for area of interest 1 (AOI1). Detections with at least 90% confidence are plotted. There are a total of 951 detections, many of which are overlapping due to the high overlap of the sliding window. There are a high number of false positives along docks, piers, and shoreline, though very few false negatives (Imagery Courtesy of DigitalGlobe).

Square non-max suppression collapses some overlapping detections in open water, but works poorly in congested regions (see Figure 2).

Figure 2. Identical to Figure 9 of Part I. Square non-max suppression applied to Figure 1. Results are quite encouraging in open water (see red-framed zoom-in), though results in the harbor are poor (see the blue-framed zoom-in), and many false positive remain along the shoreline. Better land masking could help reduce the false positive rate. The red lines inside the green bounding boxes indicate the boat heading (Imagery Courtesy of DigitalGlobe).

2. Performance Evaluation

We can combine the output of non-max suppression shown in Figure 2 with the ground truth labels of Figure 1 in Part I to evaluate the performance of our object detection methodology. We compute and plot three categories: false positives, false negatives, and true positives. We define a true positive as having a Jaccard index (also known as intersection over union) of greater than 0.25. A Jaccard index of 0.5 is often used as the threshold for a correct detection, though as in Equation 5 of ImageNet we select a lower threshold since we are dealing with very small objects.

Figure 3. Performance for AOI1 using square bounding boxes. Ground truth boxes are in blue, and true positives are in green. False negatives are shown in yellow, with false positives in red. The many red squares demonstrate one of the limitations of our methodology, namely differentiating linear structures such as docks and shoreline from boats. In open water results are quite good and there are only a handful of false negatives, all but one of which are either boats less than our minimum search size of 10m, or adjacent to other boats. Results in the harbor are quite poor, however, with the high overlap between bounding boxes confusing detection. There are 112 ground truth boxes, and 125 proposed boxes, with which we achieve a recall of 0.73 and a precision of 0.66 (Imagery Courtesy of DigitalGlobe).

3. Congested Region Overlap Suppression

Figure 3 illustrates the poor performance in congested regions of standard rectangular bounding boxes oriented in cardinal directions. In order to improve results, we take advantage of the heading information provided by our classifier and knowledge of object aspect ratio to create an improved method for overlap suppression using rotated rectangular bounding boxes. This method greatly improves localization in crowded regions. Computing rotated rectangular overlap suppression for the 951 detections takes 3.3 seconds.

Figure 4. Zoomed examples of rotated rectangular overlap suppression applied to Figure 1. Rectangles are oriented along boat heading. Localizations in harbor are much improved from Figures 2 and 3 (Imagery Courtesy of DigitalGlobe).
Figure 5. Performance for AOI1 with rotated rectangular bounding boxes. Ground truth boxes are in blue and true positives are in green. False negatives are shown in yellow and false positives in red. Results in open water are similar to Figure 3, though much improved in harbor and for adjacent boats. There are 112 ground truth boxes and 170 proposed boxes, with which we achieve a recall of 0.90 and a precision of 0.60. The precision is slightly reduced from Figure 3, as the rectangular overlap suppression method collapses fewer false detections along the shoreline than square non-max suppression. Recall is much improved however, due to improved performance in congested regions (Imagery Courtesy of DigitalGlobe).

As a check of our results in Figure 5, we apply the object detection pipeline to three more areas of interest with hand-labelled ground truth. Results are varied, and described in figure captions.

Figure 6. AOI2 localization results, applied to boats in open water. Detections with at least 90% confidence are plotted. The only false negatives (yellow) are boats smaller than 10m. Ground truth is in blue, green denotes true positive predictions, and red shows false positives. For 38 ground truth boxes and 36 proposed boxes we achieve precision of 0.97 and recall of 0.92 (Imagery Courtesy of DigitalGlobe).
Figure 7. AOI3 localization results. Another example of the detection pipeline applied to boats in open water, illustrating some of the limitations of our methodology. There are 35 ground truth boxes. Top: detections with at least 90% confidence (27 proposed boxes, precision=0.70, recall=0.54). Bottom: detections with 75% confidence (70 proposed boxes, precision=0.32, recall=0.66). In general a confidence level of 90–95% gives optimal results, though we show a lower confidence level here to demonstrate the trade-off between false positives and false negatives. The large false positive (red) in the right-center of the plot is an example of a labelling omission (error), and should not be a false positive. The top plot has a number of false negatives (yellow) due in part to the low contrast between gray boats and the choppy sea. Also recall that our classifier was trained primarily on 10–20m boats and not the >40m meter boats in this scene. The bottom plot has fewer false negatives, but a number of whitecaps are mistaken for small boats; this illustrates the difficulty of locating small, static boats in rough seas (Imagery Courtesy of DigitalGlobe).
Figure 8. AOI4 localization results. Here we show the detection pipeline applied to boats in harbor. Detections with at least 95% confidence are plotted. There are 149 ground truth boxes, and for 154 proposed boxes we achieve a precision of 0.84 and a recall of 0.87. The inset box on the upper left shows results with square non-max suppression, yielding 80 proposed boxes with a precision of 0.82 and recall of 0.44. Once again we note that rotated rectangular overlap suppression performs far better in congested regions. False positives (red) tend to stem from the smallest windows, and increasing the minimum boat size would negate many of these detections (Imagery Courtesy of DigitalGlobe).
Figure 9. Object detection performance for each of the four areas of interest.

9. Conclusions

In this post we showed results of combining Canny edge detector pre-filters with HOG feature descriptors, random forest classifiers, and sliding windows to perform object detection on satellite imagery using only a laptop and open source software packages. We utilize the heading information provided by our classifier to introduce a new technique for rotated rectangular overlap suppression that greatly improves results in crowded regions.

Searching for boats of length [140, 100, 83, 66, 38, 22, 14, 10] meters, the entire classification pipeline takes < 30 seconds for our test image, translating to ~15 minutes for a full 8×8 kilometer DigitalGlobe image on a single CPU. This run-time could be greatly reduced by looking only for larger boats. For example, searching for boats of length greater than 20m takes only ~3 minutes for a full DigitalGlobe image, a marked decrease from 15 minutes.

The detection pipeline performs very well in open water on boats of similar size to the training set median size (AOI2: precision=0.97, recall > 0.92). Open water detection is less impressive for larger boats in choppy seas due to the lower contrast between object and background and fewer training images at this scale (AOI3: precision=0.70, recall=0.54); one could improve performance by relaxing detection thresholds and only looking for boats greater than 50m in length. Performance in harbor is quite high (AOI4: precision=0.84, recall=0.87), with the number of proposed items within 5% of ground truth.

For low background images the HOG + sliding window approach appears a very compelling option, particularly given its speed and ability to elucidate dense regions with closely spaced objects. Forthcoming posts will explore neural network based approaches to object detection in satellite imagery. Though neural networks and deep learning have enjoyed great success as of late, few neural network models are optimized to localize small, densely packed objects in large images. It will be interesting to see how advanced deep learning techniques compare to the low computational overhead approach proposed here.

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