Fri, 2016-02-05 18:16
Introduction to GeoServer
GeoServer is an open source server that allows users to share and publish spatial data over the web.
In this tutorial, attendees will learn how to load, publish, style, and share spatial data with GeoServer. Discussion will include navigating the GeoServer user interface, loading and publishing data, OGC web services, and styling.
The workshop is geared toward those with no prior GeoServer experience, but familiarity with basic GIS concepts is suggested.
Fri, 2016-02-05 16:39
GeoSHAPE: FOSS GIS Collaboration Platform with Web & Mobile Clients
Looking for an open source geospatial platform with versioned web editing capabilities built for your enterprise? Look no further than GeoSHAPE, a FOSS project empowers organizations to create, edit, share and visualize information through dynamic, collaborative web maps. GeoSHAPE has been built utilizing open source software and open standards to make it available for partners and to maximize interoperability.
Fri, 2016-02-05 15:39
Vector Tiles with GeoServer and OpenLayers
The latest release of GeoServer adds support for creating Vector Tiles in GeoJSON, TopoJSON, and MapBox Vector Tiles format through its WMS service for all the vector data formats it supports. These tiles can be cached using GeoWebCache (built into GeoServer), and served with the various tiling protocols (TMS, WMTS, and WMS-C). Thanks to very recent OpenLayers 3 development, these Vector Tiles can be easily and efficiently styled on a map.
Fri, 2016-01-22 23:31
Using Open Source Web GIS for Analysis of Transnational Illicit Trafficking
Illicit trafficking is a serious transnational crime to cause negative socio-economic effects as well as a way to constitute criminal funds promoting various transnational criminal activities. These transnational criminal operations could be detected and prevented by identifying transnational criminal organizations and analyzing high-risk routes for illicit smuggling.
Thu, 2016-01-21 11:25
Terra Populus: Free Human-Environment Spatial Data
Terra Populus is a National Science Foundation project that provides free population-environment data for the globe. Terra Populus is a next generation spatial database repository, built entirely on FOSS stack. The project focuses on the integration of heterogeneous big spatial data. When accessing Terra Populus through the web interface ( users are able to access microdata, vector, and raster datasets and transform them into the data format necessary for their work. This allows users to focus their time on analytics instead of spending time collecting datasets.
Wed, 2016-01-20 15:50
Bring Your Maps into Focus: Processing Raster Data for Online Use
Have you seen georeferenced historical maps online that just look…fuzzy? That’s what we started with at the Emory Center for Digital Scholarship, and we would like to share the steps we’ve found to get clear, legible, zoomable map overlays.
Wed, 2016-01-20 15:24
Uncovering the Ancient Mound Builders Using Open Data and FOSS Software
The Ancient Mound Builders of North America may be gone but they left behind a world heritage of huge earthworks, monuments, and mounds dating from 3500 BC to around 1600 AD. What can be discovered about their legacy through the use of publicly available Lidar data and open source software? The answer may surprise you.
Tue, 2016-01-05 11:36
High Performance GeoServer Clusters
GeoServer and GeoWebCache can, at times, be a significant bottleneck for spatial applications serving raster and/or vector data, especially for applications with large user bases. Often, it is not obvious how to scale GeoServer and GeoWebCache in order to relieve such bottlenecks. Furthermore, the choices that are made can have unintended downstream consequences.
Fri, 2015-11-13 10:19
Image Mosaics & Automation
Need to expose thousands of geo-referenced images with ability to constrain the mosaic by temporal, spatial or custom attributes? We will walk through the steps to accomplish this quickly using Docker, GeoServer and our own open-source OGC Preview web application.